Redemption (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 4) (12 page)

I don’t let him carry on. With tears streaming down my face, I feel every ounce of his pain, and I want to be able to help him, let him find the peace that he so badly craves. But first I clench my fist at my side. Just as he turns to look at me I bring it around, quickly catching him on the jaw and knocking him down with one blow.

“You don’t ever kiss Emma again,” I say to him as he lays sprawled out on the living room floor. But when he wakes we can draw a line under it. I know what it’s like to try and find something that will take away the pain. He just can’t have Emma! No one touches what’s mine!


Chapter Twelve


I sit in the chair nursing another whiskey. He’s not out long, just a few seconds really. I wait for him to gather his bearings; well, that punch did just knock him the fuck out.

“Yeah, I will give you that one, but that’s the only free punch you will land,” he says groggily. Chuckling, I get up and slap him on the back.

“You ok? Didn’t expect you to drop like a sack of potatoes.” I’m still laughing when he pushes against my shoulder. Vlad grabs the whiskey from my hand. I let him have it, he probably needs it more than I do right now.

“Yeah, I’m fine. So what do you want to do then?” he asks. He takes a sip of the whiskey then proceeds to swill it around in the glass in his hand. The ice clinks against the sides.

“I need to rest up for a couple of weeks, get myself back to full strength, but while I do that I want you to teach me all you can about shooting and fighting. I need to be better at this if I’m going to take on Jonny. I must be on top of my game and I want you to help me with that. You’re one of the best with a sniper rifle, and in hand-to-hand combat you’re exceptional,” I tell him. No point dancing around the subject. He has to understand what I need from him, and how he can best help me.

“You do realize that it takes months, even years of training and practice to become the best at what you do. It isn’t going to happen overnight, Alek.” His look is one of knowing what a true struggle is, having to be the best every day and fight harder than anyone else just so you make it through to the next day. I understand that look, but I need something else to focus on instead of the gambling. Reclaiming my life and my woman seems like a damn good thing to focus on. If that means I have to be up at the crack of dawn training so that I can be in the best shape of my life, then so be it.

“Look, Vlad, I will do whatever it takes to make it up to Emma. If that means I’m your student for the next ten years then I’ll do it.” Realising it’s the truth makes me pause for a minute. I will do anything to have the life I should have had, not the one that was forced on me because my father couldn’t face up to having me.

“Ok then, but what’s in it for me? I mean, I have to go behind Damien’s back to do this.” His voice shows some sorrow. I know I’m asking a lot from him to go against my brother, but it’s time to make a stand. He can’t have the happy ever after and still be in this life if he isn’t fully committed to it. That’s the one thing I do know about my brother; yes, he goes through the motions and we have to deal with shit every day, but the only time he ever has fire in his belly about this life is when Faith or Anya are involved. Most of the time he does it half-heartedly because he has to, not because he wants to.

“I will find out what happened to your wife, that’s a promise, and I won’t make you wait. I can assure you that as soon as we are set up and stable, we will find out what happened and then do everything we can to make it right.” I know what it’s like not to have closure on something so I feel his pain, and it must be even harder for him because he has his daughter to think about as well. That can’t be easy on any parent. I only know this because my mum had to make so many of the same choices regarding my father.

“You’re right, you know. I have jumped through so many hoops for him in the hope that he would make a start, but it was never going to happen soon. So, what I’m trying to tell you is get yourself some rest because you’re going to need it.”

He makes his way towards the stairs. I guess he’s going to bed now. I lay myself down on the couch, getting myself comfy in what will be my home for the foreseeable future. I feel a sense of relief knowing I have at least one person willing to stand with me. I just hope it’s all worth it in the end.

I pull over the throw, wrapping my body in its warmth. It’s not cold, but nothing beats the feeling of security, knowing nothing can get to you.

Pulling out my phone, I scroll down to Emma’s number. It’s late and she probably won’t reply, but I have to try. I can’t not see her, or keep wondering how she is doing. It will just end up driving me crazy, more than I am already.

Alek: I know you don’t really want to hear from me right now, but I just wanted to let you know I’m with Vlad and I’m safe. Things are looking up. I promise I won’t gamble again. You probably don’t want to hear this, but it’s you that’s going to get me through this…x

I must have typed and retyped it four times before I hit send. But once I do, I instantly wish I could recall it and add more.

Emma: What do you mean?

The ping of her reply catches me off guard. I didn’t expect a response so soon, or even one at all. I answer her before I have a chance to doubt my words.

Alek: Can we meet and I will tell you everything? Don’t shut me out, Em. X

Emma: I’m not looking after the kids tomorrow. Meet me in the village park at noon. I will say I’m going for a walk, but I won’t have long. This is your only chance! Don’t fuck it up.

I text back straight away.

Alex: Will be there. X

I don’t wait for a reply. Instead, I try to get comfy on this couch and get some sleep. I need to ask Vlad if I can borrow something to wear tomorrow; all I have with me are the clothes on my back. I will have to rectify this tomorrow, but that means going to the house to face Damien. If I don’t, then he will know someone has pre-warned me, and the last thing I need to do is give him a reason to go after Emma or Vlad. I ignore the pain and close my eyes; the best thing for my body is lots of rest.


I tossed and turned most of the night. This couch isn’t the best, but I’m grateful that I have somewhere to lay my head. I rub the sleep from my eyes and pull myself up on the couch. The pain has eased so I can move a little better this morning. I notice the TV is on. Did I not turn it off before I went to sleep? Then I remember that we didn’t have it on. I look around the room but don’t see anyone. I get up from the couch and find myself exploring downstairs. I need to find me some coffee.

Walking into the kitchen, I spy the wooden units and the granite tops. All pristine and everything in its place. The only thing that looks odd is the fridge; it’s covered from top to bottom in little pictures that have been drawn by a child. There are butterflies, unicorns and princesses, everything that a little girl dreams about.

I walk to the pine dining table and see the little girl with her cereal in front of her. The little pink tutu she is wearing either tells me she is off to ballet or she is dressing up.

“Morning,” I say to Vlad. He nods at me in greeting and points to the steaming coffee pot on the worktop. Perfect, I think to myself. Just what I need.

“Daria, sweetie, I would like you to meet one of daddy’s friends,” Vlad says to his daughter. The little girl looks up from her bowl of cereal and turns towards me, a huge smile plastered across her face. “This is Alekzander, but you can call him Alek for short.”

“Hello, Alek, I’m Daria. Would you like to help me get ready for ballet? My daddy can’t get the bun right at the top of my head and I have to wait for Miss Jayne to come and help me. One day I will be all ready and she won’t have to do it for me because I will be six next birthday, then I will be a big girl. Well, that’s what my daddy says.”

I look at the cute little chatterbox who is making me smile. It’s the first time in days that I have felt able to involuntarily smile at something so pure.

“I would love to help you, Daria, but I’ve never done one before so I don’t think I will be too good at it,” I say to her. I notice how my voice automatically softens when I speak to her. Vlad’s did the same. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him talk like that to anyone before; I guess you never really know all sides of someone’s personality, you only see what they want you to see.

“Ok, I will have to wait,” she says, and carries on eating her breakfast.

“Do you have a change of clothes I can borrow until I can go to the house and grab some stuff?” I ask Vlad.

“Yeah I have something you can put on. Are you sure it’s wise you going back to the house after what Emma told you?” he asks.

“You know if I don’t he will wonder why, then he will assume someone has warned me. Better to go and face the music than keep him in the dark. Like I said last night, I want nothing coming back on you or Emma.”

“I never thought of it like that. See, you are clever, you just made bad choices. But you will do it this time. I believe in you.”

I follow him upstairs. He finds me some clean clothes and points me in the direction of the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for it to warm up. I must say, this is the first time I have showered with rubber ducks and Barbie dolls. 

I quickly step over the bath and pull the curtain closed. Soaping up and getting rid of all the grime and dirt that cover me, I stand under the warm spray for a lingering moment. After getting out and drying off, I put on the jeans and white t-shirt Vlad has lent me.

I need to set off soon so that I can get to Surrey in plenty of time. I’m excited at the thought of seeing my girl.

I make my way back down to the living room and see Daria with whom I assume is Miss Jayne. Daria now has a stunning bun on top of her head. Oh for that to be your only worry in life.

I walk into the kitchen and take my car keys out of my pocket. I look to Vlad.

“You think you will be able to give me a lift to the bar where I left my car?”

“Yeah, come on. I have to get going now that Miss Jayne is here to take care of Daria.”

I nod as we both make our way to the car out front.

I wait for him to unlock it then I slip into the passenger seat. On our way to the bar he tells me what time he will be back tonight so that we can get to work on target practice. Oh that should be fun.

He drops me off at the bar, and I’m relieved to see the car is still parked in the same spot and all the wheels are present.

I unlock the car and start it up, getting ready to make the journey that I have come to know so well. I hold my side, hoping the quote that is written there gives me the strength I need to get through today.
I am ready to meet my maker. Whether my maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.
Winston Churchill. These words hold great meaning to me, and today they are more important than ever.

I make my journey to Surrey. All thoughts continue to swim around in my head; what if this is the end for us? What if she doesn’t think I’m worth the wait, or the fight? I know I will get a fight from Damien and I expect that. But I don’t think I could handle it from her. I would lose what little fight I have left. I’m just hoping she thinks I’m worth the chance she says I have.

I arrive at the park with about ten minutes to spare. I see her walking down the street. She keeps looking around as if she is scared she is being followed. I know she’s not; Malc and Damien are in London today, well that’s what Vlad told me this morning.

She spots the car and makes her way over to me. Opening the passenger door, she quickly jumps in and ducks down low.

“Just drive somewhere quiet, please. I don’t want to be seen.” Her voice is like music to my ears. You wouldn’t think it’s nearly been two days since I saw her, it feels longer than that.

“Ok, I will get us out of here.” I start the car and drive to a secluded spot that doesn’t get much traffic.

I stop outside an abandoned warehouse. The old structure is showing signs of age; the rust has discoloured it and most of the windows are smashed or missing. The moss covers the roof completely.

I take a breath before I speak. I know I only have one shot at getting this right.

“Look, Em, I’m really sorry. I have a plan to get all this put behind us. That way—”

“Shut up, Alek,” she cuts me off, her hand covering my mouth. “Do you think I snuck out and lied about where I was going so that we could just talk?” Her voice is thick with emotion. She crawls over to my side of the car and straddles my lap. I drop the seat right back so that the steering wheel isn’t digging in her spine. Fuck, she feels divine sat on top of me like this.

“Fuck me! Right here, right now,” she says.

I don’t hesitate, not even for a second. I pull her towards me, my lips bracing for the impact of our furious desire. I trace her lips with my tongue, loving the feel of her against me. She rocks her hips, grinding against the length of my cock.

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