Reed, Erika - Something Worth Waiting For (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (4 page)

All she could say was, “Yes.” Tyler was sucking on her clit as she felt him insert his fingers to hit her G-spot. “Oh God, yes!”

“We want you to come for us, honey. Show us how you fall apart in our arms. We’ve waited so long for this moment,” Nick said.

Jenna couldn’t take any more. They were relentless in their actions. Jenna screamed her pleasure as she came apart in their arms. It took her a minute to control her breathing. Jenna hadn’t come this hard in a long time. Oh God, what did she just let them do to her? She had the best orgasm in years. Jenna opened her eyes so she could come back to earth. Nick and Tyler were just looking at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

* * * *

Nick couldn’t believe Jenna was here. She looked so gorgeous. Her nipples were still wet from his mouth. Tyler’s lips were still wet from her juicy vagina. He couldn’t wait to taste her. He dreamt of this. She was still lying there on the couch trying to catch her breath. She looked all flushed and aroused. Her hair was spread out on the pillow in disarray. He couldn’t wait to get her beneath him, above him, and he swore to himself that she had the sexiest lips in the world. He wanted his cock deep in her throat. He was killing himself. It was time to finally have her after all these years.

Tyler looked over at Nick to see the same look that reflected in his eyes. Tyler was a goner. He knew at that moment, Jenna was their perfect life partner. Tyler knew she would be after all those years. She had the most beautiful eyes. Jenna was starting to come down off her orgasm and looked like she wanted to run. “What’s wrong, baby? Did we do something to upset you?”

Jenna looked at Nick and Tyler and thought to herself.
they did
They made her lose control. Her body was a traitor to her mind. She needed to get out of here fast. “I have to go.” Jenna scrambled to gain her composure and gather all her clothes that were on the ground. She quickly dressed, not bothering to look at them. Jenna didn’t want to see the disappointment in their faces. She couldn’t let them have sex. Jenna knew things would never be the same between them again if they did. “Can you please take me home now? I need to be up early in the morning to help my mom with some things.” She grabbed her shoes and headed for the front door.

Nick and Tyler just looked at the door. They then turned to one another and Nick said to Tyler, “We pushed her too far tonight. It was too fast. Her dad just died.”

“No, if we didn’t, she would have run away from us sooner or later. We’ll just have to wear her down. She wants us. She’s hiding something from us. Jenna’s not telling us everything. I have an idea; in the meantime, let’s take Jenna back to her mother’s house. I need to get back home and take a cold shower.”

Chapter 6

Jenna and her mom spent the day in town the morning after Nick and Tyler tried to seduce her into their bed. Jenna had a lot on her plate. Between Nick and Tyler running interference and her wanting to get things buttoned up with her father’s estate, she was more than ready to hightail it out of there as soon as possible.

Jeff had called her in the morning to check on her. He was worried she would try to fool herself into handling Nick and Tyler without any problems. Jeff told her to just listen to them and let her shield down to the only two men that have ever had her heart. She knew he was right, but they just weren’t prepared for all her secrets. She loved them but just wasn’t ready to give her heart and soul to them.

She and her mother had lunch at the local diner. They had a meeting with her father’s lawyer to handle his insurance and money so her mother didn’t have to deal with it. After the meeting, Jenna was sure everything was in order for her mother’s future. She didn’t have any need to be in town any longer. When she got home, Jenna would tell her mom she would be leaving in the morning. No need to string this week out any longer. Lost in thought, Jenna stepped off the curb and rounded to the driver’s side of the car. Then she suddenly heard tires squealing. Before she knew it, the passing truck’s side mirror ran into Jenna’s shoulder, and she fell to the ground and hit her head on the street. She heard her mom scream for help. There were people surrounding her. She heard someone, the driver maybe say, “I didn’t see her till it was too late.” She was lying in the street with pedestrians talking all around her.

“I’m fine. Just give me a minute.”

“The ambulance is on the way, sweetheart. Don’t move,” her mother said.

Five minutes later, she was being looked at by the paramedic. “We want to take you to the hospital, ma’am. We think you may have dislocated your shoulder when the trucks mirror knocked you to the ground.”

“My head hurts. I must have hit it when I fell,” Jenna said.

“You may have a concussion. Let’s get you to the hospital as soon as possible. I don’t want to take any chances with head injuries.”

“I’ll be right behind you, Jenna, in the car. I’ll meet you there.” Jenna’s mom followed the ambulance to the hospital and took care of her medical paperwork, while they waited for the doctor.

Jenna hated hospitals. Who didn’t? She lay there in the emergency room bed waiting to see when she could go home. Jenna just wanted to see the doctor so she could get discharged and go home. She heard voices she recognized in the hallway.

“Oh great, this all I need right now!” Jenna said

“Where is she?” Tyler’s tone was frantic.

“The doctor said she’ll be fine, boys. She just dislocated her shoulder and fell pretty hard and hit her head. She has a lump on the back of her head where she fell.” She heard her mom tell Nick and Tyler in the hall.

“Can we see her now?” Nick said

“Yes, dear, right in that room.”

Jenna saw the concerned look in their eyes when they stood in front of her bed. They stood there frozen as if they were making sure she was really all right.

“You didn’t need to come. How did you know what happened?”

Nick went to side “Your mom called me and told me what happened.”

Tyler went and stood on the other side of her bed. He picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles. He then leaned over and kissed her temple. “You had us so worried, Jenna. When your mom called us to tell us you had been struck by a truck, we thought we came as fast as we could.” Tyler’s eyes had tears in the corners.

“I’m fine, Tyler. They are releasing me soon. I have to wear this sling for about four weeks. They said they would only release me in my mother’s care if stayed with her till I recover. The doctor wants someone to watch over me because I might have a concussion.” When the doctor told her she needed to stay in town with her mother for four weeks, she almost told him where he could shove his clipboard. Jenna couldn’t stay. She needed to get home. Jenna was supposed to leave tomorrow. This was all crappy timing.

“Boys, can I talk to you both in the hallway, please?” Jenna’s mother poked her head in the doorway, and then turned to walk out. Tyler followed her out. Nick leaned over her bed to kiss her on the cheek and told her they would be right back.

After ten minutes to gather her composure, they all walked back into the room. “Jenna, sweetheart, the doctor has released you in my care on one condition. He wants to see that you are taking care of yourself and not doing strenuous things. You have a slight concussion and have to be looked after for the next couple days. Aunt Caroline asked me to come and stay with her for a while. Uncle Mark isn’t doing so well, and she asked me to come help her. This was of course before your accident. I have a solution. I asked if you could stay with Nick and Tyler during your recovery.”

“No way, Mother! I don’t need anyone to babysit me. I will be fine all by myself. I don’t need anyone.”

* * * *

Tyler was helping Jenna in the front door when Nick asked her, “Would you be more comfortable on the couch or in your bed, Jenna?”

Jenna gritted her teeth and said, “The couch will be fine, Nick.” She was so mad. They hadn’t given her a choice. Her mother, Nick, and Tyler talked in the hospital room like she wasn’t even there. Her mother went to get her things while the guys got her situated in the house.

“I still don’t understand. Why I am here? I can take care of myself, for God’s sake.”

“No, you can’t, honey. You can’t move your right arm. How are you going to do the things you usually do with your right arm. We can help you,” said Tyler with a grin.

“We want to, baby. We have always wanted to take care of you. You belong to us. Now let’s get your pain pills and the antibiotics he prescribed so you can get some rest.”

“Are you hungry? I can make you some soup or something?”

“No thank you, Tyler. I just want to take a nap, and maybe I can wake up and this will all have been a dream.”

“No chance in that, honey. You might, however, wake up to a fantasy instead.” Nick winked at her before he walked into the kitchen.

Chapter 7

Jenna woke to a quiet house. She also woke up very sore. She needed a pain pill. Where were they at? She started to get up when Nick said from behind her, “What do you think you are doing, honey?”

“I was looking for my medicine. I need a pain pill. My head is killing me.”

“Let me get you one. It’s time for your antibiotics and pain pill now anyways. I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up. We were doing some work in the office. We didn’t want to disturb you.”

“I’m the one in your way. I shouldn’t be here.”

“Of course you should, Jenna! Why would you say such a thing?”

Tyler then came down the hallway toward her. “Baby, why are you so stubborn? We are here to help you. Why won’t you let us do that for you?”

Jenna just sighed and flopped back onto her pillow. She was never going to make it out of this alive. These men were going to be the death of her. She wanted nothing more than to have their hands and mouths on her again. Nick came back from the kitchen with her pills and a bottle of water for her.

“Do you need anything else?” Yes, she wanted to say.
I need you both to get naked and have your wicked way with me right now.
But all she could say was, “No thank you, Nick. I am good.”

“When we are done with our paperwork, do you want to watch a DVD with us? We’ll even let you pick out the movie,” Tyler said, next to her bed.

“No way, she’ll want to watch a chick flick or something like that. She always suckered us into those things,” Nick said with a smile.

“I always watched your movies. And since when do you complain about my choice of movies anyways?”

“Ever since your movies always have kissing and sex in them, and I don’t think my dick can take that right now with you staying here,” Tyler said as leaned over to kiss her cheek.

“I’m going to take a nap while you finish your work up in the office. Wake me when you are ready to watch a movie. I don’t want to sleep all day; I will be up all night.” Jenna got comfortable on the couch as she closed her eyes again. Nick and Tyler just stood there staring at her from the other side of the room.

“God she’s beautiful. I still can’t believe she’s here,” Tyler said to Nick.

“I know. Now let’s go finish up those blueprints so we can go spend some quality time with our girl.”

* * * *

Nick ordered some Thai food for dinner and was bringing the tray into the living room for them to eat dinner. Tyler picked out a neutral movie for them to watch, it was a romantic suspense, something they all agreed on. After they finished dinner, Tyler took the dishes and cleaned up. Nick had sat at her feet. He put his hands under the blanket to massage them for her during the movie. Tyler had come back into the room and turned down the lights. He sat by Jenna’s head and began massaging her neck and shoulders. These two were professional seducers. They knew what they were doing. However, she didn’t protest. She loved their attention. Thank goodness they couldn’t see her nipples hardening or how wet they were making her under the blanket. She just sat there during the movie feeling the attention they were giving her body. Sometime during the movie she dozed off, only to be awakened by Tyler, who was picking her up off the couch and carrying her upstairs.

“We’re going to put you to bed, so we can hear you if you need us. We’ll come and check on you every so often. The doctor said because of the head injury, we should keep waking you up every two hours.”

“We’ll be down the hall if you need us. Don’t try to do anything by yourself. Our doors will be open if you need us.”

They each leaned over her a kissed her lightly on the lips. Jenna was going to go crazy if she had to stay here with them. She wanted to tell them to sleep with her in that big bed. Jenna didn’t feel like being alone anymore.

* * * *

Sometime in the middle of the night, Tyler heard Jenna crying. He ran into her room just as Nick did. She was crying and talking in her sleep.

Nick walked over to her and sat on the bed to hold her in his lap. “Shh, it’s okay, honey. We’re here. It was just a bad dream.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Tyler said from the other side of the bed as he rubbed her hand.

Jenna could tell by the concerned look in their eyes as they comforted her, it was just a bad dream she was having. Jenna woke up frequently with these nightmares. Sometimes she was able to go back to sleep, but often she would be up the rest of the night.

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