Rewriting the Rules (22 page)

Ah okay. The guys are coming over soon to watch the fight.
Sounds fun.
See you soon.

I text Troy again, asking if he’s coming over tonight to watch the fight too.

Yeah, I am.
Oh, you didn’t tell me.
Sorry, sweetheart. Yes, I’ll be over. Still have to be careful k?

“Hey, your boy is coming out,” Megan squeals and bounces back to her chair.

I groan and get up from my office chair to meet Austin at the desk. “How was your massage? Did Carol get those knots out of your shoulders?”

“Actually, she did,” he rolls his shoulders and leans forward on the desk. “I’m interested in the membership and taking you out for a drink. What do you say?”

“I’ll have Megan sign you up.”

“Thanks. So what about a drink tonight?”

“Sorry, my very fit and possessive boyfriend wouldn’t approve.”

He looks around and I wonder what the hell he’s doing. “Ah, what are you doing?”

“Checking to see if your bodyguard,” he covers his mouth in a dramatic way. “Wait . . . I mean, boyfriend, is around. Nope, he’s not. Come on, one drink.”

“No. So if you still want that membership I suggest you stop being a douche and hurry please.”

“Feisty. I like that.” I roll my eyes and go back into the office.

I look at Megan and her eyes are wide. This is ridiculous. Looking back at Austin and seeing the look of determination in his eyes I give up and start closing the computers and printing the reports while Megan finishes his membership.

Grabbing my purse and things, I meet Megan in the front. She shuts off the lights and we head outside. Locking the door, I turn and see her smiling at me.

“Drive safe, I’ll see you later.”

“Okay, bye!”

Getting in my car I drive home and head inside to take a shower and change into yoga pants and a tank. Even though Troy and I can’t act like we’re a couple, it’ll still be good to see him and be near him.

When I come downstairs Carter, Sal, Will, and Troy are sitting on the couch and chair in the living room. There’s a spot next to Troy and I see him wink at me when I sit down next to him.

“Thought you were tired?” Will asks.

“I’m okay. Want to watch part of the match before going to bed.” I say hi to the guys and grab a blanket from behind me and spread it over my legs. It’s so hard to sit here and not touch him. Discomfort sneaks its way into my head and suddenly I realize how shitty this is and maybe I should go to my room and sleep.

Feeling my phone buzz in my hands I look at it and see Troy’s name.

I want to touch you so badly. Do you know how hard I am? That tank top is dangerously low.

I smile and look up. Will’s attention is on the TV and Carter is staring at us. I have a feeling he knows and when I look at him again he gives me a wink and stands to be next to Will so I’m covered.

Trust me, I know.
Let me feel you.
OMG no.
Why the hell not?
There’s too many people here and HELLO . . . Will is RIGHT in front of us . . . WEIRD.
Come on. You know you want me to touch your pussy . . . You’re wet right now aren’t you?

I feel his hand strategically slide under my yoga pants and push my panties aside. I do everything I can to focus on the match and where Will’s focus is. No one is turning around or caring about Troy and me.

When he slides two fingers inside me I bite down on my lower lip and fight the urge to moan. Slowly turning my head to let him know how good this feels his attention’s on the match as well, but I see the smirk on his face. I know he’s enjoying this just as much as I am. Licking my lips, his fingers pump faster and soon he’s rubbing my wet clit. Shit, this feels too good. How the hell am I supposed to stay quiet?

One of the guys fighting gets a huge hit in and the other guy goes down. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. I feel my orgasm rushing through me as the guys stand up and start cheering allowing me to let out a moan. Luckily they’re so loud that I’m not heard. My head tilts back in sheer bliss and when I turn to look at Troy he’s licking his fingers. Holy freaking shit, that’s so hot.


Chapter 30




Walking into work with my latte in one hand and purse in another, the girls greet me and I smile before walking into the office. There’s post-it notes all over my desk and I take a moment to read each one.

“Hey, Charlotte,” I look up and see Aubree walk in.

“Why, hello there, sunshine. What’s going on?”

“Ugh,” she groans. “Hellish morning.”

“What happened?”

She closes the door and sits back down. I hand her some chocolate because she looks like she needs it. “I don’t think Maya’s working out.” I listen and take a drink of my latte. “She messed up a few appointments and gave some of the clients attitude.”

“What do you mean?”

“She told one of our frequent clients that it’s not her fault she didn’t write down the appointment and she’s positive she left a confirmation call on her voice message.”

“Well, did she?”

Aubree shakes her head. “She didn’t work yesterday!”

“Then what the hell is she doing?”

“I have no idea. I’ve had to tell her to put away her cell phone and caught her in the break room while we were slammed with checking in clients. It’s been busy, and not smooth at all. I’ve had a lot of clients complain and I think we need to let her go.”

“Okay,” I think about what I need to do. “We can’t lose someone, though. Gah,” I groan and press my fingers to my temples. Breathing in and out, I seriously want to cry. I’m already short-staffed, and the girls are so tired. What the hell am I going to do? “Let me talk to her before she leaves and settle this.”

“Sounds good.”

“Thanks, Aubree. You’re doing a great job and I’m glad I have you by my side. I really enjoy working with you. Please know how appreciative I am and know that upper management is paying attention to you.”

She smiles and it feels good to let her know how well she’s doing. From what I heard, the previous spa manager was a bitch and made Aubree do everything. That’s not how it’s going to be. Being a team means there’s a leader, someone who’ll lead and guide the team to success. That leader is me and my team will not be let down.

“That means a lot,” she smiles again. “Thanks, Charlotte.”

When she walks out I check some emails and read the recent surveys. I print out and highlight the comments about Maya’s behavior and think it’s best to let her go. Picking up her folder from my drawer I notice write ups and plans of actions for her. She’s lucky to have lasted as long as she has. Reading through the comments and notes it seems as though she’s been given so many chances because when she works hard, it shows. Not enough, though. All because she’s a great sales person with the products we have and has high sales it doesn’t mean she can treat our clients that way.

Before I get a chance to talk to her my phone vibrates and I look at it with a smile.

Just had a fun workout with Will.
What happened?
He’s pissed because I called you beautiful and he got in my face.
Don’t let my brother get to you. I’m an adult, and yes, we should tell him, but I like how things are right now. I like our time together. I think we should tell him soon, just not now.
Whatever you want to do . . . I can’t stay away from you.

I smile at his message and know he means it. Being with Troy feels right and I know it’s not fair to either Will or Troy to have these rules. Even though I’m an adult, Will’s still my brother; the one who gave up his life for me so I can have a future. He’s the only family I have. One day he’ll see that Troy’s not a manwhore and he treats me with respect. The rules are everything and in place for a reason. It’s the only way no one will get hurt.

Thinking about Troy makes my girly parts happy and puts the biggest smile on my face. There’s something about the way he talked to me, took my body, and kept me by his side. He makes me melt with one look and feeling him inside me, taking care of me, and giving me what I want is something I’ve never experienced. He’s it for me.

I wouldn’t want you to stay away. If you do, I might have to kidnap you and tie you to my bed forever.
As long as I get to taste your sweet pussy I don’t care what you do to me.
You’ll always have my pussy as long as you promise to fuck me until I scream. Then sweet and slow with sensual kisses and the best orgasms.
You have me so hard right now . . . You know we can creep into one of the massage rooms and I can play therapist while you’re my willing client.
Stop LOL I’m at work and I have to fire someone =( This sucks, Troy, I’m already short-staffed. .
First, way to ruin my fantasy. Second . . . You’ll be fine. You have to do what’s right and maybe this will be a good thing ok?
Yeah . . .
K go do your manager thing I have to write up some meal plans and Skype with my clients . . . Talk to you soon

I hit send without realizing what I did and almost regret it. I’m about to put away my phone when I see another text from Troy. I open the message and see the kissy emoji and smile.

Getting everything I need for the meeting with Maya, I give Jason a call and let him know what I’m about to do. He says this is my spa and even though he’s the owner he’ll support my decisions.

I call Maya into the office, she smiles and sits down. I get up and close the door and sit back at my desk.

“What’s up, Charlotte?”

“Hey, Maya. So I talked to Aubree a few minutes ago.” She rolls her eyes and I’m immediately annoyed. “Don’t do that. She’s your manager and you have to show her respect.”



“She hates me and everything I do is wrong. I know you’re going to fire me and that’s not fair.”

“How so? I looked at the recent surveys and your file. Your customer service skills need work, Maya. I’m not going to sugarcoat anything. Yes, you are a great sales person and you know your products and the company, but it’s more than that.”

“I get it,” she tells me. “I have bad days. I mean, these clients get in my face and expect me to bend over backwards. I won’t stand for the verbal abuse from them.”

“You lied to Cam, though. Do you know who her husband is?” Maya nods. “Then you know Ayden and Jason are good friends and he’s part owner of this spa. When Cam tells him about today he’s going to freak out.”

“Because she got her appointments mixed up? She gave me attitude so I wanted to calm her down.

“Did she? Or did you antagonize her?”

Maya huffs and crosses her arms. “It doesn’t matter anyways. I know I’m getting fired.”

“I’m sorry, Maya. After the conversation with Aubree, looking at your file, and your overall attitude I have no choice but to let you go. I’m sorry. I wish there was another way.”

“Whatever. This place fucking sucks anyways. You and Aubree suck as managers. You’re going to ruin this place and I’ll be the one laughing.” Before I can say anything she grabs her things and storms out of the spa. Massaging my temples, I take a deep breath and call Ivy, hoping she’ll be able to help out.

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