Rockin' the Heart (Hot Wired) (5 page)

Attempting to salvage her brother
’s friendship with his best friend, she hadn’t considered how she’d injure Heath’s pride with her deceit. Their friendship was more important than her needs so she’d endure knowing she made the right decision.

More bullshit.”

A sob choked her.
She’d rather slice her wrists with a butter knife than wound Heath in any way.


’s lies infuriated Heath. But her crying ripped him apart inside. He’d never tolerated her tears well. As long as he could remember, he’d thought of her as his to protect. That first day he’d met her, her cheeks had been soiled with dirt, knees scraped from the scuffle she’d gotten into with her cousin, Rex. Said relative had sported a black eye, and Heath had adored her feisty attitude ever since. Maybe her tears affected him so much because he knew when she cried her heart was broken.

He considered pulling over so he could hold her,
maybe console her a little, but ditched the idea and opted for driving straight home as fast as possible.

Jase loves you.”

Yeah.” She sniffled.

reached over and buried his fingers in her hair. “Don’t cry.”

I’m sorry, Heath. I’d never hurt you on purpose.”

I’m not hurt.”
I’m pissed off you feel the need to lie.
Was this her way of protecting him? If so, he couldn’t process the reasoning behind it.

He massaged her nape
, and her tears subsided as they neared home. Neither of them spoke. Many things were on his mind, but he had no clue how to broach any of the subjects.

Derringer and
Keys’ vehicles were in the driveway when he pulled in. Great. Either Jase had called them or the reporters had alerted them to the scandal as well.

Time to face the firing squad.” The insecurity in her voice angered him. “How bad do I look?” She faced him as he stopped the vehicle in the garage and killed the engine.

He clasped her face between his
palms. Gorgeous as always, even if her cosmetics were creating black veins on her face. Using the pads of his thumbs he smudged away the streaks of makeup as best as he could. “That’s better. The lipstick was smeared by Aaron.”

The lucky bastard

I mislead you. I didn’t encourage Aaron and wasn’t interested in sleeping with him. He got me to his room promising to show me an original Salvatore Dali painting.” She clutched his wrist. She was an art enthusiast, and Aaron had a lot of it to show off. “I never saw the painting. He wasn’t taking no for an answer. I was relieved to see you.”

tore through him. He hoped he managed to keep the ire off his face. No sense in upsetting her further, but the burn in his knuckles felt so much better having this information. “I wish I’d punched the bastard more.”

A sad smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
“You’re the best.”

Releasing her, he sat back in his seat and held her shiny gaze.
“Before we go inside, tell me what you want out of life, and I’ll try my damndest to make it happen.”

I don’t know.” She leaned against the door.

You really wanna be Bama bound?” The move would have to be executed judiciously, but if she relocated to a bigger city maybe, just maybe she could evade the press for a while.

I thought I did. Now…. ” She shrugged and glanced at the door to the house. Translation, now that it appeared Jase would cave to her wishes, she wasn’t so sure it’s what she wanted. At least that’s how Heath interpreted her wretched expression.

What about art school? Or cooking classes?” Two things he knew she loved.

She faced him.
“Those are hobbies, nothing with purpose.”

We could give you more duties within the band. You’re good with the fans who win backstage passes.”

Probably not a good idea.” She picked at her nails. “I’m the scandal child, remember? Moms don’t want me near their kids, and I don’t blame them.”

Why’d you take the car anyway?”

Stupidity. The girl at the club tossed me her keys and told me if I scratched it while parking it her daddy would have my job. It pissed me off that she assumed I was a valet.” Proof not everyone recognized her. Or… out of jealousy the girl maligned Sam. “Do I
like a valet?”

Not even on your worst day.” Still wasn’t a good enough reason, but he suspected she already knew that. They were lucky the girl’s father happened to be Judge Moody and his daughter was Hot Wired’s ‘biggest fan’. He’d bribed the magistrate with autographs and backstage passes. Upon reflection the Judge had jumped at the offer much too quickly as if he suspected his daughter’s less than stellar involvement. “Think about the job offer with the band.”

At least that
’d give her some purpose in her life.

Doubtful Jase would agree, anyway.”

Speak of the devil
her brother yanked open the door to the garage.

He doesn’t speak for the entire band, Sam.” Time to defend her against her emotional sibling. “We’re not doing this out here,” Heath said to Jase as they exited the vehicle.

Stay out of this.” A muscle ticked in Jase’s jaw. Had to be the maddest Heath had ever seen his friend. His band mate pointed at Sam. “Do you realize how childish your actions are? Messing with his feelings like that, it’s unfair and hurtful. You owe him an apology.”

I already told him I was sorry.”

I didn’t need one.”

’s face was blotchy with his anger. “She should be apologizing to the entire band, Fang! She stole a car just the other day. Now this. Both caught by the news. I’m disappointed in you and embarrassed to call you my sister.”

Fresh tears erupted and spilled down Sam
’s cheeks, wrecking the rushed cleanup job they’d done on her makeup in the car.

I ought to punch you in your teeth.” Heath managed to keep his fists at his sides and locked his knees to stop himself from striding to his buddy and delivering the blow his callous words merited.

That’s enough, Jase.” Derringer’s hands bracketed either side of the doorway, and his focus rested solely on Sam. As Hot Wired’s bass guitarist and oldest member in the group at twenty-nine he’d taken on the fatherly role more than once, and all of them listened when he spoke. “You okay?”

Sam nodded quickly and attempted to swipe away the tears, but more replaced them. She was obviously
okay. “Jase’s right. I’ve been a publicist’s nightmare lately, and the band doesn’t need my issues.”

Come here.” Derringer lowered his arms and waited for her to join him. As soon as she did, he enfolded her into a hug, which made her cry harder. “I love you, hellion.”

I love you more, Boo,” the fourth member of their band, Keys, said from behind Derringer and Sam. He got his name because he tickled the ivory keys on a piano like a god. He’d spent his formative years at
, the staff and his family convinced he’d be a hit… just not of the rock star variety. He’d given her the silly nickname Boo when she’d joined them after her parents’ death. They had bonded fast, and their favorite game was trying to scare one another. She’d screamed ‘Boo!’ so much within the first month, Keys dubbed her that.

Sam choked, the teasing livened her crying instead of abating

Keys kissed the side of her head.
“You need to stop that crying so I can see how toxic you are in this dress.” In his lingo ‘toxic’ equated to ‘smokin hawt’.

Arms still wrapped around her, Derringer guided her into the house
, and Keys followed. As they disappeared out of sight, only the muffled sound of their voices could be heard.

Staring after them, Heath said,
“You will back me on whatever I recommend.” Their gazes locked. Jase attempted to argue, but Heath talked over him. “We agreed I’d handle her for a while. You don’t have to like or approve anything I do or say, but you
back me. Got it?”

She’s not an errant puppy, she’s gotta take responsibility for her actions.”

I get that.” He even thought she got that. “Tonight wasn’t all her fault. I have to carry part of the blame.”


When they entered the living room, Keys was rotating his index finger, and Sam was turning for his inspection while she attempted to clean up her face once more. Their lead guitarist performed a sharp appreciative whistle. “Dayum, girl.”

The shoes are a nice touch, adding the right splash of color.” Derringer eyed the red stilettos.

Man, seriously? Do you know how gay that sounds?” Keys lowered his arm and shook his head.

Derringer winked
at Sam. “Gays aren’t the only ones who know fashion.”

In a sulky attitude, Jase dropped into a chair as Heath went straight to Sam. He cupped her chin
, demanding all her attention. Arousal stirred. Even with her makeup a disaster, he wanted her more than any other. Was it because she was the forbidden? The one woman he couldn’t—no… shouldn’t want?

for him to talk, she licked her lips, and that’s when he noticed how quiet the room had grown. From the periphery of his vision he could just make out Derringer gauging them from where he stood.

swallowed, a great deal satisfied when his voice emerged steady. “Go shower or soak in the tub. I need to chat with the guys before we get Tab on the phone.”

Tab was a PR goddess
and their agent. She’d know how to spin this gossip with just the right angle.

One of us will knock on your door when Tab’s available.” He swished his thumb in a circular pattern along the thrumming beat in her neck. Pretty sure Derringer noticed the errant move, the guitarist confirmed his suspicion with a cough.

Sam glanced at his mouth, then back at his eyes. She nodded and headed toward the door. Once there, she glanced over her shoulder and swept the room with a
woebegone expression. “Sorry for creating so much drama for… all y’all.” Her voice broke on the last word, and she fled.

Heath jammed his fingers through his shaggy hair. Derringer sidled up to him, peered about the room casually, but under his breath he said,
“Hurt her, and I’ll castrate you, Fang.”

He glanced at his fellow band mate and grinned.
“Fair enough.”

You three coddle her too much.”

Heath stiffened at Jase
’s declaration. He wanted to rip into his friend, but as he turned to face him he decided that maybe they did pamper Sam too much. There’d be no apology forthcoming for it either.

Keys straddled the arm of a chair.
“She’s been like our kid since you brought her back with you from Bama.”

Seven years ago,” Derringer added as if they needed a timeline to justify indulging someone.

Not you or any other uptight fuck is going to tell me not to cosset her.” Keys gave their drummer a challenging stare.

Spoiled or not, she’s ours, Jase. Actions right or wrong, I don’t care. I’d protect y’all, so don’t expect anything different from me when it comes to Sam.” Both Derringer and Keys nodded their agreement to Heath’s statement. “Almost kissing me in public isn’t the worst thing she’s done.”

I’m guessing the fans will eat up this potential love affair. Could be worse publicity.” Derr ran his index finger and thumb across the slim line of his barely-there mustache.

Jase frowned
and crossed his arms over his chest. “After she stole the car and now this, how could anything get worse?”

Fang could be banging her,” Keys offered.

Or,” Derringer added, “she could be attracted to someone that doesn’t care for her. At least you know Fang loves and respects her.”

Loves in a platonic way.” Jase stared Heath straight in the eye. His buddy’s look defied him to disagree.

’d never been a doubt in his mind Jase wouldn’t approve of a relationship between him and Sam. That was the sole reason he’d never pursued her.

He shrugged.
“Yeah. Sure.”

Legs spread wide Jase sat forward and rested his forearms on his thighs.
“Yeah. Right.”

Sam hightailed it to her room as fast as she could walk in five-inch
high heels. Tonight she’d made a fool of herself and hurt Heath in the process. She wasn’t proud of herself, and while the guys came to her rescue, she deserved the rebuke Jase gave her.

Closing her bedroom door behind her, she walked straight to the adjoining bathroom.
She discarded her clothing in a pile on the floor, turned the water in the shower as hot as she could endure, and stood under the spray for a long time.

Uncertain what evil fairy
had driven her to prod Heath into the sex store, she hoped he would forgive her for causing this drama. Sure he said he didn’t need an apology, but once again the press created havoc with their lives.

None of it would be an issue if I hadn
’t provoked him

Her neck tingled
where he’d touched her, and she ran her fingertips over the spots that still prickled. He’d been so close she could detect how dilated his eyes had been. It’d been hedonistic the way his cinnamon breath had felt against her flesh. The nip of his teeth against her ear had weakened her knees. She’d stopped breathing when he’d slid his mouth along her jaw.

’d wanted him to kiss her. Had been breathless with anticipation.

Sam sighed. She could not lose sight of the fact Heath thought of her as his kid sister.
He’d protected her from Aaron because Heath interpreted the situation as Aaron taking advantage of her. And the actor had tried, so Heath had had cause to be upset, but she couldn’t forget he’d crossed the boundary with her tonight all on his own. Yeah, she’d prodded him with sex toys… because he’d been so angry at her being with another man. At the time, proving she was a woman with needs had seemed like a good idea. Now she could admit her folly.

She should be thankful those reporters
had stopped them. Heath would’ve bemoaned his actions in the morning. Awkwardness she could deal with, but his regret would be too much to take.

Thank goodness for
Tab’s expertise because Sam had no idea how to fix this dilemma.

She shut off the lukewarm tap and toweled off

Sadness clogged her throat and settled like a
hundred-pound weight in the pit of her belly.
She was spiraling out of control with no clear path for her life and no notion of how to regulate her delinquency. She wanted a man she couldn’t have and freedom from a fame she hadn’t sought.

A sharp rap struck her door
, and she called out in a raspy voice, “Hang on.”

After wrapping
her hair in the towel, she pulled on a pair of loose jeans and a T-shirt. She cleared her throat and took several deep breaths to calm her nerves before opening the door. On the other side Keys leaned against the doorframe.

The blond male
was heir to a New York mega fortune, but unless one knew his history, they’d never guess he’d gone to private schools and
, or that his family was prestigious. Charming and good looking, he’d schmoozed gigs out of reluctant venues before Hot Wired had made it big.

He flashed her his megawatt smile
, the one she’d seen him use when negotiating the removal of panties. “Caught kissing Fang, huh?”

Please don’t, Keys, this isn’t a teasing matter. I hurt Heath and—”

Nah…I don’t think so.”

—Jase is really upset with me.”

He’s always a prick.”

Against her better judgment
, a grin twitched her lips. She backhanded him on the chest. “Be serious!”

Who said I’m not?” He stood straight, towering over her at six-five. Tall and built like a brick shit-house, he was without doubt the best-looking member in the band. “When it comes to protecting you, Jase
a prick.”

You’re an ass.”

One of my finer traits.” He notched his head to the side. “I’m a better smoocher than Fang. Just so you know, I don’t mind sacrificing myself for future shameless displays of public affection.”

Stop already!” Sam shook her head and ventured back into her room.

That’s a sexy look.” He motioned to the towel twisted on top of her head. “It works for you. But I prefer the slut-get-up you rocked earlier.”

Rolling her eyes, she bent at the waist and released her hair. The long wet strands clung to her arms.
“You harassing me for a reason?”

Tab’s on her way over.”

As she picked up her wide-tooth comb, she glanced at the clock. Two in the morning. They all lived rock
er hours, so they were accustomed to middle of the morning situations. Tab lived banker hours. If she felt the need to arrive now rather than at a more ‘civilized hour’—as the woman said on occasion—then this fiasco was worse than she imagined.

the comb through her hair, she looked at Keys as he sat on the foot of her bed. “I really screwed up this time, huh?”

Boo, the only screw up I can see in all this, is that you were kissing Fang.”

She hoped he didn
’t note her wince. “We didn’t actually kiss, ya know?”

You misunderstand.” Keys grimaced. “We need to work on your
in men.”

arely solemn, he provided much needed amusement in tense moments. She’d only seen him fired-up once and that was when someone had picked on her six months after she joined their entourage. “You’re not going to be serious are you?”

Deadpan he said,
“Not until you admit I’m a better kisser.”

Sam threw her comb at his head. Keys ducked it with a chuckle.

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