ROMANCE: MY ALIEN KING: Scifi Alien Invasion Abduction Contemporary Romance (Paranormal Fantasy BBW Alien Contact Anthologies & Collections Book 1) (48 page)

              “I think I gave you enough of a taste of what your king could do for you.” He ran his tongue over his lips and looked at Meredith expectantly.

              “But I need you inside me, I need to feel you inside me!” The king pushed forward, thrusting only the very tip of his cock inside her wetness. “Ohh God! Ohh yes! Mmm!” Meredith took a deep breath in as she felt herself being stretched by the tip of his cock. “Please give me more, please!” The king laughed and held himself still.

              “What is your answer, Bride?” Meredith couldn’t stand it anymore.

              “Yes! Oh God yes! I’ll stay! Just please fuck me!” The king smiled in satisfaction as he thrust the full length of his cock deep inside Meredith’s tight hole. “Oh God! Yes!” The king was stretching her to her max but every inch of him felt so good stuffed inside of her.

              “My bride, you shall have me every night if you wish, my only desire is to make you happy.” The king thrust deeply, feeling her tightness wrapped around him, tugging him deeper inside her as he felt the tension beginning to build.

              “Oh, oh, I’m going to cum!” Meredith could feel it building already, with every thrust of his fat cock deep inside her. She flexed her fingers against the hold he had on her wrists. “Mmmm…” The king pulled himself all the way out of her before thrusting forward and burying his full length in to her again. “Ahhh!” That was all it took. He felt her body tighten, her eyes glazed over.

              “Cum for me, my bride.” The king coaxed her as he felt her letting go, the ripples of her orgasm running through every inch of her body.

              As Meredith’s body finally came to rest on the bed for a second time she felt the king jerk inside her.

              “Mmmm…” this time he was the one moaning and Meredith watched him hungrily as he spilled every drop of his seed inside her. “Ohh yessss!” As his cock jerked for the last time he slid out of Meredith’s pussy and squirted the last of his juice on her naked belly. Meredith reached down and touched it with her fingers before bringing it up to her lips. She licked her fingers, the sweet stickiness tasted just as his pre-cum had – sweet like strawberries.

              “Mmm,” she smiled at the king and he fell on to the bed beside her. He grinned.

              “I knew I could get you to stay.” Meredith looked over at him as she ran her tongue over her bottom lip.

              “If you had told me about your secret weapons I’m sure I wouldn’t have put up such a fight.” She giggled as she reached over and rubbed her fingers over the tip of his cock. She brought them to her lips and licked them again. “Mmm, you taste so sweet.” The king nodded.

              “Like anything you desire.” Meredith looked at him in disbelief.

              “Anything?” The king nodded again. “Mmm, now that does make things interesting.” She wrapped her fingers around his cock and leaned over to suck him completely dry. “Mmm.” The king lay back on the pillows of the bed and exhaled loudly.

              The king had fallen fast asleep a few minutes later and Meredith decided to go in search of Harmoon to tell her the good news. Pulling the king’s robe off the floor, as her own clothes had been ruined, she wrapped it around her and headed for the back corridor.

              The passage was quiet and Meredith wondered if it was reserved simply for transporting the king’s wives to and from his bedroom. When she arrived at the door of the room where she had met Harmoon, Meredith knocked lightly. She waited for a few moments and then knocked again. This time she heard someone shuffling towards the door and when it opened she was happy to see Harmoon’s face. Harmoon smiled.

              “Well…it seems like I’m going to be seeing a lot more of you in the future.” Meredith smiled broadly and Harmoon clapped her hands.

              “I am so happy, Meredith! I just knew that you would stay!” Meredith slipped in to the room and headed over to the stool at the vanity.

              “I think I’m the only one who didn’t know I’d stay.” She laughed as she sat down carefully. Harmoon pulled up a stool from beside the bathtub.

              “I’m glad that you are staying, Meredith.” She took Meredith’s hands in her own. Meredith nodded.

              “I think I am too…” Harmoon leaned closer.

              “Can I ask you a question?” she whispered, Meredith nodded.

              “Is it true what some of the king’s wives say about him?” Meredith pressed her lips together but nodded ever so slightly. Harmoon’s eyes grew wide. “Now I know why you chose to stay!” She laughed and squeezed Meredith’s hands before letting them go. Meredith smiled sheepishly.

              “Some things a girl just can’t say no to.”






Arranged Marriage To The Duke

London, England, Crawford manor

Autumn 187. Noon.

A little bit more than a month had passed since Rose had turned eighteen. Nevertheless, her own reflection never failed to instill her with pride.

Perchance I’ve overdone it a little bit today?
she asked herself while measuring herself from head to toe.  Her hair was always the first thing to grab anyone’s attention, completely straight and as black as coal, stretching all the way down to her waist. Her heart-shaped face; as pale as alabaster and completely devoid of anything resembling a blemish, was just as lovely, if not more. And from the neck down, her lean yet shapely body practically refused to give primacy to her remaining parts. Her dress, a rare shade of turquoise, hugged her features almost as well as the corset did. With an approving nod, she gave herself another look. The way her emerald-colored eyes observed her reflection was a clear indication that she more than approved of her presentation.
No, I do not think so. After all, I have yet to find me a husband, and one must keep appearances!

Then, something she didn’t like to think about sprung at her like a jack-in-a-box.
Assuming that my parents even allow me to marry in the first place!
She almost bit the inside of her lip, but luckily, she was able to stop herself on time. At least for the time being.
Why raise me with high hopes and dreams, why teach me to strive for excellence in all ways, only to reject all of my suitors?

The Untouchable Rose
, her friends jokingly called her. She knew that there was no ill will behind those remarks, but it hurt every time. Practically everyone she knew was already either engaged or married, and she was the only one who was not allowed a man in her life. And it was all due to some misconception her parents had about their own (and by extension her) self-worth. Her gaze started wandering the room, not really focusing any part of its expensive furniture.
Yes, we are an esteemed family. Yes, we have the name and the money. No, I will get to not marry the Prince Regent anytime soon, so you might as well let me wed before I wither from old age—Oh, damn it!
She looked back into her reflection. There was a trickle of blood on her lower lip. She quickly took a step forward, grabbed a handkerchief from the table next to the mirror, and wiped the red off her face.

Oh, dear…
she looked at the thin piece of cloth as she withdrew it from her face. Along with the blood, it had taken a little bit of her make-up as well.
I guess I will have to reapply everything.
She didn’t mind making herself up. It made her feel good.
I wouldn’t mind having someone to do it for, though,
she concluded as she reached for the make-up cabinet.

Crawford manor, kitchen

Later that day

She was in the kitchen, enjoying a fine cup of black tea and resisting the ever-present urge to talk to the help, when her parents barged in. It was in a manner unbecoming of their stature, indicating that they had something important to tell her.

“Good day, father. You too, mother.” She dispensed with the pleasantries, in the precise manner that she was taught to.

“Top of the day to you, Rose,” her father said.

“We have got good news for you,” her mother added with a smile.

Of course. Predictable as always.

“So, what do you have for me today? Which ball are we going to parade me through tonight, only to give the boot to anyone brave enough to approach me?” Despite the content of her statement, she spoke in a courteous tone.

“Not this time, Rose. Tonight we are bringing you to Moore manor,” her father said.

“And it is no mere display this time, my dear. The young Duke has shown a genuine interest in you!” Her mother said.

The Duke? Duke Thomas Moore?
She blushed at the mere mention of the name. The Duke was well-known for a number of things: his wealth, his wit, and his good looks as well. A great many times had he caught her attention, and she never once missed an opportunity to take a closer look at him.
And it appears that the attraction is indeed mutual.
She smiled, and her parents’ grins widened in response.

“I see that you like the idea,” her father said.

“We are so glad that our tastes coincide!” Her mother added as usual.

“And here I thought this day would never come!” Rose exclaimed, more for herself than for her parents to hear. Her thoughts races as the picture of the Duke replaced the sight of her parents. Impressively tall, lean and wide-shouldered, he looked amazing regardless of what he wore. And he
wore the finest fashions. His long, golden locks were almost as impressive as his face or blue eyes, but in tandem they dazzled every girl who was fortunate enough to lay eyes on them. And Rose was fortunate enough to see him a great many times, although she had never gotten the chance to actually speak to the man.
I wonder what that will be like!

“Ahem, Rose!”

“Right here, girl! We haven’t left the room yet!”

“Ah, excuse me! I have drifted off slightly, it seems!” She smiled just a little bit, in a sly attempt to take some attention away from her lapse in proper demeanor. If anyone else did it, it would fail outright. However, Rose was so beautiful, and so, so
good at it
that her parents couldn’t help but let it pass. “I am afraid that this has caught me by complete surprise! I did not expect you to settle for me marrying anyone below, well—below the Prince Regent himself!” She said, more as a jest than an actual remark.

“Oh, really? What a charming coincidence!” her father replied.

“Neither did we. But sadly, the man keeps refusing every time we bring it up,” her mother concluded with a dry smile.

Not knowing what to say in response, Rose merely did her best to maintain her immaculate presentation. By all accounts, it worked, and her parents soon left her alone with her tea.

Sometimes, I just cannot tell whether they are serious or joking.
She tried to wrap her head around it, then realized the distinct lack of steam coming from the direction of her cup.
It is cold,
she shrugged.

With a disapproving look on her face, she turned toward the maid. “Claudette, would you please be a dear and make me another? That would be

“Of course, milady,” the woman replied as she approached, took the cup from Rose’s hand and stepped away from her.

Sometimes the so-called life of privilege is not easy at all!
she concluded as her thoughts drifted toward the future.

Moor manor, main hall


Oh, my Lord!
Rose knew that the Duke was positively
filthy rich
, but she could not fathom as to how much. Until she saw the place where he received visitors, that is. Lavishly decorated with gold, crimson, and a generous helping of the finest crystal, the main hall of Moore manor simply radiated opulence. Even her parents could not hide their wonder, and it was not rare that they were invited to see the Prince Regent as well. She also knew that this was not their first time here, and still they stared at

This is all fine and dandy, but where is my betrothed?
she thought as her eyes kept racing across every small (and not as small) detail, in restless search for the Duke. He was still nowhere in sight.

She flirted with the idea of asking the butler about it, but it seemed unbefitting of her. There has to be a reason for her fiancée to be late to an event that is taking place in his own house, and she would not press the matter needlessly. However, as if he had read her mind, the older servant approached her seat, took a bow, and spoke. “I apologize for the master’s tardiness once again, our most esteemed guests. He is out on a matter of most grievous urgency, and shall be with us shortly.”

Rose was just about to say something, when her parents spoke in her stead.

“Oh, I am certain that there is a good reason for it!” Her father opened up the two-part statement as usual.

“No need for explanations, dear! God, we all know how
it can get!” Her mother said in addition.

With a repentant expression, the butler nodded. “Might I offer another round of refreshments as we wait? I dare say that I make a positively
cup of tea!” He said, letting his gaze fall on every present party.

I could do with one,
Rose thought for a moment, but then she realized that her parents did not ask for anything and quickly changed her mind. “Ah, no need, at least not for me. The sight of this interior alone is enough to keep one ward!” She said as she put her smile back on. There was no need to fake it; it was as genuine as it could be.

“Ah, the young master has a penchant for theatrics and impression, I am afraid. None of this is an heirloom from his family. He has bought it all. And it cost a fair bit, if I recall,” the butler said, retreating to his previous position.

As if by design, the large pair of doors opened up at that very moment, letting in the most spectacular specimen of masculine beauty Rose could ever dream up. He was everything she remembered, and more. Every little feature was just the way she remembered it, except it was real, and much, much better for it. With a swagger only someone of his appearance could pull off (without appearing ridiculous, that is), the Duke approached his guests, took a deep bow, and spoke.

“My most sincere of greetings to the Lord, Lady, and Heiress of house Crawford!” He straightened himself out after the first sentence. “Most tragically, I have been occupied by a most pressing matter that I could not have possibly avoided. I regret the matter deeply, and I hope that you can all forgive me!”

He is so charming. So perfect.
Rose barely even heard what he was talking about. Every last bit of her attention was focused on the Duke, not on the reason for his tardiness.

“Now, now, we are all serious people here…”

“And we realize that business sometimes has to take place before pleasure.” Rose’s parents answered him with one of their usual joint sentences.

“What about you, my most enchanting maiden?” The Duke turned toward Rose. “Do you accept my humblest of apologies? Or do you choose to bear me the ill will I am so deserving of?”

“Oh, I could not possible bear
ill toward one as charming and eloquent as you, Duke Moore!” Rose said. She did not even need to note the subtle and not-so-subtle hints her parents kept passing to her. The answer came as naturally as it could.
Indeed. He is the one. I am certain of it!
The way his face brightened up when she spoke only served to confirm it. He was positively enraptured by her. She could see it in his eyes; the kind of pure, raw emotion that not even noble breeding could stifle. Yet, filtered through the demeanor of a proper gentleman, it became something else entirely; something greater than the sum of its parts.
Like the Duke himself. No matter how perfect every individual part was.

“I assume that Roger here has provided for your every need?” He turned toward her parents after giving her a seductive wink. “Besides the one for company, obviously. I am afraid that he is a little bit challenged in that department.”

“Quite so, sir. Then again, so is everyone when compared to your resplendent persona, I am afraid,” the butler was quick to deliver a rebuttal. He did not even wait for Rose’s parents to speak. Luckily, they ignored it, and so did he.
This intrusion would most definitely not have gone unattended in our house!
Rose noticed.

“Everything we wanted for, Roger has provided.”

“Even his company was enjoyable!”

The Duke smiled in response. If he had noticed anything peculiar about the way Rose’s parents talked, he kept it to himself.
The way a proper gentleman should.
Then, smiling all the while, he strode to his chair in the center of chamber, and sat into it, signifying that that the main event of the evening was about to begin.

“But in my elation, I seem to have forgotten that this evening was not about me! Indeed, we are all here to discuss my engagement to the lovely one, or am I mistaken?”

“My Duke,” Rose was the first to make her voice heard, despite the expressions this caused her parents to form. “If I may be so bold as to assume, there is naught to discuss. I am absolutely
by both you, your impeccable demeanor, and by your domain, and unless I am mistaken, I assume that you feel the same way.” She did not as much as look toward the Lord and Lady Crawford. She did not mean to, she knew that they disapproved.
Regardless of their opinion, I do not care.
A fire was building up within her bosom, and the flame threatened to consume every trace of civility. She knew that her outburst was improper, but something told her that the Duke would not mind.

And indeed he did not, for his smile widened quite a bit. “Ah, there is the fire I have sought all this time!” The Duke said. “Ever since I first laid eyes on Rose, I knew that she had the zest! It made me want to have her for myself. To grasp her, make her mine, and not let anyone else ever get the chance.” It appeared as if he was talking to himself more than to Rose’s parents. Somewhere halfway along the sentence, though, he explicitly turned toward them, and the tone of his voice changed drastically. It was still charming and noble, but somewhat cold, as if he was about to talk about business rather than pleasure. “My Lord and Lady Crawford, I do not thing that there is but one reason for us to doubt the perfection of the match between me and your daughter. She and me, we understand each other completely, ever since the initial spark! Imagine how close we can get as the years go by! I give this engagement a big, resounding

Her parents remained silent for a good moment or so. Then, in complete synchronicity, they smiled in an identical way.

“Now, that is just marvelous!” They exclaimed in unison.

Rose smiled as well, the fire within her bosom threatening to steal even more of her precious self-control. But she was able to keep it under control, at least for the time being.
He knows exactly what to say to impress them!
she concluded in wonder.
I wonder what he is like when it comes to actual deeds.

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