Sacred Burial Grounds (An FBI Romance Thriller (book 2)) (75 page)

Blackhawk also knew what he wanted most in life, and asked the Great Spirit for it to be
granted. They prophesized having a house full of boys, but his secret dream was to have one single girl that would remind him of his wife. Wild, out of control, and she would be daddy’s little hellion.

“Now set them free.”

They both opened the boxes and blue and black butterflies took off into the evening sky. Behind them were floating lanterns that were released to fill the sky with their hopes in life written on them. They drifted above everyone that had come, dotting the starry sky with fire.

Ethan, I now give you your wife, Elizabeth. Kiss her and claim her as your own.” Timothy stepped back and gave them room. There was snickering from his other grandson, so he was sure there was going to be one hell of a mauling.

He was given the rare opportunity to marr
y her again, and he was going to make this kiss count. He pulled her into his arms, and leaned her back, showing his brother how it was done.

The wink to Callen Whitefox made her laugh, and the kiss made her forget. It was long, slow
, and deep. The dancers began again, and the yells went up. The ceremony was completed and the festivities would now begin. Everyone clapped, cheered, and stood as he finally broke the kiss. 

“May I
now introduce to the tribe, Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Blackhawk!” yelled his grandfather over the cheers and shouts from their people.

There were more calls and cheers as Blackhawk swept her up in his arms and planned on carrying her down the aisle.

“Ethan!” she said, laughing.

“Get used to it, Mrs. Blackhawk,” he kissed her again, as his father and brother started down in front of him
clearing the way.

kiss, Ethan,” laughed his brother. “Now that you taught me how to do it, I want a re-do.”

Elizabeth snickered.

“Wait until you get married one day, Callen. Remember, payback is a bitch.” Blackhawk grinned wickedly. “If you’re kissing my wife, then I’m going to reciprocate.”

Callen laughed, willing to accept that.

Elizabeth couldn’t help but feel warm with joy. Her husband was a miracle, and having a family when she’d been alone in the world was just icing on the cake.

Elizabeth was the luckiest woman alive.




During dinner
, everyone had an amazing time. The food was terrific and both tribe and outsiders danced, mingled and had an evening to remember. Many of the guests came up to the couple, welcoming them and genuinely accepting Blackhawk and his bride back into the fold. As the music continued, Ethan stood and went to the man with the microphone. All the music stopped and Elizabeth didn’t know what he had planned.

“The Blackhawk family would like to thank you all for coming,”
Ethan glanced over at his wife, protectively surrounded by his father, grandfather and brother. “Elizabeth and I hope that you’re having an amazing time.” He held out his hand for her and she crossed to him.

“Our first wedding ceremony was just us and two very special people in our lives. One of those individuals was my boss, who out of either genius or sheer luck brought us together.”

Gabe yelled from the crowd. “It was genius!”

Everyone laughed.

“Either way, thank you. If you didn’t send me to Salem, I wouldn’t have met the woman of my dreams and the mother of my child,” he said, lovingly placed his hand over her barely visible baby bump. It was his official announcement to the tribe of the upcoming birth of another Blackhawk. There were cheers and war calls from the males.

“The next generation of Blackhawk is on its way! Be ready for it!” yelled

The tribe erupted in laughter and calls to rejoice.

Gabe stood before he could continue. “Mr. Blackhawk, before you continue, do you remember a conversation we had at my house regarding a toast?” he said, lifting his glass.

Ethan Blackhawk started to laugh. “I do Gabe,
and the floor is all yours.”

“Thank you.
” He raised his glass. “A day before Ethan Blackhawk decided to marry Elizabeth, I asked him if he had it bad, and his reply? He had it
‘crazy, stupid, marry her right this damn second’

There were more cheers and laughter.

“I knew then that fate had intervened and brought them together. I was just the instrument that led the way. Ethan wanted to know why I sent him there, and to that I had two answers. The first was because she needed help, and the second was to teach the cowboy a lesson. The moral of their story was that anything could happen if you broke the rules. He informed me that I needed to save it for his wedding toast. So, that day is upon us, and I’d like to toast the bride and groom.”

Ethan and Elizabeth took their glasses and watched the entire tribe stand.

He turned towards them. “To Ethan and Elizabeth Blackhawk, may your life be filled with adventure, and may you always be willing to risk the safe road for the one that will always lead you to break the rules. Don’t fear the unknown, embrace it, grasp it and enjoy it. To love, family, and to you both catching up to us in the children department.”

Everyone cheered and Elizabeth kissed her husband
long and slow, to show him how much this night meant to her.

“Thank you, Gabe,” Blackhawk grinned mischievously
, after he finally stopped kissing his bride.

Elizabeth noticed her husband was up to something. Generally he was quiet
, but he had the ‘trouble’ look on his face.

“If you all will just bear with me, I have a little present for my wife
, and I’d like to give it to her in front of everyone here.”

She didn’t know where he was going with it, but Callen was involved. He winked at her and was grinning. In fact, so
were Wyler, and Timothy. Apparently, she was the only one not in on the secret surprise.

“Before we moved back from the
east, my wife had the crazy idea to go out and get my name tattooed on her back. It was the best gift anyone had ever given me. So, when my brother asked me what I wanted to do for my bachelor party, I knew exactly what needed to be done.”

Elizabeth just put her hand over her mouth in surprise. “Ethan, you didn’t.”

Blackhawk grinned wickedly. “As some of you know, I’m fond of tattoos, but the only tattoo I would never get was a person’s name or initials. I informed Elizabeth that only a crazy person tattooed that on their body.” He handed her the microphone and pulled his tunic off his body showing everyone there what he was extremely proud of now. Below the raven was her name in the same script across his entire midsection. “Not only is my wife completely crazy, but I decided to join her on that little journey and make it official.”

Everyone began clapping.

“I love you, Elizabeth, and I hope you see exactly what you mean to me.”

“Ethan, I love it and you too
!” She kissed him again, as they stood in the middle of everyone. There were cheers, clapping and war calls.

When they broke the kiss
the rest of her family moved forward. “If we may add something,” said the elder of the family. Timothy took the microphone and stared out at the people who attended his grandson and granddaughter’s wedding.

“While the boys were growing up, I took a hard s
tance on them not marrying non-Natives. I believed that all outsiders were less than desirable to the Blackhawk name,” he said, turning to his newest member. “Elizabeth, you are a true blessing to this family, and when I’m asked how I feel about you, I no longer need to say a word, but just show them,” he said, rolling up his sleeve to show her.

Elizabeth’s lip began quiverin
g, as she looked at his forearm. Timothy now wore her initials in a heart.

“Welcome G
randdaughter,” he said, opening his arms for her. “I love you,” he said.

There weren’t words for how she felt, as she crossed to him and went into his arms.

Wyler stepped forward and took his turn. “Elizabeth, I haven’t always had the best relationship with my boys,” he said, into the microphone.

Elizabeth looked over and she knew she was a goner. The Blackhawk men were going to
completely undo her.

“I firmly believe that the only reason I’ve been given a second chance is because of you. I’m eternally grateful that my son found you, and that you’re now giving me the chanc
e to see my first grandson born.” Wyler Blackhawk handed his son the microphone and took off his shirt and faced her.

Elizabeth felt the first tears start to fall. On his chest
, over the healing scar from his bullet wound, was the same heart, and in it were her initials.

Wyler opened his arms and grinned at his daughter-in-law. Elizabeth had
saved his heart in more ways than one.

She wiped her eyes, as she crossed to her husband’s father,
going into his arms to be hugged by her surrogate dad.

“I love you, Elizabeth,” he said, kissing her on the top of the head. “Welcome to our family
and our tribe.”

Elizabeth couldn’t speak.

“I guess I’m next,” said Callen as he addressed the crowd.

Elizabeth looked over at him and more tears fell.

“Almost two decades ago, I made a colossal mistake with a woman. It damaged my relationship with my brother,” he said, staring into his brother’s eyes.

This was not only for her but for him too.

Blackhawk grinned reassuringly at Callen. All was more than forgiven in his heart.

The brothers were back together once more.

“Then before I know it, he returned and wasn’t alone. I thought for sure that the hole in our relationship was permanent. Then another woman came into our lives, but instead of tearing us apart, she gave us a second chance together. Elizabeth, you patched us up and gave me my brother back.” Whitefox smiled at her with nothing but complete love and adoration. This woman was his trusted friend, confidant and held his heart for the rest of his life. “In the process I found my best friend.”

When she got through this she was going to kick all their asses for making her a hormonal, sniveling mess on her wedding day.

Whitefox pulled off his shirt and turned his back to Elizabeth. On his shoulder was a heart with her initials. “In the time I’ve known her, Elizabeth has been protective, bossy, scary at times, and downright amazing. So Elizabeth, for returning my brother to me, I give you my back for the rest of our lives, and I will carry you with me forever.”

Yeah, big ass kicking.

Callen opened his arms and wrapped her in them. He whispered in her ear. “I love you, Lyzee, and always will. You mean everything to me. Thank you for coming into my life.”

Elizabeth started sobbing
at his words. “I love you too, Cal,” she sniffled.

All four Blackhawk men surrounded her and housed her protectively in their embrace as the music started back up again.

“I love each and every one of you,” she said, and she absolutely did. Then she continued once she was composed, “I don’t know if I should be surprised, appalled, or expect that the Blackhawk men are all practically naked at my dream wedding. Really boys?” she asked, laughing and wiping her eyes. “Somebody pinch me. This many sexy men in one place at one time should be illegal.”

men all began laughing, especially after she yelped when someone pinched her.

I didn't really mean that!”

“What?” he feigned
innocence, and then winked at his brother.

Ethan couldn’t help but grin.

“This is the best wedding a girl could ever have,” she said, feeling herself being scooped up in her husband’s arms.

“Now if you all don’t mind, I think I’ll escape with my wife and start our wedding night early.” He looked at his grandfather. “What no mauling comment?”

“Have at her, son,” he replied laughing. “I want lots of great-grandsons.”

“Granddad!” she objected, laughing and blowing the three men kisses as her husband carried her away.

They each waved, Callen blowing her a kiss in return.



“Well Lyzee?” he asked, grinning.

This was the best wedding ever, Ethan!”

It took him a few moments to notice
why she had been adamant about choosing her own shoes. “You're wearing cowboy boots, Elizabeth?” he asked, laughing when he saw her feet. He should have known they’d be making an appearance. “And you were worried we were all half naked?”

That was just a show, Cowboy. I don’t get worried when there’s that much hotness around me. You Blackhawk men can get naked in my presence anytime. As for the boots, a girl needs to be comfortable on her wedding day. Besides no one saw my boots, everyone saw the four of you in varying degrees of nudity.”

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