SAFE HAVENS: Shadow Masters (A Sean Havens Black Ops Novel Book 1) (16 page)

It felt like high school for Jason when Havens was around. Jason, who was more of a techie geek, who on occasion was befriended by the popular guy whom everyone liked to be around, didn’t resent Havens. He just wanted to be Havens. Jason never wanted to be Draeger; he just knew Draeger could get him far, so he followed.

Red was excused to another compartment of the jet while Havens debriefed his supervisor about Yemen. Jason had provided feedback that the desired outcome had been achieved with some small uprisings already occurring that would stage as a nice cover for this week’s follow on clandestine activity to strike suspected terror cells, renditioning financiers, and gain more funding support from Washington based on the clearly unstable country.

Jason had admitted a problem with their Agency support and apologized for the passports and legends. They all knew this was a challenge to their operations but certainly better than operating in true name. “Add it to the list of things to fix when op tempo slows,” he said. “Chances are, the current federal cuts will make it worse before better, anyway.”

It also appeared that Jason was completely unaware of why Havens was detained at the airport and was genuinely surprised when Havens had turned up in Dubai.

Rusty took Havens’ third throw away phone, tucking it into a plastic bag and assured he would call “Tech” and have the relay disconnected and the phone properly handled. Rusty gave Havens another phone to use domestically for the week if Sean was unable to retrieve his personal phone at his own residence. Havens didn’t keep his personal phone at home, unbeknownst to Rusty. He took the phone nonetheless. It wasn’t like the old days of isolation and cleansing of all items that could get the team into trouble. No one on his team was even allowed to have a tattoo, lest it give them away as Americans if caught.

Upon landing in Chicago, the group settled on a day and time for a follow-up conversation to discuss any ramifications of the Havens’ home invasion on their covert operations. Rusty pulled Havens off to the side in what appeared to be another CI lecture.

CI was always in the guys’ shorts about something.

“Hey, Sean, I know you want to go, so I will make this real short. We were never that close or anything and I know I left you high and dry on a couple occasions. Especially Iran.”

“Rusty, this is not the time.”

“No, man, hear me out. Most guys don’t know that my wife and kids were killed by a drunk driver one night while I was deployed not too long ago. We’re coming up on almost a year now.”

“Shit, I’m sorry. I had no idea.”

“Yeah, man, I know, but what I am trying to say is, I’ve been there. Let me know if you ever want to talk. I got some help and am getting through it. It’s harder than you think it will be. I’m kinda sorting things out myself. Losses like that aren’t supposed to happen.”

“Hey, Sean, you coming?”

“Yeah, Red, hold on. Be right there.”

“Thanks, Rusty. I appreciate the words.”

“More than words, man. Let me know if I can help. For real. I’m going to look long and hard into this situation.”


“Be well, my brother.” Rusty reached out and the two briefly embraced in a short bro hug with the one hit shoulder pat. “I’m in the area every now and again, so ring me up if you need.”

“Roger that, Russ.”

“Hey, everything OK?” asked Red. “Never thought you and Rusty got on.”

“We don’t. Or, didn’t. Things change.”

Red dropped Havens off at the hospital. Havens promised to give Red an update either that night or first thing in the morning. Havens thanked Red for his help and being there and offered the recommendation that Red call his own kids that night.

“You read my mind, brother. I have been thinking of them nonstop.”

“I will talk to you later and update you on the services when I call Christina’s brother.”

“Sounds good. You hang in there.”

“I’m hangin’.” Havens took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose. He shut the door, gave the top of the car a couple pats as a final send off, and went to find his daughter.

Havens was led by a nurse to his daughter who remained in intensive care. The nurse shared what she knew about Maggie’s condition and the overall “unofficial” prognosis, but promised to call the doctor upstairs for a full update.

The tubes, machines, and bandages were illuminated in the darkness of the room by a florescent light on the bed’s side. The post-surgery life support scene was overwhelming for Havens but much more welcomed than the news he had originally received of her death.

Havens had yet to go back mentally and start the coping process of losing Christina. He knew that feeling would still be there, but tucked away for now so he could take care of his daughter. He felt that Christina was somehow there with him and that as parents they were doing what was right. She would understand.

Havens entered the darkened room and immediately felt another presence. A presence beyond his daughter in the bed. He followed his senses to the back corner of the room, fully cast in shadows and darkness. A hulking mass sat in a chair waiting, not in vigil, but for Sean Havens’ return.

Chapter 19

he mass in the room was snoring. That same snoring mass could be heard every few weeks in the family room of the Havenses’ residence after everyone had locked up and gone to bed. He would sit in the darkness with one hand on the remote control asleep while Sports Center daily recaps continued on. He could outlast his hosts but never worried about outstaying a welcome.

The mass was among family at his sister’s house. An abrupt snore would wake him to be quickly replaced by momentary disorientation. Lars Bjorklund would wipe his mouth from residual drool, turn off the T.V., quietly grab a glass of water in the kitchen, take his tweed Irish Donegal cap from the closet, set the house alarm, and lock the doors before climbing into his car and driving northward to his Bridgeport, Chicago bachelor pad.

Sean now gave his brother-in law a gentle kick and shove with his foot.

“I’m not sleeping, Sean. I heard those loud footfalls a mile away while you were talking to the nurse.”

“And the snoring?”

“A ruse to keep intruders in their comfort zone.”

“And you would then pounce on them like a cat?”

“More like a mountain lion. A ninja mountain lion. I am spry under this façade of layering and big-bonededness.”

“Is big-bonededness a word?”

“Been using it all my life. If it wasn’t a word, I made it one to suit my structure.”

“Structure, huh.”

The mass shook in silent laughter as it got up from the chair. The darkness made Lars Bjorklund look even bigger. Lars slowly walked over to Havens like a bear on two legs stretching out of hibernation. Tree trunk-sized arms opened like a giant condor wingspan before enveloping Havens in a heavy embrace.

Havens had witnessed those same arms swinging a wooden bat at a 16” softball and effortlessly sending it well over 400 feet. The man was a yeti.

Lars’ hug lifted Havens from his feet.

“I’m so sorry Sean, I am so sorry.”

“Easy Lennie, you are crushing me.”

Lars, a 6’6” roughly 350 lb.-Swede chuckled, “OK, Georgie.”

“Lars, I am sorry about Christina. I should have been there for her.”

Havens saw Lars amidst the glowing medical lights wipe the tears rolling down his cheek.

“No, Sean, you always took real good care of my sister. This was not your fault. And I am going to raise holy hell at the station again tomorrow too. I haven’t been to the house yet, but I am going to make sure they didn’t miss anything. They said the perps have all ended up dead but I want to look that place over top to bottom for anything. It doesn’t make sense.”

“Thanks, Lars.”

Havens knew Lars was going to do whatever he wanted anyway so there was no point reasoning with him or trying to stop him at this point. Frankly, Havens wanted Lars’ view on it all anyway. The whole situation didn’t jive how gang-related street thugs were linked to the rape. He had learned on the plane that the thugs weren’t even hard core gangbangers.

The rape. I completely forgot she was raped.

Having broken from Lars, Havens grabbed Maggie’s taped and tubed hand. He bent to kiss his daughter’s cheek, not knowing if a kiss on the head could hurt anything more.

“I’m home, baby. I’m home. I’m here for you. You keep fighting and I will be here with you. I’m not leaving. Ever. I’m here.”

Lars too had walked up to the bed and was holding Maggie’s blanket-covered big toe as he had done since she was a child. He gently squeezed and wiggled it.

Lars added in a voice spoken to a baby, as if she were his own, “Uncle Lizzard loves you too sweetie pie. And if I have to go the cemetery myself…”

Lars let go of the toe, his voice transforming abruptly to one of deep-seated anger, “…I am going to make sure those fuckers who did this are buried face down so they see the fires that await their souls. Sean, I’m going to the house. Call me if you need anything.”

Havens said nothing but watched his brother-in-law leave the room. Havens looked at Lars’ hands as he left, half expecting to see a massive caveman club clenched in it. Nobody messes with Lars Bjorklund’s family, Havens said to himself. His sister was the last of his next of kin.

Chapter 20

hanks for the update, Jason. After the funeral you need to inform Havens that we need him in DC for the next couple weeks.”

“Sir, he won’t go for that. Not while his daughter is still in the hospital. He’s going to need some time off.”

“You can let him know that this contract his company has him on offers a one week bereavement time off. Then we will either need him here or he will have to seek other employment.”

Draeger looked at his fingernails while on the phone in casual indifference to the call and the topic. He bit a hanging cuticle and spit it to the carpet.

“I don’t have to tell you what his answer is going to be.”

“Jason, you don’t have to tell me anything. I served with him. You just have to tell Havens what his orders are and what his allowable absence will be.”

“Then what? He’s going to blow up on me.”

“Handle it. Then we start transferring him to domestic.”

“And the brother-in-law?”

“We have him all taken care of already, but I appreciate your information. That was a good catch on your part.”

“I thought you would be surprised.”

“Some things certainly get past me, but fortunately, we were in a good position on this one. I will be taking it from here once you cut Havens off. Be understanding and don’t burn any bridges with him. Be a friend.”

“We really aren’t friends, but he is a good guy.”

A good guy, my ass.
“We’ll take care of him; we just need him to consider some new opportunities that will be better suited for him given the recent tragedy.”

“Then why can’t you just tell him that you are going to transfer him?”

“First, and never forget this, we are compartmentalized. Buck stops with you in this chain of the network. He is still, and will remain so, unaware of my involvement. Second, I need this to unfold on his terms, not ours. Or so he will think. I’ll handle it from here.”

“Roger that, chief.”

“Talk soon. And solid job on Yemen. Place is unraveling just as we were hoping. Serious operational win there.”

“Thanks. Havens was pretty pissed at the bona fides he was working with that the Agency passed him. Sounded like he also had a real serious issue with security. I told him that I would follow up on that.”

“Well let me start with the first. Those guys don’t know what they are doing, but we have to use them. Second, thanks again for bringing it to my attention. I will handle it. No need to discuss further with Havens since we are rolling him out.”

“Roger that.”

“Speak soon.”


Draeger sat back in his chair.
Man, we definitely have to find a way to use less military jargon in our communications. I am sure we will come under scrutiny or surveillance at some time. Have to think about who we are supposed to be and not who we are. Eh, still have time. Too many bigger fish to fry and we can always just make our tapes disappear.

He was fidgeting with the seat swivel below. He liked being a man of power and the leather chair, fake as it was, still gave Draeger the feeling of authority. Master gamesman authority at that.

And welcome to papa, Havens. I need you to get these amateurs to the next stage so they don’t screw things up and then we can pin some of it on you.

Going to have to pay you a visit. Also have to figure out how to keep you and Lars apart. Didn’t count on that one, you sneaky fuck. How did I never catch that even at your house? What to do, what to do.

Lars could have an accident, but that would look suspicious.

The rape and murder was bad enough. Still a stretch, but it will have them guessing for years.

Can’t let Bjorklund pick up on anything there. Maybe get him locked away for something that would piss off Havens.

Prostitution? Gambling? Nah, he’s single. No one would care.

Draeger put his feet up on his desk. He was looking around the room to fuel his creativity. He liked playing God with other people’s lives. Manipulating others was far easier than managing his own exterior life and feelings of powerlessness. He was increasingly becoming an introvert when dealing with people eye to eye.

Clandestine work in Southeastern Europe, Somalia, Syria, and Lebanon had rattled his nerves. Iran had pushed him over the edge.

Havens seemed to have managed a bit better, no doubt with the help of Christina. She had helped Draeger too at times, though she didn’t know it. Sometimes she helped him by her simple inquiry as to how he was doing and actually meaning it. She could sense that there was a hole in Draeger and felt bad for him. While she didn’t know what was wrong, she knew he was an emotionally wounded warrior and genuinely wanted to know if he was OK.

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