Sexy SEAL Box Set: A SEAL's Seduction\A SEAL's Surrender\A SEAL's Salvation\A SEAL's Kiss (35 page)

She’d haul out the white flag and wave it like crazy.

Except then the game would be over.

“Oh, no,” she breathed instead. She gave him her best
go ahead, I dare you
look. “You haven’t won yet.”

“Maybe not. But you’re about to,” he promised.

Then he got down to the feast.

His hands cupped the firm flesh of her butt, lifting her to the perfect angle for his mouth.

Keeping it slow, reining in the desperation, he used his tongue. Licked a wet path from the inside of her knee, all the way to her now sopping wet curls. Breathing in, as if he were addicted to her musky scent, he blew a puff of air against the quivering flesh between her thighs.

Eden gasped. Her fingers curled, then uncurled, like she was trying to grab the rock.

He slid his tongue along her clitoris.

Eden moaned.

He slipped one finger, then two, into her hot, aching depths. Swirling, pressing, then sliding back out.

Oh, baby.

He was incredible.

She wanted him like crazy. More, she wanted him to want her. To ache for her. To be more desperate for her than he’d ever been for anyone else in his life. Eden wanted to be special.

That need, that hope, overcame all of her inhibitions.

Remembering the intensity in his eyes when he’d looked at her breasts, the way he’d reached for them then stopped himself, she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra.

Quick, with a grace she rarely showed in anything else, she slipped out of her blouse and bra, then lay back on the stone again so her body was bared to the night sky, the ocean air, and Cade’s hot eyes.

“Holy hell,” he breathed against her thigh. She wasn’t sure if the new wetness there was her own dripping juices, or if he was drooling.

Oh, please, her fragile ego begged. Let him drool over her.

With that in mind, she cupped her own breasts, using every move she wanted him to do on herself. She squeezed. She ran the tip of her fingers around her sensitive areola. She scraped her nail across the pebbled nipple, making herself gasp.

She could feel his eyes on her breasts. They were hot, intense as he watched from below. Even more turned on by his stare than she was with her own ministrations, she worked herself harder, her fingers swirling, plucking, teasing. His tongue swirled, plunged, sipped in time with her movements. She set the pace. She held all the control. She’d never had this much power, this much pleasure.

Then she cupped both breasts in her palms, the nipples jutting between her knuckles as she squeezed. Her hands worked the soft mounds, heating her own flesh as the cool ocean breeze nipped at the beaded tips in an erotic contrast. Her moans rose, her butt along with them as she pressed closer to his mouth, entreating him to take her higher.

His tongue stabbed, in and out. His thumb worked her throbbing clitoris, pressing, then skimming the swollen surface.

Her breath came in pants now. Her body rose higher. Her mind shut down. All she could do was feel.

His teeth nipped.

She exploded.

A fireworks of stars bombarded her closed lids, her head full back against the hard rock as she dug her heels into Cade’s shoulders to press herself higher. To wring every drop of ecstasy out of the orgasm.

She just kept coming and coming.

Wave after wave of sensations poured through her body.

In time with the crashing ocean below, the power of her climax was overwhelming. It was like being swept away on a sea of passion, helpless against the intensity.

Slowly, so so slowly, she floated back into her body. Awareness seeped in as she felt Cade’s body, still between her thighs. His hands slowly caressed her thighs, her butt. Like he was gently guiding her back.

Her own fingers soothed now, petting her exhausted flesh, warming her nipples as the passion eased, as her body settled.

“Wow,” she finally breathed. “As in, oh, my God. Wow.”

Cade’s laugh sounded pained. Like he was hurting.

Poor baby.

Eden forced her eyes open, using every bit of strength she had to tilt her head upright. Her lashes fluttered, eyelids so heavy as she forced them open to stare at her sexy hero.

The skin was taut across his face, as if he was facing high levels of pain. If his body was anywhere near as turned on as hers had been, he probably was.

And she was just the girl to take care of that for him.

Excitement giving her new levels of energy, Eden’s mind raced with all the things she wanted to do to him. On that body. Oh, baby.

She sat up, shoving her bra and blouse aside. She didn’t care that her skirt was bunched up around her waist and her panties probably feeding the sharks in the ocean below.

“Yum,” she said with a soft laugh. “I have to admit, I think you got my surrender there. But now it’s your turn.”

* * *


against the stone’s surface, throbbing so hard he was surprised it didn’t jackhammer the surface to dust.

Before it took over, snapping his tenuous hold on control, he pushed away from the rock and put some much needed distance between him and Eden.

“What...?” Her shock was clear as the words rang out in question.

He was in trouble.

He’d gone over the side of an aircraft carrier once. He’d had total faith in himself, his training and his calculations. Still, there had been one brief second when he’d jumped that he’d questioned his own sanity. The dive had taken forever, and had been over in an instant.

That’s how he felt now.

Like he was in over his head, and no matter how much he thought he was controlling the situation, there was every chance that it could all go to hell as soon as he landed.

She was five feet away, and yet, it was like she was still wrapped around him.

He could taste her, rich and heady, on his tongue.

He could feel her, soft and welcoming, against his body.

Her cries of delight, low and husky, would echo through his dreams tonight.

She was...


And she was sliding off the rock and coming his way.

Oh, God.

Her skin glowed white in the moonlight, a vivid contrast against the black skirt she’d thankfully tugged into place. Her berry-red nipples were still swollen, well-worked by her skilled fingers.

Cade tried to shove his hands in the front pockets of his slacks, but the fabric was pulled so taut, they wouldn’t fit. So he settled on crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at the ocean.

“Is that how it’s supposed to end?” Eden asked, her tone a combination of amusement and sexy contentment as she came closer. She didn’t touch him, thankfully. He wasn’t sure his slacks could handle it. But she stopped close enough that her scent, honeysuckles again, invaded his senses. Close enough that he could feel the warmth radiating off her slender body.

End? It shouldn’t have started. God, what was he thinking? He was supposed to be telling her about the loan his father was calling in. He should be helping her fix the mess her mother had left, one she didn’t even know was about to crash down on her.

Instead, he’d gone down on her in a public park.

Wasn’t he a prince.

“That’s how it should end,” he said. Then he realized how callous that sounded and almost groaned aloud. This was why he never did good girls—especially not here, in his hometown. He always stuck with ones who knew the game plan well before the panties were torn off.

But it was too late. Eden’s panties were who knew where, and she was looking at him like she wasn’t sure if he was the greatest thing since milk chocolate or a big mean ogre who was about to ruin her dreams.

He knew he should take the ogre route. He should be a hard-ass, tell her the way things were, and apologize for not filling her in before he’d stuck his tongue inside her body.

He should let his mistake be the perfect excuse to end things quickly and cleanly, before they got complicated. Or ugly.

Except this was Eden.

So things were already complicated. And he never, ever wanted to make her life ugly.

So instead of explaining, even nicely, why this had been a mistake, he did the most stupid thing ever.

He pulled her into his arms. Still staring at the ocean beyond, he sighed.

“I’ve got to get back to the hospital,” he lied. “So I guess only one of us gets to win tonight.”

Unable to resist, he brushed a kiss over her soft hair and added, “Sorry, babe. It was incredible.”


Eden sat at her desk, staring out at the green fields beyond the barn that served as her veterinary clinic and swore she could still feel tiny little aftershock orgasms. And she had to assume, given that it’d essentially been a solo party, that on the sexual Richter scale that’d been an average quake. She couldn’t wait to find out what a full-blown, totally naked, penetration-rocks explosion was going to feel like.

“The question is,” she murmured to the dog weaving between her feet and the chair legs, “will I get to find out? Cade wasn’t exactly beating the drum for a do-over last night.”

It was more like he was doing his damnedest to hurry her along before she got ideas. Either sticky ones that would require him to make excuses, or dramatic girly ones that would inspire him to run like hell.

But she hadn’t done either. After he’d practically carried her back to the car, since she was even less sturdy on her high heels after he’d rocked her world, they’d kept up small talk. Friendly, meaningless social chitchat, as they’d both been raised to excel in. Then he’d walked her to the door, brushed a kiss over her lips and hurried off to see his father in ICU.

She’d wanted to ask if that was just an excuse, since everyone knew Cade wasn’t a big fan of his father. And she wasn’t sure if ICU was open at ten at night. But for a Sullivan, usual rules never applied. The insecure part of her, the one she tried to pretend didn’t exist, had immediately wondered if Cade regretted their little love-fest.

The rest of her, the part that liked to dive headfirst into life and deal with the fallout later, shrugged off the worry. What good would it do to obsess? If he’d hated it, she’d deal with that when she saw him.

Or she’d sit here and freak out.

Sighing, Eden chewed on her thumbnail, wishing the knotted nerves in her stomach would unravel enough so she could eat something more nutritious for lunch.

A late lunch at that, since her clinic had had people in and out all day. Other than the three scheduled appointments, she’d had seven visitors, all casually moseying through to see how her day was coming along.

The first three had amused her. They’d all been schoolmates from town who’d wanted to congratulate her on trading up. Trading from what, she wasn’t sure. The next two visitors were harmless irritations, both social-climbing hangers-on who were clearly looking for something juicy to make them popular with the Oceanfront ladies. But the last two, who Eden actually didn’t know, had apparently learned their interviewing skills from the paparazzi. Or the inquisition.

Since none of them had pets, or the brains to pretend they might be checking into her services as well as her personal life, she didn’t feel bad about sending them away without a speck of fuel for their gossip.

Now she was hiding with the stack of files sent to her by local animal shelters and groups. The Shady Acres Retirement Home had five new residents this month and Eden wanted to visit in the morning with a list of possible pets for them to adopt.


Trying not to growl, Eden laid down her pen and eyed the dog.

“Think we can pretend we’re not here?” she asked the small gray mutt. “Because you know, they’re only after gossip.”

“Eden?” the voice called, louder and more insistent.

“Back here,” she admitted, rising resignedly to meet the eighth interruption of the morning. “In the office.”

Some—mostly the Oceanfront set—would say that calling a small room in a barn an office was a little on the ambitious side. But, hey, it had a desk, a phone and internet access. A few framed certificates, her veterinary license and a huge orange filing cabinet completed the office requirement checklist.

“Oh, there you are, dear,” the older woman said breathlessly, reaching the doorway before Eden had even crossed the small room. Eden eyed the stubby legs beneath that vivid floral dress. Had she run?

“Hi, Mrs. Carmichael,” she greeted cautiously.

“I brought Paisley in,” the heavyset woman said, stating the obvious since the cat was draped over her shoulders. She, not the cat, glowered at Mooch, who was cowering behind Eden’s feet. “I don’t want her scared, though.”

“She got to know Mooch the other day when she was here visiting,” Eden said cheerfully, holding out her fingers for the cat to sniff. With a jaw-snapping yawn, the feline arched her back, then stood on her owner’s shoulder to leap into Eden’s arms.

“Whoa, well, hello,” Eden said with a laugh, falling back a step under the sudden weight of the cat. “Aren’t you the sweetheart? And a take-charge sweetheart, at that.”

Impressed that the older woman could cart the twenty-pound feline around like she did, Eden decided comfort was more important than trying to prove she was as strong as a sixty-year-old. Hooking her foot around the wheel of her chair, she pulled it over next to the visitors’ chair. Just in case Mrs. Carmichael was the stay-close-to-her-pet type.

As soon as they settled—Eden with the cat in her lap—Mooch came over and stood, front paws on Eden’s legs, to say hi.

“Watch that,” Mrs. Carmichael cautioned, half rising as if to throw herself between the dog and cat.

Eden’s heart, always a sucker for anyone who loved animals, went soft.

“She’ll be okay,” she promised. But she put a cautioning hand on the dog’s collar, just in case.

It only took two sniffs before the cat was purring and rubbing her white-spotted face against the dog’s ear.

“Well, will you look at that?” Mrs. Carmichael gave the pair a baffled glance before turning, wide-eyed to Eden. “She never gets along with other animals. Or people, for that matter.”

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