Shifters, Beasts, and Monsters (79 page)

Read Shifters, Beasts, and Monsters Online

Authors: J.E. Francis Ashe Audrey Grace Natalie Deschain Jessi Bond Giselle Renarde Skye Eagleday Savannah Reardon Virginia Wade Elixa Everett Linda Barlow Aya Fukunishi,Christie Sims M. Keep,Alara Branwen


Chapter 6


curled up in bed, and for the first time in two days I felt like I slept. There
was no visitor, no handsome man cooing my praises. Not in the flesh, at least,
for he stalked my dreams and made me writhe. When my eyes fluttered open and I
saw that it was only eight, though, I squirmed.

hadn’t bothered wearing anything to bed except for the leather present he’d
left, and the sheets felt strange against my naked body. I didn’t have much of
an appetite since I met him, and I felt light and free as I sprawled beneath
the blankets. I yearned for him, and my fingers dipped down over my body.

had been a long time since I took the time to masturbate, to do anything more
than simply press my vibrator to my clit on max and wait for the inevitable release,
but this time I truly felt myself. My hands ran over my breasts, down over my
stomach, and I toyed with my skin. It felt so soft, so welcoming, and I didn’t
feel the same self-consciousness that I had since I was a girl.

the first time in my life I felt sexual. I felt like I could be desired, and I
moaned. My other hand went to my sex, snaking in beneath the leather as I felt
how wet I’d gotten, and that made it even better. The fact that I was turned on
made me more aroused, and I squirmed on my bed. “Anton,” I whimpered, and I
could picture him clearly, watching me. I pushed away the blankets so he could
see, from wherever he was, as my body writhed for him.

Anton,” I moaned again, louder, and my knees fell to the side, my body
spreading open as I fingered myself, my other hand tugging at my erect nipple.
“Oh, god.” I shivered and tugged harder, by body beginning to twitch without

even wait for me,” came his masculine voice right along with his strong hands,
roaming over my body as he sidled up against me. He was smooth and seductive,
and how his fingers sank into my soft flesh as I quivered and convulsed with
pleasure was bliss. I could feel his dick pressed against my hip, hard already,
and he moved his lips to mine. “Naughty girl,” he chided.

his reprimand, his presence, couldn’t stop the orgasm rushing through me, and
my back arched as I came. Oh gods, how I missed him, and I could smell him,
feel him once more. I didn’t know what he was, or where he’d come from, but I
swear it felt like love. Like I had a connection that was deeper than anything
I knew.

held me through the pleasure, though I didn’t notice until the tingling
subsided that he tied my arms to the headboard of the bed. He wore a cheeky
grin as he looked down upon me while straddling my waist, and that thick, dark
cock strained towards me. I was trapped there, though I had a view of his nude
form and the dark leather strips that covered his chest, that went around his
waist and thighs, without hiding any of his delicious form from me. Not those
stiff nipples, not that hard dick.

things better when you think of me?” he asked, though it was more of a
statement. He leaned forward before I could answer so that our noses nearly
touched. “Aren’t they better when you obey me?”

breath held as I stared into his eyes, and I nodded. Today had been far better
than any other at my miserable job. “Yes,” I agreed verbally, and I leaned
forward to kiss him, tugging at my binds. “Why am I tied up?”

hand slid through my hair and held it, keeping me just out of range of his lips
as he tilted his head and opened his mouth, taunting me with a kiss he wouldn’t
deliver. “Because I want you this way,” he said to me, smiling, though his
devilish features made him sly. “It’s your reward. I promised you a reward
tonight, remember?”

all the things to forget, I don’t know how I’d forgotten that. A thrill of
excitement rushed through me and I nodded, unable to lay still at the reminder.
Perhaps that’s why I had to forget about it all day. It would have been torture

smiled at me, and though he kept a tight hold on my hair he leaned in and gave
me a sweet kiss at last. “Good girl,” he said, pulling back so that I could see
his exquisite hard body again.

traced a finger down the center of my torso, lightly skirting my tits,
zigzagging and teasing me. “It was a little bit like we were together all day,”
he mused, as I watched that cock of his throb in the air. “And I’ve never been
happier,” he added with a grin.

neither.” . I startled myself with my candidness. I felt my body flush as I
watched his fingers, arching and begging him to touch my still sensitive
nipples. I tugged at the binds a bit more and squirmed under him, “I won’t run
away,” I promised.

laughed at that, such a pleasant sound from the large man. “I know you won’t,”
he said as he released my hair. He produced, as if from nowhere, some leather
implement as he brought his hand down from my head. A flogger. The word came
into my mind unbidden as he dragged its soft tendrils across my breasts.
“You’re not going to run away. You’re not going to deny me – deny us
– anymore, are you, Rita?” The thing brushed over my areola and stiff

arched towards it, even though my eyes were wide and frightened. I’d only heard
about such things, and I was a softie when it came to pain. My heart felt
leaden in my chest, but I couldn’t look at him. All I could do was stare at
that leather device. “You’re not going to hurt me?” I whimpered, already forgetting
his question.

nails on his free hand dug into my hip, and he struck the implement across my
breast, the sting of those leather tendrils both more and less than I
anticipated. “That’s not what I asked,” he said with a strange calmness.

had he asked? My breathing came on faster as all thought was brushed away, and
my mouth dropped open. “I... I... yes?” My eyes clenched in anticipation.

handsome brow furrowed, and he struck me again with the stinging weapon, his
thick cock throbbing in the air before him. “Wrong answer,” he said, and
scratched his fingers up from my hip to my other breast, which he grasped so
tightly that it hurt.

a harsher voice, he repeated himself. “You’re not going to run away, or deny me
ever again, are you Rita?” And he danced those dark stinging vines upon my fair
skin as he watched.

I shouted, and I didn’t worry about what the neighbours would think of a young,
single woman shouting such a thing from her bedroom. The only thing in my mind
was pleasing him, making him happy, and stopping that stinging in my sensitive

hurt, yet at the same time, I couldn’t help but notice how hard those buds
were, as if they were reaching out for more.

lifted one leg up and climbed from atop me to the side. “Good,” he said,
pleased with my final acceptance. Although I had no clue what else he had in
mind as he walked about the bed, taking hold of one of my legs and tying it
down before moving to the other. “Things are better this way.”

gnawed my lower lip until I could taste blood, letting it pop out swollen and
red. Swallowing, I squirmed against my binds, and even though I wanted nothing
more than to be free, it was comforting to be restrained. To not have options.

disgusted me how true it was, but my body didn’t care. It responded with pure
desire, writhing eagerly for him. “Anton,” I murmured, bidding him to come
comfort me.

wide eyes locked on mine, but he didn’t come to me then. He continued to slowly
circle me and the bed, teasing that threatening flogger against my thick
thighs. “You did well today.” I hadn’t noticed it until then, but he’d somehow
removed the leather panties from me. I only became aware then because he
lightly flicked the flogger’s whip-like vines against my quim.

gasped, the sensation quick and fierce, my head tilting back. I just wanted him
to touch me, to love me. I felt so bare and exposed, and I moved to try to
cover myself, but it was useless. He had tied me so tightly, and I wriggled
atop my bed sheet.

bent one knee and slipped it onto the bed beside me, continuing to trail those
stinging black whips over my skin. “I felt so close to you today,” he said, his
dark gaze on mine as he tilted his head and came close, but always out of
reach. “Almost like I was right there beside you at times.” I remembered the
moment I swore I could hear him in the office.

I didn’t understand it, I didn’t understand him. But my body tried to touch
his. I wanted to feel him inside me again, and I cursed myself for not picking
up condoms. I’d been so eager to get home, to seek him out again.

if he could read my thoughts, the corner of his lips quirked upwards, though he
said nothing. Just looked at me with his lusty eyes with such a sly expression.

ask questions,” he insisted, and he struck me across the thighs, leaving long,
thin red marks across my soft inner thigh.

cried out and shifted again, but I bit down on my swollen lip to keep from
asking more of him. I didn’t understand why he’d rather hurt me instead of
pressing his body to mine. I craved it so badly, the feel of his flesh touching
me once more, and every time that leather bit into my skin, I needed him more.

bent over me, prowling like some wild, feral animal. Sniffing at the air he
moved towards my womanhood, tracing the aroma of my sex to its source as he
supported himself up by grasping one of my thighs. “Your cunt smells so strong
after a whole day of desire,” he said with an appreciative murr to his voice.
“I approve.”

never felt more red then at that moment, his crass words making my skin blush
and tingle as I begged for his touch with my body. I didn’t speak, but I tried
to get closer to him, that tight hold on my thighs doing nothing to meet my

took his time, though, operating on his own schedule. He dipped his face to my
quim, nuzzled his nose to its glossy folds and savoured the scent before he
looked back up over my body, betwixt of the twin mounds of my breasts to meet
my gaze. “You’ll never doubt my word again, will you?” But he didn’t wait for
an answer before he pushed up and lashed me across my two thighs. “Will you?”

I cried out of frustration and arousal, my pelvis lifting to meet his mouth,
begging for his kiss upon my sex. I wanted it more than anything in the world
and I would do anything for it. “Please, no, never!”

on the bed, he watched me writhe before him. He had always been so loving, so
tender, so desirous of me. But as I gazed up at him then I saw the authority,
the command in his presence. That hard washboard body of his on full display as
he pried my thighs open.

chose you,” he said to me, scratching his nails along my soft inner thighs.
“But you made me very sad at first with your denial.” He trailed the tendrils
of his weapon over my sex, “your stubbornness. That was very bad of you, Rita.”
He explained it all so calmly, the threat of that leather present the whole

was I to know? To understand?” I pleaded with him, because I still didn’t
understand. Not fully. I’d never believed in anything outside of the tangible,
and he was something else altogether. He was something mystical, and
terrifying, and enchanting all at once. He was someone I could want, and
desire, unlike any human.

my thighs pressed apart, my soft inner flesh so vulnerable, he continued to
trail that weapon along my sensitive skin. “I want something more for you,
Rita. Something more for us.” With a swift strike he hit me with the stinging
implement across my sex, the leather biting into my vulnerable labia, making it

hot burning flooded me, emptying my mind of all thought, of all fear. All that
remained was sharp pain, and when I came back I heard my cry filling the room.
I wasn’t positive if I glared at him or not, because tears stung my eyes. Why
couldn’t he just make love to me?

cocky, confident smile on his face...

prowled over me like some dark panther, snaked in between my legs and crawled
up over me. That hard manhood pulsed against my flesh as he looked down at me,
our gazes locked. “I want to take you away with me,” he said.

it!” I begged him, pleading as my body moved towards him. The bindings held me
still, but it didn’t matter. I struggled against them regardless, needing to
feel his body. “Please, oh god. I hate this place. I want to go anywhere but
here.” A tear rolled down my cheek. I’d never confessed to anyone how unhappy I
was, how miserable I felt, but I needed him to know.

He brought the handle of the leather flogger up to my lips “I know,” he said
with a voice that expressed such supreme understanding. As if there was nothing
I could say that could ever shock or surprise him.

a catch though,” he whispered, grinding his dick against my mons and slit as he
met my eyes with that wide, almond-shaped gaze of his.

don’t care.” I lifted myself closer to him. “Please, tell me. I’ll do it. I’ll
do anything.”

traced the butt of the handle up from my chin across my cheek and face,
following my features with it as he watched. “It’s a big one.” His dick
throbbed against me.

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