Slow Burn (31 page)

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Authors: Terrence McCauley

Tags: #Thriller

He wondered what Vincent Russo was doing just then. He could’ve pulled out his handheld device and used OMNI to hack the security cameras Russo had installed in his to watch his office, but there was no need. He knew Russo was a creature of habit. At this time of day, he was probably working away as diligently as he always did; verbally glad-handing clients over the phone about the status of their investments; convincing him that the fund he was buying them was a steal at the current price.

He probably rolled his eyes when he looked at his calendar and saw his twelve o’clock appointment with a prospective client. The new one with the name he didn’t recognize. He might even think about postponing it, but realize it was already too late for that. Then he’d remember the statement that Hicks had sent him; the one detailing five million dollars he was looking to invest with Russo’s firm. Greed would get the better of him as greed tended to do and he’d keep the appointment.

Greed had made Russo vulnerable to blackmail in the first place. And greed was going to be the reason why Hicks enrolled him in the University.

Hicks didn’t feel sympathy for people like Russo or for any of the men and women he’d turned into Assets over the years. They’d all done things that had opened themselves to University pressure. Any dirt he had on them was their own fault. He’d sooner have sympathy for the devil himself than for any of his targets.

Still, becoming an Asset changed ones life and no matter how much they deserved it, the transition deserved at least some commemoration; hence the cigar.

Hicks was about half way through his smoke when a homeless man trudged into the alcove. He was pushing a creaky shopping cart as he escaped the wind of the coming storm. Given the man’s weathered appearance, Hicks couldn’t tell how old the man was except to see he was black and had a shaggy beard streaked with white and gray. His layers of tattered clothes looked liked they kept him reasonably warm and his cart was overflowing with plastic bags filled with other people’s garbage. They were the things people discarded, but this man found valuable.

Hicks could relate to such things. He decided he liked this man already.

He watched the man push the cart into the far corner of the alcove. Hicks was ready to shake him off if he asked for money or a cigarette, but the man surprised him by saying, “Hey, mister. You trustworthy?”

Hicks hadn’t been asked such a direct question like that in a very long time. “As far as it goes, I guess. Why?”

“Because you look like a trustworthy man to me,” the homeless man said. “The kind of man I could leave my things with and find them here when I get back.”

Hicks looked back at the cart overflowing with garbage, then at the man. “Why? Late for a board meeting?”

“Nope,” the man said. “Just got to find a bathroom is all, and I need someone who can watch my stuff while I’m busy.” He looked at Hicks’ cigar. “Looks like you’ll be here a while, and I promise I’ll be back way before you’re done smoking that thing.”

Hicks admitted he was curious. “Why so particular? I mean, why don’t you just…”

“Just find a doorway somewhere to piss in?” The homeless man shook his head. “Because it’s against the law and breaking the law just ain’t my style, mister. Besides, just because you are a certain way doesn’t mean you have to act the way people expect.”

Hicks liked the man’s attitude and felt bad about the board meeting crack. “You take as long as you want, my friend, but I’ve got an appointment at noon.”

“Funny, so do I,” the homeless man laughed as he shuffled off. “Got that board meeting you was talkin’ about. On Fifth Avenue, no less.”

Hicks watched the man trudge back into the growing wind and head west, leaving him alone with the pushcart filled with things only of value to him. We were all like that, Hicks though; pushing our own cart filled with shit we thought valuable through the world. Some valued love or comfort or money. Most wanted all three and thought money could lead to the other two. And if money didn’t lead to it, then it certainly could buy it.

The formula varied, but Hicks knew everyone had at least one thing they valued most in this world. To that homeless man, it was his cart. But most of the people Hicks dealt with had their valuables stashed elsewhere in encrypted files on hard drives or in safe deposit boxes in banks no one was supposed to know about. They kept their secrets buried deep within themselves and prayed that no one ever looked for them. But someone always found out because part of every secret kept was the yearning to be discovered. To get caught. To tell. To let someone in on it. To confess.

Hicks had been in the intelligence game for over twenty years. He’d seen damned near every aspect of the human psyche known to man and yet it still managed to surprise him. No matter how many ops he’d run in any part of the world, he’d always learned something new from each one.

Even from a homeless man while he smoked his cigar on the street of a city bracing for Snowmageddon. He flicked his cigar ash into the concrete ashtray next to him. Or maybe it wasn’t that deep. Maybe all of it was just unrelated bullshit.

Hicks’ cigar had burned down to a nub when the homeless man came toddling back for his cart, looking more refreshed than when he’d left. A cup of hot coffee piped steam through its plastic lid.

Hicks dug his hand into his pocket, came up with a twenty and held it out to the man.

He expected the homeless man to take it. Instead, he just looked at it. “What’s that for, mister?”

“Storm’s coming,” Hicks said. “I was thinking this could help you buy something to keep you warm.”

But the homeless man backed away from the money, back toward his cart. “No thanks. I got all I need in this cart right here. Being prepared is what you might call a motto of mine.”

Hicks put the twenty back in his pocket. “Mine too.”

Hicks ground out his cigar in the ashtray. A light snow, barely a flurry, had begun to fall. The day was almost too pretty to ruin by threatening someone into working for him.

Almost, but not quite.

Terrence McCauley is an award winning crime/New Pulp writer. In 2014, he won the New Pulp Award for Best Author. His short stories have been featured in THUGLIT, SHOTGUN HONEY, ATOMIC NOIR, MATT HILTON’S ACTION: PULSE POUNDING TALES Vol. 1 & 2 and other places. His short story – “A Bullet’s All It Takes” (from THE KENNEDY CURSE Anthology by Big Pulp/Exeter Press) won the 2014 New Pulp Award for Best Short Story. He recently compiled GRAND CENTRAL NOIR, an anthology where 100% of the proceeds go directly to God's Love We Deliver, a non-profit organization in New York City.

Terrence is a proud member of the Polis Books family. In Spring, 2014, Polis agreed to republish his award-winning novel PROHIBITION (TruTV’s Search for the Next Great Crime Writer Contest) and SLOW BURN (2014 New Pulp Award for Best Novel). His latest novel is SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL. Visit him online at
and follow him at

The following is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in an entirely fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2013 by Terrence McCauley

Cover design by 2Faced Design


Ebook designed and formatted by:


Originally published by Noir Nation in 2013

Reissued by Polis Books in June 2015


ISBN 978-1-940610-77-1


1201 Hudson Street, #211S

Hoboken, NJ 07030

Table of Contents

Title Page

Books by Terrence McCauley






























Sympathy for the Devil

Chapter 1

About the Author

Copyright Notice

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