Sold To The Alphas: A BBW Paranormal Romance (13 page)

Read Sold To The Alphas: A BBW Paranormal Romance Online

Authors: Amira Rain,Simply Shifters


Grayson heartily agreed, and I soon found myself in the position Chase had wanted me to be in, stripped of all my clothes. Then, while Chase dimmed all the lights in the cabin and lit several tall rust-red pillar candles on the dresser, Grayson guided me to lie back on a stack of pillows, telling me to just relax and enjoy myself. However, he hadn't even needed to tell me that. I definitely already was enjoying myself.


Still dressed, he leaned over me and began kissing me, doing something else at the same time, though I wasn't even paying very much attention to notice or realize exactly what that something else was. I was much too focused on the feel of Grayson's warm, firm mouth on my own.


It wasn't until he broke the kiss and pulled away, his deep gray eyes glinting in the candlelight, that I realized he'd fastened my wrists to the bedposts with black leather bondage restraints from the "pleasure chest."


He hadn't fastened them tightly, or at least not
tightly. I could still move my wrists a bit, enough to twist them around in the restraints a little, anyway, and the restraints didn't hurt. I definitely wouldn't be able to break free and get out of them, though, and I realized this didn't bother me a bit. I was completely at the mercy of Grayson and Chase, and I discovered I loved the feeling.


While Grayson had been kissing me and restraining me, I saw now that Chase had completed another little task besides lighting the candles on the dresser. In their soft glow, I could see that the "pleasure product" I'd been holding earlier was now attached to the bed, with the cords and leather straps fastened around the mattress. The rubbery-yet-very-stiff replica of a man's member was now directly between my thighs, mere inches away from the place I wanted it to be. Now extremely turned on and slick, I wanted it to be inside of me.


Instinctively, I went to move my hands to make that happen, but of course, I found I couldn't move them, on account of my wrists being restrained.


I looked up at Chase, who stood by the bedside to my right. "Please. Put it inside of me. I want you to make me climax with it."


His green eyes glinted with obvious amusement, irritating me. I was glad my predicament was so damn funny to him, because it really wasn't to me.


Running a large, strong hand along my thigh, he shook his head. "Not quite yet. Though Grayson and I will be turning the product on soon, and we definitely look forward to seeing the effect it's going to have on you.


“But first...first, we need to do something else. First we have to place a few Ticklers in different strategic areas so that the product between your thighs has maximum effect once it's turned on."


I sighed with frustration. "Well, I'm sure it will already have 'maximum effect' once it's turned on, because
already pretty turned on. And by the way, what do you mean when you say once the 'product' is turned on? What does it do?"


I had a little clue, and I was hoping I was right.


With his deep green eyes twinkling in the candlelight, Chase just gave me a devastatingly sexy half-grin. "You'll see. But Ticklers first."


He soon affixed a Tickler to my most sensitive spot, the very light touch of his fingers making me shudder, squirming. At the same time, Grayson was busy affixing Ticklers to my nipples, which was going to be a new experience for me. A very pleasurable-yet-intensely-frustrating one, I imagined, if the way the Ticklers felt even within seconds of being applied was any indication.


They immediately began working, the little disks of rubber slowly, almost imperceptibly, undulating and pulsing over my already-stiffened nipples.


I looked up at Grayson, panting. "Now please turn on the other 'pleasure product.' The one between my thighs."


My thighs, which were now nearly drenched in slickness.


Grayson just shook his head, making his dark hair glint in the glow from the candles. "I don't think so. Not quite yet. Let's give these Ticklers a few minutes to really work. And in the meantime, Chase and I will be getting out of our clothes so that we can fully experience the pleasure you'll receive from the other product


Being that I was quite helpless in my restraints, and I knew it, I had no other choice but to resign myself to increased frustration until Chase and Grayson were ready to allow me a little pleasure. I just hoped they weren't going to take
long to get undressed and join me in bed.


But, of course, being that they were both turning out to be master torturers, they did. They both peeled off their t-shirts with excruciating slowness, revealing their six packs, one chiseled ab at a time. They took off their big black boots and their remaining items of clothing with similar slowness while I watched, squirming, the Ticklers beginning to have a very profound effect on me.


Chase and Grayson seemed to enjoy my obvious frustration, exchanging a few glances with their full, delectable mouths curving a bit. Though, finally, they both got into bed with me, one of them on each side. They were clearly both rock-hard, their almost identical-sized large erections bobbing against my hips.


I bit back a moan, glancing from their thick shafts to the replica shaft between my thighs. "You're both cruel if you make me wait any longer. You're both absolutely cruel."


My most sensitive spot was now throbbing and tingling, the Tickler affixed to it quickly intensifying the sensation. My Tickler-covered nipples were tingling and aching on a level I'd never experienced before.


Grayson surveyed my body from head-to-toe, then shifted his gaze to Chase's face and spoke in a low, husky voice. "What do you say, Chase? Think she's ready for a little taste?"


I responded before Chase could. "Yes. 'She' is. She's ready for a 'taste' of anything that might end her frustrating torture."


Fighting a smile, Chase looked at Grayson. "Yes, I think she's ready for a taste. Just a little one."


While Chase further parted my legs and positioned the head of the very large and realistic-looking replica manhood at my slick entrance, Grayson grabbed a tiny black box from the nightstand. It had various little buttons and knobs on it, and once Chase was finished, Grayson pushed one of the buttons and turned one of the knobs just a degree.


I looked down, ecstatic to see that the replica was remote-controlled to do exactly what I'd hoped it would do, which was slide in and out of me on its own. Held in place by some sort of a spring attached to the cords and straps fastened around the bed, it began thrusting forward then pulling back, immediately making me cry out at the feel of its thick, rubbery head pushing past my slick lips and entering me over and over again with perfect, slow, steady rhythm.


Both of them glassy-eyed and breathing rapidly, Chase and Grayson watched the action of the replica, periodically glancing up at my face.


I was finally getting the pleasure I craved, but after a short while, I realized that the stiff, rubbery toy wasn't quite thrusting into me as deeply as I would've liked.


I turned my face to Grayson and spoke in a breathless whisper. "Can you make it go in deeper?"


With his dark gray eyes even darker than usual in the dim light, he shook his head. "I can, but I'm not going to. Not just yet. We said we were only going to give you a little taste first."


I groaned, the sound tapering off into something like a whimper. "Cruel. You're both absolutely cruel."


Wanting to yank the remote away from Grayson, I tugged on my restraints, trying to break free, but the black leather restraints held fast. I huffed, thinking of a different way to get the level of penetration I desired. If I couldn't get Grayson to make the stiff, rubbery toy slide any further into
, maybe I could slide further onto
, I figured.


Trying to make this happen, I lifted my hips and began moving them in rhythm with the toy, trying to take it deeper inside of me with each of its thrusts.


Judging by the sounds of a deep growl from Grayson and a groan from Chase, they both appreciated the sight of my efforts very much. However, my efforts weren't really paying off very much for
. I still wasn't able to get the toy to slide into me more than a couple of inches.


Just when I thought I may have to beg, Chase looked over me to Grayson and spoke in an incredibly husky voice. "Maybe she's had enough of a taste and is now ready for more.”


Seeming to agree, Grayson turned a dial on the remote, and the thick toy instantly began sliding into me much deeper, thrusting into my slickness until all but the very last inch or so was buried inside of me.


I moaned, grinding my head back into the pillows, the sensation of finally being filled completely almost more than I could take. While Chase and Grayson watched the movement of the toy with rapt attention, the sensation of its movements sent me over the edge. I bucked my hips, tugging on my leather restrains, while wave after wave of pleasure coursed through my body.


Once the last of my ecstasy had faded, Grayson shut off the toy, tossed it and the remote aside, and wasted no time in positioning himself between my legs. I had no idea if he and Chase had made some sort of prior agreement that he was going to be the man to get to make love to me first, but regardless, it was happening.


Chase rolled onto his side and began stroking his long pole while Grayson began thrusting into me deeply, soon bringing me to another powerful climax.


Then, it was Chase's turn, and he brought me to yet another release, one so intense that I saw stars.


After, I was finally freed from my restraints, and I rested in the warmth and safety of Chase and Grayson's strong arms, utterly spent. I slept like the dead, only waking maybe an hour or two after dawn, when I felt Chase and Grayson getting out of bed and I heard them leave. Still tired, I fell back asleep and didn't wake again until well after nine.


That afternoon, Rose came by for tea again, which we enjoyed on the porch like the time before, though this time, the first day of May, it was a beautiful, sunny, warm day, not a single raincloud in sight. While we sat in the porch rockers, sipping our tea and nibbling cookies, periodically giving Jack a few tiny bites, Rose filled me in on a few things she'd just heard from one of the wolves patrolling the village.


"He told me that the friends your men called down from the north have run into some trouble. They're still over a hundred miles away, and an enemy wolf pack is stopping them from going any further.


“They don't want to go through, because the enemy wolf pack greatly outnumbers them. However, they've still got time to think of something, perhaps a way to simply go around the other wolves, because the patrol wolf here in the village also told me that your men have been informed by their friends in Ashcrest that the Bloodfur's alpha, Richard, is still lurking around down there with his scenter.


“He hasn't been able to kidnap a fertile woman yet, so he'll probably remain down there a bit longer, until he gets frustrated and returns home. And maybe by that time, your men will have decided to go ahead and do the raid on the Bloodfur's camp to rescue your sister, no matter if their friends from the north aren't able to help, and no matter if they're outnumbered."


Disheartened to hear that Chase, Grayson, and their pack might have to go ahead with the raid while being outnumbered, I sighed, setting my mug on the little table between our chairs. Though almost as soon as I'd begun sighing, my sigh turned into a gasp when I realized something terrible. Something that I knew might cause Richard to come racing up from the south right away.





I looked at Rose with my stomach twisting into knots. "The whole reason Richard is down near Ashcrest is to find a fertile woman to drag back up here to mate with, right? Well, his pack has already managed to kidnap one for him while he's been away. So, what's to stop them from just calling him and telling him that, if they haven't already?


“What's to stop them from just calling him and telling him to come back up here, because his mission down south has been made pointless? I know the Bloodfurs have to have cellphones. Even the poorest packs and communities have them now, at least a couple. We even had cellphones back in Greenleaf, and sure, they were all old and beat up, but they still worked, at least when reception wasn't terrible."


Rose broke off a bit of cookie and set it on her shoulder for Jack before looking at me with her dark brown eyes twinkling. "You're forgetting how good with technology the folks in Ashcrest are. I'm sure the scenario you described would have happened almost as soon as Skye was kidnapped...
the folks in Ashcrest hadn't done something to render Richard's and his scenter's phones unusable almost as soon as they arrived down there.


“I'm not even sure exactly what...some kind of a signal-jamming system or something. So, no. Richard won't be learning from a cellphone that his pack has Skye. Though I know your men have had some concerns about Richard becoming suspicious about his and his scenter's phones not working.


“I know they've been worried about this, making him realize the folks in Ashcrest are aware of his presence in the area and his plan.


“Which, of course, might make him eventually decide to call it off and head back here. I know your men have also been concerned about one of Richard's pack members possibly heading down there to tell him about your sister's kidnapping and tell him to come back up here.


“I know Stone will be doing some surveillance on the Bloodfurs this evening, checking to make sure your sister is still all right, but also checking to see if any of the Bloodfurs seem to be missing, indicating that one of them has headed down south to find Richard."


Nothing Rose had said had helped to untangle the knots in my stomach. In fact, the knots were now tighter.


I sat back in my chair, sighing. "I just want Skye back, safe and sound. And it's seeming more and more like it might take a miracle to make that happen."


Rose lifted her bony shoulders in a shrug. "Well, do you believe in miracles?”


I studied her face, incredulous. "You're the second person in as many days who's asked me that question."


"Well, what's your answer?"


I sighed, pulling my long brown hair over one shoulder. "I don't know. For other people, yes. I believe in them for Flora. And I guess I have to believe that a miracle will happen for Skye's rescue."


"But how about for you, personally? Do you hold out any hope for a miracle for yourself? Maybe in an area of your life where you feel like there
any hope?"


Certain I was frowning, I peered at Rose, wondering just what she was getting at. Wondering if she'd been into her wine that day.


But before I could ask her any questions, she set her mug on the table and rose from her rocker. "I've said too much. Sometimes I'm tempted to tell you what the funny joke is, the joke having to do with your little secret, but I've decided I probably never will. I think you need to work things out and learn things on your own. I think you'll be better for it."


I rose from my rocker as well, fighting a rising feeling of irritation. "Rose, just what exactly is so funny to you about my infertility? Obviously, you know that I switched my test results with Skye's, and I'm now in a bit of a pickle because of that.


“I'm probably going to lose Chase and Grayson, who I've both grown to care about very much. I'll probably have to go back to Greenleaf with my head hung in shame. Just what could possibly be funny about all that? I don't mean to be rude, but have you had anything to drink today? Is that why something about my situation still seems funny to you?"


If my possibly rude question about her drinking had offended her, Rose didn't show it. She just smiled, making her way over to the porch steps. "Valid question, but no. I haven't had anything to drink today. I've been trying to lay off it a bit lately. With all the trouble from the enemy wolves lately, I guess I've felt a need to keep my druthers about me, just in case I'm needed in any way. Not that anyone thinks I'm anything other than a harmless old woman, and not that anyone would believe I have powers even if I told them."


Now I felt bad. Terrible, actually. I'd basically accused Rose of midday drunkenness when she was actually sober because she wanted to help in the village if needed. She'd already made her way down the porch steps with Jack on her shoulder, and I called out for her to wait.


"Please, Rose. Just wait a second. Sorry I asked if you'd been drinking. I think it's great that you haven't been. And for what it's worth,
believe you have powers. I've definitely become convinced of your psychic abilities, too."


She turned, smiling, and dipped her head in a single nod. "Thank you. And thank you for the tea as well. I'll come by to visit again soon."


With that, she took off down the lane with her wooden walking stick tapping the dirt.


Later that afternoon, Flora and Lily came by to visit, and Flora reported with a grin that she was still feeling sick and still hadn't gotten her period yet.


"I'm officially late now. I think I'm going to wait until tomorrow to take a test, though. I'm going to force myself to wait until at least tomorrow morning. Something about taking a test the very first day I'm late, just feels like it might be a jinx. It just feels like I'd be somehow forcing it to turn negative because of my over-eagerness or something, even though I know that doesn't exactly make sense."


I was kind of dying to tell her that there was nothing at this point, except maybe a faulty test, that could give her a negative result, but I knew I had to wait and keep what Rose had told me a secret. Flora would find out soon enough.


When Chase and Grayson got home late that evening, I could tell right away that something was up. They were both frowning, their eyes as troubled as I'd ever seen them.


Not a few seconds after they'd come through the door, I took one of each of their hands, glancing between their faces. "What's wrong? Did Stone find something out tonight? Is Skye still okay?"


After glancing at Grayson, Chase frowned even harder. "She's still fine. But Stone overheard some bad news tonight. One of the Bloodfur pack left a few days ago to go tell Richard that the pack already stole a fertile woman for him. We're estimating that Richard will be arriving back in the area by tomorrow morning, at the latest. But we also have another problem."


"What is it?"


Chase heaved a sigh, still frowning. "Stone was caught spying and barely escaped the Bloodfur's camp with his life. They're onto us now. They know we're going to try to get Skye back, and now they know that
know that Richard will be returning soon.


“We think they're going to try to attack us here, in the village, once he's back, but we're going to head them off at the pass. We're going to attack them at their own camp, tonight, and try to rescue Skye, despite the fact that we'll be outnumbered because our friends from the north have been delayed.


“But it doesn't matter. We'll still get Skye back for you, Rowan. And in the meantime, while we're doing, Flora, and Lily will still be protected here in the village. We're going to leave at least five men behind, the absolute most we can spare, to keep the three of you safe."


Just then, there was a knock at the door, and Chase went to open it. "Probably Hunter wanting to know who we've decided to leave behind to serve as guards."


It did turn out to be Hunter, and while he and Chase talked out on the porch, Grayson pulled me close and held my face to his hard chest.


"Please believe me, Rowan, that we're going to get Skye back and everything will be just fine. Our pack might be outnumbered, and the fight will be much more of a challenge now that we won't have our friends from the north to help us, but the Bloodfurs don't have their alpha, and our pack is strong, and we
take them out. I promise you that.


“And then after...after will begin a happily-ever-after for either you and me, or you and Chase, because I have a feeling that you're going to become pregnant very soon. Just a gut feeling I've been having. I just pray that it's me who's the father of your baby.


“I just hope your happily-ever-after is with
. Because, Rowan...." Pausing, Grayson gently lifted my chin to make me look at him. "Sometimes lately I can't imagine my life without you in it. I want us to be forever, and I want us to be a family. I want to have a child with you. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy."


While I looked deeply into his coal-gray eyes, my own eyes suddenly began filling with tears. I could never give him the child he wanted. I was going to break his heart.


A tear began rolling down my cheek, and Grayson wiped it away with his thumb, frowning, opening his mouth presumably to ask me what was wrong. But before he could, there was some sort of a commotion out on the porch. The sounds were muffled, but I heard scuffling feet and shouting.


Grayson immediately released me and headed for the door, but before he even made it there, Chase came charging through it, eyes wide.


"They're here. The Bloodfurs are here. They beat us to the attack. Grayson, let's go. Rowan, you stay in this cabin, door locked, no matter what. Shut the lights off, too. Understand?"


I nodded, trembling. They both pressed lightning-fast kisses to my forehead, and then they were gone.


While the shouting outside the cabin turned to snarling and howling, I locked the door and shut off all the lights, making the cabin pitch-black. Then, knees weak, and not knowing what else to do, I had a seat on the couch and put my head in my hands. I was worried for Chase, Grayson, and their pack; I was worried for Flora and Lily, who I knew must be just as terrified as I was; but most of all, I was worried for Skye.


I knew she was likely still back at the Bloodfur's camp, probably tied up, and I knew Richard could be coming back at any time.


I also knew it wouldn't take him any time at all to discover the little gift his pack had kidnapped for him, and it likely wouldn't take him any time at all to violate her. Just the thought made me shudder.


Listening to what sounded like a fierce battle raging in the lane outside, I continued sitting on the couch in the dark, with my face in my hands, thinking. Someone had to get to Skye before Richard could. Someone had to bring her back to Shadowfen.


But from what it sounded like, Chase, Grayson, and all the wolves in their pack were going to be very busy for quite some time. Maybe even all night and into the morning.


So, eventually, after a few minutes, I realized what I had to do. I stood up from the couch, taking a deep, steadying breath in an effort to stop my trembling. I knew I couldn't tremble my way to the Bloodfur's camp, weak-kneed. If I was going to rescue Skye, which I was now determined to do, I needed to be strong.




It sounded like most of the fighting was happening out in the lane in front of the cabins. However, a quick peek out the window showed me that the fighting had now moved way down the lane, far enough down that I knew I could probably leave the cabin and start heading west to the Bloodfur's camp without being seen.


It only took me a minute to stuff a backpack with a few flashlights and bottles of water. I also rummaged through the kitchen drawers, found a pocketknife I'd come across before, and jammed it into my jeans pocket. I knew it wasn't much of a knife, and it wasn't even very sharp, but I knew there might be need for me to defend myself, or Skye, and the pocketknife was the best weapon I could come up with.


After throwing a black sweatshirt on over my light pink t-shirt, I very quietly crept out of the cabin and quickly moved around to the side, away from the glow of the porch light.

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