Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Love (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Saints Protection & Investigations Book 7) (10 page)

Still sucking, he moved one hand down over her slightly rounded belly, to her slick folds. Slowly inserting one digit into her tight channel, he fingered her gently. Crooking deep inside, he knew he had hit the spot he wanted to find as her moans increased. Pulling a taut nipple into his mouth, he sucked hard, giving it a nip before soothing with his tongue.

Evie wanted to throw her head back but forced herself to continue to watch the man hovering over her, making her body sing. She felt every nerve. Every tingle. Every caress and suckle. And thought she would scream with need. Her body taut, she almost lifted from the bed as his thumb circled her clit. The pressure built until with one last tweak of his finger, she burst with electricity pulsating in all directions. He sucked her nipple as her head fell back against the pillow, a moan filling the spinning room.

He felt her inner walls clench, watched her gasp as her body shook with her orgasm and realized he had never seen anything as beautiful as a woman he cared about being pleasured.

Barely able to lift her head, she smiled as he placed his fingers into his mouth, wet with her juices, and sucked them. He moved back up over her body, his lips capturing hers once more. Tasting her essence on his tongue, she felt her womb clench once again and her hips rose in silent invitation.

Smiling, he brushed her damp hair away from her face, leaving a trail of wet kisses from her forehead down along her jaw, her lips captured. Owning the kiss, he plundered, sucked, tasted, taking her breath.

“I need you…now!” she managed to gasp, opening her legs wider.

“Anything for you, baby,” he promised. Rolling to the side, he grabbed a condom that he had tossed to the pillow just before getting onto the bed. Rolling it on, he slid back over her body. With her legs spread for him, he stared down at her glistening sex and seated himself at her entrance.

He wanted to go slow, to savor every feeling, but one look at her lust-filled eyes, and the feel of her soft body underneath his, he lost all resolve. Plunging his erection to the hilt, he stopped as her sudden gasp met his ears. “Oh, baby, I’m sorry,” he panted, starting to pull out.

“No, no, keep going,” she begged. Evie was no virgin, although her experience was rather limited and it had been a while.
And no one was ever this size!
The feel of his girth against her tight walls created the perfect friction.
God, Yes!
her mind screamed, as her hands and legs clasped him tightly to her body, holding as though he would disappear.

He thrust slowly, allowing the moisture to slick her inner walls, easing the passage. As her core began to accept his aching cock, he pumped faster. Feeling her relax slightly underneath him he kissed her, his tongue moving in unison with his dick. Her moans filled his mouth as he moved faster and faster with ease.

Feeling his balls tighten, he slipped his hand down between them, resting his weight on his other bent arm.

All thoughts flew from her mind as the feeling of this man on top of her, joined with her as one, consumed her. The feeling of friction deep inside had every nerve tingling again, and she desperately wanted the sweet bliss she knew was coming. Tighter and tighter she coiled.

Moving his mouth down to suck on her nipple while his fingers clamped down on her swollen clit was all it took to take her over the edge. With her fingernails digging into his back he watched as she screamed out his name, her tight pussy walls clamping down on his dick. He had never liked a woman’s fingernail marks on his back before, not wanting any woman to have a claim once they parted, but this?
Fuckin’ yeah.
He wanted to wear her marks for all to see, as he looked down at the love bite he had given her earlier.
Both marked. For each other.

With only a few more thrusts he threw his head back, a grimace on his face as his neck corded with the force of his orgasm. Deeper and deeper. Finally, with every drop wrung out, he collapsed to the side, twisting with her in his arms, keeping her tightly in his embrace.

The lust momentarily spent, Patrick’s mind rolled her earlier words over and over.
She’d been talking about something at work. Thinking about quitting. Damn, I was so overcome when she came on to me, we never finished talking about what happened.

Her body limp next to his, he glanced down at her face. She looked…
well satisfied
, he thought, puffing his masculine pride. Her eyes were closed, thick lashes resting on her cheeks. Her well-kissed lips, plump and moist, and opened ever so slightly as her breathing evened. Hating to ruin the moment, he knew something had occurred besides the heart-to-heart phone conversation with her mother. “Evie?”

“Mmmmm,” she replied, her body sated and boneless.

He lifted her chin with his fingers so her eyes met his. “You mentioned something about today and wanting to quit. Did something happen at work?”

She gazed over his shoulder for a moment before sliding her eyes back to his. “I was threatened at work toda—”

“What the fuck?” he shouted, jerking hard while pulling her body in closer.

“No, no, not like that,” she hastened to say. “I mean my job was threatened.”

His fury abated only by a smidgen and he growled, “Evie, I need you to tell me everything.”

Huffing, she said, “You’re not making this easy. I was talking earlier about feelings and you’re getting all alpha macho.” Seeing the unchanging expression on his face, she plunged ahead and explained the morning’s meeting with Gary and Saul. “So essentially, my trying to do something good has now made them re-evaluate whether or not they want me there as an engineer.”

Patrick’s anger had not diminished during her explanation. GMS’ management had him seeing red, but he knew she was continuing to struggle with her emotions so he kept his fury under control.
At least until I get a chance to find these assholes!

Chapter 12

wo days later, Evie waited nervously for her guests to arrive. Patrick had sent her address to Monty and the group arriving from Virginia were expected at any moment. Patrick came into the living room, saw her rearranging the magazines on the end table and walked over, placing his large hand on hers.

“Baby, it’s gonna be—”

She jumped as the doorbell rang. Casting an uneasy glance his way, she offered a tremulous smile.

Squeezing her hands, they walked to the door together. The room filled with the three large men who entered, along with Patrick’s beautiful sister. It did not take long for Evie to wonder why she had ever been concerned.

Angel rushed to sweep Evie into a huge hug, warm and sincere. “I’m so glad to meet someone who’s so perfect for my brother. He’s told us so much about you!”

Evie’s eyes widened as she peered over Angel’s shoulder to Patrick and was met with his wide grin. Pulling back, she took in the fun appearance of his sister. Her long blonde hair was streaked with pink, purple, and teal stripes. She looked like a cupcake—exactly as he had described.

Angel’s fiancé, Monty, introduced himself with a smile before throwing his arm around Angel. Marc, introduced as the pilot, was even larger than Patrick, and with his rugged handsomeness and thick beard, looked like he would be more at home in a cabin in the mountains. Then came Cam, an even larger Hispanic man, with an easy smile.

As the group moved into the living room, the doorbell sounded again. Opening the door, Evie was greeted by Dude and his wife Cheyenne, a soft-spoken, brunette beauty. She and Patrick had met them for dinner the evening before and Patrick invited them over for the planning. Hugging them both, she watched as Dude immediately integrated with the other men as if he had known them for years. She turned toward the women, introducing Cheyenne to Angel.

The five men sat down and began planning their evening activities. Evie wanted to hear what they were saying but felt her hostess duties included getting lunch ready for everyone.

Angel grinned and patted her shoulder. “I’ll grab the drinks while you listen. Just tell me what to set out and you can stay.”

Cheyenne agreed, saying, “Angel and I’ll take care of everything. You go on in.”

Shooting them a grateful look, she responded, “The chicken salad and roast beef slices are in the refrigerator. I was going to set them out with the potato salad, chips, and slaw.”

“Got it, sweetie,” Angel grinned and headed into the kitchen, arm in arm with Cheyenne.

Evie listened carefully to what the men were saying, but it soon became evident that she had no clue what they planned. Military terms were being bandied about, but she discerned that Patrick and the others would be breaking into the warehouse that evening and gathering information from the computers, in the hope that it would lead them back to the culprit at GMS.

Her stomach clenched at the thought and a gasp escaped before she could control her breathing. The men’s gazes all jumped to her in concern.

“Babe—” Patrick said, starting to stand.

“No, no,” she said quickly, holding her hand up. Looking at the men, she blushed. “I’m sorry. It just really hit me that this is happening.” Seeing their questioning expressions, she hastened to explain. “I’ve been in the middle of this mess for weeks now and just recently…” her eyes cut to Patrick’s, “had my job threatened if I don’t stop trying to find out what happened—”

“What the fuck?” Cam growled, leaning forward in his seat, his eyes piercing hers.

Dude cast his gaze between Evie and Patrick, a glower on his face matching the other men’s.

Giving a little shrug, she looked back over at Patrick, seeing his warm expression on her. “Let’s just say that it gave me a lot to think about.”

Monty spoke up, “Patrick, Evie. We can stop this right now. We don’t have to do anything. No problem, no worries. None of us want you to lose your job over this.”

Smiling at his sincerity, she shook her head. “No, I want you here. I thought about it and I’m not afraid of losing my job. In fact, if that’s the kind of place GMS is, then it makes me question whether I want to continue my employment there anyway.” Looking at each person in the room, almost giving in to a nervous giggle at the sight of the four large men settled in her small living room, “All I meant was just that it hit me how real this is. But please, continue. I want to get to the bottom of this.”

With a grin toward Patrick and catching his wink, she moved to the kitchen to help Angel and Cheyenne. “I should apologize,” she said, “leaving you in my kitchen to fix lunch.”

Laughing, Angel replied, “Oh, sweetie, I’ve been where you are! I was threatened a few months ago and believe me, Monty would have moved heaven and earth to get to the bottom of it. He and all the Saints.”

“Same here,” Cheyenne admitted, with a smile. “They’re just like Dude and his SEAL brothers.”

“Sounds like an interesting group of men,” Evie said thoughtfully.

“None better,” Angel enthused. “And Patrick will fit right in with the Saints. Dedicated, inquisitive, intelligent, and throw in a bit of an alpha when it comes to his woman!”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say I’m his woman—”

“Evie, you don’t know it yet, but you already are!”

Her eyes jumped to Angel’s and Evie bit the corner of her lip. “I confess, I didn’t want to have anything to do with him when I found out he was in the military, and then again when he said he was moving to Virginia.”

Angel’s gaze softened and she turned from her task, setting down the bowl she had been carrying. “I’m sure that was hard. Afterall, your life is here. Have you thought about what you want to do? Try a long-distance relationship?”

Shaking her head, Evie said, “I don’t think that would work, do you? I mean, we’re talking about California and Virginia…opposite sides of the country.” Glancing back into the living room, she watched as Patrick enthusiastically planned the mission with the others. “I could never hold him back from this,” she admitted. Turning back to Angel, she said, “I guess I’ll just have to figure out exactly what I’ll do. But I know one thing,” she grinned, “I’m crazy about your brother.”

Smiling, the women finished the simple lunch and took it into the living room, listening as the men continued to plan.

*     *     *

That night, dressed all in black with a cap pulled over his blond hair, Patrick got his first up-close view of Cam’s breaking and entering skills and was amazed.
Damn the man is good!
Missions in the Special Forces often involved the same skills, but from what he understood, Cam’s were developed as a youth in a gang in El Paso, Texas. Grinning, he quietly followed the big man as they made their way down the back alleys of the dock warehouses. He watched as Cam easily by-passed the security system, with Luke’s assistance from back in Virginia and Marc’s technical skills as well.

Walking through the barely-lit halls, they quickly entered offices and hooked up their specialized thumb drives to the computers, allowing Luke to essentially be able to read anything that had been placed on the hard drives.

While Monty and Cam worked with the computers, Marc and Patrick did a search of the large warehouse. Moving amongst the tall wooden crates, they found nothing out of the ordinary. Patrick stood for a moment and whispered, “You know, if this warehouse company were part of the black market, they’d be using more than one distributor.” With his hand resting on one of the crates, he said, “I wonder what’s in these?”

Marc grinned and grabbed a crowbar propped against the wall, next to other tools. “Let’s find out,” he answered excitedly. With some leverage, he managed to pop the top off one of the crates, his muscles straining against the wood. Peering in together, they carefully moved the straw packing material to the side…exposing M4 Carbines. Whistling at the find, Marc and Patrick eyed each other.

Used heavily by the U.S. military, he knew that just because they were in this warehouse did not mean they were stolen—at least, not necessarily. Putting the lid back on, after snapping pictures of the weapons, Marc made quick work of nailing the lid down.

Cam and Monty met them in the corner and were filled in on their find. Monty nodded, saying, “We need to get these drives back to Luke and I’ll call Mitch to let him know what we’ve found.”

Patrick looked questioningly at Monty, who explained that Mitch Evans was an FBI agent located in their area. “He’ll know who to contact with the Sacramento branch of the FBI to get them involved.”

With that agreement, the four men slipped unnoticed back into the dark alley. Patrick’s thoughts swirled on the way to the hotel, where they left Evie and Angel. What appeared to be a random loss of a shipment, then seemed to be the work of someone at GMS, now had the probability of being a full-scale black market for military equipment.

*     *     *

Evie and Angel opened the door, taut nerves easy to read on their faces. Patrick stalked directly to Evie, wrapping her in his embrace while Monty moved instinctively to Angel. Marc and Cam pushed past the couples, grins on their faces.

Angel looked up and smiled, saying, “I can tell you all had a good evening!”

Evie watched in curiosity as the men, pumped from a successful mission, joked and laughed amongst themselves.

Cam walked over to Evie, bending to kiss her cheek. “Thanks for a good time,” he chuckled. “We’ll let Luke talk to Patrick here and the Saints’ll find out what they can. Marc and I’ll be flying out in the pre-dawn hours, so I’ll say goodbye now. Hope to see you in Virginia.”

Before she had a chance to respond, Marc came over, giving her a similar goodbye. “You’ve got a good man there. You two’ll fit right in with the rest of us.”

The two men headed out the door, leaving her and Patrick with Monty and Angel. Evie stood quietly with Patrick’s arms around her as Monty turned to his fiancé. “Babe, we’re still staying for a couple of days, but I’ve got to be on the phone for a while with Mitch.”

“That’s fine,” Angel said. “I’m exhausted anyway.”

Patrick and Evie walked to the door as well, the two women hugging. Monty shook Patrick’s hand and grinned. “You did good tonight. Of course, you being Special Forces…I had no doubt. We’ll come over tomorrow and I’ll let you know what Mitch and Jack say.” His eyes cut over to Evie and he smiled. “How about we take you guys out to eat tomorrow?”

“That’d be fine,” she smiled, warmed by the couple’s friendship and concern. With that, she and Patrick drove back over to her place.

Once there, Patrick followed her inside. He wanted to stay but was unsure how she felt. He watched as she eyed him from underneath her lashes and grinned. Her long, dark hair hung over her shoulders and as she slipped off her shoes, he realized once again how petite she was compared to him. Deciding to take matters into his own hands, he walked over and stilled her nervous fidgeting. “Babe, you’ve got to know that I want to stay.”

Her gaze jumped to his in surprise, seeing his smiling face peering down at her. “Oh, I really wanted you to, but didn’t know if it was…uh…well, too clingy.”

Throwing his head back, he responded, “No one could ever accuse you of being clingy, Evie. Not after I’ve had to work so hard to build us to where we are!”

Giggling, she pretended to slap at him but found her hand trapped in his as he wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground. Easily hauling her into the bedroom, he gently tossed her onto the bed, following quickly. Holding his weight off her by leaning on his forearms, he owned her mouth. Raining kisses on her face, he then captured her giggling mouth once again, as the two began the slow, erotic dance of lovers.

*     *     *



With his tongue licking her wet sex just before nipping on her clit, Evie stared at Patrick’s head between her legs. She once more wished his hair was long enough to grab, having to fist the sheets instead.

Pressing her head back into the pillow as far as she could, Evie screamed out Patrick’s name as her orgasm slammed into her, harder than she ever remembered. Quaking jolts shot from where his tongue worked its magic outward to every nerve in her body. Panting, she was barely aware as he maneuvered his Adonis body up over hers.

He grinned, seeing the sated expression on her face as it began to relax and a slow smile crept across her face. His cock strained toward her soft entrance, wanting its chance to feel her pliant warmth enshrouding it.

Patrick waited until her dark eyes opened and, for a second, halted as the depths of her feelings shone toward him. Capturing her lips, he sealed their fate with a kiss of the promise of a future.

Wrapping her limp arms around his waist, she tugged to gain his attention. “Don’t make me wait another second. I need you inside me…now!”

“Hmmm, what shall I do with Miss Impatient?” he teased, his tongue still dancing around hers.

Giggling, she smiled as he fitted his cock against her entrance and her ready body welcomed him.

Gently at first, then thrusting harder and harder, all thoughts of teasing flew from his mind. Rocking into her, he tried to memorize her as their bodies became one, but the ever changing emotions crossing her face had him mesmerized. The combination of love and lust seemed to radiate from her, overwhelming at times. Closing his eyes, he powered through as his mind became melded with his cock and the goal of releasing inside of her warm, tight sex became overpowering.

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