STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (12 page)

Read STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary


All right,

he said, drawing out the words. 

I'll get rid of the beer bottles.  Is there anything you want?


Just you.  It won't take me long.

    Cray dumped the bottles in the trash.  He'd removed his suit jacket, loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves as he talked with Mona.  Now he took off his belt and removed his shoes and socks.  By the time he finished, Angelica floated to the room where he sat in the diaphanous nightgown and matching robe that he watched her pack earlier that day.

    His breath caught in his throat as he stood and approached her. 

Angelica, you take my breath away with your beauty.  You truly are sent from heaven.


No, Cray, I'm flesh and blood and I want to be yours in every way that a man and woman are meant to be.

    He scooped her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, setting her on her feet at the foot of the bed.  She said,

Do you want to undress me or watch me disrobe?

    He shrugged out of his open shirt, threw it aside and did the same with his trousers. 

I don't trust myself to touch you, I want you so much.

    She unfastened the jeweled clasp at her waist and let the robed fall off her shoulders and float to the carpeted floor.  He took one step closer to her, placed a hand on each shoulder and slipped the thin satin straps down her arms, caressing her arms.  The gown flowed from under her breasts to her feet and he pulled the tie of the bow holding the bodice up as he bent his head and kissed her throat. 

    He planted warm kisses along her jawline and below her ears and felt her tremble, listened to her sighs.  His lips moved down over her silky skin, lower, until his teeth grasped the opened bow, tugged and the gown slid down her body, puddling around her feet.  He straightened and gazed at her magnificent, perfect body.  Her hands tugged at the waistband of his boxers and he helped her remove them.  They studied each others' nakedness for a full thirty seconds and then simultaneously stepped closer to embrace.

    To an onlooker, their moves might have seemed orchestrated, contrived, rehearsed, but not to them.  They were coming together to consummate their love and it didn't matter that a mere few days had elapsed since meeting.  What mattered was they'd found their mate.

    He suckled her breasts, she stroked his erection and cupped the tight globes of his manhood.  She took his hand and led him to the side of the bed and in a graceful move slid over to give him room beside her.  He pulled the drawer of his nightstand open, extracted the silver foil packet, opened one side and handed it to her as he knelt on the edge of the bed.  She rolled the condom over him, opened her legs and raised her arms in invitation.  He placed himself between her legs, her legs encircled his waist and he eased over her body.  Their lips met.  He entered her, gentle, slow, easy, a long slide inside her and she accommodated him, stretching to accept his full length. 

    The kiss continued and he began to move, not much.  Her fingertips tightened on his biceps, whimpering moans escaped her captured mouth and then the climb began and she rocked beneath him, her body telling him she wanted more movement.  He complied, sinking deep, withdrawing, over and over until she broke contact with his mouth and gasped, drawing in huge amounts of oxygen.  His mouth lowered and took her nipples, first one, then the other.  Her orgasm built high, higher, her muscles clutching his erection, not releasing, but squeezing harder and then she shattered and Cray let go, no longer needing to wait.  They rode their climax together, reveling in their joy, making the sensations last and then she laughed.

    Wave after wave of laughter rolled out of her and he laughed because she did.  She pushed him off of her but followed him as he rolled to his back, half on him, his arms keeping her close.  Her laughter subsided, she kissed him and said,

I planned to make you wait until Valentine's Day.  Almost eight weeks totally ignorant of what I would have been missing.  Oh, Cray, I didn't dream it could be like this.  Did I please you?


Need you ask?  You carried me to heaven.  You are an angel.

  He sat up and moved to the edge of the bed.


Where are you going?

she said, worry etching her tone.


I need to flush this condom.  Don't move.

    She did move, following him to the bathroom. 

Darling, I have a wonderful gynecologist.  She always asks me if I want a prescription for the pill, but I tell her no because there's no reason.  I'll call her tomorrow.  She'll call a prescription into the nearest pharmacy and I'll start the pill tomorrow.  I don't know how long I must take it until we're safe, but the minute we are, I don't want you leaving our bed afterward.

    He chuckled and flushed the toilet. 

Okay, Angel, whatever you want.


I want to bask in the afterglow, not have you jumping out of bed like you can't wait to get away from me.

    He swooped her naked body in his arms and said,

The last thing I want to do is get away from you.  So there,

he said, dumping her on the bed and crawling in beside her.


Are you sure?

she said.

    He laughed and said,

I'm sure.


    He cuddled her in his arms and said, 

We didn't have much foreplay.


Foreplay is overrated.  You touched me and I wanted you in me.


And that's what happened, but don't dismiss foreplay so fast.  If I circle your nipples like this, they get hard, they point to my mouth and are asking me to put my tongue on them like this.  You're arching your back and that means you want me to suckle them while my tongue lavs them.  All that has a positive effect on me.  Touch me and see for yourself.


This isn't news to me,

she said, stroking him.


Here's another reason for foreplay,

he said, moving his hand between her legs. 

I touch you here with my thumb and dip my finger in you to lubricate it and tease that tiny nub that swells and wants more attention and that makes me hard as you respond to me.



she said, on a sigh. 

I love foreplay.  I want more.

    He chuckled and said,

There's more coming.  You're going to come for me and that will make me so hard that we can come together again.

    Ten minutes later they did come together again and once more he traipsed to the bathroom.  She followed him again and he laughed. 

This is getting tiresome,

she said.


Do you want to wait until we're sure you're safe?

    She put her hand on her hip and said,

That's the first stupid thing I heard you say.


I take it that's a no,

he said, chuckling.


Duh! Cray.


Honey, you don't need to keep following me to the bathroom.  The window is too far off the ground to jump and if I try to sneak out through the bedroom you'll see me.  Plus, I'm not planning an escape.

    She ran to him and jumped in his arms. 

Cray, there's no doubt in my mind that I love you.


Am I that good in the sack?


Yes, but that's not the only reason I love you.  That would be shallow.  Well, there are other shallow reasons like your handsome face, tight ass, shapely legs, broad shoulders and chest.  You're well-endowed and I like that.  You wear nice clothes and your hands thrill me.

    He laughed harder the more she talked. 

My hands thrill you?  You mean what I do to you with my hands.


No, the shape of your hands, your blunt fingers, your short, clean nails.  Hands are important to me.  I noticed your hands right away Friday night.


Let me get this straight,

he said walking her back to the bed, piling pillows against the headboard, sitting against them and patting the mattress close to him so she'd join him. 

If you hadn't liked my hands Friday night we wouldn't be here tonight.


Right.  Your hands have flesh on them; they're meaty and smooth.


So you get turned on by fat hands.


No.  You don't have fat hands.  Some men have long bony fingers.

She shivered with revulsion. 

Others have hands that aren't proportioned right, long fingers that aren't supposed to be long, or you can see every vein or they're hairy.  God I hate ape hands.  Some are milky white like skeleton hands.  It gives me the creeps to think about it.  Let's change the subject.


You're the one who brought it up, honey.


Yes, but thinking about it makes me want to vomit.


Do you want to hear why I love you?


You can tell me if you want, but I already know,

she said.

    He chuckled again and squeezed her closer. 

You tell me why I love you.


You love my laugh.  You told me that Friday night and that's why you asked me to marry you.


I love your laugh, that's true.  I love that you're a natural blond.


If it were summer, you couldn't be sure.  I get waxed in the summer, but it hurts like hell.


Why do you do it?


Cray, don't be dense.  I can't have pubic hair sticking out the bottom of my bikini.


Oh, that would be gross.

  He laughed again.


See, even you think it's gross.  Do you get your chest waxed?  Some men do.


Nope.  I'm like a hairless chihuahua.

    She leaned over and kissed his chest. 

I like it.



I love that your breasts are real.


They'll droop soon enough,

she said,

gravity does that.


I don't care.  Your breasts will droop and my balls will sag.  I'll still love you.  Will you still love me?


Don't ever doubt it.  Cray, you let me listen to you talking to Mona about your business.  Will you continue to do that?


Yes, of course, and if you want to add something, feel free.  I told you I want an equal partner and I meant it.  Did you have some thoughts tonight?


No.  I enjoyed hearing you and Mona banter.  It's clear you respect her opinion.  In these couple of days of us being together, we discussed a lot of topics and that helps us learn about each other.  Tonight I got to see the businessman you are and you impressed me.  I love your patriotism and your willingness to try to figure out a way to make it a win-win situation for those involved in this deal.  I've come to the conclusion that I've fallen in love with a good man and that makes me happy.

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