STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (17 page)

Read STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary




I promise.


I love my gifts.  I guess you figured out that I love pretty night wear.


I'm glad you like it, but I bought you these things for my benefit.


Then you made us both happy.


Honey, move in with me permanently.  I'll have a car take you each morning to the university.  There's a lot of cold weather ahead in the coming months.  Think how cozy our evenings can be.  As soon as dinner is over, we can both dress in our fancy nightwear and see where it leads.


Okay, I'll live here with you as long as you wear the silk pajamas I got you and the matching robes and slippers.  Isn't it funny that we both chose the same gifts for each other?


That's a deal.  I love you and it doesn't surprise me that we bought the same things.  It's one more instance of how suited we are for each other.


Will you make love to me tomorrow night in your childhood bed with your parents nearby?


I couldn't stop myself if I wanted and I assure you I won't even try to behave.  It's Christmas Eve, our first.  I consider it mandatory.  I'm praying that fifty years from now I'll still be able to get hard with you next to me in bed.


I'm told you have to use it or lose it.  I'll see to it that you continue to use it.  Cray, I've never been so happy.


Me, neither, honey.


It's getting late and my backside is cold.  I need to clean up this mess and get ready for bed.  I should shower, too.


Try on this robe, honey,

he said lifting a warm, luxurious robe from the pile on the floor. 

I'll help you straighten the room and then join you in the shower.  We'll cuddle in bed.


I'm pretty sure I'm finished for the night as regards sex.


As long as you're not completely sure, there's hope for me.

  He spoke while they gathered the used wrappings and stuffed them in a garbage bag.

    She grinned and said,

Cray, you're not eighteen anymore, but I understand that hope springs eternal.

  She folded the gifts and arranged them in the boxes under the tree.


You've thrown down the gauntlet and I bet I'll rise to the challenge.


Insatiable.  That's what you are.  I'm heading to the shower.


Good.  Get clean and refreshed, ready for round two.

    Fresh from the shower, they pleasured each other orally and fell into a deep sleep.  When he spooned her, she learned she could sleep without fear of smothering.  In fact, she discovered she loved sleeping with his hand around her waist or on her breast.

    She woke a few hours later to the sensation of gentle, seductive stroking.  She turned to face him and he continued his ministrations until she threw her leg over his hip and begged for him to enter her.  They made slow, lazy love, climaxed and went back to sleep.

    The next time she woke that morning she said when she woke,

Did we set a record last night for multiple orgasms?


Could be,

he said. 

I can't guarantee constant activity like that in the future, but I wouldn't mind a repeat performance at some point.


Want to hear something surprising?

she asked, nuzzling close to him in bed.




The more we do it, the more I want it.  Is that scary or what?


I wouldn't classify it as scary.  It's my dream come true.

  He rolled on top of her.


Chapter 9

Angelica and Cray were the last ones to arrive Christmas Eve.  Mona answered the door and hugged them. 

You're the last ones.  Angelica, brace yourself and come meet the family.  Cray never brought anyone home with him for Christmas Eve, so they're champing at the bit to meet you.


I suppose you gave them the rundown of what to expect,

Cray said.

    Mona laughed and spoke to Angelica, 

I told them you weren't what I expected Cray to fall for and that I had no idea where he found you and what you do for a living.  They're as nervous as a kid on his first day of school.  I've got them going and I swear Mom is bracing herself for the worst and Dad and the guys are writing questions in their minds to interrogate you.



Cray said,

why did you do this?


It's fun making them squirm and they're going to be bowled over when they see Angelica and learn how intelligent she is.  I'm messing with them Cray.  They mess with us, why not turn the tables on them for a change?  Angelica, you can handle them.

    Angelica smiled and said to Cray. 

She told me she was going to do this, honey.  It'll be fun.


You know they're going to love her, Cray.


The two of you women together worry me,

Cray said. 

Let's go face the music.

    The men stood when Cray entered the room, holding Angelica's hand. 

Mother, Dad I'd like you to meet Angelica Andersson.  Angel this is my mother, Gwen, and my father, Alexander.


Andersson is spelled with two s's,

Mona said. 

She's Norwegian by birth, but an American by naturalization.


Honey, this is my brother Lake, he's next to me in line and my brother Ladd and finally Birch.  Of course, you know Mona.


If you're wondering about the strange names, Angelica,

Mona said,

the boys are named after our family's maiden names.  I got stuck with Mona because that was my maternal grandmother's name.


Mona, damn you,

Lake said. 

You led us to believe.....well, never mind, but she's gorgeous.


Thank you, Lake,

Angelica said, 

You siblings share an amazing resemblance and since I think Cray is the most handsome man I ever saw you may conclude that you're included in my evaluation.


Except for Mona, you mean,

Birch said. 

She's a foundling left on our doorstep one bitter cold night and it's obvious her mother couldn't abide the sight of her.


Sibling rivalry,

Angelica said, laughing and turned to the elder parents. 

Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, it is so gracious of you to allow Cray to invite me to your lovely home on a family holiday.


We wouldn't have it any other way, Angelica,

Gwen said,

and please feel free to call us Gwen and Alex if you're comfortable doing that.


Thank you, I'm very comfortable calling you by your first names.  Please may we sit so these gentlemen no longer need to stand?  You obviously raised them well, Gwen.

    Gwen smiled, pleased with Angelica's compliment. 

Lord knows we tried hard enough.  Four boys so close in age were a handful.  It convinced me that if I could raise the four of them to school age, there's nothing I can't accomplish.


Admit it, Mom,

Birch said,

Mona gave you more trouble than the four of us put together, but then what can you expect from a homely foundling?


You're a jerk, Birch Phillips,

Mona said. 

Men adore me; they clamor for my attention.



Birch said,

they must be ancient and blind.


Stop it, you two,

Alex said,

We have a guest and it's Christmas Eve.  Cray fix Angelica and you a drink.  There's eggnog there if you want that.


I'd love a plain eggnog,

Angel said.


No wine, honey?


I can drink wine year round, but eggnog seems the perfect drink at Christmas.  Gwen, the Christmas decorations as we pulled up to the house are stunning.  It's elegant yet cheerful and welcoming.


Yes, we labor from Thanksgiving on to meet Mother's demands,

Lake said.


He's lying,

Mona said. 

Mom has people who come and decorate inside and out.  Nice try, Lake.  Who are you trying to impress?


Did Cray tell you that tonight is when we eat our big holiday meal and open our gifts?

Gwen asked. 

On Christmas Day we relax, chat, play games and just enjoy our home time.

    Angelica smiled and said,

He did and that's exactly the way we do it in Norway.

    For the next two hours the eight people, drank, chatted and laughed.  Mona and Angelica kept the gaiety going and Cray beamed at how well the woman he loved fit in the family and how much the family embraced her into the fold.  By the time they entered the dining room to enjoy a sumptuous meal there were no strangers at the table. 

    While they waited for another course to be served, Cray stood, raised his glass and said,

Mother, Dad, I'm not sure I ever told you how much I appreciate the way you raised me with so much love and interest in my pursuits.  It's time to remedy that.  Thank you.  I love you both.

  He noticed his mother dab her eyes with her napkin.  He turned to Angelica. 

Angelica, Angel, my love, you've brought me happiness I didn't realize I lacked.  Will you....

    Angelica interrupted and said with her eyes twinkling,

Aren't you supposed to be down on one knee?

    Mona burst out laughing and the rest followed.

    Cray laughed, cupped her face and kissed her while getting on one knee.  He fumbled in his pocket and withdrew a dark blue velvet ring box.

Marry me, honey.

    With her hand caressing the side of his throat, she said to the rest of the group,

I asked him first and he's accepted.  He had me worried for days.

  They laughed again.

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