Stripped Bounty (18 page)

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Authors: Dorothy F. Shaw

Rosie shivered beneath his touch and Badger felt her body’s response deep in his bones. She felt like a warm spring breeze within his soul. She’d given him peace, quieting the noise that’d always been present in his mind. Rosie brought a softness out of Badger he’d never known he was capable of possessing. “Who do you belong to?”


“Yes.” He continued his exploration of her soft skin down to her stomach, circling her belly button. “Who do I belong to?”

When she didn’t answer, Badger glanced up at her. The expression in her eyes was one of tenderness, but he could see the underlying fear of whether or not she should answer. He’d told her a few times already that she was his. She’d accepted his claim. But he’d yet to actually say the words and offer himself in return, thinking she’d just know that she owned him.

He realized in that moment, she didn’t know.

osie stared
into Badger’s eyes as a plethora of emotions rolled through her. He was being so different with her. Softer, so much softer than he’d ever been. There was a tenderness in his touch that he’d never shown her before.

It was wonderful, and sweet, and almost confusing.

But then he’d asked her that question. Who
he belong to? Was it her? Was that what he was saying? Rosie bit her lip, afraid to answer…afraid that she might be misinterpreting what he was asking, or more importantly what he was saying with the question. She was his. He’d claimed her; had made it clear she belonged to him and only him. But he’d never—

“Rosie?” He cupped her cheek.

She blew out a shaky breath but couldn’t bring herself to answer. What if she was wrong…what if she said, her. That he belonged to her. And he said, no. That he didn’t belong to anyone. Rosie had already fallen hard for him—
Oh God.
She glanced away from his intense gaze. Yeah, she’d fallen totally and completely in love. And she wasn’t ready to feel the pain and embarrassment of her ass crash landing on the floor.

He stroked his thumb over her cheek. “Baby, look at me.”

She did, trying her best to keep the tears she felt pricking her eyes at bay. Badger’s gaze roamed over her face and instead of forcing her to answer, he closed the distance between them and kissed her. Soft. Tender. Sweet… At the same time, she felt the blunt head of his cock press against the mouth of her sex and, ever so slowly, he entered her.

As she was filled with his thickness, Badger stroked his tongue over hers, teasing and tasting, hypnotizing her soul and taking her deeper. When he broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to hers, he moved within her, thrusting his pelvis forward and rubbing against her clit. Tingles spread over every inch of Rosie’s skin and she raised her knees higher and dug her heels into the mattress so she could rock her hips in opposition to his. He kept his pace even and consistent, concentrated. Building it inside her—building it between them.

Rosie ran her palms down his back to his ass and grabbed hold, feeling the tightness of the muscles as he thrust into her. “Badger…”

He buried his hands in her hair and kissed her again, stealing her breath before pulling away. “Is my kiss yours, baby?”

Rosie let out a moan and pressed her lips to his throat. “Yes.”

“That’s right.” He drew his cock out and then slid deep. “Is my body, my dick yours, baby?”

God, he was killing her. Every move he made and each word he said was filled with intense passion laced within his gravely tone and it just kept increasing. She was drowning in it, and in him. He pulled out and drove in again. Rosie arched, her orgasm climbing to the surface. “Yes.”

With a growl, Badger ground against her clit, thrusting faster. With his fingers tangled in her hair, he tugged her head back and ran his tongue up the side of her neck to her ear. “Who has my heart? Who do I belong to?”

His whispered question took her under the waves of emotion swirling around her and everything became clear. Clearer than they’d already been. Life had shown her that not everyone got the chance to feel what it was like to be rocked to the core with just a look, or a whisper of a touch. Not everyone got to meet someone, totally out of the blue, or accidentally who for sure wasn’t what they were looking for or maybe was nothing like them…but was completely and wholly their other half.

But once in a blue moon, a lifetime, maybe even a hundred lifetimes a person got to find their match. They got to be whole. They got their chance. And this was Rosie’s chance. She wasn’t about to let it go.

There was no going back for her. Rosie’s old life was gone, and she never wanted it back. All she wanted was Badger. He was it for her. From that moment going forward, he always would be.

The weight of his body on top of hers was a welcome comfort in such a raw moment as he made love to her for the very first time. Rosie moved her hands to the sides of his head and urged him up to look at her. “You belong to me, Badger. And I belong to you.”

He closed his eyes. “Say it again.”

Rosie cupped his face in her palms, losing her breath at the sight of his beautiful face. “You belong to me, and I belong to you.”

After opening his eyes and focusing on her, Badger let out a sigh and brushed his lips over hers. “Always.”

“Yes, honey.” The climax that’d been building within her surfaced, poised to break free as Badger moved within her, their bodies in perfect sync.

“I feel you. So sweet and warm. So different. So perfect.” Badger moved faster, his thrusts more frantic.

Rosie let him take her higher until she couldn’t hold it back any longer. Her cunt clenched, her clit spasming as her climax blasted through her. She gasped and let out a whimper before biting down on his shoulder, her whole body going tight as she came for him.

Breathing heavy, Badger drew out and drilled back into her with long hard strokes. “Mine, Rosie. This cunt, this body…you. You’re mine, always!”

After one final, hard thrust, Badger came. With a loud growl, his body seized above her. His cock, buried deep inside her, pulsed as he spurted his climax into the condom. Rosie ached to feel that hot fluid coating her channel. She wanted all of Badger, nothing could change that now.

In that moment—body, heart and soul—every part of Rosie burned for him.

Chapter Twenty-Six

osie set
a fresh cup of coffee down on Badger’s desk. “Here you go, honey.” She bent and kissed his cheek.

“Hey, thanks. How’d you know I needed that?” He smiled and took a sip.

“Wild guess.” With a grin, she rested her bottom against the desk. “Least I can do, you know, since I’m like June Cleaver or some shit—minus the kids of course.”


“June Cleaver. I know you’re old enough to know who I’m talking about. Or would you prefer Susie Homemaker? Maybe that’s a better reference.” She snorted a laugh and picked at a piece of skin on her cuticle. “Speaking of…you know what? I don’t think I even know how old you are.”

Badger leaned back in his seat, and clasped his hands over his stomach. More like washboard abs, but anyway. “I’m still cracking up at the labels you’ve assigned yourself. Just remember, you said it, not me.” He winked. “And yes, my little drama queen, I know who June Cleaver is. As far as my age goes, how old do you think I am?”

“Drama queen, huh? Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Rosie tried like hell to hide her smirk but failed miserably. “And fine, let’s play the ‘guess your age’ game. How old do you think

Badger caught her wrist and tugged her onto his lap. She landed, an
coming out of her, and he grinned and smoothed his palm up her thigh. “I asked you first.”

Rosie bit her bottom lip and smoothed her palm along his beard, and then traced the fine lines around his eyes. He was so beautiful, in a very rugged and masculine way. She could add romantic to the list of things about him she adored. And when he smiled, it almost hurt to look at him, but Rosie would take the pain any day, and any time, because it was the sweetest ache she’d ever felt. “I’d say late thirties.”

A grin tugged at the corners of his lips and he touched the tip of her nose. “Ah, no. But nice try.”

“Was I close? Shit. Are you younger?” She frowned.

Badger chuckled. “Yes and no. I’m forty-two.”

“Hmm, really? Well, for a biker, who used to run with an MC, you look pretty damn good to me.” Rosie leaned up and rubbed the tip of her nose over his. “Your turn.”

With his lips pursed, he tilted his head to the side and slid his palm around to her ass. “You are thirty-six years young.”

Rosie’s jaw dropped and she let out a gasp in mock astonishment. “Years young, huh? Are you trying to get in my pants with flattery?”

Badger jerked his head back and tilted his chin up as he smirked. “Woman, as if I need to try?”

“True. Very true.” She pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “This could be kind of fun actually. How about we play twenty questions?”

“Twenty questions, huh? All right, I’m game.” He brushed her hair over her shoulder. “Ladies first.”

Rosie nibbled on her thumbnail as curiosity pulsed through her. There were so many things she could ask, so much she wanted to know. Decision made, she started with the easiest. “What’s your full name?”

His gaze roamed over her face. “Drew.”

“Yes, I know it’s Drew. Thanks to your Nana. Tell me your whole name.”

He raised his brows. “Does that count as two questions?”

“No. Your answer was incomplete.” She smiled.

He laughed, and Rosie’s whole body went warm. “Fair enough. It’s Drew Baxter.”

“Drew Baxter. I like it. But…hmm.” She giggled. “Is your middle name Badger?”

“Now you’re cheating.” He tickled her side and Rosie squirmed, giggling as she tried to pull his hand away. Tried being the operative word. With a grin in place, he stopped the tickling and traced a line down her thigh with his fingertip. “It’s my turn now. You’ll have to ask that question again when I let you have another turn. Now tell me, what’s
name…first, middle, and last?”

She smiled and raised one eyebrow. “All righty there, Mr. Thorough. It’s Rose Marie Santini.”

“Confession: I knew that already. I just wanted to hear you say it.” He grinned.

“Figures!” She laughed and swatted his arm. “Checking up on me with those bounty hunter skills.”

His expression softened. “Yeah, well. It’s pretty. Like you.”

Rosie’s cheeks got warm right along with her insides. Though since the other night, after she’d met his Nana and he’d taken her to his bed, she hadn’t stopped feeling warm. “Thanks. It’s a family name. I was named after my Noni.”

“Even better. Plus, Noni? Nana? Almost the same. That’s pretty cool.” He touched her cheek and brushed his lips over hers. “Your turn.”

Rosie sighed at the soft contact but forced her expression into a serious one. “It is pretty cool. Okay! What’s your middle name?”

Badger rolled his eyes and let out a snore. “Knew that was coming. It’s Lawrence.”

“I love it!” She smiled, laughing as she clapped her hands together. “Okay, you go.”

“Hmm.” He glanced around the room, then back to her. “Let’s see. How ’bout, what did you want to be when you were a little girl?”

“A nurse.”

“Wow. I can totally see that.” He grinned, a devilish glint in his eyes.

“Nuh-uh.” Rosie laughed and poked her fingertip in his chest. “You’re just picturing me in a naughty nurse costume. I can totally tell by that look you have in your eyes.”

He laughed with her as he bent and nipped the side of her neck. “Maybe.”

“Mmm. Yeah, maybe for your birthday.” She smoothed her hand up his bicep. “Ooh! When’s your birthday?”

“The twentieth of February.”

“Mine’s April seventh. You probably knew that already.” She traced his bottom lip with her fingertip.

“Guilty.” He winked.

“My mother was hoping I’d be born on April Fools. But, I was late.”

He frowned but chuckled and shook his head. “That’s funny. In a twisted sort of way.”

“My mother was funny
twisted, so it fits.” She shrugged and glanced away. Her mother was definitely not a topic she wanted to get into.

Badger pinched her chin between his thumb and forefinger, and tilted her face back in his direction. “Sounds like there’s a story there.”

“Another time. Plus, it’s my turn.” She gave him a small smile. She was enjoying what had unexpectedly turned into a very intimate time with him. The last thing she wanted was to put a downer on the mood. “Do you have any siblings?”

“Actually it was my turn, but because I like you so much, I’ll let you slide. Only child.”

In an instant Rosie’s mood bounced right back to the top of the happy chart. “So generous of you.” She couldn’t help but smile. “This is where I pretend you didn’t already know that I’m an only child, too. Kinda cool we have that in common, huh?”

“Yeah, baby. It is.” Badger cupped her cheek in his palm, stroking his thumb along her chin before sliding his hand behind her neck and threading his fingers into her hair.

She raised a brow. “The cool part or the generous part?”

“Both.” Badger’s gaze roamed over her face again, and she felt it just the same as the touch of his hand on her skin. He focused on her eyes and they stayed that way for what felt like an endless amount of time. She let out a sigh as a silence stretched between them, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable one. On the contrary, it was easy and peaceful.

Rosie sank deeper into his light brown eyes. And for the first time felt something flow through her that could only be described as contentment. This was where she was meant to be. She’d known it the other night, even said it to herself.

Badger was where she belonged. Always and forever. For as long as he’d have her.

adger stared
into a pair of eyes so beautiful and alive with layers of softness, he could hardly believe they’d ever reflected sadness in them. He never wanted to see her eyes haunted in that way again. Badger had gotten himself in deep with her—hadn’t planned it, but it’d happened just the same. He’d welcomed it and tried to show her that the other night when he’d made love to her.

A lump rose in his throat, and he swallowed past it. God, what if he lost her? For the first time in a very long time, Badger felt fear. What if he’d not gone looking for her the night Alvaro showed up at the club? Fuck, what if he hadn’t been working that night? She’d have left town…and Badger would have never known what he was missing.

He would’ve been missing a world he swore he never wanted or needed, or ever dared to dream for. He was grateful to God and anything else he could pray to that he hadn’t missed it. Minutes passed, but time stood still in the space between them as Badger let himself sink into the depths of her gaze.

He’d drown in her undertow if he could.

“You okay, honey?” Her brow furrowed into a slight frown and she touched her fingertips to his cheek.

Badger closed his eyes long enough to draw in a deep breath. It was time to let her in on what was going on regarding Alvaro, and also ask her about the money again. Putting it off any longer wasn’t an option. He focused on her once more, pulled her close and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. After he pulled back he patted her hip. “Let’s go out back so I can smoke. We need to have a talk.”

She frowned and slid off his lap. “
. That doesn’t sound good.”

“Stop. It’ll be fine. Come on.” Badger took her by the hand and led her through the house to the back door.

Rosie tugged from his hold. “Hang on. Let me grab my sweatshirt, your coffee, and one for me. I’ll meet you out there.”

Badger nodded and slid open the glass door. Once outside, he took a seat on the wooden bench and lit a smoke.

Rosie came through the door he’d left open for her, a mug of coffee in each hand. “Still amazes me you can just leave the door open like this and there’s no bugs swarming to get in the house. If this was Connecticut, we’d be dealing with any number of flying pests.”

“We got plenty of bugs in the Valley of the Sun. Have you seen a flying cockroach yet?” He took his coffee from her and sipped it.

“A flying—wait. Did you say cockroach? Please…no. Don’t. I can’t even.” She covered her mouth and sat next to him. “Really? Flying? What the fuck?”

“Damn straight. Fuckers are almost two inches long.” He indicated with his fingers. “Grossest things on the planet as far as I’m concerned. I just as soon shoot one than deal with it.”

She raised her hand letting him know he needed to shut his trap, and glanced around the backyard. “Stop. That’s just hideous. But you don’t have them in your house, right? I mean…I’ve never seen one before so, no, right?”

He took a drag and blew the smoke away from her. “I don’t have them, no. But they do come up through the drains on occasion.”

“Badger, you’re fucking with me, right?”

“Nope. Being totally straight with you. It’s rare, but it happens.” He nudged her arm. “Don’t stress, if one crawls out, just stand back and I’ll shoot it before it takes flight.” He laughed.

“That’s not funny!” Despite her declaration, she laughed, too, and then took a sip of her coffee. “I can’t even. Just…no.” She shivered.

“Cold, baby?” He chuckled.

“No. I’m fucking grossed out. And totally paranoid now.”

Badger laughed harder, slipping his arm around her waist. Jesus, he really
did not
want to ruin the night they were enjoying by having the doom and gloom convo, but… “Not that I really want to, but we need to talk about Alvaro.”

Rosie snapped her head in his direction. “Oh shit. Did you find something out?”

“He showed at the Cabaret the other night. We had a little chat.”

“Oh my God! What did he say? What happened? What did you say?”

“Go easy, woman. Take a breath and let me get it out.” She rolled her eyes and he continued. He wanted to try and keep this as light as possible, but that was pretty fucking stupid considering there was nothing light about the news. “He made his intentions known.” He drew on his cigarette. “He intends to have a little chat with you. But that ain’t gonna happen.”

Rosie blew out an exasperated breath and got to her feet. Gnawing on her fingernails, she paced in front of him. “I don’t know what the hell he wants to chat about. There’s nothing to chat about.”

Badger looked down into his coffee cup. “He wants his money, baby.”

“I don’t have his fucking money, Badger. I already told you that.”

He glanced up at her. She’d stopped her pacing and was standing with her hands on her hips. All drama. All complication. Damn, he loved that about her. What he didn’t love was that she still wasn’t being straight with him. Disappointment pulsed through Badger in time with his heartbeat and he took another drag of his smoke before stubbing it out in the ashtray. “All right, Rosie. Fine, you don’t have the money.”

“You don’t believe me, do you?”

“It doesn’t matter what I believe.” Badger looked up at her. “Here’s the deal. His trial isn’t scheduled for another seven months, maybe more if his attorney decides to file postponements—which, I’m sure he’ll do.”

“Fuck me. Seven months?” She plopped down beside him again.

“Yeah. So that means you need to stay hidden. I’m sorry, but he’s not going away and if he gets his way, his little chat with you will include way more than a conversation.”

“I can’t stay hidden for that long. No way. It’s been almost three weeks and I’m already losing my mind. For fuck’s sake, you won’t even let me go Christmas shopping.” She crossed her arms and frowned. “And no, I don’t want to shop online. That just sucks the Christmas right the hell out of the whole thing!”

“Look. I get it okay? Just stop with the drama and listen.” He ran his hand over his short hair. “I know you’re frustrated. What if we get out of here? Go on a few vacations or something. See the country, or maybe even another country.”

“A vacation? Wow, you know what? That sounds great, honey!” A smile spread across her mouth that smacked of the unspoken words of “fuck him and the horse he rode in on” before she frowned, glaring at him. “In case you missed the sarcasm, let me translate for you.
I don’t think its great at all
. And what? You’re just gonna pack up to run around the globe with me and leave your grandmother here to fend for herself? Did you even think about that? I mean, what is this? Drew Baxter’s witness protection program?”

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