STROKED (The Stroked Series Book 1) (36 page)

Read STROKED (The Stroked Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Meghan Quinn

Tags: #General Fiction

Bodi just glances at Hollis without acknowledging his question and then turns back to me. Getting down to business, he says, “I know someone who is interested in Bellini’s seamstress position. She could really use the work, and she’s good. Do you think you could put in a good word for her?”

Confused, I ask, “What seamstress position?”

“Something about religious wear.” Bodi looks extremely uncomfortable, you can tell he’s stepping out of his comfort zone.

“Oh, her dog clothes.” I refrain from rolling my eyes. “Sure, not a problem, man. What’s her name? I will text her right now.”

I walk over to the cubby where I stored my phone and water bottle and pull up a text message to Bellini. Bodi follows me and clears his throat.

“Um, it’s Ruby Hearts. She applied this morning. She actually knows my sister through the Boys and Girls Club.”

“Nice, let me send this over to her real quick.” Typing in my phone, Bodi and Hollis both wait for me to finish, clearly unable to hold a conversation between the two of them.


Reese: Bellini, someone applied to your seamstress position this morning, Ruby Hearts. She comes highly recommended. Think you can give her a good look? Maybe offer her the job?


I don’t ask much from Bellini, so I’m hoping she can follow through on this. I don’t know why, but Bodi stepped out of his comfort zone by asking this favor, and I want to be able to help him out as much as possible.

“Do you know Ruby well?” I ask.

He pulls on the back of his neck and nods casually. “Yeah.”

See, not much of a talker.

“Oooo, do you like her?” Hollis asks like an asshat, giddy with a smile from ear to ear.

Bodi glances up at Hollis, not even breaking a smile. “She’s a friend,” he bites out and then turns to me. “Thanks for putting in a good word. I appreciate it.”

“Not a problem at all. Are you ready for camp?”

“Yeah, my coach had me doing repeats all morning. Pretty sure I’m ready to taper just about now. What about you?”

“Same here. I’ll be happy when these two-a-days are over. I’m starting to feel my age.”

Bodi is four years younger than me, and I’m fairly certain he’ll give the games one more go before he retires. No doubt in my mind he will be able to kill it during his swim off-season as well. He’s one of the greats; his medal count proves it. I might have medaled in every race I’ve ever swum but I don’t have a gold like he does.

Bodi nods and looks at the ground while he speaks. “I’ll be sad to see you go. You’ve always pushed me to do better.”

“Same here, man.” I tap his shoulder just as my phone beeps with a message.

Taking a glance, I see it’s from Bellini.


Bellini: The only reason I will even consider her is because she has a decent amount of experience, not because you suggested her.


I roll my eyes.


Reese: Thank you, Bellini. She’s a good girl and will work hard for you.


I have no clue if that’s true, but what I do know is, if Bodi is willing enough to put his stamp of approval on her then she’s good enough for Bellini.


Bellini: Ugh, it’s so hard to say no to you. I will get her started right away. She better work out.


Reese: Give her a chance.


Bellini: I will. Want to get dinner tonight? Maybe we can talk about our future together.


Christ, she is so beyond delusional.


Reese: I have plans with Hollis, but thanks for the offer. Talk to you later.


Yeah, I’m being nice to her only because the nicer I am to her, the nicer she is to Paisley and right about now, I would do anything to make Paisley’s life easier. She’s putting a lot on the line to be with me, so if I can soothe her situation by being nicer to Bellini, then I will.

Facing Bodi, I say, “Looks like your girl is getting a chance.”

“Really?” he asks, his face brightening for a second before it turns back to neutral.

“Yeah, I’m assuming Bellini will be calling her in the next few days. Just warn Ruby that if she’s working for Bellini, then she’s going to have to have thick skin and if anything, Bellini expects perfection. I hope Ruby is up for it.”

“She is.” Bodi smiles wistfully for a second while he thinks about Ruby, and I wonder if there is more to their relationship than just friendship. “Thanks.” Bodi holds out his hand, and I shake it.

“Seriously, no big deal. I’m going to head off to the showers. I will see you at camp.”

“Yeah, take care.”

Hollis and I both take off toward the locker room, leaving Bodi to train some more; the man is a machine. I remember when I used to spend hours in the weight room, strengthening every muscle with precision. But that was years ago. Now, I do what I need to do and then get out of there. I have a girl to cuddle and a mental game to perfect.

“He’s strange. Can’t trust a guy who doesn’t laugh at my jokes,” Hollis whispers while looking behind us toward the gym we just left.

“Maybe because your jokes aren’t funny.”

Stopping his forward progression, Hollis stands in the hallway, not happy with my jab. “That’s not funny, man. Take that back. You know I say funny shit.”

I just shrug my shoulders, fucking around with him.

“You take that shrug back.” He points his finger at me. “You take it back right now.”

“How is someone supposed to take a shrug back?” I’m completely amused right now.

“By shrugging in the opposite direction, now take it back.”

“Shrugging in the opposite direction? Seriously? You know that would just be making the same motion. It’s all just up and down. I’m not taking it back. Now stop acting like a little bitch and let’s go.”

“Oh no,” Hollis holds up his hand. “You can shower by yourself today.” He says this just as someone walks by us, procuring a weird look in our direction.

Shaking my head, I hiss at Hollis, “Don’t make us look like fucking creeps. Christ, man.”

“Don’t blame me for what’s happening right now. You’re the one who didn’t agree with my ability to be funny. I’m the funniest fuck this side of the Mississippi.” Hollis walks by me, brushing my shoulder in the process.

Following behind him, I say, “If you were funny, then you wouldn’t have to point it out to everyone. Do you really think Jimmy Fallon goes around telling people how funny he is? No, he just shows it, he doesn’t say it.”

“Fuck Jimmy Fallon,” Hollis calls out and then stops. Turning to me, he shakes his head. “I take that back. I love Jimmy. You know,” he looks up at the ceiling in thought, “I’m actually jealous of Justin Timberlake and not because he has a voice of an angel, or the dance moves of a male escort, or how good he looks in a chapeau—”

“Don’t say chapeau, you dickhead.”

Hollis ignores me and continues, “I’m jealous because he can call up Jimmy anytime he wants. Or he can rap with him, putting Eminem to shame. Does Jimmy even know how good I can rap? I should make a video, maybe he would give me a chance at a bro-mance.”

There is something seriously wrong with this man.

“Maybe win another gold and then get on his show, I’m sure you can tell him then.”

Hollis snaps his fingers at me. “God, you’re brilliant. I will have my publicist get on that. Look out, J Tizzle. I’m coming for you.” Taking off toward the locker, Hollis walks away with more pep in his step.

Following behind him, I get another text. God, I hope it’s not Bellini.


Paisley: Won’t be over until really late. Bellini has me organizing her sewing room for a new seamstress that’s starting tomorrow. She wants her working in her house so she can keep an eye on her. I will have to take a rain check on dinner.


Fuck. I do something good for someone else and look what happens. My plans are ruined.


Reese: Get to my place as soon as you can. I need to cuddle the hell out of you tonight.


Paisley: Looking forward to it, handsome.


Christ, I have it bad for this woman.


Chapter Twenty-Four




“Can you stop with those dishes and get your ass out here?” Reese calls from the pool area.

The last week has been a whirlwind of sleeping over at Reese’s primarily to avoid Jonathan at all costs, helping production prepare for Rio, and keeping Bellini in line.

After the whole Lauren incident, Jasper had a conversation with me about Bellini’s actions. He asked me to be on top of everything she was doing and to report back. He wasn’t thrilled at all with the way she treated Lauren and me. He was just waiting for Lauren to file some kind of lawsuit but I knew Lauren wouldn’t. She is pretty chill. We grabbed coffee the other day, and she told me all about Ruby, Bellini’s new seamstress for her doggy wear. According to Eva, she is pretty sure something is going on between Ruby and Bodi, but she can’t be quite positive since Bodi is so closed off.

I met Ruby yesterday and all I have to say is that I’m absolutely in love with her. She is a breath of fresh air. Extremely quirky, positive, and loves crafts. She actually works down at the Boys and Girls Club by holding art classes with the kids. That’s where she and Bodi met.

I didn’t dig too deep into her relationship with Bodi because I just met her, but I plan on finding out more about what’s been going on. I’m nosey, and I’m proud of it.

It’s nice to add to my friends list. I’ve always had Jonathan and that’s pretty much it, so it’s been nice to meet some new people, some people I know I can trust. I’m slowly becoming very close to Melony. She covers for me when I’m on the phone with Reese, and she’s always calming my racing heart when I feel I can’t handle the pressure anymore. Plus, she’s been a great outlet to talk to when it comes to Jonathan. I don’t talk to Reese about it much because I don’t want to worry him. He has so much on his plate already, the last thing I need is for him to worry about Jonathan.

But it’s an issue in my life.

This is the longest I’ve gone without talking to him. At first, I thought we would get over what we said to each other. I gave it a few mornings but when he stopped walking around naked, I knew there was something seriously wrong. I tried talking to him about it and all he asked was if I was still with Reese. I told him yes and then he walked away, end of discussion.

Both Melony and Reese mentioned Jonathan having feelings for me, but I know that’s not the truth, because if it were, he would have been upset over the fake boyfriend I pretended to have when Jonathan saw Reese’s red sweatshirt on the floor of my bedroom. It’s hard to understand our relationship. I truly think Jonathan was hurt that I defended Reese over him, given our history. But honestly, Jonathan didn’t really give me a choice because of the nasty things he said about me. Reese stood up for me and wouldn’t let Jonathan drag me through the mud, how can I not take his side?

Even though Jonathan did say things borderline unforgivabe, I still feel sad it got to that point. It’s my fault he became so mad by doing exactly what he told me not to do. I can understand his frustration and deep down, I really feel terrible for lying to him, and I know it’s been affecting me. Reese has noticed, he will ask me occasionally how I’m doing, if I’m okay, and every time I tell him I’m fine, even though a little piece of me is mourning the loss of Jonathan. It’s hard to see someone every day of your life and then just stop cold turkey. I knew he was going to be mad, but I didn’t think he would be this mad.

“Babes, I’m serious. This is my last night, come sit with me.” Reese’s voice rings impatience so I turn off the sink water, dry my hands off, and then join him out back.

Surrounding the pool area, there are little lights in the planters, casting a light glow in the dark night. Reese is sitting in a lounge chair that overlooks the ocean. It’s our favorite way to spend our nights before we go to bed, cuddled together and listening to the ocean waves, tonight is no exception.

“Hey, sorry about that. I just wanted to make sure everything was clean for you.”

“I could have someone else do that,” he replies, pulling me down on his lap. I snuggle close to his chest and rest my head on his shoulder while he wraps one arm around my back and rests the other on my thigh. “So much better.” He kisses the top of my head, and I melt into his touch.

“You’re all packed, and I placed your passport in your backpack.”

“Paisley,” he stops me. “I don’t want to talk about work shit.”

“Sorry.” I chuckle. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Let’s play a little game of truth or dare.”

Knowing exactly where this is going, I say, “Let me guess, your dare is going to be have sex with me?”

His chest vibrates with laughter under me; it’s like music to my ears, deep and rugged, everything about it is sexy.

“Well, not right off the bat, but that’s my end goal, always with you, baby.” He tickles my side. “Come on, have a little fun with me.”

Sitting up and straddling his lap, I place my hands on his chest and say, “Okay, I’m in.”

Staring down at him, his eyes flame with desire from my position, my pussy placed right over his growing erection. Just to play, I grind my hips on him a little, causing a hiss of pleasure from him.

“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Paisley.” His voice heeds warning.

Ignoring the erection pressing up against me, I say, “You go first.”

Adjusting his body, he grips my hips and stares up at me, his hazel eyes shining in the moonlight and the scruff of his beard enticing me. I love the way it feels against my skin, scraping, igniting my nerves with a sensual pleasure.

A grin spreads across his handsome face as he asks, “Truth or dare?”

I don’t want to give him the pleasure of a dare right away so I say, “Truth.”

“Figured.” He chuckles. “All right, what is your most embarrassing sexual experience?”

“You really want to know?” I raise an eyebrow at him in question.

“Of course,” he responds casually.

“All right.” I shrug. “Back in college, I was giving a guy a blow job—”

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