Summer with a Star (Second Chances Book 1) (26 page)





Riding in a limo was the best way to navigate New York City, as far as Tasha was concerned. Even getting stuck in traffic felt glamorous when you could stretch out and sip wine.

“Does it usually take this long to drive up to a theater?” she asked Spence, setting her glass in the console in front of her.

Spence shrugged. He was remarkably relaxed for a man about to step out onto a red carpet on opening night. Tasha was a thousand times more jittery than he was.

“It takes a while to get in line and to let everyone else get out and have their moment in the spotlight,” he said.

“Hmm,” she replied, betraying her nerves. “I’m not sure if I’m okay with it taking all day or if I just want to get it over with.”

Spence laughed. He reached for her hand, squeezing it, then leaned over and kissed her. “You’re going to do fine,” he told her. “More than fine. You’re going to dazzle everyone. This is your premier as much as mine.”

She arched an eyebrow at him. God only knew how true his words were. The news had leaked to the press that Spencer Ellis was engaged, but except for the covertly snapped picture of the two of them playing in the waves, the world had yet to see who the mystery fiancé was. Yvonne had been the one to come up with the idea of introducing Tasha to the public at the premier of
University City
in New York.

“It’s on a Saturday,” she’d argued, “so you won’t miss a day of school or anything.”

That was something, at least, although she had missed one day to fly down to New York with Spence and to be fitted in a couture gown. She brushed her hand across the skirt now, sleek and sewn with a pattern of glittering sand dollars. Spence had picked it out himself. With her hair and make-up done by a professional, Tasha almost felt like she belonged.


The limo rolled to a stop. Outside, Tasha could hear the excited hum of people buzzing and calling out for Spence.

“Ready?” he asked her, face lit with excitement.

“No,” she answered with a laugh.

“You’re going to nail this,” he reassured her. “You’re gorgeous, your sexy, and all you need to do is smile and the world will fall in love with you.”

“Are you sure?” she teased him.

“I’m positive.”

He lifted her hand to kiss it. The engagement ring he’d tried to give her on the pier at Summerbury Beach graced her ring finger. It may have been simple, and Spence had promised he would buy her a much bigger one, but Tasha insisted on keeping it. Everything about that ring seemed right.

The limo door cracked open, and the sound of the waiting crowd swelled.

“Are you ready, Mr. Ellis?” the driver asked.

Spence looked to Tasha. “Are you ready to knock the world dead, future Mrs. Ellis?” he asked her.

Tasha took a deep breath. A thousand butterflies swirled in her stomach. She was as nervous as a kindergartener on the first day of school, but just as determined.

“I’m ready,” she answered.

Spence leaned closer and gave her another kiss. “Right. I’ll get out of the car first, then I’ll help you out. All we have to do is walk into the theater, smiling and waving. You don’t have to answer any questions.”

“Got it.”

He winked and squeezed her hand. “Here we go.”

The driver opened the door and Spence stepped out to a swell of squeals and excitement. Tasha swallowed, pressed a hand over her stomach, and scooted to the edge of the limo’s seat. This was it. This was the moment that boring, loser Tasha reared her ugly head, or when she was banished forever. Spence reached out for her. She took his hand and felt herself lifted out of the car.

There really was a red carpet. Flashes glittered around her like starlight. Tasha’s butterflies fluttered so hard she thought they might lift her off her feet. Panic squeezed in at the corners of her mind. And then she saw Spence.

He smiled at her with more love than she had ever seen. Whatever the people around her might be tempted to think, he thought she was beautiful, fascinating, perfect. And no matter what the world said, she thought he was better than any man had a right to be. He loved her. That thought alone filled her with warmth and confidence, and she smiled. It didn’t matter who took her picture or what they would say about her, Spence loved her, and that was all she cared about.

“You look amazing,” he whispered to her as he took her hand and led her along the red carpet toward the theater door.

She felt amazing. She felt special and loved. The cameras flashed and fans called out her name and Spence’s, and Tasha smiled. Come what may, she could do this. She waved as floodlights and flashes bathed her. With Spence at her side, she would show the world that you didn’t have to be famous to shine, you only needed to be loved.


*          *          *


Now, if you’ve come this far and found yourself dying to know if Jenny and Simon ever meet again, if Simon gets what’s coming to him for running out on her, and what the consequences of that one night were, stay tuned this summer for
One Night With A Star
! And if you’d like to be notified when Jenny and Simon’s story, as well as other stories from the cast and set of the TV series “Second Chances,” are out, please sign up for my newsletter here:

About the Author


I hope you have enjoyed
Summer with a Star
. If you’d like to be the first to learn about when the next books in the series come out and more, please sign up for my newsletter here:
And remember, Read it, Review it, Share it!


Merry Farmer is an award-winning novelist who lives in suburban Philadelphia with her two cats, Butterfly and Torpedo. She has been writing since she was ten years old and realized one day that she didn't have to wait for the teacher to assign a creative writing project to write something. It was the best day of her life. She then went on to earn not one but two degrees in History so that she would always have something to write about. Her books have topped the Amazon and iBooks charts and finalled in the prestigious RONE and Rom Com Reader’s Crown awards.


You can email her at
[email protected]
or follow her on Twitter @merryfarmer20.


Merry also has a blog,

and a Facebook page,




I would never be able to do what I do without the help of some fabulous people. I’d like to thank my amazing beta-readers, Cheryl Kidron, Keira Montclair, Nicole Pettigrew, Sara Archibald, Leeanne Keane, Mia Sosa, and Tracy Vincent for their amazing suggestions and advice. This story was way, way outside of my comfort zone, and these ladies helped me not to make a total fool of myself. And finally, where would I be without the Mistress of Badass herself, my publicist Anne Chaconas, and the whole Badass Marketing team.


Other Works by Merry Farmer


The Noble Hearts Trilogy


The Loyal Heart

The Faithful Heart

The Courageous Heart


Montana Romance


Our Little Secrets

Fool for Love

In Your Arms

Somebody to Love


Sarah Sunshine – A Montana Romance Novella

The Indomitable Eve – A Montana Romance Novella

Seeks For Her – A Montana Romance Novella


Hot on the Trail


Trail of Kisses

Trail of Hope

Trail of Longing

Trail of Dreams

Trail of Destiny (coming April 2015)

Trail of Redemption (coming June 2015)

Trail of Chances (coming July 2015)


Trail Blaze – a prequel novella (coming June 2015)


Second Chances

(contemporary romance)


Summer with a Star

One Night with a Star (coming summer 2015)


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