Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2) (71 page)

Read Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Deanndra Hall

Tags: #Romance, #drama, #Erotica, #erotic romance, #mystery

There was nothing for her to say. This man really loved her, and she’d never had that with anyone. She took his shaft back into her hands, then slid her mouth down over it, and he let out a long “ahhhhhhhhhhh” and dropped his head back into the pillow, arching his back and pressing his rigidness upward toward her. She worked her tongue up and down his shaft as she took him in over and over until he almost choked her with cum, stroking her hair as he shook and released.

Vic pulled her up to him, then onto her back. He slid down into the bed and sat up a little. “What in the world are you doing?” she asked him, but before she could even get the words out, she felt his fingers on her.

“I want to see what I’m doing,” he said, looking up at her and grinning, watching her blush. Using two fingers, he retracted her hood and stared at the plumped-up node that greeted him. “Uh-huh! Hard as a rock and swollen, baby. Wish you knew how delicious you look.” Laura could feel her face burning.

Vic bent to her clit, then flicked it a dozen times with his tongue as Laura squirmed and squealed. He sat back up and ran the index finger of his free hand around the tiny million-dollar piece of real estate over and over, watching her hips thrust toward his hand. When she started to gasp and reach for him, he bent back down and took the reddened bud into his mouth, alternating between sucking and licking, until she was frantic and begging him to stop, to keep going, to make her come. He could tell she was getting closer and timed it just right – he took two fingers and thrust them into her pussy, and she groaned and ground her hips into his hand. “God, Vic, please? I need to come. Please!”

Vic chuckled, then started stroking inside her pussy with both fingers bent, igniting her G-spot and watching her go wild while he worked her clit over with his tongue. He felt her cunt’s rhythm clench around his fingers and her legs stiffen, and she came screaming his name, her fingers winding into his hair and pulling. Her body was almost vibrating, her cries becoming whimpers, and he withdrew his fingers, took his mouth from her swollen beauty, and sat up.

When he drew her onto his folded legs and turned her toward him, her legs wrapped of their own accord around his ass, and he dropped her onto his manhood. Laura was almost limp from her climax when he impaled her on his length, and his eyes bored into hers, their smoldering darkness making her skin tingle. “First position, the Lotus. The old ones called this the original position. My favorite, but one I wouldn’t do with anyone unless I loved them. So I guess you know how I feel about you.” He pressed into her – hard.

She cried out and gripped his biceps, then leaned down and kissed the bullet wound on his shoulder. “God, baby, I love you so much. Make love to me, Vic, please?” she whispered into his ear.

“I’ll make you glad you’re mine, angel. I want to be so far inside you that I almost disappear,” he whispered back to her. “Feel how hard I am for you? I’ve never been this hard in my life. You do that to me, beautiful girl. I want you so bad that I hurt.”

“You really do love me, don’t you?” she asked, grinning as he pressed into her, gasping as he hit the top of her softness and warmth over and over, all of their passion coalescing and spilling over, binding them together in its intensity.

“Yes, precious, I do. I love you more than anything in this world,” he told her. “You make me happy to be a man, enough of a man to satisfy you. Tell me I give you what you need, baby. I need to hear it.”

“I ache for you. I can hardly stand it when we’re not together. All I thought about all day was getting back here, having you inside me, feeling your skin against mine. If you decided tomorrow that you didn’t want me, I think I’d die.”

Vic laughed. “You don’t have to worry about that, baby. You’re all I want. Always and forever. Hang on – I’m gonna give you the ride of your life!”

“Do it – I’ll cowgirl up!” Laura laughed and then moaned as Vic tore into her, his hands around her waist, lifting her up and down as his hips thrust upward into her. “Oh, god, babe, I just want you. I want you so much.” She struggled to keep herself together. “Oh, please, I don’t want to come yet. I want this to go on forever, please?”

“We’ve got all the time in the world, precious. Just enjoy it. That’s
what I’m doing.” He smiled at her, then kissed her as he stroked into her, his eyes closing in sensual oblivion.

Laura melted into him and their world stopped turning, her heart slamming and pussy aching, that magnificent cock stretching her wider and deeper than she’d ever dreamed possible. She wanted it to last forever, wanted to fall deeper and farther, until she was inside him, part of him, meshed with him.

Her softness intoxicated Vic and kicked every loving and protective tendency he had into overdrive. This was the woman he knew he belonged with. He wanted to possess her, protect her, fuck her and make love to her, breathe her in like the rarest perfume. Holding her until the day he died wouldn’t be long enough; he wanted a day with a thousand hours followed by one just like it so they could slip effortlessly into that huge forever. When he opened his eyes and looked into her face, he found those deep hazel orbs staring straight into his dark ones, and he was even more sure in that instant that this was the woman he wanted to share the rest of his life with, good and bad, sick and well, rich and poor. After all, as long as she was with him, he was rich.

And best yet, she was the one woman he could relax and turn himself loose to love. He was convinced that she’d never leave him. She was the one woman in the entire world who wouldn’t turn him away, turn her back on him, or toss him aside. That fury and wildness that had followed him like an angry, lonely shadow was gone because she held his heart in her hands like the costliest of treasures and gripped it like she’d never let it go.

As far as he was concerned, that was everything.

“God, I’m so glad we could get a sitter. I need a night out,” Brittany told Clayton as they pulled up to Vic’s house in Lexington. Laura wanted to cook for them, but they both wondered what awaited them inside.

“Me too. Wonder what she’s fixing? I don’t think she’s much of a cook, but I’ll behave myself and be good, I promise,” Clayton told his adorable wife. She shot him a look and nodded.

The door opened almost immediately when Clayton rang the bell, and he and Brittany couldn’t do anything but stand and stare.

Vic stood in the doorway – or was it Vic? This guy had on a pair of khaki shorts and a red and blue striped polo shirt. Clayton searched his mind rapidly; nope, he couldn’t remember Vic ever wearing anything except black or some variation of black. “Hey, guys, glad you’re here!” Vic called out, then stopped and furrowed his brow. “What’s wrong?”

It took a few seconds for either of them to say anything, and then Clayton stammered, “Uh, what the hell . . .”

Vic looked down, then back up, and grinned. “Like it? My sweet little girlfriend took me shopping last night. She said my wardrobe was a little too, um, somber.” Brittany was still standing with her mouth hanging open. “You’d tell me if I looked ridiculous, right?” he whispered conspiratorially.

“Uh, you don’t look ridiculous. It’s just going to take me a little while to get used to the new Vic, that’s all,” Clayton mumbled.

Brittany managed to mumble, “Yeah, it always takes him a little while to process things, but I’m having some difficulty too.” Vic just laughed.

“Come on in!” He led the way through the living room. “Brit,” Vic whispered, leaning toward her, “Laura might need a little help in there. I’ve been hearing lots of X-rated words coming from somewhere near the stove.”

“Gotcha. I’ll see what I can do.” She hustled off to the kitchen.

“You guys doing okay?” Clayton asked, eyeing Vic warily.

“We’re not doing okay. We’re doing fantastic!” Vic gushed.

“I take it you’re getting laid,” Clayton said matter-of-factly.

“Why, actually, yes I am, thanks for asking.” Vic looked puzzled.

“Just thought we should clear that up.”

“Good. Now, could we talk about golf or something? Or we can go back to talking about sex if you just really feel the need,” Vic grinned.

“No, no, we can talk about golf. But it’s not nearly as interesting,” Clayton laughed.

The four of them sat around the den after dinner. They were deep in conversation when Vic’s text notification went off. He spent a few minutes typing and reading.

“Anything wrong?” Laura asked.

“Nope. Your dad,” Vic said, looking at Clayton. “Wants to know how we are. Says to tell you two hello and they love you. Says my father died about eight years ago and I can come back to Italy safely. Says he’s sending me something. Wonder what . . .” His closed his eyes and a tear trickled down his cheek.

Laura panicked. “Honey, what is it? What did Tony send you?” She watched in horror as Vic dropped his phone, dropped his face into his hands, and started to tremble. “Baby, what’s wrong?” she cried out.

Clayton reached down and picked up Vic’s phone. He looked at the screen as Brittany peered over his shoulder. A smile broke across his face, Brittany’s too, and he handed the phone to Laura.

She peered at the screen and her eyes filled with tears. There were Tony and Nikki, and between them, their hands on her shoulders, was a tiny, gray-haired lady, her hair pulled back tightly, wearing a navy blue dress and a white apron. She was wrinkled and dark, but she was smiling brightly. But it wasn’t the woman that captured Laura’s eye.

It was the photo she was holding, what appeared to be an eight by ten, color but faded. It was the same woman, younger, standing with a child, probably eight or nine. His face was so beautiful that he almost looked like a girl, and his head had a halo of dark, curly hair. Neither of them was smiling, and her arms were wrapped protectively around him like she was shielding him from something.

Laura saw it all in a flash. She put her hand on Vic’s knee and asked him gently, “Vic, is that your nonna?”

He could barely speak, and he dropped his head into her lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Uh-huh.”

She smiled. “That’s you, isn’t it?”

“Uh-huh,” he answered, then began to sob and cried out, “Oh, god, I miss my nonna!” She smoothed his hair as he continued to weep. In a split second he had become that small child, protected only by powerless women, and the freshness of his pain and homesickness pierced her heart.

Clayton moved to the sofa beside him and put a hand on his back. “Zio Vic, you can go see her any time you want. Why don’t you go see her? Or why don’t you have Mom and Dad bring her back with them?”

He gasped for breath. “She probably doesn’t have a passport.”

“Oh, that’s easy enough to fix. Have Dad talk to Zia Angelina, see if she can help your nonna do that. I know she would.” Clayton tightened his hold around Vic’s shoulders. “And Dad knows enough people that he should be able to get it to go through quickly. We can talk to him about it when they get back, and you can always fly over and fly her back with you.”

“Guess I could.” Vic sat up and pulled himself together. “That photo . . . it pushed me back into some scary times. But I still love it.” He took his phone and looked at it again. “I felt safe with my nonna, even though that asshole hit her a time or two when she took up for me and Mamma.”

“Better now?” Laura asked him, and he nodded “Sweetheart, that photo? That’s the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. I’d love to have a copy of it,” she told him.

“I can have this one printed from my phone. Nikki’s having the rest of them copied. We’ll have one.” Vic sniffed hard. “I’ll finally have a picture of my nonna.”

Clayton and Brittany smiled at each other. It was a wonderful thing to witness a wounded person you love start to heal.

oly shit.” It was the only thing Nikki could manage when she got out of the rental car and stood in front of the Cabrizzi home in Bolzano.

“My family’s home, at least my mother’s family anyway,” Tony said, looking up. It looked more like an English country castle, at least three stories and bigger than four football fields. The porte-cochère on the front was big enough for three cars, but it was probably made for two teams of horses with their coaches. The door opened and Tony yelled, “
Zia Isabella! Oh mio dio! Sono così felice di vederti!
” He kissed the beautiful older woman on each cheek, which she returned, then turned to Nikki. “This is my Zia Isabella Fioretti.”

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