Tethered 01 - Catalyst (12 page)

Read Tethered 01 - Catalyst Online

Authors: Jennifer Snyder

“Hello?” he said into the phone, the sound of his voice sent shivers along my spine.

“Kace? This is Addison. I was just calling to umm…” I ran my finger through some sugar grains that had spilled onto the countertop from something Vera had made earlier and bounced my leg, stalling. “To see if you wanted to get a coffee together or something?” God, I sounded like an idiot!

“I was hoping you’d call.” I could hear a smile in his tone. It lightened my nerves a little and I chuckled softly.

“Oh, well I did…I mean I am.” I stopped talking. My cheeks flamed red, and I was glad we were doing this over the phone and not in person.

“That you are. A coffee would be great. When can I pick you up?”

I couldn’t say now, could I? Wouldn’t that make me appear too desperate? “How about in an hour?” That seemed reasonable.

“All right, an hour it is. See you in a few.”

“Bye.” I hung up, unsure if I’d even given him time to respond to my bye.

My heart pounded in my chest so hard my fingertips tingled. I’d just asked Kace out on a date! I’d never asked a guy out on a date before. I set my phone down on the counter and rushed out of the room to ask for Vera’s help with my outfit before she dozed off again.

“Don’t you think the heels are a little much, though?” I asked, staring at my reflection in the long antique mirror that stood beside my dresser.

Vera yawned and wadded up my pillow beneath her head a little more. “No, not at all. I think you look hot.”

I turned to look at myself from the side. I always wanted to be one of those girls who wore heels everywhere. They seemed to look so sophisticated and sexy, so sure of themselves. Vera was one of those girls. She had a pair of heels in every color imaginable and could walk in them like nobody’s business. Me, I owned one pair. They were black with a little strap that went across the top of my foot. And I was not the best when it came to strutting my stuff in them. I felt like I looked awkward, which, of course, made me feel like a moron.

“Yeah, I don’t know,” I said, scrunching up my nose at my reflection while I twisted my right foot from side to side in front of me. “I think I might just wear my flip-flops.”

“Whatever,” Vera muttered from somewhere deep within my bed, hidden beneath the blankets. “You’d better head downstairs before lover boy shows up. There’s no way you’d ever hear him knock from up here, and who knows if the doorbell even works.”

“Good point.”

A tinkling ding-dong noise filled the house just then, causing me to jump.

“Guess it works,” Vera grumbled, burying her head in my pillow. “Oh my God, it’s so loud!”

“I’ll see you later,” I said as I grabbed my clutch off my dresser and slipped out of the heels. I slid on some brown sandals and darted toward the door. “And don’t fall asleep in my bed!”

“Why?” Vera yelled after me. “Planning on bringing lover boy home to it?” She chuckled at her comment.

“Not gonna happen,” I shouted in a singsong voice. “I just don’t want you drooling all over my pillow.”

“Whatever. I’m getting up. Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Vera called after me, and I heard her slide out of bed. “Which doesn’t leave out much.”

I chuckled as I bounded down the stairs. Pausing in front of the door, I smoothed out the sage green sundress Vera had loaned me—she’d insisted that it brought out the greens of my eyes—and forced myself to take in a calming breath and then slowly released it. Gripping the doorknob with my trembling hand, I turned it.

“Hey.” I smiled as I opened the door. Kace stood in the doorway, his full lips twisted into a grin, deepening his single dimple that I was growing to love.

“You look great.” His eyes skimmed over the length of me, and I swore I could feel the heat of his gaze slipping over my exposed skin.

“Thanks,” I managed as I tucked my hair behind my ears, positive my cheeks were tinted a shade or two darker than what they normally would be due to his ravenous stare. “Ready?”

He shoved his hand into his front pocket and fished out his keys. “Sure.”

Closing the door behind me, I started down the steps with him watching my every move. I was incredibly glad that I’d changed my mind about the heels. There was no way I would have made it down the steps knowing he was looking at me the way that he was without falling on my face.

Kace drove a supped-up, solid black Dodge Charger with gray interior. It beat the heck out of my ’95 Jeep Cherokee, but there was no way I was going to make a big deal about his nice car. I’d realized long ago that guys could talk forever when it came to their cars, especially if the car was nice.

I played with the hem of my dress line as I silently hoped Kace didn’t have the other thing that I’d always found to go hand in hand when it came to guys and nice-ass cars…a huge ego. In my experience, the nicer the car, the more of an ass the guy ended up being. My ex, Ryan, was proof of that.

“So have you had any more time to think about the other night?” Kace asked, pulling me from my thoughts. His right hand reached out and found mine. The sudden warmth flaring up in the spot where his skin pressed against mine caught my breath. “I assumed that’s why you called me, because you wanted to talk about it.”

I didn’t look at him. I couldn’t. “It is…” I trailed off, unsure of what I wanted to say first, how I wanted to start this insane conversation.

Kace squeezed my hand in his, causing the warmth to intensify and then spread up my arm. “I’m an open book. Ask me anything.”

I pulled my hand from his. There was no way I would be able to focus clearly if he was touching me. “Keep your hands to yourself for a little while then.” I chuckled to soften the unease in my tone. “I can’t concentrate when you’re touching me.”

He shifted his attention off the road to glance at me for a split second, flashing me a devilish grin. “Is it bad how much that excites me?”

I grinned like a fool and shook my head. “No, not really.” My eyes dropped to my fingers, and I began picking at my cuticles as I searched for what I truly wanted to know from him. “How does this work? What is it?”

Kace sighed like I’d either asked the hardest question of all, or he wasn’t sure how to answer.

“You mean the magick, right?” His eyes flicked from the road to me, and I nodded in answer as I met his short gaze. “Well, it’s a little tricky to explain, but I’ll try. We’re Elementals.”

My heart began to pound. He’d mentioned something about elements before, but I needed to be sure I knew exactly what he meant. If there was any time to question him on this, it was now. “Elementals? You mean the magick has something to do with the elements—like Earth, Air, Fire, and Water type stuff?”

He smirked, but kept his eyes straight ahead. “Exactly. It’s something that’s passed down through our bloodline. Our magick is awakened only in the presence of our corresponding element. We stimulate and fuel each other’s magick.” He stopped talking then, either allowing me a moment to comprehend all that was being said or giving me a moment to ask any other questions I might have. When I didn’t speak, he continued on. “Air flames Fire…”

He reached out and trailed his fingertips against my fidgeting hands. I could feel that his words were true, even though I’d already guessed as much from the night before. His touch was the reminder that this was all real. Warmth danced across the top of my hand and along the edge of my wrist.

“The same with Callie and Adam…he’s Earth and she’s Water. Water makes Earth grow. Well, plants and such. Their elements nurture each other,” Kace continued. “The only thing is, we can feel the magick, but we can’t use it unless there are four of us, a balance, and we’re all initiated. And since none of us are initiated…well…”

His fingertips slipped from my wrist to my thigh, stroking the skin there in feather-light lines and patterns, letting me know exactly all that we could do while uninitiated. We could torture each other with this incredible magick that flowed through us upon contact, but could never find a way out, a release.

“Then how can Adam’s family use magick at their restaurant?” I asked, trying to ignore the little tingles of pleasure Kace’s touch created in my lower region. It had been a while since anyone had caressed my skin the way that he was.

Kace removed his hand from my thigh to parallel park in front of a little coffeehouse with purple trim and a front door in a matching color. It was called
. I remembered then what Adam had said, the answer he’d given me to the question I’d just asked Kace—Hoodoo. Dear God, please do not let him tell me that this elemental magick was some sort of strange Hoodoo stuff.

“He told you about that?” Kace asked. His lips pressed together and his jaw tightened.

“Well, yeah.” I didn’t understand why Kace was so upset about it. Wasn’t it something he was planning on telling me anyway?

“He shouldn’t have.” Kace cut the engine and forced a laugh. “Well, at least you’re still here, right? That’s all that matters…that he didn’t scare you away with more of this magick stuff. And to answer your question…Hoodoo, that’s how they do it.”



I climbed out of Kace’s low-riding car and closed the door behind me. The air was a little cooler here and instantly made me wish I’d remembered the brown cardigan I’d picked out to go with this dress for tonight. I wrapped my arms around myself tightly and met Kace on the sidewalk.

“Cold?” he asked.

“A little.”

He held his hand out. “Here.” A challenging smirk twisted his lips. “Take my hand… I’ll warm you up.”

I rolled my eyes and stifled a grin. Damn he was sexy. Reaching out, I placed my hand in his and tried to ignore how good it felt to be there. Flickers of heat caressed my palm, instantly warming me.

“Feel that?” he whispered. “That’s your magick responding to mine...in case you haven’t figured it out yet.”

The smoldering look that entered his eyes then was beyond sinful. It was like knowing he had this effect on me, this power to ignite whatever magick was within me, to awaken it, was the best foreplay he’d ever come across.

“I feel it,” I answered simply, not because I was trying to appear cold or uninterested, but because I wasn’t sure I could utter another word. Was it this intense between other Elementals? Or was it only us?

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