The Actor and the Earl (26 page)

Read The Actor and the Earl Online

Authors: Rebecca Cohen

The scraping of chairs from within the hall was a sign that the guests had taken their seats for the feast. Sebastian grinned. “I think we’ve timed this perfectly.”

Miriam ran ahead, and Sebastian nodded to show he was ready. “Enjoy your evening,” she said as she pulled open the doors.

The arrival of a latecomer made every head in the great hall turn in his direction. A chair clattered backward as Anthony jumped to his feet. Within a heartbeat, Sebastian found himself gathered into Anthony’s arms and spun around.

“You’re here!” Anthony cried.

Beaming, Anthony kissed him, then turned to their guests. “I could not have hoped for a better Christmas present than to have the person I love most in the world join us for the feast.”

Sebastian went to take his regular chair at the end of the table, but Anthony would not let go of his hand. “Not tonight. I cannot bear to be parted from you, my lady, and I will not allow you to be away from me, even if it is only a few feet.”

Sebastian let Anthony lead him past all the guests to the head of the table. A servant had already picked up the chair that had fallen backward, and Anthony sat down, pulling Sebastian into his lap, and slipped an arm around his middle to stop him from escaping.

Anthony buried his face in Sebastian’s neck. “Please tell me this is not a dream, and that you really are here.”

Sebastian ran his fingers through Anthony’s hair. “It’s no dream. I’m home.”

The first course of roast guinea fowls arrived, and Anthony insisted on feeding Sebastian, picking out all the slices of breast meat that he knew were Sebastian’s favorites, and demanding a kiss after every morsel as payment.

“The last time we ate like this was at our wedding,” said Sebastian between kisses from Anthony.

“And there’s something else we did that night that I intend to reenact.”

“Oh, I’m not sure I’m fully recovered enough for that. It was quite a long convalescence.” Sebastian tried to act serious, but had to burst out laughing at the look of horror on Anthony’s face.

“It is good to see you in such fine health,” said Matthew, amused at their antics. He was sitting two seats away, grinning. “To what do you attribute your recovery?”

“The love of a good man, of course,” said Anthony, smirking.

“If I was waiting for a good man, then I would still be bedridden.”

Sebastian’s quick retort raised a guffaw from guests sitting closest, and Matthew got to his feet. “A toast: to Lady Bronwyn.”

The guests were quick to respond, and a loud cheer went up from the table. Sebastian attempted to slide off Anthony’s lap and find a seat of his own, but Anthony wasn’t having any of it. “And where do you think you’re going?”

“To a chair.”

Anthony held him tighter. “No.”


“Indulge me, just for tonight.”

Sebastian stopped trying to escape, and if he wriggled a little more than was necessary to get comfortable, he knew from Anthony’s groan and the hardness poking into his arse that Anthony wasn’t about to complain.

How he managed to get through the meal, Sebastian would never know. Anthony didn’t seem able to stop touching him. Fingers ran across Sebastian’s neck under his ruff, a foot wormed its way under his dress to rub a calf, and soft kisses were placed on any patch of uncovered skin. He squirmed in Anthony’s lap, the constant touches exciting him, and he was grateful for the heaviness of his farthingale. Otherwise, his arousal would be obvious, and they’d have more than one difficult question to answer.

Once supper was over, Sebastian hoped they would be able to sneak away, but Anthony shook his head. “We need to stay a little longer and be part of the dancing at least.”

Sebastian thought the guests were all more than happy without them needing to stay and start the dancing. “Can’t we say that the feast has tired me out, and I need to retire as soon as possible?” Sebastian whispered into Anthony’s ear so as not to be overheard.

Anthony’s hands tightened on Sebastian’s waist. “Have I told you that your mind is a magnificent thing?”

Grabbing Sebastian’s hand, Anthony headed for the door, but Richard stopped them as they were leaving the hall. “I take it you won’t be joining us at the card table this evening, Anthony.”

“While I am always reluctant to be a poor host, I must decline this evening. Someone has to ensure that my good lady wife reaches her bedchamber safely.”

“A worthy excuse,” said Richard heartily, slapping Anthony’s back. “We don’t want to risk our lovely Bronwyn suffering a relapse during the night.”

Sebastian was convinced he’d turned bright red from embarrassment, but Anthony looked quite smug, as if he was enjoying the exchange, and he wished Richard a good night and luck with the cards.

“Come on,” said Anthony, ushering Sebastian toward the stair. “I don’t want to be waylaid again.”

Once in the entrance hall, Sebastian looked back in astonishment. “I can’t believe Richard said that.”

“Richard is a man of the world. I’ve heard him say much worse!” said Anthony with a leer, and patted Sebastian’s arse. “And it’s not like he’s wrong about my intentions.”

Fearing that Anthony might pick him up and throw him over his shoulder if he dawdled, Sebastian ran up the stairs as fast as his skirt would allow, Anthony hot on his heels, his hands wandering freely over any part of Sebastian he could reach. Sebastian didn’t stop until he was in Anthony’s candlelit bedroom, and as soon as the door closed behind them, he was pulled into a deep kiss.

His wig was first to go, thrown carelessly to the floor as Anthony plunged his fingers into Sebastian’s real hair. The ruff was next, the ribbon carefully untied, and Anthony covered Sebastian’s neck with kisses as he revealed his pale throat. “I still can’t believe you’re really here.”

“What will it take to convince you?”

“Oh, I have a thing or two in mind,” replied Anthony, attempting to loosen Sebastian’s gown. He growled in frustration when the laces got tangled in the bodice underneath, as if its failure to cooperate was a personal affront.

“You of all people should be able to get someone undressed.” Sebastian had meant the comment to be lighthearted, but as the words left his mouth he was suddenly struck by an uneasiness that he couldn’t shake.

“Sebastian….” began Anthony, sensing his unease, his hands coming to rest on Sebastian’s waist. “Maybe we should slow down a little. There is no need to rush.”

Sebastian rested his hands on top of Anthony’s. “No, I’m just being foolish.”

“You need to tell me what is wrong.” Anthony moved away but didn’t let go of Sebastian’s hand as he led him to the bed and sat down, making Sebastian do the same. “I don’t want us to misunderstand each other.”

Sebastian hesitated, turning his gaze away from Anthony, watching the flames pop and crackle in the fireplace. “You have been my first for many things, Anthony, but I’ll never be the same to you. There will always be someone for you to compare me to, and I can’t possibly compete with the beauty of the court or the experience of older men.”

“There is no competition,” said Anthony, stroking Sebastian’s cheek. “I can’t erase my past, Sebastian, but that does not mean I want to relive it.”

Anthony untied the ribbon that held Sebastian’s right sleeve in place, sliding it away and allowing it to drift to the floor. He held Sebastian’s hand and kissed it, turning it over to press his lips to the underside of the wrist, the palm, and the tip of each finger. Finally, he lingered on the little finger.

“I am glad you chose to wear it,” said Anthony, rubbing his thumb over the ring.

“It is an honor to do so. I know it means a great deal to you.”

Sebastian was bewildered by the change of pace as Anthony removed his other sleeve, hands stroking his arm as if he was something to be adored. From the sparks that had flown between them over supper, he’d expected nothing would dampen Anthony’s ardor, certainly not a moment of uncertainty on Sebastian’s part.

“Stand up,” said Anthony, pulling Sebastian to his feet.

Sebastian obeyed, shivering despite the warmth of the fire as Anthony traced the neckline of his gown, his fingers lingering on the exposed skin of Sebastian’s collarbone. “Anthony….”

Anthony silenced him with a kiss. Sebastian leaned in to enjoy it, but Anthony moved away. “Lift up your arms.”

He held up his arms, and Anthony’s hands slipped under his gown and eased it up over his head. The dress was discarded as Anthony reached around to untie Sebastian’s skirt, which rippled to the floor, pooling at his feet as the bow unraveled. His roll joined it seconds later. Standing in just his underclothes, Sebastian felt strangely exposed, something he’d not experienced with Anthony since the first night they’d spent together.

“There are days,” said Anthony, helping Sebastian step out of the material of his skirt and then releasing him from his farthingale, “when I cannot believe that I have been so fortunate to be the one that gets to worship you. When I thought I had lost you through my own stupidity, I was distraught, desperate to make amends. I do not know what I would’ve done if you had not returned.”

Sebastian knew he had to say something, make sure Anthony understood that what had happened before could not be repeated, that there would be no additional chances. “I cannot pretend it didn’t hurt, Anthony. If there is a next time, then I will leave. I will not come back, and I will make sure you will not find me.”

“Swear on my life, there will not be a next time.” Anthony rested his forehead against Sebastian’s. “I told you once that I had never loved anyone. I was not lying. My lovers were always temporary. I saw no future with them, so there was no need to be faithful. You are my world, Sebastian, and when you left, I thought I would die. I cannot live through that again.”

They kissed, slow and sweet, and Sebastian didn’t think he could love anyone as much as he loved Anthony, his heart bruised and battered but full. Breaking the kiss, he was slightly breathless, and he could see the fire had returned to Anthony’s eyes.

The lacings on Sebastian’s corset were dealt with swiftly, and it joined the rest of his clothes on the floor. Standing in just his shift and hose while Anthony was still fully dressed didn’t seem fair to him, but before he could start to work on Anthony’s doublet, Sebastian was laid backward, onto the bed. Hands under his shift made fast work of his hose, and he writhed as kisses peppered his inner thighs, puffs of hot breath tingling across his oversensitized skin. Anthony’s lips trailed a path from Sebastian’s thigh to his ankle as the material was peeled from him. He reached forward and tugged at Anthony’s doublet. With a deep chuckle, Anthony understood his meaning and stripped out of his clothes with a practiced efficiency, and Sebastian removed his shift, leaving them both naked.

Sebastian scooted up the bed, making room for Anthony, who climbed aboard, crawling over Sebastian. The feel of skin against skin made Sebastian ache for more of Anthony’s touch. Sebastian’s hands roamed across his lover’s chest, running through soft curls of hair, nails scraping over nipples and making Anthony gasp.

“You ignite me. I could burn away to nothing at the barest of your touches,” whispered Anthony as he claimed Sebastian’s lips once more.

Sebastian’s hips canted upward to rub his hardness against Anthony’s, grinding against him, desperate for the contact. “Please. I need….”

Anthony pressed him down onto the surface of the bed, giving Sebastian the friction he desired. Sebastian’s whole body was consumed with the rush of pleasure as he lay pinned under Anthony. “Not yet,” said Anthony, sliding down Sebastian’s body. “I want to taste you first.”

Sebastian squirmed as Anthony kissed patterns across his midriff before a long lick to his shaft almost made Sebastian come undone. Anthony took him into his mouth, and the heat and wetness and Anthony’s wicked tongue were too much for Sebastian’s control. A finger stroked at Sebastian’s entrance as he emptied himself into Anthony’s willing mouth, the rush of ecstasy almost blinding as his head spun at such delicious treatment.

Sebastian was only vaguely aware that Anthony had retrieved the oil from the nightstand as slick fingers worked him open, his body needing little encouragement to welcome Anthony. He lifted his legs in invitation, and Anthony moved, quickly aligning their bodies and sliding his cock inside. It hadn’t been that long seen they’d done this, but Sebastian had missed him, missed the connection of being with someone so intimately. Anthony’s long, slow strokes were blissful, making his body arch with pleasure, his own cock returning to full hardness without needing to be touched. He wrapped his arms around Anthony’s shoulders, urging him to move faster, and Anthony obliged, speeding up the pace. The sound of skin slapping against skin intermingled with heavy breathing and moans of desire, but Sebastian couldn’t care how loud he was being. Anthony cried out as he came, and Sebastian’s second orgasm followed closely behind, accompanied with a shout of delight.

Anthony rolled off him then, grinning, and pulled Sebastian into his arms. “You are no longer allowed to sleep next door,” he declared, stealing another kiss. “I will not sanction having you so far away at night.”

Sebastian shifted to rest his head on Anthony’s chest. “Do I get a say in the matter?”

“None whatsoever. I might even make a new Crofton Hall rule that when you are in this room you must be naked.”

“That will hardly be a change,” said Sebastian dryly with a small laugh. “My clothes always appear to end up on the floor magically whenever I enter your room.”

“Must be some sort of sorcery,” Anthony said with a chuckle, “but it’s surely not malicious enough for us to concern a priest. I am sure we can muddle through without church intervention.”

“Given that blasphemy is just one of many of the crimes we are committing, the less the church is involved in our life, the better,” said Sebastian, his eyes drifting closed as Anthony’s fingers carded through his hair.

Chapter 24

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