The Balkanization of America (10 page)




“Mr. President as we’ve previously discussed the FCC can’t do anything to block Anonymous, we have no idea who they are, or where they’re located. They seem to be able to block access anytime they want to. I’m sorry, but I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to address the country without interruption.”


“Your answer is totally unacceptable, find a way to block them and get me back on the air. I’m not going to rely on the print media and the internet.”


“Mr. President, they can block the internet with ease.”


“Either locate them within two weeks or I want your resignation on my desk.”


“Mr. President, just accept my resignation now, we can’t block them, why don’t you ask the NSA to use their supercomputers to locate them and block their access.”


“An excellent idea, you may yet be useful.”


The Director of the NSA informs the President the NSA has been trying to locate Anonymous for years. “Sir, we can’t locate them, they bounce their signals around the world.”

“Are you telling me you can listen to anyone anywhere in the world unless they’re a member of Anonymous?”


“Mr. President, you can say that.”


“Find a way.”




The remaining UN peacekeepers move into the Pentagon where they find all of the computers have been wiped clean. Paper files have been burned with thermite grenades; large sections of the Pentagon have been walled off, the UN commander looks at the newly built brick walls which block access to a third of the E ring thinking, there’s no easy way to break through the new walls. The commander thinks, “I have no idea how thick this wall is. Whatever the crazy Americans are trying to hide can stay hidden for now."


“Sir, we found an envelope addressed to you on the door to the Secretary of Defense’s conference room.”


“Let me have it.”


“You haven’t won, in fact; you’ve lost big time, and if I were you I’d bend over and kiss my ass goodbye. Signed Major Grover.”


“Sir, do you believe this Major Grover?”


“Yes I do, I’m betting he’s planted many surprises for us ……” Before the commander can complete his sentence, five explosions rip through the Pentagon killing hundreds of UN troops.

“Damn it, I hate Grover.”





The DHS black shirts tighten their hold on the country; they set up ID roadblocks stopping everyone driving on interstate freeways. People are upset over the delays and interruption to their plans; a few motorists drive through the roadblocks, a few run over a couple of the agents, the drivers are stopped and arrested; their homes are bulldozed to their foundations; everything they own is confiscated from them. Even if released, they have nothing to come home to. Neighbors watch in shock as homes are destroyed, lives erased, some begin to wake up. Tens, hundreds, thousands take to the streets demanding the impeachment of the President and stop the DHS.


Congress is deadlocked in the impeachment process because none wants the Speaker to become the next President. The Speaker calls General Brownstone, “General; we’re in agreement to file the articles of impeachment, however, the joint members of the House and Senate can’t decide on who should replace the President.”


“Mr. Speaker, I don’t remember the constitution providing Congress with a choice, the line of succession is clearly laid out.”


“General, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. We plan to impeach the President, the VP and the AG that leaves me as next in line, the members of Congress won’t accept me, as such I’ve agreed to refuse the position, as has the Senate Whip. We’ve also agreed to impeach the Cabinet, the majority of the members don’t want any of them to become President either.”


“Let me understand this, you’ve moved from impeaching the President to impeaching all of the senior government officials?”


“General, that’s correct, once the process started; it became a snowball rolling down a mountain, it just kept growing. Name after name was added to the impeachment list. Hell, for a while my own name was on the list.”


“Mr. Speaker, what can I do for you? I’m not an elected official.”


“General, your name is the only one on a rather long list everyone agreed to, the reason I’m calling is to ask you to visit with us. Both the House and the Senate would like to meet with you.”


“Mr. Speaker, I’ll discuss the situation with my chief of security and get back to you in 24 hours, I have a lot to think about.”


“Thank you, General.”


Chapter 9

“President Lawson, our attack was successful. We caught the Americans by surprise. They’ve suffered a major loss, in fact, they didn’t expect our attack or they wouldn’t have lined up their armor in nice rows along the freeway leading to our border, we caught them with their pants down. I’d like permission to cross the border with troops and push them back five miles.”


“General, us crossing the border with boots on the ground will be seen as an invasion, it’ll help the President stir up the country. There’re many cases where cruise missiles were shot against a target or bombers bombed a target back to the Stone Age, none of these was considered an invasion, boots on the ground will be. I have to decline your request. I know you have the best intentions and want to protect the Republic. All the people and I of the Republic appreciate that I don’t want to hand President Obsma a media victory. He’ll sacrifice the lives of his military if he can figure out a way to spin the story. You have permission to keep drones over their positions, if they start to move towards the Republic, you have permission to stop them, however, I’d appreciate you stopping them without boots on American soil.”


“Yes Sir, I understand.”


“General? Don’t be disappointed, I know you want to test your troops, this just isn’t the right time for it. I can’t allow the Republic to be drawn into the two front war, one with Mexico and one with America. Don’t spread your troops too thin. Keep an eye on the Americans and stop the Mexicans from invading.”


“Yes, Sir.”




“General Brownstone, sir?”


“Captain? What’s up?


“Sir, Joshua is on the horn scrambler line one.”


“Joshua, you old warhorse, I figured you’d learn about the call and be ready to put your two cents in, what do you know?”


“General, calling me an old war horse in an insult to the horse. What do you think?”


“I think not, here’s why, I’ve spent my entire life in the Marines, and what do I know about government except for following their orders.”


“You couldn’t do worse than some we’ve both received orders from.”


“Old friend, I’m used to giving orders, not working on creating compromises, I don’t think military officers make good politicians.”


“Are saying Ike was a bad President or Washington?”


“OK, I understand the point you’re trying to make. Washington had to take the job, he was a natural choice; Ike had the experience holding the allies together; he was a politician. Remember Andrew Jackson or Grant, they didn’t work out so well.”


“Rod listen if you don’t do it, who will?  Who will those fools pick? One of themselves, is that what you think the country needs?


“It’s not legal for them to just reach out and pick someone; the country won’t accept it.”


“Do you think the country is going to accept them impeaching a sitting President?”


“I think the country is going to tear itself apart as soon as they announce the intent to hold a vote.”


“Yup, so who’s going to be there as a backstop?”


“You do it; you were always better at politics than I could ever be.”


“Not me, my old friend, I’m too old, plus it’s you they asked. Listen, just take the position to stabilize the country, call for new elections then you can step down.”


“My fear is once the vote is announced the country will tear itself apart; it’s on the tipping point right now, the period between the vote and the election could be fatal for the country.”


“Are you going to do anything while you decide?”


“Yes, I’m going to deploy my people to see if I can help the people hold on and fight back against the feds.”


“You’re now prepared to commit to open warfare? Aren’t you the one who said the military should stay out of the fight?”


“Yes, however, the fed’s aren’t playing fair.”


“General, you didn’t earn the four stars you wore by thinking your enemy will play fair, I call bullshit on that comment.”


“OK, you win, I was afraid we would get more people killed. The Patriots aren’t trained; they aren’t ready for all-out war.”


“Rod, if they aren’t ready, then help them. They’re trying; they don’t have a master plan. They don’t know what to do when or even where it’ll do the most damage to the feds.”


“I know, we’re starting tonight. Keep your eyes open for the results.”




“America we are Anonymous, do you realize that, in the thirty years, the Democrats have held Congress and or the Presidency; America’s budget rose from $900 Billion to $4.7 Trillion; the government is spending more money than exists in the entire world. It can never be repaid. America we are bankrupt; the world is bankrupt, the economic system is broken, we need a change, and you have to demand change. Your voices aren’t being heard. You need to take to the streets; you need to use force to force change.


The President has to be stopped, or America will cease to exist. If America dies so does freedom. Sitting on your couch watching TV is not acceptable, Get up, if you don’t take America back, don’t expect someone to do it for you. If you don’t care about your children’s future remain on your couches, if freedom means something to you, get up now, go outside and tell the world you’re mad as hell, and you’re not going to take it anymore, do it now. If you do it, we will know; we will support you. We will blind the President’s people; they won’t be able to see you. You are all superheroes, GET UP, GO OUTSIDE, tell the world. To make it easier for you, there will be no television tonight, you’ve all been bad, you don’t deserve special treats, you are spoiled children, you will be treated as such until you show the world your country your freedoms mean something to you. We are Anonymous,”


Television all over the country goes black. One by one, people get up and go outside; their neighbors meet them, and some never knew the people who lived next door to them. Tonight America wakes up; people start talking, and many try to understand each other. Television screens turn on; they are filled with sound bites of the President’s speeches. Every one of his lies is repeated until the sounds and the lies are burned into the viewer's memories.


The CDF is also in the streets harassing people; they’re doing whatever they can to protect the President. In some cities, the police decide it’s safer if they stay away from the two groups. Norcross Georgia turns violent when twenty ex-Marines show up, wading into a riot between the Patriots and the CDF. The Marines change the dynamics of the battle so that the CDF loses, twenty CDF members are sent to the hospital, and fourteen of them end up in intensive care. In cities across the country, ex-military people enter the fray turning the tables on the CDF.




“Ron, everything is off the air, the only thing being broadcast is snippets of the President’s speeches and lies, videos of recent events with the media’s reporting showing the media lied on each story. The President must be going crazy.”


“I bet he is.”


“Brad, now you know why DC was built on what used to be a swamp, the original designers must have known what a mess the Federal Government was going to turn into.”


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