The Beginning of Us (84 page)

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Authors: Alexis Noelle

“I also have another poster sized collage for the band. Maybe Smitty will let us hang it there?” She's holding another giant frame.

“Let me see it!” I say anxious to see more of her photography ability.

“What the hell! You HAVE to do more for us to use to promote!” I take both frames and leave to find Taron.

“Look at these Taron.”

“Who did these?” He says admiring both of them.

“My girl did!” I'm proud as hell of her right now.

“Shit, she's going to have to hook us up with some more!”

“She wants to hang the one with all of us at Smitty’s.  This one is going in my room!”  I leave to find Eaven again.  She's standing in my room with the largest smile on her face. 

“I'm glad you like them!”

“Like them? I love them. You are fucking talented Ev! You amaze me every day with something new about you. You have to take more pics tonight. I'll be doing killer stuff and I would love for you to capture it.”

“I plan on it.”  She doesn’t have time to say any more than that because I attack her.  I want to consume her

Just when I think there is no way I could find her any sexier, she shows me how much more there is to her.  I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist.  I hold her there and she starts to use her hands to explore.  She loves to put her fingers in my hair and tug.  That shit makes me crazy inside.  I release a groan and move to the wall near my drum set. 

I take her hands and raise them above her head against the wall.  She's still wrapped around me as I remove her shirt.  I don’t bother taking off her lacy bra.  I just yank it down so that she spills out over the top.  I lower her legs just long enough to get my jeans down and her skirt lifted.  I don’t waste anytime taking them all the way off so my jeans are now gathered around my ankles. 

She doesn’t hesitate to put her arms around my neck and climb back up to her previous position.  I rip her panties apart with one simple movement.  We are joined instantly and begin the best wall sex that I have ever had.  Her chest is brushing against mine and I feel her hard nipples scrape across my chest.  I pull her in closer and enjoy the feel of all of her smashed against me. 

“You are so fucking beautiful.”  I slow our rhythm and pull her face to meet mine.  She stares deep into my eyes.  She doesn’t turn away this time.  I continue the slow pace and notice her blue eyes darken. 

I know she's close when her teeth graze across her bottom lip and tug it inwards.  I wrap my arms under her legs from the inside of her thighs.  I step back just enough to get the right angle and allow my next thrust to hit the spot.  She has her hands extended above herself in complete trust that I'll take care of her. 

She begins to moan through her orgasm as I take her higher and higher.  She rides through it and I can’t stop myself as her moans turn into loud cries of appreciation.  She has never been this vocal during sex.  We will have to revisit this position and see what other ways I can cause this reaction in her. 

There were a couple of times that her foot hit the cymbals during our ride, so I find it hilarious when she actually hits the cymbal on purpose after we are finished. I stand there against the wall balls deep in her as we both gasp for air.

It isn’t until I feel the wetness drip down my leg that I remember the condom.  You know the one we didn’t use.

“Fuck. I'm sorry, Ev. You make me crazy and I forgot.”

“I told you I'm covered.” 

It isn’t until this moment that I realize that I'm ok with this.  I love this girl.  It’s not that I'm ready for a child right now, but I'm good with whatever life has in store for us. 

“Good because after that experience, I don’t plan to wrap it again.” I say meaning every word. “God, I love you baby.”

“I love you too, Talon.” 

We clean up and get dressed before she leaves to get ready for the concert. I don’t know about anyone else, but I'm ready now that I got rid of any anxiety that I did have. Nothing like sex to take care of any unwanted tension.




~Chapter Thirteen~



Here I am, walking up the stairs to my apartment in a skirt, without panties on. Who does that? Apparently, I do. I have never been so thankful that there is no one around me in all my life.

Talon kept the scraps that remained of them ‘for luck’.

Ivy and I get ready for tonight. We already had our attire planned after our shopping trip this week. I'm wearing jeans, heels, and a red top that swoops low in the front. The shoulders fall down on my arms which bare the entire portion of my neck and most of my shoulders. This shirt requires a strapless bra for sure.

Ivy is looking smoking hot in a dress made for a model that shows off her curves and, of course, something like a four inch set of heels. She's going to take pictures with me, so we will work and play tonight.

We arrive at the stadium while the first bands are setting up. There are three different platforms on the field. One at each end zone and another in the middle of the field pushed back against the visitor side. Fans can sit in the stands or stand on the field and get a view of all three platforms at the same time. I need to find Talon so I can get a good view of the stage he will be on.

I see Taron and Luke hanging out near the middle stage.

“Hey guys! Have you seen Talon?” We both hug Luke when we walk up.

“He's here somewhere bossing someone around.” Taron says waving his hand toward the stage. “What? No love for me? Or did my brother get it all this afternoon? I heard you were great on the cymbals.”

Ok I'm going to handle this better than I have in the past. I decide to just smile and give in and hug him also. I'm still mortified inside, but I'm working really hard to disguise it. Why are Ivy and Taron always listening to us? Seriously? I notice Ivy grinning as she settles into Taron for a hug.

“He's focused today, Cuz. You probably should hang with us until he gets everything perfect for his part of the show.”

“When does ‘Rebel Walking’ take the stage?” I ask trying to get some sense of timing for everything.

“We are the second band on this stage. Talon has a duel right before we go on.” Luke gives more information than anyone else has so far.

“A duel? What is that?”

“He challenged two other drummers to take him on in a ‘Drum-Off’. He's pumped up about this. He organized it with the light techs and the other drummers most of this week. I guess they will each be on a different stage and each drummer will get a time to show off. Then they will rotate back around multiple times until each one plays an equal amount of time. Someone will judge the winner by the volume of the uproar in the audience.” Luke finishes as I see Talon working behind the stage. He's assembling his drum set.

“Hey, do you need any help?”

“Nah. Whoa, wait maybe I do!” He says as he looks me up and down with obvious appreciation.

“What?” I smile knowing he likes what he sees.

“Can you hold the back of the bass drum for me? Hold it with both hands.”

“Sure.” I put my hands behind the drum while he starts to adjust something on the other side.

“No lower. Looower. Looooower. Ok right there.” He's taking forever. Why am I holding the backside of this drum? I look up and see that he's just sitting there looking in my shirt.

“Really? What is wrong with you?”

“You can’t blame a guy can you? Shit, Ev! You are fucking gorgeous!” He locks me into a tight hug that presses everything we have into each other.

“Are you ready for tonight?”

“I am now!” He says as he pushes himself deeper into my body. I smack him in the arm.


“I mean, I am now that you are here to watch me!”

“Riiiight.” I lean up to kiss him. Even in my heels he's taller than me.

“No I'm stoked. Tonight should be THE night for Rebel Walking to shine.”

“I'll be watching.”

“I want you with me until I have to take stage.”

The concert begins. Each band from both ends of the field plays before the middle stage. We stand on the field and watch each perform. I love moments like this with him. He's standing behind me as close as possible like he always does. Luke and Lilly are standing with us. I’m not sure where Ivy took off to. After ‘Beckoning Reality’ finishes their concert on the middle stage Talon disappears to get his stage ready.

I see Ivy walking toward me. “Where have you been?” I'm curious.

“Showing my groupie love!”

“Anyone I know?” I ask, but she doesn’t answer. She only gives me a wink and changes the subject quickly.

That’s fine for now. I'll just drill her about it later.

The announcer finally announces that there will be a special performance to come after a short break. I get in position to take pictures. All the main lights go out with the exception of the color changing spotlight bringing everyone’s attention to the stage on the right.

“Let’s hear it for Grady Williams!” The announcer drags out his name and yells over the crowd as it goes wild. Grady is pretty good actually. He definitely has rhythm and I find myself moving just a bit as he kills it. The lights go out again.

“People, lets show some love for Derek Vaughn!” The announcer shouts over the fans. Ivy puts her fingers in her mouth and whistles loudly.

“Derek is freaking hot! Damn!” Ivy notices these things.

He's talented too. I enjoy this guy also.

“Ladies! Bring your focus to the middle stage for Talon Walker!” He drags out Talon’s name longer than he did the other drummers. The lights hit him and my mouth falls open. He's standing behind his set and grabs the back of his shirt from over his head and pulls it off throwing it out into the crowd. The girls go insane. He sits down and shows off his skills causing all of us girls to drool. Lights go off again.

Grady begins again. This time he has a guitarist join in and they rock out together for maybe a minute before the lights go out.

Derek starts up and the crowd is still loud from Grady’s performance. His guitarist is female. Her whole presence screams sexy as she works the entire stage playing. Again I find myself moving to the music. Lights out again.

Luke starts to rumble on guitar and then I hear Talon start in again. I finally remember to take pictures. I can’t help but notice how the audience is growing larger around Talon and Luke’s stage. All too soon lights off.

This time Grady is engulfed in fog. The different colored lights hit the fog and his silhouette is beating the hell out of those drums. He's leaving it all on that stage.

Derek’s time starts with fire shooting up on each side of the stage. He has a certain swagger about him when he plays. I can tell he's one of those guys that can get the girls left and right. The lights go out again right before fire shoots up one last round.

This time the lights do not shine on Talon. My eyes are searching for him. He hits a drum out toward the front of the stage and a blue light shines up through it. Then red right next to it followed by green then orange. The lights only appear when he hits the drums. He focuses only on the blue and red at first and I notice liquid splashing high off of the drum as he strikes it.

Then he moves to the green and orange, again, liquid flying higher than his head. He unleashes his fury on all of the drums. He's surrounded by a colorful display of splashes on all sides. I'm mesmerized by the wildness of the liquid colors during the entire time he plays. The spotlight shines on him for a few seconds before his time ends. He's a dripping mess of wetness and I know I’m not the only one who wants to lick him clean. His hair is drenched. Lights out. There is no doubt that he stole this challenge. The audience is roaring. I'm just not sure how great my pictures are going to be since it's hard to take pics with your mouth openly drooling for the subject.

It only takes a few minutes after the crowd quiets for Talon’s band to start playing.  All of the songs they're playing tonight are originals.  The lights and effects are so much better than any other band here tonight.  They have added pyro technics and fog throughout different songs.  The crowd is going crazy causing everyone in the group to step up and enjoy the spotlight and add just a bit more than I have seen in the past.  It's apparent that they're on a different level than the rest of the bands here tonight. 

I try to make up for missing so many pictures before and shoot more than enough.  I notice Ivy is doing the same. 

After the concert is over the crowd surrounds each one of the members.  I notice Talon is more receptive of fan attention tonight than he normally is.  I'm so ecstatic for them. 






This is insane.  Victor Nickel from Wright Records approached us at the end of our concert.  He has asked us to open for some of the big concerts coming up.  We could not say no.  It's a great opportunity, and who knows where life will take us in the next few months.  We will leave out after finals in early December.  The first tour will last a couple of weeks. 

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