The Billionaire's Baby (Key to My Heart Book 3) (13 page)

Ellis had no idea what she was trying to do, but he shoved himself harder against the bars, silently cheering on his companion. He was positive that any second now giant vines would burst through the floor and attack the kid.

Any second now.

Ellis waited more, patience wearing thin, teeth grinding together. But still, no sign of any killer attacking foliage.

He only continued to watch, worried if he said anything that Nia would panic again, his stomach twisting as he watched Remmy cradle Nia against him, one hand still covering her mouth and the other holding her wrists together.

"Shh. Calm down." He said impatiently, rolling his eyes.

Nia gave one final tremor of a fight before collapsing visibly, whimpering against his hand.

"You gonna be quiet, now? Don't want to make the General mad. Just doing a checkup."  He continued, stroking her hair as though she weren’t a captive prisoner.

Ellis couldn't take sitting in silence anymore, "Kid. I'm here, you'll be ok."

The old man cringed with disappointment, dropping his head into his hands.

Nia’s head instantly tried to turn to face him, her tiny limbs flailing again, causing Ellis to wince as Remmy flattened against her, successfully holding her body down as she flailed, crying out something against the soldier's hand as he flashed a glare at Ellis.

Suddenly, out of his pocket he yanked a small syringe, jamming quickly into the side of Nia's arm.

Ellis went silent again instantly, gripping the bars so hard that his nails left tiny crescent moons engravings that glinted gently against the metal.

Remmy patted Nia's head, like a tiny child or a dog, letting her slowly go limp in his arms before dropping her against the ground.

"You all behave now, ok?" He announced with a sigh, quickly leaving the prison, the door closing with a heavy, groaning thud behind him, leaving all three captives enclosed in suffocating darkness.

Ellis smacked his head against the bars, muttering curses to George and Remmy and the sun. Unexpectedly, his head was gripped in a gruff, bear claw of a hand, forcing his face up. When Ellis looked up he realized that it was the old man who'd stopped him from his self-torture.

The man glared at Ellis for a moment, "That's not going to help your friend at all. We need to focus on getting you out of here."

"And how do you suppose we do that, old man?" Ellis snarled, crossing his arms and pouting, "They've got me on so much of that stupid medicine that I can hardly even bend the bars, and obviously you're not strong enough to do it, you've been here for years."

Ellis demonstrated with a halfhearted yank on the metal bars, not even succeeding in making them move a centimeter. He gave a low whine, beating his head again shortly, "You have no idea how emasculating it is for a vampire to have no strength!"

When he finally looked up again the old man was already on the other side of the cell, leaning against the bars with his eyes closed.

Ellis angrily whirled around walked into the furthest corner, sinking down and curling into a corner, quietly pitying himself for the lack of attention and strength.

It was a while later when the old man stood and lumbered back to Ellis, thoughtfulness distorting his deep brow, "I planned the whole thing out, you'll escape in the morning."

"Morning? Uh…I can't exactly, you know, go out in the sun." The vampire pointed towards his pale, undead face.

"Don't worry, I've got that covered. It has to be in the morning, by then the medicine will have started wearing off. You'll be at least strong enough to break out of your cell. They won't be expecting you to try and escape till evening, and they won't come and get you till afternoon – when the sun is brightest." The man tapped a foot on the ground, as though he were explaining all of this a dolt.

Ellis raised his eyebrows thoughtfully, "Oh. That is a good plan. I guess. But will you just tell me how I'm supposed to avoid the sun issue?"

The old man smiled, and for a moment his worry creased face eased just the smallest bit, "Nah."

"I don't feel so good," Nia suddenly whispered, arms wrapped tight around her stomach. She groaned, curling up into a fetal position near the bars of her cell.

Ellis blinked in surprise, tilting his head, "How long have you been up?"

He was ignored however, the man walking over quickly and kneeling by the bars, pressing his face to them to look at her better, "They probably gave you too much of that stuff. It makes some people sick."

Nia grimaced then nodded, still curled tight in a ball.

Ellis pressed himself up against his own bars, watching quietly at his pained partner. "Is Nia going to be alright?"

"Nia?" The man asked quietly, and when Ellis nodded, he glanced back at her, "She'll be fine if we get her out of here soon."

Ellis nodded once more, slumping down slowly against the bars. Again, he was helpless when Nia was in pain. He was useless, completely and totally useless. He could hardly be considered worthy of the title of a vampire with how weak he'd been lately – hardly even considered worthy of being a man.

He lowered his head silently, not looking at his jail mate, even as he opened his mouth to speak to him, "Hey, old man…will you hold her hand for me." He asked in a quiet, almost monotonous tone, but the man obliged without a question, slowly slipping his thick arm through the bars to grasp Nia's hand.

Nia finally fell asleep, lying limp and pale as a ghost, one arm still wrapped around her stomach. Neither the man nor Ellis slept that night however, both too on edge for the plan in the morning.

Hours later, the old man suddenly turned to face Ellis, his and Nia's hands still entwined, "It's time." His voice, typically booming and gruff, was a sullen quiet.

Ellis nodded, standing up and grabbing the bars. He was worried, quite honestly, that he would fail. That seemed to be all that he was doing lately, dragging Nia into trouble and getting her hurt. Fortunately though, as he pulled on the bars, they willingly moved smoothly under his hands, bending apart and allowing him to climb through into the man's cell. The man grinned at him, watching silently as Ellis moved to the bars separating Nia from them and yanked the bars apart to hers as well.

The quiet creaking woke the redhead, who tiredly sat up, the man releasing her tiny hand instantly.

"Now what?" Ellis asked, helping Nia climb through the bars, keeping her close to his side. She still didn't look well, pasty faced and frail.

The man smirked then turned around, kneeling down to the ground at the corner of his cell, he yanked up a series of loose boards. Beneath them was a gaping hole, twisted tree trunks intermittently twined around the sides of the tunnel.

"Whoa." Ellis mumbled, raising his eyebrows.

"This'll let out back in the forest a bit away. Head straight for her village, she can tell you how to get there. Go, now."

Ellis abruptly stopped, gaze instantly narrowing on the man, he opened his mouth to question how he knew where Nia lived, but the man cut him off, "I said to go."

Ellis nodded, levering Nia down into the hole with unusual gentleness. He watched as her red hair disappeared into the darkness of the hole, the sounds of her stumbling footsteps resounding back.

"Are you coming, old man?" He asked, starting to climb in himself.

The man slowly smiled slowly, looking towards the door of the prison as the confused voices of soldiers drifted towards them, "I've been here for years you know." He murmured.

Ellis nodded uneasily, glancing towards the door then back to him, "Then it's time to get out."

"There's only way out for me." His grin didn't vanish, "It's time for me to take the hard way out instead of hiding in here like a coward."

"Old man, just come with us!" Ellis insisted, grabbing at his arm.

"Promise me you'll take care of that little girl with out, she seems like a really good girl. I'll do my part to protect her too." The man withdrew, firmly patting Ellis on the shoulder.

Ellis, in understanding, slowly nodded, brow furrowing as the soldiers heavy footsteps became louder, right outside the prison door, "What's your name, at least?"


Ellis nodded, dropping through the hole. He glanced up as boards suddenly covered the hole, Dag's face showing just briefly, his green eyes twinkling as he winked.

Ellis stared at the wooden boards, listening for just a moment as sudden yelling ensued, before dashing down the small cylinder, jumping over the tree roots, nose full of the smell of rotting wood and dirt, eyes widening suddenly at the sight of a crumpled Nia just ahead of him.

He scooped her up, cradling her tight against his chest as he ran on through the tunnel.

"Where's the guy?" She mumbled into the warmth in his chest, tiny arms circling his neck.

"He's finally free." Ellis responded, teeth clenching.

They had to move, and they had to move now. It was only a matter of time before they were chased.

Finally, after nearly a half an hour of running through the tunnel, Ellis broke free through the forest floor, sitting down for just a moment and holding Nia against him.

The portion of forest they were in was so thick and dense with trees and tall shrubs that hardly any sun could break through, and Ellis smiled in relief. The old man had really known what he was talking about, after all.

He sank to his knees, still feeling the effects of that drug as well. He was exhausted, and carrying Nia wasn’t helping.

A cute meow caught his attention, and he turned curiously to glance down towards it. Beside him, peering out through a bush, was a small calico kitten mewing softly at the pair. No doubt it had wandered from the nearby village. At least that meant it was close.

Nia gasped, suddenly more awake as she crawled out of Ellis's lap, reaching towards the kitten, which tentatively moved towards her hands. Nothing like a cute fluff ball to make someone feel better.

She scooped the kitty up, snuggling it against her face, "What a sweet girl!" She cried, kissing its forehead.

"And why do you just assume it's a girl?" Ellis accused, glaring at her, "It could be a sweet boy too!"

She arched an eyebrow, petting the kitten for a moment, "It's a calico – they're all female." She sighed, shaking her head at him, "Stupid."

Ellis frowned, he wasn't good at taking embarrassment well, "At least I'm not short and ugly! And personally, I think it looks like a boy!"

Nia whirled, grabbing the kitten, which gave a surprised shriek of a meow, and shoving it's underbelly into Ellis's face, "Is that enough proof for you?"

He jerked back, falling back into the tunnel as Nia gave a cackle that would've outshone any proud witch.

"I get it, kid!" He spat in revulsion.

"I think I'll name her Daisy." Nia said innocently when Ellis was back at her side shaking the dirt from his hair and pouting.

"I think Rex or Bloodthirsty Warrior fits her better." He muttered, promptly ignored.

"Aren't you a pretty Daisy?" Nia cooed, snuggling the kitten again, which seemed to have forgiven the tiny redhead for her abusive treatment just a few minutes earlier and was purring contentedly.

"No, not Daisy, that's way too girly.” Ellis paused in a rare moment of thoughtfulness, “How about…how about Potatoes? I really like potatoes and so…"

Nia paused, stroking the kitten’s ears, "Alright, Ellis."

"Now come on." Ellis announced cheerily, standing up, "Let's head to your village. Which way is it?"

Nia stood slowly, holding Potatoes in her arms, gesturing towards a path just visible through the trees, "That way."

Ellis nodded, taking off towards the trail. Nia trailed after him, unusually slow, until Ellis jerked back to look at her again, "God, woman, you're walking so slow!"

"I still don’t feel good…" She mumbled quietly, frowning.

Ellis sighed heavily, taking Potatoes from her arms and turning so his back faced her, bending his knees, "Get on."

Nia hesitated, slowly wrapping her arms around his neck as he lifted her up, one arm sliding her one of her legs, the other still holding Potatoes, and with that, they walked to the trail in silence.

The silence dragged on for an hour and a half as he carried her on his back, her arms wrapped around his neck and her chin on his shoulder.

"Are you bored?" She asked sweetly, tilting her head to the side to observe his grim expression.

"Yes." The vampire replied, arching an eyebrow.

"I spy with my little eye…" Nia began in a singsong voice.

"I hate this game."

"Something green!" She interrupted, ignoring his bitter tone.

His eyebrow twitched slightly, heaving a sigh then answering, "Trees."

"I spy with my little eye…" Nia continued without a breath of hesitation.

"Isn't it my turn now?" Ellis pouted.

"Something brown!"

"Trees." Ellis groaned, squeezing his irritated eyes shut.

She squeezed his neck slightly, giving him a grin, "You're pretty good at this, you know."

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