The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger (61 page)

Tilbury, England

Tobin, Austin


Toyota Motor Co.

Tozzoli, Guy E.

trade, international: in containers; in intermediate goods; magnitude of; in nineteenth century; pattern of; shipping costs as barrier to; time as barrier to

Trailer Train Company

Trailmobile Corp.

tramp ships

transit warehouses

Transport and General Workers Union

Transportation Act of 1958

Trans World Airlines


Trotter, Eddie

trucking: and containers; before containers; and container standards; deregulation of in United States; development of; and market share; and piggyback services

trucks: design of; engines of; and trailers

Tung, C. Y.

United Arab Emirates

United Auto Workers

United Cargo Corporation

United Mine Workers

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

United Shipping Company

United States

United States, economy of

United States Air Force

United States Army: and early use of containers; First Logistical Command; Materiel Command; in Vietnam

United States Coast Guard

United States Congress

United States Department of Defense; Joint Logistics Review Board

United States Department of Labor

United States Federal Maritime Board

United States Federal Maritime Commission

United States Freight Company

United States Joint Chiefs of Staff

United States Lines: bankruptcy of; finances of; McLean and; and new pier in New York; and round-the-world service; sale of to Kidde; and Sea-Land bid; and takeover of Delta and Prudential; and transatlantic service

United States Maritime Administration: and operating subsidies; as regulator; role of in setting standards

United States Navy: claim of on merchant fleet; Military Sea Transportation Service; and shipping contracts; and SL-7 acquisition

variety (of goods)


Victory Ships

Vietnam War; containership service in; corruption during; danger pay for seamen in; and logistics; military buildup in; and Newport development; and port facilities; U.S. politics and

Wagner, Robert E.


transit warehouses


Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor

Waterman Steamship Corp.: culture of; and flat rates; McLean purchase of; move of to New Jersey; ships of; shipyard of; and subsidies.
See also
McLean Industries; Pan-Atlantic Steamship Corporation; Sea-Land Service

Weldon, Foster

Wellington, New Zealand

Westmoreland, William

wharves; vertical piers

Whirlpool Corporation

whiskey shipments

Whitehall Club

White Star Line


Winston-Salem, NC

Works Progress Administration

World Bank

Wriston, Walter

Xerox Corp.


Yom Kippur War

York, PA

Younger, Kenneth

Zim Line

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