The Convenient Bride (14 page)

Read The Convenient Bride Online

Authors: Teresa McCarthy

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency

couldn't deny that the man's kindness was beginning to penetrate even the hardest
part of her heart.



Chapter Thirteen


ater that morning Briana situated
herself on the window seat in Lord Grimstoke's guest chamber, examining
Agatha's papers that she had extracted from the lady's reticule the night

Lord Clayton had descended from the vicar's carriage, shouting orders for
Grimstoke's servants to send for a doctor, Agatha, though still in pain, had
used the time to warn Briana that perhaps their sudden stop had not been an
accident after all.

later Briana heard Lord Clayton mention something to their host about the axle
on the Stonebridge carriage being sheared; whether it was worn or done on
purpose he wasn't certain. At that point Briana could no longer dismiss her godmother’s

had had a breakfast tray sent up to her chambers, and after eating she had
stopped in to see how her godmother was doing. The lady was sleeping, looking
fragile and pale, like a small child lost in a sea of pillows and satin covers.

after visiting Agatha, Briana met up with the doctor, who praised Lord Clayton
to the highest heavens. It seemed his lordship had been a miracle worker. Well,
Briana didn't need the doctor to tell her that. She had seen it for herself.
The man was quickly breaking through her defenses.

may I come in?"

young voice belonged to Grimstoke's only daughter, Violet, taking Briana
completely by surprise. But they were to meet later in the day.

the papers back into her reticule, Briana stood and walked toward the door.
"Come in."

hurried into the room and greeted Briana with a hug. The young lady stepped
back, clasping Briana's hands.

Bree, last time I saw you, you were in mourning, and now here you are, coming
to our house party and you have an accident along the way. Papa told me all
about it this morning at breakfast. It must have been dreadful."

was a small replica of her father. Short and plump, with curly brown hair. But
what she didn't have in looks, she had in heart.

gave a reassuring smile, but her head still ached from the accident. For
reasons she didn't want to admit, she made no mention of Lord Clayton's
attending her wound.

you can see, I am quite fine indeed," she said to Violet. "Only a
small cut behind the ear. But it is dear Agatha I am worried about."

has sent Chloe to watch over her. She is the best of maids. She took care of me
when I had the inflammation of the lungs last year. Oh! I must say I adore your

dropped her gaze to her green gown trimmed in white ribbon and lace. Besides
everything else going wrong, it seemed Emily had made a switch of Briana's
dresses—actually her entire wardrobe. All her gowns were of the latest fashion,
including her sleepwear. It amazed Briana how Emily could get away with
something like this, but she had. She must have made plans for the extensive
wardrobe weeks ago.

had probably thought she was doing Briana a favor— her friend had even hinted
as much—but the beautiful clothing would make it extremely difficult for Briana
to fade into the walls, especially with the low-cut necklines and fancy laced
bodices. Briana had never thought Emily would truly do something like this, but
then again, Emily's plans were never commonplace at all.

you. I believe this is the latest creation of Madame LaPorte. But I must say
that your father has been exceedingly generous. I cannot thank him enough for
his wonderful care of my godmother. She is more fragile than she looks, you

Grimstoke had indeed been most gracious, insisting on the very best for both
his female guests.

smiled, giving Briana's hand a squeeze. "I vow that woman is more robust
than Prinny himself."

himself? Thoughts of the mission assaulted Briana's conscience. What about the
assassination plot? And Lord Grimstoke? Would she find some damaging evidence
that would convict Violet's father? The very idea sickened her. Grimstoke could
not be involved. He could not.

managed a chuckle. "You know my godmother. She thinks she can do anything.
But she must be kept in bed for the next few days, and I daresay that will be
the real challenge."

I know. Chloe informed me that Lord Clayton was at her bedside all night. How
lucky you were he came along when he did. Along with the doctor's orders, his
lordship has agreed that keeping the lady abed with laudanum is the wisest
choice if she becomes disagreeable. I believe Lord Clayton is very concerned
about Miss Appleby. He is quite the honorable gentleman."

quite honorable," Briana said, her memory of Clayton kissing her still
clear in her mind. "We were fortunate indeed. I had no idea he was invited
to your house party."

distinctly recalled his name not being on Agatha's list. Was he pursuing her?
Did he even know she was attending Grimstoke's party? No, of course not. Her
mind was running away with her. She meant nothing to him. He only wanted a
convenient and biddable bride. Had he not told her so the night of the ball?

she wondered what reason had pressed him to seek a bride now? Was the duke
pushing him to marry?

sit down, Bree. These new slippers are hurting my feet. I think the ribbons are
cutting off my circulation."

laughed as they made their way to the window seat.

Violet said, smiling, "back to Lord Clayton. He was invited at the last
minute. Mama was surprised at his wish for an invite, but one cannot slight the
son of a duke."

I did,
Briana wanted to say. Yet she could not deny the hint of disappointment she
felt at the thought of Lord Clayton looking for a convenient bride at Grimstoke
Hall. She was not certain of his reasons for wanting to marry so quickly, but
she had to admit his help the past twenty-four hours had been nothing but
wonderful. He had been an angel throughout their entire ordeal.

Why, the
man had apparently even charmed Agatha during the night. This was the Lord
Clayton Clearbrook most people knew, the man most people adored, especially
women. This was the man Briana had fallen in love with when she had been

pressed a hand against the windowpane. "Oh, look. There he is now."

tried not to show her surprise as she peered out the window. Lord Clayton was
standing in the gardens below, speaking to Violet's father. When Lord Grimstoke
looked away, Lord Clayton quickly lifted his gaze. Briana blushed and leaned

seemed Violet had missed the exchange, for her eyes were glued to another gentleman
walking toward the two men.

noticed Lord Clayton stiffen. It was only slight, but he had done it all the
same. The man joining the circle was Lord Kingsdale.

rested her brow against the pane. "Is he not handsome?" Her voice was
filled with awe.


handsome for his own good, Briana thought with a frown. Lord Clayton was
worming his way into her heart whether she liked it or not. A wink, a word, a
smile—anything he did affected her.

tilted her head toward Briana. "You had a fondness for him a while back,
did you not?"

felt her color rise. She had never told Violet about her feelings for him, had

I know he is a rogue," Violet said with an embarrassed chuckle, "and
that is why you finally broke your liaison, but I vow the man is simply too
dashing to dismiss."

A small
lump of jealousy coiled in Briana's breast. "Y-you are in love with

frowned. "Would you mind if I were?"

shook her head, turning her gaze back to the three men. "Why should I
mind?" Violet would probably fit into Lord Clayton's plans quite nicely.
He would be able to go about London without his wife's interference, and Violet
would gladly stay in the country, where she felt more at home. Lord Clayton's
obligation as the son of a duke would be fulfilled.

sat back. "Well, with Lord Kingsdale one never knows what he will do next.
And whether you agree with me or not, I fear the man still has a liking for
you. You were ever the intellectual and he seems to like women with

could not hold back her surprise. She had thought her friend was speaking of
Lord Clayton. For a reason she didn't want to identify, her heart swelled with

am not interested in Lord Kingsdale, Violet. And for your sake, I would stay
away from the man. He is, well, not what the ladies would call gentle."

turned toward the window with a sigh. "How very puzzling. And I thought
him such an agreeable man. I think Papa likes him."

leaned forward as Violet's father left the gardens. The remaining two men were
still exchanging words. Lord Clayton glanced up at her, his expression hard as
he looked back at Kingsdale.

put a hand to her mouth, a mischievous smile springing to her lips. "Mercy
me! Lord Clayton seems to know we are watching him."

turned away, quite embarrassed to be caught staring. Why did she have a feeling
the men were arguing about her?

eyes gleamed with adventure as she rose from her seat. "Papa thinks he is
looking for a wife."

gentleman from such a fine family must marry sometime," Briana said,
trying not to show the anxiety growing in her breast.

Violet exclaimed, clapping her hands. "Speaking of family, did you know
his cousin, Sir Gerald, is attending the house party? He is a friend of Papa's
and arrived only yesterday."

he?" Briana remembered Emily mentioning the man's name a few times, but
for the life of her she couldn't recall what her friend had said about him. She
had also seen his name on the list of attendees, but she had not known he was
Lord Grimstoke's good friend. Agatha had been planning to go over the list in
the carriage before the accident.

met at one of Prinny's parties last year," Violet said, lowering her
voice. "I am ashamed to admit it, but Papa likes to gamble, and it seems
Sir Gerald has the same vice. But I cannot lie, Bree. I rather like the

A hint
of a smile touched Briana's lips. Violet's tastes in gentlemen changed like the
rain in spring. "Ah, now we are getting somewhere. Does your father agree
to the suit?"

it's nothing like that. Papa thinks I need an older gentleman. But Sir Gerald
wears the latest fashions. His neckcloth is tied to perfection, with just the
right amount of starch. Some would say he's a bit arrogant, but I believe they
are only jealous because he enjoys the finer things in life."

listened intently to Violet talk about the man. If Grimstoke were involved in
the plot against Prinny, could Sir Gerald be involved as well? She battled
against the very thought of Violet's father's being embroiled in the horrid

you are feeling better, Bree, there will be a little soirée tonight. Nothing as
formal as a ball, but Papa has hired some strings for the evening. I vow if any
of the three gentlemen we talked about asks me to waltz, I will just

broke into a smile. "You will not."

sighed dreamily. "I suppose not. But Papa said Lord Clayton was very
concerned about you last night. Maybe that's why he kept looking at you from
the gardens. Don't deny it, Bree."

slid her finger over the nightstand. "The man found my carriage overturned,
and he sees me as an obligation, nothing more."

that's the way you see it, I cannot change your mind. But it could be that the
man has eyes for only you. I heard when he arrived last night, he asked for a
bedchamber near Miss Appleby and you. He made it abundantly clear to Papa he
was going to take full responsibility for both of you while you were here. And
I can tell you that Papa didn't like that at all."

felt an inexplicable tenderness toward Lord Clayton for his gallantry.
"Why would your papa object?"

giggled. "'There will be no impropriety in my house,' he said. Meaning you
and Lord Clayton."

I see." Briana's eyes crinkled with amusement. That, of course, was never
going to happen.

Papa is quite strict with things like that. He will demand satisfaction if any
of his guests are compromised. I hate to say it, but he has done so many times

Briana squeaked. "Really, Violet, what do you think of me?"

rushed to her friend's side. "Oh, no, I am not accusing you, Bree. I am
only warning you. Last year, Lady Farrow and Lord Commings were stuck in a
cottage for a few hours during a snowstorm. Papa insisted they marry, and there
was nothing for it but for them to do as he said. It was unfortunate for them
that the archbishop has good friends in the area and visits many times during
the year. A special license was easily obtained and the couple was forced to

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