The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2) (11 page)

     “As much as I hate to admit it, you’re right,” she murmured, and her gaze clung to his. As much as she tried, she couldn’t mask the hurt. “You are the lesser of the two evils.”

     Unable to look at him any longer, she pushed past him before heading to look out the window again. When he came to stand alongside her, she started.

     “Tomorrow afternoon, I meet with the feds, and they’ll update me with the latest on Addison and his father.”

     “Do they have a firm case against them?” she probed, passing him a quick look, and instantly wished that she hadn’t. For she was hardly immune to his visible pain, she realized, tearing her gaze away at the thought.

     “A considerable amount of circumstantial evidence has surfaced, but it hasn’t been credible enough to stick. Somehow, they always manage to beat the system.” His pause was brief. “Because of those facts, other measures are being taken to bring them down. That’s where I come in.”

     “The illegal dealings that you mentioned earlier,” she mused aloud. “They were all methods to trap them?”

     “Yes,” he nodded. “Addison and his father have no idea what’s coming.”

     “Matt said that I’d accumulated some hard evidence against them. According to him, I haven’t gone forward with it because of false documents that his father is using to blackmail me with.” Closing her eyes, she released a tied breath. “But, I don’t remember anything about any evidence.”

     “Listen to me, I don’t want you worrying about that,” Jarrod muttered, staring at the side of her face, but still, she wouldn’t look at him directly. “I’ve taken care of it. Your part in all of this is over.”

     “What’s your real stake in this, Jarrod? Surely, it’s more than a deal gone wrong to cause all of this---” she said, and then stopped. “You know what? It doesn’t matter anymore because I won’t be able to believe a single word that comes out of your lying mouth.”

     And her words had hurt, she realized, hearing his sharp intake of breath. But, rather than dwelling on that troubling fact, face devoid of any expression, she asked woodenly, “What happens now?”

     “We work with the feds and see this thing through with Addison to the very end,” he said, stiffening, taking in her tense features, and had yet to recover from her stinging words. “That means, you’ll stay with me for the time being, and I’ll ensure your safety.”

     “When this is all over, I never want to see you again,” she whispered against the dull ache in her heart, and stared out at the dark, rainy night. “As far as I’m concerned, we’re as good as dead.”





Chapter 7


As far as I’m concerned, we’re as good as dead…

     Along with the roll of thunder, her last words rumbled through and overrode the raging storm. Shifting the Lamborghini into low gear, peering through the rain-soaked front glass, Jarrod forced his thoughts back to the road and made way to the estate.

     His gaze went to the passenger’s seat.

     The night’s events had taken its toll, and exhaustion had worn her out. As he’d expected, she was fast asleep, and she hugged the door as if the thought of being close to him was too much to endure.

     And that fact hurt, he realized, drawing in a painful breath. Though her anger was justified, her stinging rejection hurt like hell.

     “Fuck, what have I done?” he sighed tiredly.

     Sixteen minutes later, at 1:30 am exactly, the large gates to Widow’s Pointe loomed ahead. After pressing the control on the wireless remote, the towering gates swung open, and soon the Lamborghini was speeding toward its destination.

     A huge spread of oak and pine tress lined the long, paved drive that led to the grand, three-story Georgian mansion. Acres of thick dense woods made the backdrop, surrounding the mansion and beyond. Within minutes, the Lamborghini cruised past the huge ceramic water fountain before taking the short, circular drive of the entry courtyard.

     As the car headed towards the garage, he spied the two guards walking the grounds at separate ends. Though they were dressed in yellow rain slickers, it did little to disguise their buffed figures. Yet, it wasn’t their size that was the most intimidating features, but rather the tough exteriors that showed they meant business.

Deadly if need be…

     The lights were dimmed low in the large garage as he wheeled in, parking the Lamborghini amidst the other vehicles. On cue, the car doors ascended at the press of the remote control, and he quickly dashed out. After reaching the passenger’s side, he paused before looking in.

     Face pressed against the seat, she snored softly.

     At least that hadn’t changed, he grinned, stooping over. Her heavy sleep pattern definitely had not been altered. She was nearly weightless as he lifted her, but as he cradled her close, his amusement died.

How could he even bear the thought of losing her?

     The driving rain made his jaunt to the portico a quick one. But, before he could open the door, Rosa wrenched it open.

     “Gracias a Dios! I was beginning to get worried,” Rosa exclaimed, ushering him in. Then, she gave him a scowl. “You foolish boy! What possessed you to put yourself at risk like that? You’re going to put me in an early grave with your impulsiveness.”

     “Not you, too,” he said tightly, moving further into the reception hall. “I think that I’ve had enough venom and hatred spewed at me tonight.”

     “Well, I don’t hate you, and you know that,” Rosa huffed. “But, I’m not going to coddle you and say that everything’s alright, either.” She pushed him towards the stairs. “The room’s ready. Get her upstairs and out of those wet clothes. You do the same.”

     “Yes, ma’am,” he murmured, giving a wink. “I hate to have to beg for your forgiveness, too, Miss Rosa.”

     Suppressing a smile, Rosa wagged a finger at him. “Don’t try to charm me and wiggle your way out of this. Just do as you’re told for once,” Rosa chastised, raising her hands heavenward, and headed for the living area. “I don’t know what we’re going to do with you. But, it’s obvious that somebody upstairs is a fan of yours. He keeps getting you out of trouble.”

     With all hope, he’d get him out of this mess, too, he mulled, sweeping a fast gaze around his home.

     And it was good to be home…

     Bypassing the grand salon and formal dining area before taking the stairs. Cradling her close, he took the quickly ascended to the second floor. Once he reached the landing, he made a sharp right. Housing a sitting room and two adjoining bedrooms, this area of the mansion was quite impressive. Over-sized, lavishly adorned, the space contained a lot of square footage.

    The door to the first bedroom stood partially ajar.

    With his left foot, Jarrod nudged it open.

    Pausing in the doorway, he looked around.

     Besides the faint light beaming from the table lamp, darkness draped the huge room. Still, though, the room had visibility, he thought, maneuvering past the expensive furnishings, and trailed towards the bed.

     But, rather than depositing her wet, sleeping form on the bed immediately, he just stood there. Closing his eyes shut, he held her tight and simply breathed her in.

     “Jarrod,” she mumbled sleepily, disoriented, cracking her eyes.

     “Shhhhhh....” he whispered, pressing a kiss against her head. “Go back to sleep.”

     A grunt and soft snore said that she already was, he mulled with a half grin, laying her down gently on the soft mattress.

     Moments later, he’d removed the soaked gown and teddy. As requested, the light peach-hued nightgown lay at the bed’s foot.

     “Almost finished, baby,” he said gently, holding her against his chest while slipping it over her. “Give me a few seconds to get this on you.”

     Though she mumbled unintelligibly, she didn’t awaken from her deep slumber, but sighed in contentment before snuggling closer against him.

     “I love you so much,” he breathed against her head, closing his eyes, and inhaled her sweet softness. “Please forgive me for what I’ve done. Even if I know that I should let you go, I can’t. The thought of being without you is unfathomable.” He stared across the dark space. “I’m going to fight for you---win you back. And I swear on my life, that I’ll be the man that you want and need.”

     After pressing another soft kiss against her head, he eased her down on the pillow before pulling the covers over her. Turning towards the table lamp, he killed the lights and then stood. “I love you,” he whispered a final time.

    With reluctance, he left her sleeping form in the darkness.





     The fresh morning sunlight spilled into the room, foretelling the beginnings of a new day. In wide rays, it passed through the ivory-colored curtains and streamed into the over-sized bedroom.

     Yawning past her grogginess, Olivia pushed herself up in the bed before looking around in confusion.

     “Why am I getting a sense of déjà vu?” she mumbled, glancing down at the nightgown. “Waking up in strange places that I have absolutely no clue about is becoming too much of an ordinary staple.”

     She looked around the spacious room.

     Unsurprisingly, it was expensively furnished, she mulled, sweeping a gaze over the pieces of immaculate bedroom furniture.

     The huge four-posted bed where she lay…

     A purple velour chaise lounge and window seat for leisure and reading…Wide-paneled drapery shielding the balcony door…An ivory-coated armoire and matching table continued the beautifully, designed palette.

     Suddenly impatient, she kicked the covers off before scrambling from the bed. “I’m sure that there must be something that I can wear,” she mumbled aloud, raking a hand through her mussed tresses. “I mean, I have this on----”

     A faint knock at the door startled her.

     Surely, Jarrod would give her some space, she mulled, feeling her heartbeat quicken, especially after what’d happened last night. Yet, how was it possible that she held both happiness and trepidation at the thought of seeing him?

    She tugged at the nightgown self-consciously. Then, after brief hesitation, she called out. “Come in.”

     Pushing the door open, Rosa poked her head in. “You’ve already slept through breakfast, and I wanted to make sure that you were fed,” Rosa murmured uncomfortably, venturing in, and carried a tray that was heavily laden with orange juice and other breakfast food. A deep, embarrassed flush stained her features as she passed her a brief glance. “Brunch is the order for you.”

     Staying silent, with hurt lacing through her again, she watched as Rosa scurried across the room and placed the tray on the bed.
     “Is there anything else that you need, Ms. Lange?” Rosa asked, averting her gaze. “If not, I’ll take my leave.”

     “Rosa, stop it,” she admonished with a frown, finally losing all patience. “What’s with all the formality?” Blinking back tears, she gulped hard. “And you won’t even look at me.”

     With shiny bright eyes, Rosa looked at her with shame. “How can I when it’s clear that you know what I’ve done? Jarrod told me that you know of my actions,” the woman said guiltily, looking away before staring down at the floor. “I’m a God-fearing woman, and I have nothing but deep shame for not being totally truthful with you.”

     “I thought that we were friends,” she whispered tearfully, coming to stand before her. “I confided in you---”

     “I am your friend,” Rosa broke in, and desperation tinged her voice. “But, I haven’t been much of a good one in some respect. Never will I betray your confidence again. I know that you might not believe me, and you have every right not to. But, I care about you, and I just want to see you happy.” Her brown eyes were bright and shiny with fresh tears. “Someday, I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

     Lips quivering, she fought to hold onto her anger, but found that she couldn’t. “Oh Rosa,” she cried, embracing her, and gave into the tears. “How could all of this be happening? I feel like I’m losing everything and everyone that I care about. It’s not fair.”

     “You’re not alone,” Rosa said, comforting her. “Never think that you are.”

     She pulled back with a teary smile. “I’ve missed you and everyone else so much. Not to mention your great cooking. As a matter of fact, I think that I’m craving some of your delicious enchiladas right now.”

     “Oh, shush,” the woman smiled again, waving a fast hand in the air, and dismissed her teasing comments. “You and everyone else are always raving about my cooking when I know better.” Then, she sobered. “Olivia, again, I can never express how truly sorry I am---”

      “I forgive you,” she said, grabbing her hand before giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Rosa, my circumstances are not your fault, so I don’t want you to blame yourself. Come on, let’s sit down.”

     After they sat down on the bed, she turned towards her. “These last weeks have been nothing but a nightmare,” she sighed. “Everything’s been a blur, and I’ve been trying to just take everything in.”

     “And my actions have only hurt your matters---”

     “You were being loyal to Jarrod---”

     “But, what is loyalty when someone else is being hurt? Please don’t absolve me of all my guilt. I should have intervened and said something. Because I didn’t, I failed you in unbelievable ways, and you were hurt. Looking back, I wonder why I thought I had the right to play God with your life,” Rosa sighed heavily, shaking her head. “It’s just when I saw the two of you together, I realized that you much you needed one another. You were God’s gift to each other.” The woman grasped her hand in hers. “I know that you don’t want to hear this, especially now. But, it’s the truth. Jarrod loves you---”

     “If he loved me so much, why did he lie and use me like that?” she asked, feeling the pain and hurt seep through her again. “He knew how I felt about him. How could he break my trust?”

     Rosa firmed her lips. “Don’t we all make bad decisions and choices that we regret later on? I’m not defending him. Oh, who am I kidding? I am,” Rosa admitted, shaking her head. “It’s just that I’ve known Jarrod since he was a young boy, and I’ve seen him get in enough scrapes and trouble. More than often, his temper and impulsiveness has caused discord. But, he has a good heart. He’s a kind and decent man. If he’s devoted to you, he’ll walk through fire for you, and he doesn’t take commitment likely.” She sighed. “As I’ve told you countless times before, in these last years, Jarrod has gone through a tremendous amount of suffering, and deep down, I don’t think that he has really dealt with what happened. He’s been running ever since.”

     “I know,” she sniffed, brushing the tears away with the back of her hands. “When we were at Laramie Rock, he did everything to keep a wall between us.”

are the reason that he’s stopped running. Don’t you get it, Olivia? The deception on his part was nothing but a smokescreen, and it made it easier for him to hide from his true feelings. And those feelings were that he loved you. He still does,” Rosa said, and then murmured a fast prayer in Spanish. “Let me ask you something, and if you want to tell me to mind my business, I’m okay with that. I know that you’re overwhelmed. But, you have to be honest and truthful about your own feelings. Do you love Jarrod? Is there any chance of you forgiving him?”

     “It may sound cliché, but I feel like I can’t breathe without him,” she whispered, looking away from her as more hot tears slid down her cheeks. “No matter how much I want to, I can’t stop crying at the thought of losing him forever. I love him so much that it hurts.”

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