The Describer's Dictionary: A Treasury of Terms & Literary Quotations (33 page)

Rabbit Is Rich
And he saw her, with the dumb, pale, startled ghosts of joy and desire hovering in him yet, a thin, vivid, dark-eyed girl, with something Indian in her cheekbones and her carriage and her hair; looking at him with that look in which were blended mockery, affection, desire, impatience, and scorn; dressed in the flamelike colors that, in fact, she had seldom worn, but that he always thought of her as wearing.
Go Tell It on the Mountain
Body Types, Frames, and Statures
of average or medium size or height
average, medium, middling, normal
having a smooth body
having a hairy body
hirsute, shaggy
having a solid build
stocky, thickset, heavyset, chunky, heavy-built, bulky,
compact, beefy
sinewy, well-built, solid, athletic, brawny, burly, husky,
mesomorphic, sturdy, robust, muscle-bound
having a relatively straight frame
having a flexible body
limber, supple, lithe, lithesome, lissome, pliant, rubbery
not erect or upright
bent, stopped, bent over, slumped, hunched over
having the shoulders bent forward
round-shouldered, stoop-shouldered
large or big
hulking, giant, strapping, oversized, hefty, massive,
elephantine, heavy-bodied, lumpish, looming, monstrous, a
colossus, a goliath
I looked at the mouth of the boy Jody had wanted me to meet. His lips were thick and pink and a baby face nestled under the silk of white-blond hair.
The Bell Jar
Winnie was barely into her thirties but she had a sane and practiced eye for the half-concealed disasters that constitute a life. A narrow face partly hidden by wispy brown ringlets, eyes bright and excited. She had the beaky and hollow-boned look of a great wading creature. Small prim mouth. A smile that was permanently in conflict with some inner stricture against the seductiveness of humor.
White Noise
Herr Landauer was a small lively man, with dark leathery wrinkled skin, like an old well-polished boot. He had shiny brown boot-button eyes and low-comedian’s eyebrows—so thick and black that they looked as if they had been touched up with burnt cork.
Goodbye to Berlin
Otto has a face like a very ripe peach. His hair is fair and thick, growing low on his forehead. He has small sparkling eyes, full of naughtiness, and a wide, disarming grin, which is much too innocent to be true. When he grins, two large dimples appear in his peach-blossom cheeks.
Goodbye to Berlin
small or little
slight, petite, diminutive, tiny, undersized, small-boned,
wee, a shrimp, a snip, a pipsqueak
small and supple
rounded in form
plump, chubby, rotund, tubby, blubbery, roly-poly,
round-bodied, well-rounded, pyknic, endomorphic, having
obese, stout, corpulent, overweight, portly, adipose, fattish,
stoutish, fleshy, bloated, gross, a blimp, a tub of lard
fat and short-winded
having loose or limp flesh
flabby, flaccid, soft, slack, irresilient, quaggy
hanging flesh
pendulous, baggy, loppy, drooping, droopy, nutant
slim, slender, slight, spare, skinny, ectomorphic, thin as a
rail, bony, reedy, underweight
thin and fit
trim, lean
elegantly or sleekly thin
willowy, svelte, lissome
thin and
thin and worn-looking
haggard, gaunt, emaciated, shriveled, underfed, scrawny,
delicately thin
wraith-like, sylph-like, fragile, wispy, undernourished, skin
and bone
His face was not as square as his son’s and, indeed, the chin, though firm enough in outline, retreated a little, and the lips, ambiguous, were curtained by a moustache. But there was no external hint of weakness. The eyes, if capable of kindness and good-fellowship, if ruddy for the moment with tears, were the eyes of one who could not be driven. The forehead, too, was like Charles’s. High and straight, brown and polished, merging abruptly into temples and skull, it had the effect of a bastion that protected his head from the world.
Howards End
She was one of those women who are middle-aged too soon, her skin burned into the colors of false health. Thin, nervous, her face was screwed tight, and in those moments when she relaxed, the lines around her forehead and mouth were exaggerated, for the sun had not touched them. Pale haggard eyes looked out from sun-reddened lids. She was wearing an expensive dress but had only succeeded in making it look dowdy. The bones of her chest stood out, and a sort of ruffle fluttered on her freckled skin with a parched rustling movement like a spinster’s parlor curtain.
The Deer Park
He was a tall heavy man with silver hair and a red complexion, but even with his white summer suit and hand-painted tie he was far from attractive. Underneath the sun tan, his features were poor; his eyes were small and pouched, his nose was flat, and his chin ran into the bulge of his neck. He had a close resemblance to a bullfrog.
The Deer Park
deathly thin
spectral, cadaverous, skeletal, consumptive, wasted away
tallish, long-limbed
tall and thin
gangling, gangly, rangy, long-limbed, loose-jointed, spindly,
slab-sided, a beanpole
undersized, runty, runtish, dwarfish, bantam
short and fat
a butterball
short and heavy
squat, pudgy, fubsy (British), stumpy, like a fireplug
shapelessly short and thick
square-shouldered, square-built
having a broad upper torso
having a large belly
pot-bellied, paunchy, abdominous, swag-bellied,
ventripotent, gorbellied (obsolete), beer-bellied
having a proportionally short upper body (or high waistline)
having large hips
wide in the middle, broad in the beam, hippy
having thin hips
slim-hipped, narrow-hipped
having long arms and legs
having long legs
She was one of those pudgy-faced Victorian children with little black beads for eyes; an endearing little turnip with black hair.
The French Lieutenant’s Woman
Suddenly she looked at Charles, a swift sideways and upward glance from those almost exophthalmic dark-brown eyes with their clear whites: a look both timid and forbidding.
The French Lieutenant’s Woman
It was the French Lieutenant’s Woman. Part of her hair had become loose and half covered her cheek. On the Cobb it had seemed to him a dark brown; now he saw that it had red tints, a rich warmth, and without the then indispensable gloss of feminine hair oil. The skin below seemed very brown, almost ruddy, in that light, as if the girl cared more for health than a fashionably pale and languid-cheeked complexion. A strong nose, heavy eyebrows ... the mouth he could not see.
The French Lieutenant’s Woman
The Syrian graduate student Mrs. Beaty had been expecting turned out to be Mr. Sadek Abdul Meheen, from Damascus, and Levin made his acquaintance the day he arrived. He was a short young man with a fluff of curly black hair on a balding brown skull, and a delicate Semitic nose that sniffed in the direction of vagrant odors. His moist black eyes were gently popped.
A New Life
having beautiful buttocks
callipygous, callipygian
having lardy buttocks
steatopygic, steatopygous
(of a woman) having an imposing and stately beauty
statuesque, Junoesque, goddess-like
(of a woman) large and strong
(of a woman) attractively or gracefully thin
svelte, willowy
(of a woman) large and rounded
full-figured, developed, ample, opulent, full-blown
(of a woman) attractively rounded
pleasingly plump, Rubensian
(of a woman) having large breasts
large-breasted, big-breasted, big-chested, bosomy,
big-bosomed, buxom, busty, top-heavy, stacked, well-built,
built, full-bosomed
(of a woman) having a flat chest
(of a woman) having a full and shapely body
voluptuous, shapely, pneumatic, curvaceous, zaftig
(of a woman) having a small waist
wasp-waisted, having an hourglass figure
The author of the paper, Albert O. Birdless, nineteen, from Marathon, Cascadia, was majoring in vocational education. His build reminded Levin of a young tugboat. He was stocky, with a short neck, heavy shoulders and legs, and stubby feet in square-toed shoes. His longish crewcut appeared to have gone to seed. On his head he usually wore a freshman beanie.
A New Life
Brinker looked the standard preparatory school article in his gray gabardine suit with square, hand-sewn-looking jacket pockets, a conservative necktie, and dark brown cordovan shoes. His face was all straight lines—eyebrows, mouth, nose, everything—and he carried his six feet of height straight as well.
A Separate Peace
Phineas had soaked and brushed his hair for the occasion. This gave his head a sleek look, which was contradicted by the surprised, honest expression which he wore on his face. His ears, I had never noticed before, were fairly small and set close to his head, and combined with his plastered hair they now gave his bold nose and cheekbones the sharp look of a prow.
A Separate Peace
Across the room, a fat beetle-browned girl in a dirty serape stared at him in anger. There was a fourth girl too, a skinny redhead with prominent teeth and a corpselike complexion who was playing with a dark wig.
Dog Soldiers
having regular and distinct features
having angular features
having well-defined or shapely facial features
fine-featured, chiseled, delicately sculptured, sculpturesque
having thick (or thickened) features
blunt, coarse, heavy, gross
having thick features with wide lips and large eyes
free of facial hair
adolescent facial hair
peach fuzz
looking crisply clean
having a long face
horse-faced, horsey
having a round face
having a small and pretty face
having a thin face with sharp features
hatchet-faced, sharp-faced, gaunt, hollow-cheeked

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