The Gate (Dark Path Series) (15 page)

“What’s it with the men in my life tonight, acting like they know everything when it concerns me?” She sat up, wrinkling her nose over the drying stickiness between her thighs. She opened her purse to search for a tissue.

Frowning, he lifted his thumb to his mouth but stopped, taking her hand instead. The next thing she knew, she sat on his lap with her jeans riding low on her hips, her bra undone, and her nipples aching for more licks and kisses.

“Did you have a fight with your father? Is that why you didn’t sound like you’re normal self on the phone?” He swept aside the hair sticking to her cheek.

It was perfect for her to announce what Chris had told her about Page, but the tender way he treated her kept her from saying anything. She didn’t want to ruin their time together, even though they were in an environment where pain and pleasure came together for the ultimate sexual nirvana.

“Erika? I lost you. Come back to me.”

She blinked, giving Max her full attention. Smiling as brightly as she could, she pressed her mouth to his. She wanted to spend the next few hours learning a different side of him, accepting him, both good and bad. Later, she would ask about his past relationships, the most important—Page. “I rather not talk about my dad here. It’s no big deal. He’s just working more because of his retirement. Let’s concentrate on ourselves tonight. I’d love for you to show me shocking acts of depravity that will make me so hot I’ll be more than willing for you to bend me over your desk and have your wicked way with me.”

Laughing again, he wrapped her in his arms.




“Can you show me the bathroom? I should freshen up,” she stated.

He helped her up from the couch, his arms around her hips in a loose embrace. He gave her a naughty grin. “I don’t want you out of my sight for even a second, including the bathroom.” He traced her bottom lip with his finger. “Don’t erase what we shared together just now. I like knowing you’re sticky between your legs from the way I made you come.”

“Ahh…okay, if it makes you happy.” Hesitating, she glanced away from Max’s proud face.

“Having you obey me will make me very happy. I promise you’ll be rewarded later on.” He sifted his fingers through her hair, his eyelids drooping. He rubbed against her, giving her an idea of what her reward would entail.

Sliding her hand down, she cupped him, enjoying his intake of breath. “I can take care of you before you show me around.”

He jerked in her hand once, twice then he kissed her. “Later, when we’re not so rushed. The anticipation will be well worth it.”

Bummed she would have to wait to taste him again, she righted her clothes and pulled a comb through her hair. He gave her a bottle of water from his small fridge then produced a white velvet ribbon pulled out of a box of multi-colored ones from under his desk.

“Do I wear it around my neck?” She remembered what she’d read online while researching the S&M lifestyle. “Oh! Is it a collar?”

He tied the ribbon on her left upper arm. “You’re not ready for a collar. It’s more for your safety and to warn people you’re observing, not participating. Many don’t wear ribbons here, but we have them in case a guest is interested in a certain type of play but wants to be coy about it.”

“If you wore a ribbon, what color would it be?” She ran her palms down his maroon colored shirt. “Or is the shirt you’re wearing a signal?”

“No signal. But it’s a good thing I didn’t wear yellow tonight.” His lips twitched.

When she asked him what the significance of yellow was, he smiled, kissing her until she no longer cared about colored ribbons or shirts.

“Stay next to me in the public rooms, but if we get separated, don’t be frightened. You can always seek out one of the staff or a security guard. We have multiple guards on each level.” He locked his office.

“How many floors are there?” She glanced overhead.

“Five. The first level is the bar-lounge and dance floor, the second level has rooms for light play, the third for more intense sessions, and the fourth is for special group activities and those who have appointments. Also, the rooms there are rented out each month by those skilled in specific types of sex play. The fifth level holds Catherine and my suites. No one is allowed up there unless we invite them.”

With her hand held tight in his, he led her down the hall into an open space. The music wasn’t as loud as in the main area, but the room was crowded with people drinking. Most stood in groups, talking or watching the couples behind glass panels over the bar engaging in risqué dancing or some type of bondage. The tameness of everything disappointed her. Other than people dressed in tight leather or showing off too much skin with multiple piercings and dog collars, there was nothing shocking going on.

“Still okay?” he asked in her ear.

She squeezed his hand. “Yes. I thought there would be, I don’t know, orgies or people tied to walls and open for anyone to do whatever they wanted to them.”

“That’s what the fourth floor is for.”

He bit down on her earlobe, and she swallowed a gasp. She went to tell him to cut it out but noticed a pretty woman with black and red streaked hair watching them.

“We have an audience. A woman near the bar is looking right at us.”

He lifted his head. “That’s Catherine. I guess it’s time you two meet. Don’t worry, she won’t bite.”

He drew her toward the bar, but the woman met them half way. She nodded at Max.

“Hello, you must be Erika.” She held out her hand. “I’m Catherine, part owner of this establishment. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

She was well spoken and courteous, which was at odds with her clothes and brash makeup. But who was she to judge? It must be part of her costume.

“Nice to meet you too, Catherine.” She shook her hand.

“Is Max giving you a tour? He only does that for close friends.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, exposing an array of piercings. “Too bad you didn’t come during paddle night. Women get a free paddle at the door they can use in whatever way they deem fit.”

“I’ll have to keep that in mind the next time I come.” She smiled at Max.

“You’ll have to make do with leather night instead. I bet Max can round up a pair of leather pants or a skirt if you’d like to participate.”

“Erika isn’t partaking tonight. She’s observing,” He curved his arm around her waist.

“Aw, how cute. You’ve marked her as a newbie,” she teased and reached out to pat his head.

Blocking her, he grabbed her hand, kissing her knuckles. Catherine swatted him again, and he chuckled.

She watched the affectionate display between the two. It was obvious they were fond of one another.

Catherine unclipped her cell phone, scanning the touch screen. Her mouth molded into a pout. “Duty calls. I have an appointment I can’t miss. If you two will excuse me. It was nice meeting you. I hope we can talk again soon.” With a pat on Erika’s arm, she left the room.

“She’s nice,” she said.

He nodded. “She’s the sister I never had. We like to tease one another, but it’s all in good fun.”

“Have you two ever…?” She waved her arm around.

“We’ve never had sex, but there have been a few times we engaged in some role playing and bondage, but only if a guest asks for both of us to join in.”

She walked alongside him as they went to a vacant table with a reserved sign in the middle. He pulled out a chair for her to sit, and when she was settled, he did the same. His arm hung over her chair, his other hand landing on her knee.

“You call the people here guests?” She scanned the room.

“Yes, that’s what Curtis and Irene used to call the customers here. It stuck.”

A female server in a tight white leather dress approached them in such high heels Erika winced. Did all the women here wear painful looking footwear?

“I’ll have a club soda, and my friend would like….” Max tilted his head toward her.

“I’ll have what he’s having.”

After their server left, he twisted in his seat to face her. “You can have wine or another alcoholic drink if you want. We allow patrons one alcoholic beverage an hour.”

“Keeps your guests from getting too rowdy or frisky?”

“Exactly.” He slid his hand up her leg. “Emotions are running high as it is. When a session’s going on, no participant is allowed to have alcohol of any kind. They can have water, soda, or juice.”

“Why is it called a session?”

Their server brought their drinks, and Max paid for them. The woman winked, dropping the bill in her cleavage. Erika didn’t react to the display, and when he tugged her to him, she kissed him on the cheek.

“Good girl.” He drank.

She did the same while she studied the action. More people arrived, the room seeming to swell with even more bodies. But she never became overwhelmed. She was quite comfortable and secure in his arms.

“I call it a session because it runs for a specific amount of time. It’s an exercise in endurance. More often than not the people involved are viewed by an audience.”

“You’re serious? Where do people watch? Are they in the same room? Do they join in also?”

“They can, but there are rooms where someone can observe behind glass. The people on the other side can’t see who’s watching. It’s like a peep show.” He ran his finger down her arm. “It’s incredibly arousing. Most just pick a room with no clue as what to expect.”

She chewed on an ice cube while she wiped the condensation off her glass. Now that was something she wouldn’t mind seeing. But how should she bring it up?

He nudged her under her chin. His eyes sparkling with amusement, he dipped his finger down the middle of her throat then circled her breastbone.

“Ask me,” he said softly.

“I want to watch.” She curled her fingers around his hand.

After downing his drink, he stood. He took her hand, guiding her off the floor and up the stairs.

Chapter Fourteen


Catherine rested her head on the wall. She fisted her hands at her sides and wished the man behind her away. It didn’t work. His fingers encircled her waist, his warm breath fanning the back of her neck.

“Cathy, I need you.”

Twisting around, she thrust Bryan away. Cameron had called her Cathy.
His Cathy
. To everyone, else she had always been Catherine. No whiny, emotionally disturbed, handsome as hell, barely legal boy was going to call her what had once belonged to Cameron.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me Cathy? And no, I don’t have to give you another shot. Leave me alone.”

She walked away with the intent of going upstairs to her suite to clean up. She was sticky with sweat from the intense hour of whipping and teasing she’d given one of the male guests. It took him forever to come, and when he did, he jizzed on her five hundred dollar boots. She hoped she wouldn’t have to take them to—

Without warning, she was picked up and thrown into a darkened room. She recognized Bryan from his ragged breathing as well as the bulk of his chest. His hands snaked around her wrists, squeezing.

She waited for him to kiss her or force himself on her. Instead, he groaned, dropping down to his knees. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Cathy, Cathy, Cathy, Cathy.”

“I’m not worth it.” She brushed her fingers through his hair.

He sniffed, and she tried to bend down to lift him up, but he wouldn’t release her. She waited for him to gain control. When at last he did, she located the light switch, flipping it on. The room lit up, but not too bright that she was blinded.

The area was almost bare. The one piece of furniture, even if it could be called that, was a bench. On the wall hung a few straps and whips. A drape hid the mirror where a person in the next room could watch. She clutched the doorknob, ready to flee.

“I’ll pay you quarter of a million dollars to beat me and then have sex with me.”

She rubbed her forehead where a headache grew.
Why won’t he give up? Doesn’t he understand I won’t have sex with him no matter how much money he offers?
Her promise to Raymond kept her from engaging in intercourse with any man unless he permitted it.

She needed to stop this insanity between them. “What if we play another game? Same as before. If you come before the hour is up, you lose. If you can last the full hour without orgasming, I’ll take your virginity. The price this time is fifty thousand.”

He shot to his feet.

Funny, his eyes aren’t wet with his tears.
Wondering if she had been played, she went over to the bench. “Lay face first with your pants around your ankles and your ass high in the air. You can hold onto the bench, or I can tie you down.”

“Yes, Cathy-Mistress,” he said in a winded tone and, rushed to do what she ordered.

“I’m not your mistress.
Do not
call me Cathy again,” she snarled.

When he was in position, she fisted her hand in his hair, giving him a yank. He winced but didn’t cry out.

Releasing him, she selected a rattan cane.
When I finish with him, he won’t be able to walk.
Smiling widely, she came over to him, circling the edge of the loop down his back and across his ass cheeks. He trembled.

A vision of kneeling and licking each sinewy globe along with the inside of his ass made her quiver. She rubbed her thighs together to stop from having another reaction. If she came while she whipped him, she’d never live it down.

Without any warning, she snapped her wrist, hitting his lower back. Crying out, he clutched the bench. His legs rose in the air, and she hit him again. And again.

She kept going, ignoring the ache in her arm or how red his ass had become or the welts crossing his skin. He twitched and moaned, almost sobbing. She waited for him to come, for the smell of his spunk to fill the room.

He never did.

At the forty-five minute mark, she grew nervous. How in the world did he have such stamina? She would have broken down into a puddle of tears by this point. She was so drenched with sweat, droplets fell off her nose. Her hair stuck to her head. She didn’t have any other instrument she could use to get him off other than her hands and mouth.

She was backed into a corner. She had no other choice but to end their insane relationship. Dropping the cane to the floor, she smacked his ass with her bare hand.

Groaning, he said her name—the full rendition this time.

“Lay on your back.” She used a frigid tone.

He did, smiling up at her as if he’d won.
Not yet, my boy. I still have ten minutes left.

She moved between his legs and whacked his inner thighs. He gripped the bench in response.

Bending down in front of him, she set her palms on his upper legs. He flinched.

“If you let go of the bench at anytime and try to touch me, we’re finished.” Licking her lips, she admired his dick and balls. Before her hung one of the longest, widest cocks she’d ever seen. She shouldn’t have been surprised since his tongue was ample. His balls were pieces of art, perfectly rounded and just wrinkled enough the way she liked. She couldn’t wait to roll them around in her mouth. She dug her nails into his skin, cursing that she’d left her gloves in the other room.

“Cathy,” he whispered.

For that, she would teach him a lesson. One he would never forget.

She gave his balls a twist, and he rose up from the bench, howling. She continued twisting until the veins in his neck protruded. Tears came to his eyes, trickling down his cheeks. Knowing she’d given him such extreme pain, she decided to be kind. She flicked her tongue over the head of his cock.

He flopped down on the bench. Taking his cock, she stroked him softly. She kept licking until he shook then she struck, deep throating him all the way to the root.

“Cathy!” He rocked into her mouth.

She gagged, the acid reflex rising in her throat. She lessened up, moving back, but sucked down, using her teeth in a tight compression.

“Fuck me!” he roared and came in her mouth.

She swallowed down every last drop of his creamy release. When he had nothing else in him, she fell back on her ass, shaking. She looked at her watch—a minute to spare. Rising to her feet, she backed away as Bryan eased upright and held out his hands to her.

“You lose. Now leave me the fuck alone.” She darted to the door, throwing it open and running out of the room. She didn’t stop until she reached a fire door, flew up the stairs to the fourth level, and into the elevator that would take her up to her suite. Her hands shook so much, she almost couldn’t unlock her door. When at last she did, she started to gag. Landing on her knees in the bathroom, she threw up in the toilet.

When she had nothing left to puke, her stomach empty with no trace of Bryan’s cum in her, she climbed fully dressed into the shower, setting it on hot. She cried, water raining down and washing the stains off her boots.

If Raymond found out what she did, he would kill the kid and make her pay for the rest of her life.
Oh God, I’m finished. All because I gave into Bryan’s dark seduction. He turned to me to give him salvation. Like a fool, I did.

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