The Judas Contact (Boomers Book 1) (21 page)

“We just have one problem.” Her lips were on his cheek now.

“What’s that?” His mind stuttered.

“Condoms. We’re going to need condoms.” Amusement mingled with desire in her voice. He paused and stared into his room.

He didn’t have condoms. “I thought the tests said I couldn’t get you sick.”

She traced a single fingernail down his cheek, the light pressure sending another wave of shudders through him. “No, but you can still get me pregnant and I don’t think either of us is ready for that yet.”

His mind stumbled. His body throbbed with need, but his heart squeezed at the idea of filling her body with a baby, watching her swell with life. But would he even be able to touch his own child—or would his curse prevent his child from touching anyone? No, better not to think about that. He just found Ilsa. He wasn’t ready to share her with anyone yet, not even their child.

“Garrett?” She drew him back to the room. His knees bumped the bed and he sat down, cradling her in his lap.



“I don’t have any.” He hated admitting it because no condoms meant no sex and he was really looking forward to sex.

“Five men share this house and there are no condoms?” Her eyebrows lifted doubtfully. She leaned in and kissed him hard on the lips. Her casual ease zinged through him. Her tongue teased the seam of his mouth but, when he would have deepened the kiss, she pulled away and slid off his lap.

“Where are you going?” He shot to his feet before she made it two steps and caught her arm. Fine, they couldn’t have sex but he still wanted to hold her.

“To find condoms.” She pointed toward the door. “I guarantee you, someone here has some.”

“Oh. I’ll go with you.”
So smart.
She was just so damn smart. He let his touch drift down her arm until she threaded her fingers through his, bare hand on bare hand.

“Okay.” She grinned and gave him a tug and they were off. They went through four bedrooms, hand in hand. She opened the drawers and looked next to the beds and in the bathrooms. He teased up her tank top until he revealed the warm, creamy, inviting skin beneath. He traced the line of her spine and, outside the third room, she paused to let go of his hand. She swept the tank top up and off.

His breath clogged in his throat. Her full, generous breasts were barely restrained by the lacy cups of her bra. Dusky, raspberry colored nipples peeked at the edges and stabbed their hard points at the cups. His palms itched to touch them, but she dropped the tank top on the floor, took his hand and started off again. Her shoulder blades pinched together with every move. She was smooth. No scars, no taut muscles revealing hours of hard labor—smooth, soft, satin, sensuous…

He fell in love with s-words. He caught his second glove against his teeth and pulled it off. Stuffing it into his pocket, he let himself explore her back, her spine and the gentle curve of her tummy. In the fourth bedroom, she bent to open a drawer and he slid his hand across the flat swell of her belly and drew her back against him. Even through the layers of clothing, the rub of her ass against his erection drew a groan from him. He kissed the side of her neck, licking lightly.

She shuddered, her head falling back until he could nibble a pulse point. Her breasts strained against the bra. He stroked his hand upwards, catching the fullness against one palm and rubbing the nipple through the lacy cups. Her swift indrawn breath hardened him further, if that was possible, and she made the lowest of mewling sounds in her throat.

“Condoms, Garrett. We still need condoms.” Only her panting whisper didn’t seem so certain now. Pink suffused her face—she was flushed. He carefully skimmed his hand down, skirting the tape wrapping her side and then back up to tease her other breast. They were heavy against his hands. Heavy and soft when he squeezed them, except for those hard nipples stabbing through the fabric.

“You can still look for them.” He bit down on the pulse point, a light graze of his teeth, and she shivered. Her heart beat hard. He could feel the pulse with his lips and the thunder of it beneath his hand as he massaged her breasts. He wanted to use both hands, but he couldn’t let go of her. He loved the feeling of her fingers in his.

So many things he wanted to try, to touch, to feel. With an aggravated whimper, she leaned forward. She tossed him a look that mingled exasperation and desire in her dilated pupils and fished through the drawer. They’d made quite a mess already. Cabinets opened, drawers left tossed and abandoned when they didn’t find what they wanted.

Garrett’s gaze skimmed down her back and he released her breast to unhook the bra. It fell down her arms and hung around their joined hands. He pressed a kiss to her shoulder and, when she stood up, he pulled her back against him so he could see the breasts he’d freed.

Flicking a thumb against one hard tip, he grinned at her indrawn breath. The nipples were fat and plump, full raspberries crowning the sweet and generous swell of her breasts. The tips were hard points, demanding attention. Attention he wanted to shower on them. He traced one with a finger, the pebbling of the skin rasping against his fingertip.

“Garrett…” she exhaled his name and he loved the way it sounded on her lips, soft, breathy, and so full of need. As she turned, he dropped down to his knees and planted his lips against the plump nipple. She gasped and tightened against him, arching upward, and her ass quivered under his hand where he held her. His cock went crazy. He licked the turgid point and then pulled it against his teeth, sucking it the way he’d imagined since his first glimpse of its ripe fullness. She writhed, her fingers threaded into his hair, fisting and holding him against her. He really liked how she let loose, how open and responsive she was.

“Garrett.” She breathed his name again. He adored the sound of it on her lips. Catching the nipple between his teeth, he grazed it, pulling and then releasing. He let go of the first nipple and moved on to the other. He teased that bud, sampling little licks, swirling the point and then drawing it deeper into his mouth. She whimpered a low, hard moan that went straight through him. They were some of the sweetest sounds he’d ever heard.

He didn’t need condoms to adore her breasts. He could play with them all day. He let his fingers dance down her belly, careful strokes dipping beneath the sweatpants. Her shorts were just below and it was like unlocking a vault door to delve beneath those. When his fingers grazed the edge of her panties, he grinned against her breast. He’d never had such a beautiful present to unwrap. The tug on his hair pulled his head back and he glanced up at her.

Blowing a cool breath across her damp nipple, he watched her face as it contorted. Strain showed around the edges of her practical control. He cupped her sex, sliding his fingers along the damp seam of her pussy and his smile grew at the glazed look in her eyes.

“We—” she stumbled on the words as he circled her clit and then slid a finger inside of her. His cock jerked in excitement, but it couldn’t compare to the feeling of her clenching around his finger, of the heat wrapping his hand, or of the way she grabbed his shoulder, bracing herself.

“Yes?” Desire flooded through him. He wanted to make her come apart and lose herself in him. He wanted to short circuit that brilliant brain until the only thoughts in it were of him. She was so tight and slick it hurt him to glide in and out of her. He wanted to replace his fingers with his mouth or his cock—so many different ways to explore, to pleasure, and God—just to touch her.

Her breasts bounced with her hard pants and she held up three foil packages. “I found them.”

He grinned, sliding a second finger inside of her, absolutely enchanted by the red flush to her face and the hard swallowing sound she made. Would she gasp when he peeled her pants down and replaced his fingers with his mouth? He teased her clit with his thumb and pushed up with his legs to catch her in another kiss.

God, he could get used to that. In the far recesses of his mind, he knew this was dangerous territory. Two tests did not—could not—counteract decades of distance. He didn’t get involved, didn’t allow himself to. He envied Michael the abandon he’d discovered with Rory, but he’d never wanted that for himself. Never wanted to lose himself so utterly in another person—until Ilsa.

She was fragile, vulnerable, and utterly human.

She could die.

She could be taken away.

As loathe as he was to leave her, he pulled his fingers away and picked her up again. He let her bra fall to the floor and ignored it. He tried to soften his mouth, the demand in it. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he longed to push her, to take her with every fierce beat of his heart. The trip back to his room took too damn long, his cock half-strangled behind the constriction of his pants. He set her on his bed and, with more care than he thought he possessed, stripped down her sweats, shorts and panties. She was as beautiful as he remembered glimpsing through the open door of her bedroom. Her blonde hair clung to her damp skin, and her eyes glittered with need beneath the half-lowered lids. She slid one leg up on the bed and he just feasted his gaze on her. She was so curvy, from the flared hips to the ripe breasts and the long, long expanse of legs. She was toned, but not firm. She was a goddess, powerful, free, and pampered.

His hands shook as he stripped off his jacket. She sat forward, reaching out to him and he shook his head slowly. He wanted her to touch him, but he wouldn’t last. Three hard kisses and he was almost done for.

“I want to help.” She pouted, an actual pout, her lower lip jutting out. But the sparkle in her eyes gave lie to the expression.

“Are you playing with me?” A grin pulled up one corner of his mouth. He couldn’t quite grip the buttons on his shirt and ripped them off impatiently.

“Maybe.” She rolled over onto her tummy and crawled—no, slid—up the bed. His balls squeezed at the sight of her ass, and the generous curve of it swaying invitingly as she moved. She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Do you mind?”

He dropped the shirt to the ground, far more naked in his bare feet and pants than he’d ever been with a woman. His gut tightened. He didn’t know if he could do this. The kisses, they were fine. God, they were more than fine. Sucking her nipples was the best feeling he’d ever experienced until his fingers skimmed beneath her panties.

But could he strip it all off? Could he really expose her to every part of himself? Did he dare?

He stared at her, trapped between the fierce desire to have her and the equally fierce need to protect her.

“I want all of you, Garrett.” She settled against the pillows and held a hand out to him. She was a golden splash of light amidst the rich brown. “You’re holding back, because you’re afraid to hurt me. I’m not scared.”

The first button on his pants gave way. “Maybe you should be.”

She shook her head slowly. “No, you haven’t scared me once. Not even when you were so angry with me for touching you. You’ve only tried to take care of me, protect me, and be patient with my crazy mad scientist obsessions.”

“I’m a lot darker than you know.” He killed people with a touch. He forced people to stay away from him, wore his anger on his sleeve so they wouldn’t try to get closer to him. But it hadn’t worked with her.

Instead, she’d shimmied beneath every defense and burrowed her way into his heart and his soul. If he showed her everything he had, rejection would kill him.

“It means you’re passionate.” She sucked in a deep breath and sat forward. “Passionate. Loyal. Fierce. You’ve had to hold back your whole life. You don’t have to with me. Never with me.”

It was hard to have this discussion when he wanted to bury his cock inside her, take her and give her everything she asked for and more. The second button on his pants gave and he closed his eyes, forcing his breathing to calm. He counted to ten and then to twenty. When he opened them again she was still there, still staring at him, trust and want mingling in her gaze. He loosened the pants and shoved them down, stepping free of them, vulnerable and exposed.

His cock jutted upwards, bouncing toward his stomach. A delicious tension coiled through him, a raging, ever tightening rope of need that bound him. “I want to touch you everywhere, but I don’t know if I can handle you touching me—not yet.”

She smiled and held her hands out to him. “Then you just tell me to stop and I’ll stop.”

He followed her onto the bed, bracing his weight on his arms. He could feel the heat of her rising like waves to tingle along his body. He wasn’t quite touching her as he lowered his head. She opened her arms to him, but her hands hovered, not quite coming into contact with his skin. He inhaled the sweet scent of lavender and of her arousal. As careful as he could manage, he brushed his lips across hers.

Sensation exploded through him. He let his body lower, inch by carnal inch, until he lay across her like a blanket, skin rubbing against skin. Her hands smoothed down his back and he shuddered. He loved this woman. Her mouth flowered open beneath his and he sank into the kiss the way he longed to sink into her body.

Contact sizzled through him. He fought to hold it together, but every stroke of her tongue whittled away at his control. He rolled away from her, lying against the sheets. He wanted her so much it hurt. She rose up on an elbow and gazed at him, patience and compassion warring with the desire in her eyes.

“Let me help, Garrett.” She caressed a hand down his side, the lightest of touches and he shuddered again. He wouldn’t last. He wanted to slam into her, fill her and come so deep inside of her she forgot where she ended and he began.

Not quite trusting himself to speak, he nodded his head. He heard the foil tear, but she crawled next to him and kissed the corner of his mouth and then his cheek and down to his throat. He clenched the bed cover and forced himself to be still. Her butterfly kisses trailed down his body. Her fingers were light, so light, and so soft as they cupped his balls and then stroked up the length of his cock. He was so rigid, he thought he would die from it. The condom slipped on, cool to her heat, and she rolled it down. He glanced down at her and saw the smile on her lips, but he wasn’t prepared for what happened next.

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