The Korean War (86 page)

Read The Korean War Online

Authors: Max Hastings

Tags: #ebook, #Korea

Gorbachev, Mikhail
ref 1

Goulden, Joseph
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

battle for
ref 1
retreat from Chosin to
ref 1
retreat to Koto-ri from
ref 1
and Task Force Faith
ref 1
ref 2

Haig, Alexander
ref 1

Handler, Corporal Selwyn
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

Handler, Irwin
ref 1

Haney, Al
ref 1

Hanguk Democratic Party
ref 1

Han Pyo Wook (‘Philip’)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Han river
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8

bridge blown
ref 1

Hantan river
ref 1

‘Happy Valley’
ref 1
ref 2

Harding, General Sir John
ref 1

Harding, Major Denis
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Harper, PFC Robert
ref 1

Harriman, Averell
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Harrison, Lieutenant-General William K.
ref 1

Harrison, Tom
ref 1

Harsch, Joseph
ref 1

Harvey, Major Mike
ref 1

Hawkins, Lieutenant Brian
ref 1

Healey, Bob
ref 1

Healey, Johnnie
ref 1

Heartbreak Ridge
ref 1

Helena, Cruiser
ref 1

Hellfire Valley
ref 1
ref 2

Herald Tribune
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Hernshaw, CPO
ref 1

Hickey, Captain Bob
ref 1

Higgins, Marguerite
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Hillenkoetter, Admiral R. H.
ref 1

Hilliard, Joe
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Hobbs, Sergeant-Major Jack
ref 1
ref 2

Ho Chi Minh
ref 1

Hodge, General John R.
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9
ref 10
ref 11
ref 12
ref 13

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Hong Kong
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Hoop, Sergeant Robert
ref 1
ref 2

Hope, Bob
ref 1
ref 2

Hopkins, Harry
ref 1

Horowitz, James
ref 1

Hughes, Emmet John
ref 1

Hughes, Emrys
ref 1

Hughes, Richard
ref 1

Humphreys, Bombadier A.
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Hung She Te
ref 1

Hunters, The
ref 1

Hu Seng
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Huth, Major Henry
ref 1

Hwachon reservoir
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

IDAHO, phase line
ref 1

Imjin River
ref 1

battle of
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

amphibious landings at (Operation CHROMITE)
ref 1
recaptured by UN
ref 1
ref 2
US occupation of (1945)
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

medical units from
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

French in
ref 1
ref 2
see also

indoctrination of PoWs

brainwashing of PoWs

Innes, Major J. R. Ferguson
ref 1

intelligence services
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9
ref 10
ref 11
ref 12
ref 13

of American aircraft
ref 1
ref 1
in Europe, Allied
ref 1
failure of
ref 1
ref 1
see also
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)

International Institute of Strategic Studies, London
ref 1

‘Iron Triangle’
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

ref 1

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

ref 1

JACK (Joint Advisory Commision, Korea)
ref 1

Jacob, Lieutenant William
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Jacob, Sir Ian
ref 1

Japan, Japanese
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

in Korea
ref 1
ref 2
and US occupation (1945)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
US atomic bombs on (1945)
ref 1
ref 2
US occupation of
ref 1
ref 2

JCS (Joint Chiefs of Staff, US)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9

and Inchon
ref 1
ref 2
and MacArthur
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
and MacArthur’s dismissal
ref 1
and nuclear weapons
ref 1
and threat of general war
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

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