The Last Thing (34 page)

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Authors: Briana Gaitan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

creature hit me again, pushing me out of the way and swimming past me at an
incredible speed. As I
looked up, my fears were
confirmed. A twenty-foot giant squid was staring at Tristen with his black eyes
and a frown on his face, showing he was definitely not happy to find intruders
in his territory.

The pearl itched at the back of my mind, tempting me to go
for it, but this was my best friend, and I couldn’t let him get hurt over
treasure. We could always come back and get it. It wasn’t worth either of our
lives; we had to escape. My gaze flickered back to the pearl momentarily.

“Leave the pearl alone, Raewyn!” He knew me too well. He knew
the prize was still in the back of my mind.

“I am!” I insisted and gathered my courage to help.

“You need to swim and get away!”

“No!” I exclaimed. “I’m not leaving you!” 

I took off in the direction of the squid, right as it wrapped
one of its tentacles around Tristen’s tail. I wouldn’t leave him there alone.
We would fight back. Without thinking, I reached out to grab the squid by one
of its other tentacles, wrapping my arms around it and trying in vain to pull
it back. The monster tossed me aside with no problem, sending me flipping
through the water straight toward a tower of rocks. With a shriek, I propelled
my body upwards and away from it.

When I regained my composure, I looked toward Tristen to see
the squid’s large, deadly eyes locked on me. My breath caught in my throat, and
I froze. He was not happy with me.

Hands gripped me out of nowhere and pushed me out of the way.

“I said
,” Tristen exclaimed, and that was all I
needed to come out of the sudden rush of fear.

I threw my arms up in the air and shot off towards the
surface. It might be the only place to escape the monster. When I neared the
surface, I took one last look down into the darkness below. The squid darted
toward me with anger in his eyes.  I couldn’t see Tristen anywhere, and I hoped
he’d gotten away safely. I needed to make a decision on which way to go. Humans
were my only concern above, but this squid would squeeze the life from me
without a second thought and eat me.

As I closed my eyes and broke through the surface of the
water, my body twisted into something rough littering the surface. I ducked
back under the water, but the tangled web pulled me back. Thick ropes twisted
around me and trapped me in their midst. I screamed and thrashed about, but it
only made them grasp me tighter. I was stuck and unable to free myself from the
rope’s clutches with the squid after me. 


I’d heard the tales. The king had warned me many times.
Humans were evil, the reason our race was few in numbers. Our history included
death and entrapment. It wasn’t all parties and happiness because of humans
. I didn’t want to be
trapped with them, but the more I moved and tried to escape, the tighter the
ropes became. They scratched at me, uncomfortable and making small cuts along
my body. My scales rubbed against them and pain shot through my tail as it
lashed back and forth.

I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths underneath the surface,
trying to calm down, before the ropes tensed and rose from the water. As I
grasped desperately for the rope, I felt the natural air leave my lungs,
replaced by human oxygen. It burned my throat as it forced its way inside. I
wasn’t sure how I would escape the confines of the rope, or how I would get
away from the humans once they threw me on their ship.

I could barely see the full moon from where I was, but I
remembered seeing her peering down at me as I neared the surface. It was a
night for wishes and prayers, so I did the only thing I could think of. I
lifted my eyes to the sky and prayed to the moon to work her magic. I wasn’t
sure if it would work now, but it had years ago when I was a child.

Goddess of the Moon, give me legs.


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By Ashley Moore



Laughter fills our crowded corner booth at Greeks tonight as
we set bets on how long it would take Dax to remember the bleach blonde’s name
who has attached herself to his leg worse than a dog in heat. Among the five of
us excluding Dax, the bets ranged from 3-15 minutes. mine being at  the fifteen
mark knowing full and well that Daxton very rarely remembered the girl he had
taken home the night before, let alone a conquest that he laid weeks ago; it
typically made for an interesting night when they came back for seconds. His
eyes were glazed over and you could smell the wood burning while the wheels
were cranking to try to remember Barbie’s name. Finally after the 15 minute
mark I put my best friend out of his misery.

"Bray, why don't you go to get us another round of
shots?" I said while tossing her a twenty. There were shooter girls walking
the busy bar floor all around us but I figured it would give Daxton a minute to
grasp his bearings. The lights went on in Dax's head; you could virtually see
the recognition as his eyes lit up and glossed over with the memory of a night
spent with a blond he wouldn’t have be able to pick out of a police lineup not
fifteen minutes ago, but had no problem sharing bodily fluids with. I couldn't
help but laugh; I don't know how this man gets himself into these predicaments.
Truth be told neither of us were angels, but at least I was able to keep my
names straight. Bray removed herself from Dax's leg and began walking towards
the bar.

"Alright everyone pay up. I gave it fifteen minutes
before I dropped the bomb, meaning I win and you bitches owe me twenty a piece."
I said looking at our friends." When are you going to learn not to bet
against me when it comes to Dax's sex life?" With that, our whole table
began cackling like a bunch of hyenas while tossing twenties at me. Hey, what
can I say? It was easy money made; I knew the minute Bray acquainted herself
with his lap that he was clueless. It amazed me that he did so well in his
classes with his evident lack of recognition.

"Shit, G. You saved my ass. There's a reason I call them
all honey. Can't say the wrong name if they all have the same one," Dax
said with a devil could care grin.

"Hey, what are friends for if not to help you keep your
sex life straight?" I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Wanna do me a solid?" he asked.

"Why don't I like the sound of that?"

"Now that you said her name, I remember her in bed.
Let's just say her "o" face was enough to make me go limp several
times. Don't make me endure that again."

Shit, I knew where this was going. We always looked out for
each other even if it meant playing cock block when needed.

“Alright, I'll save your ass again; as long as you promise
not to rock a hard on while I'm kissing you this time," I said. Dax has
been my solid and best friend since we were toddlers. I guess our parents
figured since they didn’t want to give us the time of day they could shove us
together to keep each other busy.


"I make no promises, Gwenny. I may be your best friend,
but I'm not blind to your rocking body, or immune to your luscious lips and
talented tongue," he said with a shit-eating grin. Dax swore on everything
holy that he was going to marry me some day.

 Although there was nothing romantic or sexual between us, he
still insisted I was the perfect women for him. Probably because I was the only
women he has never had and really didn't want in that way.  I was the complete
opposite of what Dax took home on a daily basis, he liked his blond bimbos
where I had long wavy auburn hair, and they’re typically petite where I was
tall and slim yet curvy in the hips and chest. The only real resemblance was
the bust line. Dax was a boob man and that there was the only thing me and
these Barbie bitches who actually received his attention had in common. Don’t
get me wrong I’m not self-conscience in the least bit, I know with my looks and
personality I’m the full package but it seems no matter what I did I would
never get the attention I wanted from the man I wanted it from. I know my own
worth and seductive abilities but unlike some of us, I chose not to flaunt it.
I had no problem receiving attention from men other than Dax and only used my
looks and charm when it was necessary like the night Dax decided to beat the
shit out of Xander for his loose lips. I flirted with the balding, middle aged
campus security cop (who looked like he spent more time eating donuts then
serving and protecting) till he let Dax go with a warning because he felt so
bad that “a beautiful young women” like myself was taken advantage of.

"If you can't control your raging hormones so I can save
your ass then I guess you will just have to endure her "o" face. I
don't need you fallen in love here," I said making an exaggerated
scrunched up face.


"Sweetheart, I fell in love with you ages ago, it's a
shame you won't let me see just how talented you really are."

Seriously, Dax is probably the only man I would consider off
limits. Have we kissed? Yes, but it was always for a mutual benefit such as
this. It isn’t that I’m not attracted to him because he's the walking
definition of sexy with his caramel colored shoulder length hair that I dreamed
of running my hands through.

"All right you horn ball, let's get this over
with." I said grinning. It wasn't as bad as kissing your brother per say
but it wasn't anywhere near passionate either, it was empty and lack luster. It
was like I turned off a switch in my head so I wouldn't feel anything when
Dax's lips touched mine.

"Oh, just what every man wants to hear. Ok, hurry she is
on her way back with the shots," he said while quickly grabbing my arms
and pulling me onto his lap. I didn't get a chance to shut down before he
cradled his hands around my face and began taking my lower lip into his mouth.
He kept a hold of me while his tongue glided along my lips coaxing them open.
Once in my mouth, he began caressing my tongue with his own. I used my hands to
trace along his chiseled face that belonged on a sculpture of Greek Gods rather
than real life, then began to lose myself as I glided my hands down along his
chest to his abs that were well defined into an eight packing that he obviously
spent a considerable amount of time creating.

The Barbie put the shots down on the table and huffed before
walking away while our friends began hooting and hollering. Dax began flicking
the roof of my mouth with his tongue while a whimper released from my chest. I
began to pull back as I felt his erection against my heat. "Holy shit that
was hot," Aline said. "Are you guys sure you don't want to have just
one night of hot wild monkey sex, cause if that was a preview I'd pay to see it
in action." I began giggling while climbing out of Dax's lap before giving
him a quick tap on his cock that was erect against his jeans.

Aline is one of my roommates, we're all crazy in our own
ways; it's what drew us together. You know the whole ‘thick as thieves’
statement; well that was us minus the thieves' part. Aline was probably the
craziest of us all though. There were many times that I walked into our
apartment only to find our living room set up with cameras and a mass orgy
surrounding her. She would tell you she wasn't biased and that was why she was
bisexual, I just believed she's selfish and wants it all. She's beautiful with
short spiky blond hair and a hint of chocolate low lights in the front. She's
as small as a pixie, with a "c" cup chest (which is common knowledge
from the bra she leaves thrown around), and according to the stories was a real
freak. When it came to Aline, I knew the stories were true; that girl rolled in
her sexuality.

"Damn G, if that's any pretense of your skills, I would
love to see how you work 'um personally." Brycen said while Dax reached
over and hit him in his arm. Brycen is one of Dax's dorm mates. He takes yummy
to a whole other level with his dirty blond shaggy hair and a six pack for abs.
The man was scrumptious, and he knew it.

"Now dude is that any way to talk to a lady?" Dax
asked. We all began abruptly laughing at him calling me a lady; lord knows I’m
not prim and proper by any standard.

"Dax, we all know you love G, but she ain't a lady, that
girl is fierce and sexy as hell." Adrian said, while throwing me his 100
watt smile that dazzled most girls' right out of their panties. He had his
black hair spiked up today with a snug black sweater and designer pants on.

"Adrian, you can stop staring at G like she's a piece of
meat, you know she ain't never gonna give you a ride. She likes her kitty too
much to taint it with the diseases your likely to carry," Darian said in
her smooth sophisticated way. She was the epitome of sexy art chic and had the
brains to go with it.

"Dari, put your claws back in. We all know I don't carry
any STD's, isn't that right Ali?" Adrian said. If the girl wasn't so
secure in her sexuality she may have blushed. Instead, she turned towards him.

 "Awww. Adrian, baby, we both know you still pine for my
kitty, too bad you couldn't last longer than 10 minutes to make it worth my
time as well," Aline said with her ever quick cutting tongue.

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