The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared (22 page)

“Anna,” Devin said.

She looked up into Devin’s black eyes and
felt him inside her mind. She could feel him drawing part of her
out and consuming it. She groaned and the room began to spin. Her
body stiffened as she physically climaxed, though she didn’t really
feel it.

Devin grinned maniacally and threw his head
back, shouting out “Yes! Yes!”

The president groaned and then gave out a
primitive scream as Anna’s muscles clenched around his cock,
squeezing him tight and milking him dry.

Devin released Anna’s legs and stood up. The
president collapsed on the bed next to her, eyes open, but
unseeing. Anna looked up at Devin with frightened eyes. What had he
just done?

“He’s completely under my control,” Devin
said in a low voice, coming to sit next to Anna on the bed. “Thanks
to you, my love.” He brushed her hair gently away from her face,
then leaned forward to kiss her.

What had she done to give him this kind of
power? What did she possess that allowed him to control other
people? To make them obey him? To make Wilhelm and Kurt walk away
from her without a single glance back? She didn’t want to help
Devin become a scary person. He was already scary enough.

Devin pulled back and looked at her. “You
fear me now, don’t you?”

Anna nodded slowly. “Yes, Master.”

He gave a satisfactory smile. “Good. Don’t
make me remind you again.”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered.

** ~ ~ ** ~ ~ **

“It’s worse than I thought.”

“How so?”

“He uses her. He...God, he took her baby.
She was pregnant and he took it right on the platform in front of

“What did he do with it?”

The younger man hesitated. “He...ate

There was a long pause. “What

“Another girl killed herself for him
after first mutilating herself. She laughed and shrieked in
pleasure as she died.” He shuddered. “This can’t

“I agree, but I’m not the one you must
convince. He won't be swayed easily.”

“How can he not...?”

“He’s known Devin since he was a boy. And
knew his father before him. He’s hesitant to believe that he’s
changed so much.”

“But he tortures her.”

“It’s unfortunate. I know. But her plight
isn’t his concern. Even I would be hesitant to step in if it was
just a concern about abuse. But what you saw may make him realize
there’s more to it than a sweet girl being hurt.” The man sighed.
“It might help if he met her. Spent time with her.”

“If he came here, Devin would be

“You could bring her here.”

“I don’t think Devin would like that. She
might sense him.”

“They can be...put away while she’s here.
I’m sure she would love to see the Mariinsky. Perhaps a dance
experience. It’s a month off from dancing in September, yes? Devin
wouldn’t want her to become unstable from not dancing, would

“That might work. I’ll have to think
about that.”

“If it’s as bad as you say, you need to
come up with some sort of excuse.”

** ~ ~ ** ~ ~ **

Ian dropped Anna back at the apartment late
Monday morning. The apartment was empty because Peter was at the
studio. Anna took a long hot shower, trying to sooth her aching
body and mind. She didn’t know what Devin did to her mind, but she
was exhausted and he was happy. She knew what he did to her body
and what he allowed other men to do to her body, and if he was
happy what did it matter if she was sore?

She collapsed onto the bed and slept until
Peter came home. She woke long enough to eat dinner and then went
right back to sleep. Peter woke her to eat breakfast the next
morning before he went to the studio. He brought her lunch during
break and woke her again. By the time he was home for dinner, Anna
was awake and feeling much better.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Life progressed without much incident. Class,
rehearsals, time with Peter. Fridays she went to the Manor. Peter
came sometimes. He said it was to keep an eye on her, though she
always spent the night in Devin’s room. She spent Monday nights at
Devin’s house. Tuesdays became long days for Anna because Devin was
always rough on her.

In the middle of April, Anna performed as a
principal for the first time. She danced with Travis because Peter
and Aaron both danced with the more experienced principals. Anna
didn’t mind. She liked Travis. They flirted and joked around during
practice, and Peter would turn around and give Anna a look, but
when he turned back around, Anna saw the smile and glint in his
eyes in the mirror and knew he wasn’t angry. He was happy when she
was happy.

Much to Anna’s delight and Isaak’s
satisfaction, her performance received rave reviews. She danced
exceedingly well and her friends all said it was clear she would
soon be a star of the company. Isaak said she would be dancing as
Juliet in the next performance of
Romeo and Juliet,
Peter and Aaron alternating as Romeo.

In June, both Tommy and Tyler got married.
Devin took her to both weddings as his guest. She didn’t mind
Tyler’s wedding. Tommy’s was hard. His new wife, Kim, was very
sweet and pretty. Anna was happy for him, though a little sad. The
way Tommy looked at her didn’t help her separate her heart from
him, and she missed Alex dreadfully. Anna had a feeling that Kim
knew about her, though she was very nice to Anna. She seemed to
feel bad for her, especially when Devin was harsh.

Anna helped with both Tyler and Tommy’s
before-wedding rituals, though they were different. Tyler’s was a
night of debauchery with as many women he could get his cock into.
Tommy’s was a night of discipline; Anna stayed with him and teased
him all night, but he wasn’t allowed any release. Alex hadn’t told
Anna what his night was like, and wondered which one was more like
his. Neither were pleasant to think about.

Anna hadn’t dreamed of Alex since the


The morning of opening night for
and Juliet
, Isaak pulled everyone on stage after rehearsal. “I
have an announcement to make...a rather bittersweet one at that.”
Isaak nodded to Aaron, who went to stand next to him.

Aaron had been acting strange all week. He’d
hardly spoken to Anna, except when necessary, and wouldn’t make eye
contact with her. Was he in trouble?

“It is with mixed emotions I inform you that
when this run closes, Aaron will be moving to New York to dance

There were many gasps and murmurs throughout
the company. Anna gaped at Aaron, who was staring at the back of
the stage.

“Aaron and I have spoken about this a great
deal. I encouraged him to audition and he was accepted into the New
York City Ballet Company. I hope you will all be happy for him and
wish him well. That is all.”

Many of the dancers went to congratulate him,
but Anna was hurt and angry and turned to walk off stage without
speaking to him. Peter caught up with her.

“Are you okay?” he asked, putting his arm
around her.

“No.” Anna shrugged off his arm and walked
quickly to her dressing room, shutting the door behind her. She
collapsed on the couch and started sobbing.

She didn’t hear the door open, but felt arms
around her. They weren’t Peter’s. She looked up to see Aaron
sitting next to her with a sorrowful look on his face. “Anna,

“How can you do this to me, Aaron?” she asked
in a harsh whisper. “How can you abandon me?” Her voice got louder.
“You promised Alex you would watch out for me...and you’re

“Anna, please believe me. I...wouldn’t go
unless I needed to.” Aaron spoke softly, with earnestness.

“Why? Why do you
to go?”

Aaron sighed. “I can’t stay here and not be
with you. It’s been eating at me for years.” The sadness in his
eyes begged for her understanding.

“You promised,” Anna whispered.

“I’m sorry, Anna,” he said softly. For a
moment, Anna thought he would kiss her, but he stood and looked at
her. “I’m so sorry, Anna.” He turned and walked out of the dressing

Anna stared at the door for a long minute.
She couldn’t believe that he would leave her like that.
promised Alex he would take care of her!
And he was
She didn’t know if she wanted to scream or cry.
Neither would do any good.

** ~ ~ ** ~ ~ **

“How’d she take it?”

“She thinks I’m abandoning her.”

“You didn’t tell her...?”

“Of course not. But I hate hurting her
like that.”

“If there were any other way, you know we

“I know.” A sigh. “I’ve been her rock.
The one thing that has stayed through all the shit she’s been

“And that’s why you need to go. She’ll
need you. It won’t be for very long and then she’ll

“It doesn’t make it any easier.”

“At least you know you’ll be able to be
with her again. I’ll have to leave someday soon and won’t be able
to be with her anymore.”

“We have to get her out of here before
that happens. She won’t be able to take it.”

“I know. The plans are almost finalized.
This is the first step.”

“I hope it works.”

“It has to. We cannot fail.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Anna forced herself to act warmly to Aaron on
stage, but as soon as she stepped off, she was as cold as ice to
him. It was difficult, but she’d had plenty of practice at hiding
her true feelings lately. And she refused to let herself feel the
pain of his leaving. She decided that if she hated him, it would
make it easier.

But it didn’t. By the time closing came
around, she knew she couldn’t let him leave thinking she hated him.
He looked so miserable.

After the last performance, she showered and
then went to knock on Aaron’s dressing room door. Peter was busy,
so she knew she had a few minutes to say goodbye. Aaron was leaving
in the morning.

“Come in,” Aaron called from inside.

Anna walked in and closed the door behind
her. Aaron looked surprised and a little wary to see her.

“Aaron...,” she whispered. “Why?”

He grimaced. “I told you why,” he said in a
broken voice.

“Please don’t. Don’t leave me.” Fat tears ran
unchecked down her cheeks.

Aaron was on his feet and had her in his arms
before the first tear hit her shirt. She leaned her head against
his chest, closed her eyes and breathed in his scent. She hadn’t
been in his arms for so long.

When she looked up at him, his eyes were
stormy with emotion. She opened her mouth to speak and he crushed
his lips against hers. She moaned softly as his mouth took
possession of hers, his arms holding her tightly against his

“Anna...,” he groaned as she kissed his neck
and chest.

“Love me,” she begged softly. “One last


Aaron kissed Anna’s neck as he softened
inside her. “I love you, Anna. I will always love you.”

“I love you, t—”

The door opened and Peter stood in the
doorway. He closed the door quickly and stood frowning at the two
of them, naked together on the couch.

Aaron sat up and looked at him nervously.
“Peter, I—”

Peter held his hand up and sighed. “Don't.”
He looked at Anna. “Get dressed.”

Anna quickly stood and retrieved her clothes.
Peter’s jaw was clenched and he stared at the wall, not moving.

When Aaron and Anna were dressed, she looked
at Peter. “Peter—”

He held up his hand. “Say good-bye. I’ll be
in the hallway.” He opened the door and walked out of the room, but
left the door open.

Aaron looked at her with true remorse. “I’m
going to miss you terribly, Anna,” he said softly.

Anna tried to smile. “Me too. You’ve always
been there for me. I don’t know what I’ll do without you.”

He looked towards the doorway. “Peter’s here.
He’ll take care of you.”

Anna nodded and looked at the ground.

Aaron took a step forward and hugged her
tightly. “Good-bye, Anna,” he said, kissing her on the

“Goodbye, Aaron,” she said softly. She looked
at him one last time and then walked out the door. She glanced back
to see him watching her with a pained expression. When he saw her
look at him, he gave her a sad smile and waved. She waved back,
then moved so that the wall blocked her view of him before she
walked away.


Peter was silent as they drove home. He was
leaving in the morning as well to go to St. Petersburg for the
week. Anna was not really looking forward to the next week when she
had to spend every night with Devin.

“Are you angry?” she asked when they walked
into the apartment.

He didn’t answer right away. “I have to leave
tomorrow, too, Anna.” He paused. “I didn’t really want sloppy
seconds for my last night with you for a week.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. She could tell
she had hurt him. “I’ll go shower.”

“Don’t bother,” he said softly, but not

Anna thought she’d rather him be angry at her
than hurt.

He went to the fridge, pulled out a bottle of
beer, opened it and sat down on the couch. “I think you should go
to bed,” he said without looking at her.

Anna nodded and went into the bedroom. She
undressed and lay down in the dark, staring at the window out into
the dark night. Peter came to bed a while later and got into bed
without touching her. After a while, he began snoring. Anna curled
up around her pillow and closed her eyes, willing herself to go to

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