The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared (35 page)

He came out a few minutes later dressed in a
suit and tie. “I have to go into work for a few hours. Kaveh will
be here sometime to fuck you. Be in position on your knees when I
get home.” He turned and strode out of the room. She stared at the
empty doorway for a minute and then began to sob.

She cried for her parents, for Wilhelm and
Kurt, for Alex. She always thought things couldn’t possibly get any
worse, but they always did. She was tempted to call Wilhelm, but
didn’t want to bother him with her troubles. It would just make him
feel terrible that he couldn’t do anything to help. So she just lay
there and cried until she fell asleep.

Chapter Forty-Four


“Wake up, Daughter.”

Anna’s eyes snapped open at the unfamiliar
voice. She looked up to see Kaveh standing at the foot of the bed
wearing white linen pants and no shirt. His broad chest gleamed
bronze as he stood there, watching her with his golden eyes.

“K-Kaveh,” she stuttered, afraid at the way
he was looking at her.

He grinned. “I am here to play.”


“Yes. You fight me and I end up with my cock
in your pussy after I subdue you.”

“Oh,” she said softly. She looked up at him,
saw the impatience in his eyes, and scooted off the bed, keeping
her eyes on him the whole time.

“If you fight me well, I will keep my cock a
normal man’s size. If you don’t, I will make sex with me very
painful in many ways.”

“I don't know how to fight,” she said

Kaveh frowned. “You start by running, trying
to stay away from me. When I catch you, you try to get away using
all your strength.”

“It seems a rather pointless exercise,” she

“For you, maybe, except to keep the sex less
painful than it could be. For me, it is play. I like to play.”

Anna glanced at the door. “Run?”

Kaveh nodded.

Anna took a breath and ran out of the room.
She heard Kaveh laugh and then his footsteps behind her a few
minutes later. She ran down the stairs and into the family room,
hiding behind a couch and catching her breath.

“Oh, hiding. Very good.” He laughed again.
She saw him in the reflection of the window coming closer. When he
stepped around the back of the couch, she leapt up and ran around
the other side and out of the room.

He chased her for an hour, all through the
house. He caught her a few times and then let her go. Finally, Anna
collapsed in the entryway, exhausted. She lay her head on the cool
floor and waited for Kaveh to find her. She couldn’t run any

He picked her up and carried her, over his
shoulder, back upstairs and into “her” bedroom. He flopped her onto
her back on the bed and looked down at her.

“Good playing. I may even allow you to enjoy

He pulled his pants off and Anna stared,
exhausted, at his hard cock. So thick and long. She was so tired,
she couldn’t think of anything except sleep, but he didn’t care. He
turned her over onto her hands and knees. His fingers brushed her
tender hole.

“Looks like Devin had some fun with you
already today.”

Anna hung her head, but didn’t say

He grabbed hold of her hips and rammed
himself inside her with one strong thrust. Anna’s head came up and
she grunted as he pounded himself into her. She was still raw from
Devin’s tongue. He reached around her and played with her clit and
she moaned.

“Come, Daughter,” Kaveh commanded.

Anna strained and then felt her orgasm crash
over her. Kaveh pulled at her hair and she lifted up her upper
body. He held her against him as she squirmed and cried out a long,
drawn-out orgasm. He let her fall forward and pumped himself deep
inside her and then shouted out as he came. She could feel him
pulsing inside her, emptying his cum deep into her body.

When he was done he pulled out and she
collapsed onto the bed. He didn’t say anything before he walked
away and out of the room. Anna glanced up at the clock. It was
five-thirty. Devin would be home soon. She could close her eyes for
a few minutes....


Anna’s eyes snapped open as she heard
footsteps on the stairs.

She jumped off the bed and sprinted into the
other room, skidding to her knees on the carpet seconds before
Devin walked in. Her chest heaved from the exertion and he came to
stand in front of her. He unzipped his pants and pulled her up by
her hair so she could take his cock into her mouth. He held her
head still and moved his hips to slowly fuck her mouth. He groaned
as he hit her throat and pushed down into it.

Anna swallowed, trying not to choke, and he
moaned loudly. His movements quickened, fucking her throat hard and
hurting her, but she just squeezed her eyes shut and took it. What
else could she do? Finally he groaned loudly and came in her mouth,
and she swallowed his cum then licked him clean.

“Good girl,” he murmured. “Did she please
you?” Devin asked to the room.

“Yes, and I rewarded her.” It was Kaveh. She
hadn’t realized he was there. Did he know she was late? “Her pussy
is delightful.”

Devin pulled her by her hair to her feet.
“Yes, it is, isn't it?”

He pushed her back onto the bed and spread
her thighs apart. “Beautiful,” he murmured, tracing his finger
along the tender lips. He leaned down and licked slowly from her
slit to her clit, making her shudder. He straightened and smiled.
“Put a robe on and come to dinner. I’ll have dessert after.” He
glanced at Kaveh. “Dinner?”

Kaveh shook his head. “I’ll see you
tomorrow.” And he disappeared.

Anna stood in shock, still not used to
Immortals and their disappearing. Devin slapped her face. “Robe.
Dinner. Or you won’t eat.”

“Yes, Master,” she said softly and walked
quickly into the other room for her robe.

They ate in the kitchen. Devin read on his
iPad and Anna stared at her food. She needed to eat. For strength
and for the baby. Wilhelm’s baby. She allowed herself a tiny smile
and felt her appetite return. She carried Wilhelm’s precious child.
That would keep her going.

When they went upstairs, Devin lay her down
on the bed and licked at her pussy for what seemed like hours. When
she started struggling against him because it was hurting, he tied
her ankles to her wrists and held her down. He fucked her hard when
he was done and then allowed her to go to sleep in his bed. He left
the room and she was asleep instantly with her hand on her stomach
as a reminder of the happiness she’d had only that morning.


The next morning, Devin woke her by pulling
her head down to his cock by her hair. She sucked him off,
swallowed and then he left to get ready for work. She fell back to
sleep and he woke her before he left.

“You are not to go anywhere or talk to
anyone. Kaveh will come sometime this afternoon. Please him

“Yes, Master,” she said softly and he turned
and left the room. She put her head back on the pillow and fell
back to sleep.

She woke early afternoon and went downstairs
to find something to eat. Julie, the housekeeper, made her a
sandwich and a salad and Anna ate it silently at the table. When
she was done, she went upstairs to take a shower and then lay back
down in Devin’s bed to await Kaveh.

When he arrived, he immediately got on the
bed and went after her, but wouldn’t let her escape. She fought him
as best as she could and he just laughed at her, like he was having
a good time. She didn’t have the strength to fight for long and it
angered him. He turned her over and pressed an enormous cock inside
her sore pussy. She screamed in pain and tried to get away as he
stretched her wide and delved slowly into her body.

“You’re going to feel me in your throat,
Daughter,” he growled and pressed in until she cried out in shock
as he hit something. “What the...?” he pulled out and thrust in and
was stopped at a point. He repeated the motion, each time with
incredible pain to Anna.

He grabbed her shoulder and turned her over,
eyes flashing golden fire. “You may not refuse me entry,” he

“I’m not,” she whimpered.

He spread her legs and pushed in to the point
where it hurt. Anna tried to wiggle away, but he held her still.

He put his hand on her stomach and then
glared at her. “You are with child. Your body is protecting

“It’s a him?” she asked with a faint

“You knew?” he snapped

Anna stared at him in fright and then slowly

A sickening grin spread over his face. “Devin
will not be pleased. You will be punished.” He put his hand in the
air and a golden chain appeared. He wrapped it around her wrist and
then around the bedpost. “You cannot run away, so do not bother
trying.” He stood and disappeared.

Anna reached for the covers and huddled
beneath them, awaiting her fate. What would Devin say? He would be
angry, of course. But he couldn't do anything about it. It was
done, and obviously well protected. “Wilhelm,” she breathed, and
closed her eyes.

Chapter Forty-Five


Wilhelm grumbled as he heard his phone
ringing. He looked at the clock. Who the hell would be calling at
two o’clock in the morning?
He reached quickly for
his phone. It was her. And a video call?

Ilsa stirred as he pushed the button. “Anna?
Is everything okay?” he asked, worry filling him.

He saw her pale face and then the picture
blurred and Devin appeared. “Hello, Wilhelm,” he said with a wicked

Ilsa sat up next to him. “Why are you calling
me from her phone, Devin?” Wilhelm demanded.

“Because I wanted to make sure you woke for
an important event.” The picture jiggled again and Wilhelm could
see Anna restrained on a large bed. Her wrists and ankles were tied
to the bedposts and her eyes were closed.

Devin appeared again, but further away.
Someone else was holding the phone. “You thought you could get her
pregnant to what? Have an heir? Prevent me from getting her

“The baby is well protected, Devin. Let
things be.”

“Oh, no. I can’t do that. I need her baby,
Wilhelm. But in order to do that, I need to get rid of yours.”

A sickening feeling spread through Wilhelm’s
stomach as he saw Devin walk to the bed. “Anna, say hello to

Anna’s eyes opened and he could see the
terror in them. “Wilhelm,” she whispered, tugging at her bonds.

“Ian, move so he can see everything,” Devin

The picture moved so he could see Anna’s
pussy. It was red and swollen. What had been going on?

“You are so naïve, Wilhelm. You think a
pregnancy would really stop me from doing what I need to do?”

“No, Devin. Don’t!” Wilhelm shouted as
Devin’s hand moved towards Anna’s slit.

Devin grinned back at him and began working
his hand into Anna’s body. She writhed and groaned as his fingers
disappeared. Wilhelm watched and listened in horror as his hand
disappeared into her body and Anna began to groan in pain.

Wilhelm felt so helpless, watching from a
distance. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Devin was going
to take her baby with his bare hands. He knew he’d done it at the
Gatherings from Aaron’s reports, but to see it was

Anna sobbed and begged Devin to stop and
Wilhelm’s eyes filled with tears. He wanted to turn it off, to hang
up the phone. But he couldn’t. He could only sit and watch this
disgusting person take his child from Anna’s womb.

Suddenly Devin frowned. He pushed forward and
Anna screamed in pain. His lips pressed together. “I can’t get

Wilhelm saw his forearm muscles flexing and
Anna try and jerk away from him.

“Fuck.” He removed his hand and frowned.

Relief spread through Wilhelm’s body. Anna’s
body was protecting the baby. He was about to say something when
Devin spoke again.

“Get the knife.”

Both Anna’s and Wilhelm’s eyes widened. He
heard Ilsa gasp next to him.

“Ilsa,” he said very quietly in German.
“Don’t. You shouldn’t watch.”

She crawled behind him and wrapped her arms
around his waist, leaning her head and naked breasts against his
back. He knew by her movements that she was trying not to cry.

Anna was moaning in pain and Devin sat
between her legs and looked at him. “Wilhelm. You should know
better than to cross me. Especially in my own territory. Now, Anna
will suffer because of your arrogance.”

“Her body is protecting itself. Let the baby
be, Devin.” He spoke in a commanding tone.

Devin laughed. “You’d like that, wouldn’t
you? That’s what you were counting on?” he laughed again. “No,
Wilhelm. I need that womb in a few weeks and your DNA is in my way.
It must be removed.”

“You said yourself, you can’t get in. You’ll
kill her if you use a knife.”

“That’s why I have Immortals with me. If she
dies, they’ll bring her back. Or just prevent her from dying in the
first place. That’s better. Less energy wasted.” His cavalier
attitude sickened Wilhelm.

His poor Anna. She was already in so much
pain. He could hear her still moaning. God, had it really been in
arrogance that he got her pregnant? His own pride over her

“Please don’t,” Wilhelm said softly. “Please
Devin, have mercy on her. For once.”

“Mercy is for weak men, Wilhelm. I am not

“It takes a strong man to offer mercy.”

Devin laughed. “You keep telling yourself

A man walked into the room and handed Devin a
knife. He held it up for Wilhelm to see. It looked like a
ceremonial knife. Its blade was long and thin with a jeweled

“Say goodbye to your son,” Devin said and
knelt between Anna’s spread legs. He flicked her clit as he
inserted the thin blade between her swollen folds. She jumped and
jerked with every flick and cried out in pain as her body moved
around the blade.

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