The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared (37 page)

Anna’s head jerked as she stared, wide-eyed
at him. Her pupils were non-existent and her irises were like two
emeralds. Her dark, tangled hair stood out at odd angles, making
her look inhuman, which she was at the moment. She glanced at the
leather case and bared her teeth again, chest heaving.

He would give her the shot, but first he had
to figure out how to get close enough to do it. He watched her as
he walked to the wall and hung up the whip. She didn’t blink, but
stared at him with her disturbing eyes. He picked up a
cat-o-nine-tails and walked back to Anna. This would make him get
closer to her, but would also cause more pain.

She lunged at him again and he whipped the
cat at her, catching her breasts with the knots at the end. She
howled and pulled against the restraints, but didn’t back down. He
whipped her again and again until her body was a mass of welts and
cuts. She let out a last scream and then fell to her knees, panting
and whimpering.

Devin quickly pulled out a syringe and jabbed
it into her neck. She screamed and reared up, but fell backwards
and lay still on the ground, staring up at the ceiling, afraid to

“I’m impressed, Devin.” Kaveh came to stand
next to him and looked down. “Not many humans can subdue them when
they’re like that.”

“It happens often?” Devin asked, staring at
the shivering form beneath him.

“No. Not anymore. It used to. She will
respect you for subduing her.”

“I’m not done with her yet.” He chuckled.
“Oh, no. we’ve only just begun.” He glanced at Kaveh with a wicked
smile. “Would you care to join me?”

Kaveh grinned. “Of course.”


When they left her, hours later, Anna lay on
the ground of the dungeon in a puddle of her own blood. She was
still alive, but barely. She had been raped repeatedly and beaten
mercilessly. There were few places on her body that weren’t red or
bloodied. Her jaw was dislocated and her pussy and ass were torn
and bleeding. She had cuts across her belly and legs. They had
whipped the bottoms of her feet and dislocated a hip as well. Her
nipples were bleeding from being pulled and squeezed and stuck with
needles. She had three puncture wounds at her neck from Devin’s
syringes. He had used all three injections on her at once and even
breathing hurt. The blood trickling down her body hurt. Not to
mention the pain of the wounds he’d inflicted.

She stared up at the black ceiling, unmoving.
She couldn’t move even if she wanted to. Her limbs wouldn’t work.
She didn’t remember what had caused Devin’s anger, but knew it was
severe. She’d come to her senses with severe pain coursing through
her body to find herself fighting against Devin. She’d stopped
fighting instantly, but he continued to punish her. Kaveh and the
other Immortals had raped her over and over again until she bled.
And oh, the pain! Incredible pain that had been far worse than
anything before.

But they had left, finally. Left her here to
die. At least she hoped so. She wanted to cry, but it would do no

She had a vague memory of anger and rage.
Fighting against Devin and Ian. And she had won! And then she had
lost. Devin had won in the end. He would always win. There was no

Once again, she resolved, if she lived, that
she would be a good slave and try not to anger him.

She hoped she would die though.

Chapter Forty-Eight


Anna lay on the cold floor in pain. The blood
had dried and stuck to her skin. When the nerve juice had worn off,
she was able to sleep fitfully, but the pain of her joints made it
difficult. She couldn’t turn onto her side; she couldn’t call for
help. Would she die? Would she get her wish? Maybe she would be
reunited with Alex in death. The thought warmed her and she let the
darkness consume her.


He looked up as she appeared in the room,
a book in his hands.

He smiled, his white teeth peeking out
from beneath his thick golden beard. Did she remember what he
looked like without his beard?

“Anna...” he said softly, closing the
book and putting it on the table next to him. He walked to her and
sat on the bed near her.

She didn’t speak, but just looked at him.
She didn’t know if she could speak, her body felt so

“What’s wrong, Schatzi?” he asked

“I got angry,” she said, not knowing why
or where the words were coming from. “I got angry and frightened
Devin. And he punished me.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “You
frightened Devin?”

She spoke as if she were in a trance,
staring into his eyes. She didn’t know if what she was saying was
true, but she spoke the words anyways. “I was carrying your
father’s child and Devin took it. He told me he had killed my
parents.” She closed her eyes. “I got angry. I became inhuman. I
attacked Ian. He couldn’t hold me and I almost got away.” She
opened her eyes and gave him a faint smile. “I was so strong I
broke the bedposts on my bed. Three men had to hold me down.” She
shuddered. “They chained me to the wall and Devin punished me. I
fought him, but he punished me. And won.” She fell to the floor on
her knees. “There is no hope. I cannot fight him again. He won. My
body lies in the dungeon, broken and bleeding.” She looked up. “Am
I dead with you?” she asked with hope in her eyes.

Alex looked into her eyes with such
sadness it brought tears to her eyes. He slid off the bed and went
to his knees in front of her.

He reached out hesitantly. “You are with
me,” he whispered.

He brushed her cheek with his hand and
his eyes widened when she didn’t disappear.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to
hers, kissing her with abandon. His hands tangled in her hair and
he held her close to him. His heart pounded in his chest and she
could feel it. She could feel his arms around her and she wept with

“Alex,” she sobbed. “Oh,

Chapter Forty-Nine


Anna screamed as her body was lifted from the
floor. The sound of the dried blood being torn from her back was
sickening. Her eyes opened and she saw Ian’s face, his handsome
face marred by a bruise on his cheek. She lost strength and her
head lolled back. He lifted his elbow to bring her head to rest
against his chest.

He carried her like a limp ragdoll up several
flights of stairs to her room. It had been cleaned and the bed and
window replaced. The mirror was still gone and the shelves were
bare. He carried her into the bathroom and put her in the bathtub
that filled with warm water. Maggie was there and she held Anna
upright as Ian removed his jacket and shirt and then took her from

The maid gently washed Anna as Ian held her
head above the water. Maggie scrubbed the blood off Anna’s body and
soon the water was littered with brown dots. Maggie emptied the tub
and refilled it with clean water before Anna was completely clean.
When Anna’s hair had been washed, Maggie held a towel open and Ian
lifted her from the water and carried her to the bed in the other

Anna tried to speak, but her jaw wouldn’t

“Don’t try to speak, Anna. Your jaw is
dislocated. Can you swallow?”

Anna’s eyes widened, frightened of what he
wanted from her.

“I was going to have Maggie get you some
soup, but if you can’t swallow, I won’t.”

Anna closed her eyes in relief. She swallowed
several times and gave a shallow nod. Ian looked behind him and

“I gave you a shot of painkiller before I
picked you up. Are you in pain?”

She shook her head slightly. Her mouth lagged

Ian smiled sadly. “I had no idea you were so

Anna frowned with her eyebrows, the only part
of her face she seemed to have control over.

“Do you remember fighting me?”

Anna shook her head. She didn’t remember
anything after Devin...tears filled her eyes when she remembered
the lost baby.

Something stirred inside her. A red-hot heat.
But she quickly doused it. She didn’t know what it was, but knew it
was dangerous.

Ian watched her carefully. “Devin said if you
had...reformed...he would have Kaveh heal you this afternoon. He’ll
be here in a little while.”

Anna closed her eyes, thankful not to be in
pain anymore. She didn’t remember what exactly had happened, but
she remembered the pain. Severe pain and chaos.

Maggie returned a few minutes later and Ian
fed Anna soup, one spoonful at a time. He made sure it was cool,
put the spoon into her mouth and held her jaw so she could swallow.
It was slow going, and Anna looked at him repeatedly with
gratefulness in her eyes.

She had eaten half of the soup when Devin
walked in. Maggie quickly grabbed the tray and left the room. Ian
stood and walked to the other side of the room while Devin looked
down at her and frowned. He gazed deeply into her eyes, reading her
thoughts. Anna trembled and tried not to look away. Finally he
nodded. “Are you in pain?”

She shook her head.

He looked back at Ian. “How long will the
pain medicine last?”

“Another hour or two.”

“When she’s hurting again, call for Kaveh.”
Devin turned back to Anna. “I want her to remember what it feels
like to have a broken body. Then he can heal her.” He turned to
leave. “Bring her back to my house this evening.”

“Yes, sir.”

Devin left the room and Ian came back to sit
next to her. “Do you want to rest?”

Anna nodded. It felt so nice being in a

He carefully lifted her and put her under the
covers. “Sleep. I’ll be back in a little bit.”


The pain returned fiercely, waking Anna in an
instant and making her cry out in a pathetic mewling whimper.
Everything hurt. Her feet were on fire, her jaw, arm and hip
throbbed. Her ribs felt like they were disjointed and even her
insides hurt as if they had been jostled around. She strained
against the pain and shifted her position, trying to find one that
didn’t hurt, but there was none.

Ian was by her side a moment later. “I will
get Kaveh.”

Anna’s eyes watered as she lay there,
desperate for release from the pain.

Kaveh came a while later and stared down at
her. Anna cowered under his glare. He reached out to touch her jaw
and the pain subsided and she could move it again. Slowly he worked
his way down her body until there was no more pain and she

“You will repay me for healing you,” Kaveh

“How?” Anna asked softly.

“I will fuck you now. Turn over.”

Anna turned onto her belly and Kaveh knelt
behind her. “I can go fully into your body now that there is no

He shuddered in ecstasy and nudged her legs
apart. He stretched out on top of her and she felt his cock at her
entrance. He held her hands above her head and held her body down
with his as he slowly pushed himself inside of her.

She sighed at first. His girth felt good and
she wiggled her hips beneath him. But he kept pushing in, deeper
and deeper, like when he would impregnate her. Anna gasped in pain
as he pushed deeper.

“Oh, yes,” Kaveh moaned. “That feels

Her stomach cramped and she groaned in pain.
“Please,” she gasped. “It hurts.”

“It hurts you. To me it feels...heavenly.” He
began to move inside her and she groaned. “There are no female
Immortals. If we want sex with a female, we must come here and find
a human woman.” He bit the back of her neck. “You half-Immortals
are the most desirable.” He thrust forward. “You can take us fully
and recover. If I did to a human woman what I do to you, I would
kill her. Not that killing a woman with sex now and then isn’t
appealing.” He chuckled and Anna shivered. “But it’s not
repeatable. I can use you over and over again. Devin promised me I
could use you as I liked. And I intend to.”

Chapter Fifty


Ian drove her back to Devin’s house that
evening. Devin met her at the door and dismissed Ian.

“Have you eaten dinner?” he asked.

She wondered at the question. “No,

He took her into the kitchen and Julie
brought them dinner.

Anna ate silently and Devin watched her.

“I trust there will be no more problems
between us?” he asked as she was finishing.

Anna looked up into his obsidian eyes. “No,
Master,” she said softly.

He nodded in approval. “Good. Because if I
ever see a hint of you acting like that again, I will make your
life even more miserable.”

“How is that possible?” she asked softly and
then looked up at Devin, afraid that she’d angered him, but he
merely smiled at her.

“You have friends, Anna. I know I can do
little more to you, but I can go after your friends. Jenna was
quite the treat all those years ago. Perhaps I would rape and kill
her in front of you. You know I would have no qualms about doing
so.” He spoke so matter-of-factly, it made Anna shiver.

“I will be good, Master,” she said hurriedly.
“I promise.”

He narrowed his eyes. “I hope so.”

He took her upstairs and Anna was surprised
to see cuffs hanging from the ceiling above a table that wasn’t
there before. Chains hung from the table and a chair was next to

Devin grinned. “Do you like it? You moved too
much the last time I ate you, and my shoulders grew sore laying
between your legs, so I came up with this. Undress and crawl on up

Anna did as he told her to and clambered up
onto the table. He reached up and cuffed her wrists above her head
and adjusted her height so she had just a little bit of weight on
her knees, which were spread apart and chained down to the table.
Devin sat down in the chair and smiled. “Perfect. It’s much more
proper to eat at a table than in bed, don’t you think?”

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