The Lust Boat (15 page)

Read The Lust Boat Online

Authors: Roz Lee

Tags: #Erotica

Ryan made a sound, something between a groan and a growl. His cock swelled and stiffened more. Candace wrapped her hand around his balls and tugged. “Your balls are tight. Are you about to come Ryan?” She slicked a finger along his perineum and squeezed his cock tighter, as her hand slid faster along its length. “Come for me. Let it go Ryan.”

His primeval cry ripped from deep within, like a wild animal protesting its capture. Candace tented her hand over his cock as his hot cum shot out, capturing it in her hand. When he was spent, she stepped back into his line of sight. “Look at me,” she commanded.

Ryan opened his eyes. His pupils were still dilated with arousal. His chest rose and fell with each rapid breath. Candace dipped her tongue into her cupped hand. “Mmm. You taste good.” She lapped at the cream in her hand like a kitten starved for nourishment. “Do you want a taste? No? Oh well, more for me.” She finished off his cum and made a show of licking her palm clean. “That was fun. I think I could grow to like this bondage stuff.” Ryan groaned again.

Candace smiled and licked her lips.

Before Candace let him go, she issued her dinner invitation. “Pick me up at my room for dinner tonight. Dress casual.”

* * * *

His knees shook all the way back to his stateroom. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought Candace would take him on such a wild ride. Hell, by the time she’d released him his legs were jelly, and she’d done nothing more than give him a hand job. Ryan went straight to the kitchen, poured himself a giant glass of milk, and downed it in one long gulp. He poured another glass and leaned against the cabinet as he drank it more slowly. He’d have to start taking vitamins or something if Candace stayed with him for more than the weeklong cruise, otherwise he’d be dead. Two years of near celibacy hadn’t prepared him for Candace. Nothing could prepare a man for the kind of passion and now he knew, wicked playfulness, she had within her. At this rate, he’d have to be Superman to keep up.

Ryan showered and wrapped a clean sarong around his waist. After dinner, he planned to take Candace to see the stand-up comedian at the Coliseum, and perhaps drinks later. She’d surprised him earlier, first by taking him up on his offer, and second by taking complete advantage of him. He supposed he deserved it after the lesson in submissive role-playing he’d subjected her to yesterday, but damn, he hadn’t expected such clever and complete payback. He got hard again thinking about the mischievous glimmer in her eyes and the wicked little smile on her luscious lips.

There was no denying, she enjoyed the little game, but he’d almost had a heart attack. He had no idea how frustrating it could be to want and need so badly, and be unable to do a damned thing about it. He couldn’t touch her, couldn’t see her unless she moved into his line of sight. The damned gag had even prevented him from begging, forcing him to resort to prayers and mental telepathy, neither of which had worked. Candace had toyed with him to her heart’s content, and he’d loved every second of it.

All the talk about fucking her, how she wanted him inside her, had lodged in his brain like a burr in a sock. It itched and pricked at him until it consumed his every thought. He’d have her all right, on his terms this time. Before the night ended, she’d be on her back with his cock buried deep inside her.

* * * *

Room service delivered the no utensils needed dinner a few minutes before she expected Ryan to arrive. Candace placed the tray in the center of the bed and checked her appearance in the mirror one more time before turning out all the lights, except the one over the desk. She’d done what she could to make the small room more romantic, so she perched on the end of the bed and waited. With a little luck, Ryan wouldn’t be too worn out to make love to her tonight. So far, he’d shown remarkable stamina, but he’d been unstable on his feet when she’d undone the restraints. For a moment, she thought she’d pushed his trust too far, but the heated look in his eyes told her otherwise. Maybe he’d let her do it to him again sometime.

Would there be a sometime in the future, or was this nothing more than a shipboard romance? She didn’t even know where he lived. Talk about putting the cart before the horse. They’d only known each other for a few intense days. Even though Ryan had said he loved her, she knew she shouldn’t read more into the situation, shouldn’t make plans beyond the next few days.

Did she want the relationship to continue after the cruise? Candace chewed her lip. She instantly regretted the nervous move and got up to fix her lipstick. Her heart beat wildly as she took in her appearance once again. Her eyes smoldered with desire and anticipation. The thought of Ryan rejecting her tonight sent a jolt of dread through her body. She had her answer. She did want to see Ryan after the cruise. Somewhere in the last few days he’d come to mean a lot to her. But what if he didn’t want to continue the relationship?

Candace knew she’d be devastated if that happened. She glanced in the mirror again. She’d never been good at hiding her emotions and this time wasn’t any different. She’d fallen in love with Ryan. Why else would she be planning this seduction, freely giving herself to him? She wouldn’t, unless she loved him.

“Oh,” the knock on her door jolted her. When she opened the door, she would be putting everything on the line, her body, as well as her heart. Candace glanced around the room to make sure everything was ready, even though she’d checked and double-checked, and knew down to every strawberry that everything was in place. Ryan knocked again and Candace took a deep breath and let it out before she opened the door.

“Hi. Thanks for coming to pick me up.”

“No problem. Are you ready?”

“Why don’t you come in?” She stood back and Ryan squeezed past her into the small room. She closed the door and leaned against it, turning the deadbolt to- Do Not Disturb -as she did so.

Ryan turned and raised one brow when the deadbolt clicked into place. “Candace?”

“I thought we would have dinner here.”
It’s now or never
. She fingered the tie around her waist and let the sarong fall open. A shrug of her shoulders sent it to the floor with a soft swish. Her heart beat so hard against her ribs she feared Ryan would see it, or worse, hear it in the silence. She should have thought of music, anything to fill the awful silence that screamed humiliatingly at her. Ryan hadn’t moved, hadn’t acknowledged her blatant invitation. It might have been seconds, but it felt like hours, standing there in her skimpy black lace lingerie.

Why wasn’t he saying something? Candace fought the urge to snatch the sarong off the floor, or dive into the bathroom and wait for him to leave. Hot color started on the swell of her breasts and swept toward her face like a red tide. Shame and humiliation flooded her system. Where was an iceberg when you needed one?

“Candace. If you don’t let me out right now, I won’t stop at eating a few morsels of food.” His voice rumbled low and predatory. He took a step closer and the heat of humiliation smoldered into something all together different. It crossed her mind that she’d misread his hesitation. His next words confirmed it. “If you don’t want me to have you for dinner, you’d better step aside and let me out of here.”

That’s exactly what she wanted. She stood her ground.

Ryan advanced one slow calculated step at a time, until he’d closed the distance between them. “I need to hear you say it, Candace.” He still hadn’t touched her. “Is that what you want? Do you want me to have you for dinner, every last inch of you?”

She nodded her head, or at least she thought she did, but still he didn’t touch her.

“I’m dying here, Candace. I want you so bad I may spontaneously combust, but I’m not going to touch a single hair on your head until you tell me that you want me to make love to you.”

“I…,” she began. She wanted him more than anything in the world, and his restraint, when everything about him telegraphed his need and desperation, went straight to her heart. He’d asked if she wanted him to make love to her, not if she wanted to be fucked. Her heart slowed into a more normal rhythm and love swelled up inside her, giving her the courage she needed. “Yes.” She pushed the word past her lips. “I want you to make love to...”

Ryan swallowed her last word with his mouth over hers. He braced himself with his hands on the door on either side of her head, so only his lips touched her. His kiss urged her to respond, and she did, meeting him on equal terms. He took, and as if sensing her need, backed off and let Candace take the lead. Their mouths danced a primal mating dance, tasting, arousing and promising.

Candace couldn’t think. Her body responded to Ryan’s like a marionette to a puppeteer. He pulled the strings, and she followed, until the momentum shifted, and she realized he wanted her to take the lead. She did, kissing him with all her limited skills and every bit of passion she had in her. His hands came off the door and framed her face. Candace ceded control back to Ryan, sliding her arms around his waist and molding her body to his. His skin radiated heat and she tried to get as close to it as possible.

His lips left hers to trace a heated line along her jaw, down the pounding pulse in her neck to her collarbone, and lower to the swell of her breasts above the black lace bra. His hands followed, skimming down to rest on her ribcage. Her breasts ached for his touch. She sucked in a harsh breath as his thumbs scraped along the bottom curve of her breasts. Candace cradled his head in her hands and arched her back, urging him on.

She wasn’t disappointed. He explored every inch as promised, but he did it at a pace so slow she thought she might go insane. “Ryan,” she begged, but he ignored her pleas. His tongue and lips slipped along the top of her bra and nuzzled her nipples through the lace. Her nipples pebbled and he nipped at them with his teeth. Candace cried out at the pleasure-pain, but still he ignored her. She wanted the bra gone, wanted to feel his mouth on her breasts, without the fabric between them.

As if he’d read her mind, Ryan slid the bra straps down, trapping her arms to her side. With a rough tug, he wrenched the fabric down to expose her breasts. She’d leaned against him and he pushed her back against the door and stared at her aching breasts. What a sight she must be, she thought. Her lipstick had to be all over her face, her bra half on, baring her to his gaze.

“My God, you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” His hands came up to cup her breasts in the most tender caress possible. “I’m going to suck your breasts.” Ryan raised his eyes to hers. She saw wonder and desire, and a subtle question in them. Once again, he offered her a chance to call it off.

Candace raised her hands to cover his and arched her back, thrusting her breasts toward him. “Suck me, Ryan.”

He didn’t have to be told twice. Candace groaned as Ryan feasted on her breasts, alternating between them, but always touching them. While he sucked one, his hand worked the other, squeezing and pinching the nipple between his fingers; tugging and teasing until she tried to pull his head away from one breast to move him to the other. In answer, he yanked her bra down to her waist, trapping her arms lower.

Candace surrendered control to him. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back against the door. Her pussy softened and engorged, preparing for mating. Liquid heat pooled between her legs, but Ryan continued to worship her breasts like a man starved for nourishment.

 Her knees weakened and she slipped lower against the door. Ryan swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He made short work of removing the dinner tray. His sarong landed on top of the tray on the floor.

He crawled across the foot of the bed toward her. His eyes never left hers, again, giving her a chance to say no. With her arms still trapped at her side, she spread her legs in invitation. Ryan crawled between them and bent his head to her, picking up where he’d left off.

Candace stared up at the mirrored ceiling, expecting to see a frightful mess. Instead, she saw a woman aroused, and thoroughly in love with the man kissing his way down her body, inch by maddening inch. Her reddened nipples and areolas attested to Ryan’s thorough attention. The thin band of black fabric beneath her breasts and around her arms made her body flush with arousal. He’d bound her, but at every turn, he’d given her the choice to continue or not.

She flexed her fingers, wanting to run them through the dark head of hair bent over her stomach. Fascinated, she followed Ryan’s progress down her torso. His broad shoulders and back drew her attention. Her eyes followed his spine down to his firm ass and long legs sprawled between hers, and a feeling of utter contentment swept through her. Ryan had shown her how to express herself sexually and asked nothing in return. Now it was her turn to give.

Ryan hooked his fingers under the band of her panty and Candace, unable to rise on her elbows to see because of the hobbling bra, watched in the overhead mirror as Ryan drew the fabric down to reveal the crystal heart with his initial in the center. What would he think? Was it too much of a declaration, too soon?

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