The Marriage Pact (20 page)

Read The Marriage Pact Online

Authors: Dinah McLeod

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #BDSM

Almost as though he’d read my thoughts, Brody threw an arm up and clasped both of my wrists in his strong hand.

“I was being good,” I pouted, even though I kind of liked it.

“This way you’ll keep being good,” he murmured. Without another word, he went back to work making sure my panties were nice and soaked.

I arched my back, pushing my breasts toward him, dying for him to touch them. Brody willingly bent his head to tease one of my nipples with his tongue. I’d never thought he’d be able to torment me through my clothing, but as usual, Brody loved proving me wrong. While his flexible tongue amped my desire to a crescendo, he lowered his other hand to my pussy, caressing it through the fabric of my shorts.

“Brody!” I cried out, so worked up I was panting. “Please, you’re killing me.”

“I’ll stop when
good and ready and not before,” he said in his self-assured, sexy voice.

With a whimper, I resigned myself to being brought to the brink of pleasure but never taken over. Maybe we weren’t ready yet. Maybe this was all happening too fast. After all, I hadn’t even been home for a month yet, Brody and I hadn’t been… doing whatever we were doing for even two weeks. On the other hand, we’d known each other for nearly three decades…

The thoughts were driven straight from my head when I felt his hands pulling my shirt over my head. He dropped his hold on my wrists long enough to hurl the shirt across the room and when he resumed his protective grip, I felt my sex clench. With his free hand, he yanked my bra down, baring my breasts. They popped out of the cups perkily, nipples stiff and seeking attention. When he lowered his soft, warm mouth onto my skin, I felt a spasm run throughout my body. As he suckled, he continued to caress me through my shorts. I wondered if he could feel my heat radiating through the fabric.

My breath hitched when he slowly worked the zipper down. In a quick motion, he’d yanked the shorts to my ankles without ever pausing in his ardent attention to my breast. He resumed his petting, this time with only one layer of clothing separating his fingers and my pussy. Under normal circumstances, I would have been embarrassed knowing that if he hadn’t felt my desire before, he certainly could now. But these weren’t normal circumstances—he was driving me toward torture and wheeling it back to passion so effortlessly that I couldn’t concentrate on anything else.

When I felt his fingers in the band of my panties, tugging them down to join my shorts, I moaned, anticipating relief that would hopefully come several times over.

“Not yet, baby girl,” he murmured, as though he could feel my pent-up frustration. He then switched his talented tongue to my other breast and began giving it the same kind of attention he’d shown the first. Each nibble made my pussy pulse with pleasure. By the time he finished, my toes were curling and I felt like any moment I would come apart.

Brody let go of my wrists as he knelt before me. My thighs were quivering as he pushed them apart.

“Please, Brody,” I whispered breathlessly. “Please take me now.”

“Just a little taste,” he promised with a wink. “And then, since you said please…”

Even though I knew I was alone, when he began licking my clit, I slapped a hand to my mouth to muffle my moans.

“Hey, none of that now,” he scolded. “I want to hear you scream.”

I knew the only way to get him refocused on those wonderful things he was doing to my pussy was to obey, so I dropped my hand. When he bent down to put his tongue inside my slick folds, I moaned and writhed under his ministrations without shame.

Without warning, he stopped and I looked down at him.

“Another time,” he said as he met my eyes. “One day soon I’m going to make you come with my tongue, but not today. I can’t wait any longer.”

The magic words I’d been waiting to hear. My pussy gushed as soon as it left his mouth, as if it wasn’t wet enough already. Brody wasted no time in pinning me to the wall.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes,” I murmured, wondering at the fact I could still speak at all.

“When I put my cock in you, I want you to put your legs around me,” he ordered huskily. He wasted no time in shucking his pants and pulling his boxers down along with them.

My eyes widened as I took in the large, throbbing member, but I barely had time to enjoy it before he plunged it deep into my pussy. I threw my head back and cried out lustily, wrapping my legs tighter around him.

“That’s what I like to hear,” he praised, lowering his mouth and biting down on my collarbone.

“Ah!” I gasped, feeling the power of his thrusts. “You’re such a wild man.”

I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but he began to drive harder and faster, bringing me to the edge of an orgasm that had been building from the moment I opened the door and saw those beautiful brown eyes. “I feel like I’m on fire,” I breathed, digging my fingernails into his back.

“Come for me then, baby.”

Almost as soon as he said it, I obliged, feeling like every cell in my body splintered apart as I rode the wave of my orgasm. I closed my eyes and screamed as my climax rocketed through my body, leaving everything hot and tight.

When Brody shuddered with his release and I felt his hot juices mingle with my own, I went limp. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d ever ridden such a roller coaster of desire. And damn it if it hadn’t given me such a rush that I planned to ride it again.

I didn’t know how he managed, but Brody carried me to my bedroom and laid me gently down on the sheets before collapsing beside me. I snuggled my naked body next to him, curling into him before closing my eyes.
Perfect fit
, I thought with a smile right before I fell asleep.


* * *


When I awoke, the first thing I realized was that I was wet again. I stirred, murmuring and found Brody looking at me, rolling a stiffening nipple in between his fingers.

“I fucked you already,” he said, pinching lightly and smiling when I whimpered.

I’d never liked the
word much when it came to sex, but the way he said it made every nerve ending I owned stand at attention. Was there nothing the man couldn’t get away with?

“Now I want to make love to you.” He loomed over me and I saw his cock rise stiffly between us.

I reached out and grabbed it hungrily, so eager to touch it, to feel it come alive in my hand.

“Or you could do that,” he grunted.

“How ‘bout we do both?” I suggested, beginning to work my hand up and down his shaft.

“Mmm, that feels nice. But I have other plans for you.”

I couldn’t help but smile; he always did.

“Remember what we talked about earlier?” Before I could answer, he reached over and scooped me up before sitting and depositing me over his lap.

“Oh, Brody, don’t,” I groaned. “It’s been such a perfect day, don’t ruin it.”

“Quite the opposite, Shana Rae. You’re going to have to trust me. Do you think you can do that?”

I didn’t answer aloud, instead pushing my ass out toward him, which he seemed to take for answer enough. I knew because the first spank fell, firm, but not painful. They were all like that—light spanks that peppered my bottom until it tingled, somehow making me want to burrow on his lap and stay there forever. Each and every one had a bit more heat behind it, but it only served to keep the tingling alive.

“This is the kind of spanking good girls get,” he murmured and landed another firm swat to my backside.

I shivered from his words as much as the spank itself.

“Whose good girl are you?”

I nodded my head enthusiastically, but Brody tsked his tongue.

“I want to hear you say it?”
! His hand landed once more on my upturned bottom. “Whose good girl are you?”

“Yours,” I whimpered, wiggling over his lap.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you.”
! His hand bounced from one cheek to the other.

I threw my head back, tantalized by the overpowering combination of pain and pleasure. “Yours! I’m your good girl!”

“That you are,” he agreed, pausing to caress my hair. “Now lie back down and take your spanking like a good girl.”

I obeyed without hesitation, clinging to his leg as he continued to assault my bottom with quick, light swats interspersed with harder ones that made me cry out. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear he liked hearing it. I wouldn’t have believed it, but before he was done he had me writhing over his lap, grinding my pussy over his cock that was ready and eager to receive it.

Chapter Ten



Another subsequent orgasm put me right to sleep and it wasn’t any wonder. Even though we’d taken our time this go-around, exploring, trying out old tricks, and discovering new ones that put the old ones to shame, when my climax had come it had been explosive. I’d been embarrassed by my screams of pent-up passion, but had been unable to stop them from escaping my lips. I just hoped that Mom was deep enough in slumber not to hear them.

I flopped on my side and looked at the alarm clock. Three-thirty in the morning. Why was I so wide awake? I tried to close my eyes and summon sleep, but it was no use.

I slid closer to Brody, trying to curl into the hard masculinity, but when I inhaled his clean, manly scent I pulled away. I looked at him, fast asleep, lips parted slightly, and wondered what the hell I’d been doing. This was so stupid—so hopelessly stupid. I’d left Georgia and Brody and all we’d had behind for a reason. Sure, we were having fun now, but how long before that faded and we were right back where we’d started? I didn’t know if I could go through the anger and pain all over again; I wasn’t as young as I’d once been, I might not live through it this time.

With a sigh, I pushed myself up and climbed out of bed. Sleep was going to be next to impossible now. I fished around the floor until I found my discarded clothing I’d been wearing earlier. Keeping a watchful eye on Brody, I quickly pulled it on before creeping silently out of the room. I found my shoes by the door and slipped them on before letting myself out of the house. I didn’t know where I was going, but my feet apparently had some idea. Before I knew it, I found myself heading toward the dock where we’d fished mere days ago.

When I caught a glimpse of the lake from a distance, I couldn’t help but remember my impromptu dip. I allowed myself a small smile—while I certainly hadn’t enjoyed my trip over his lap, what had followed had been quite pleasant. With another sigh, I started walking faster. I didn’t want to think about Brody, but it didn’t feel like I had a choice, especially with the scent of him clinging to my skin.

What are you doing, Shana?
I berated myself silently.
How many times do you need to go through this before you see that it just isn’t going to work out? You need to get a grip on reality and move on.

My stomach was filled with dread at the thought of leaving Brody again, even though my head told me that it was the logical thing to do. I steeled myself against the pain in my legs and kept walking—it wasn’t even close to the pain even now seizing my heart. The truth was, I was just so very afraid of being hurt again.

When I finally reached the bank, I sank gratefully onto the grass and pulled my knees to my chest, enjoying the cool breeze and looking out at the water. I put all thoughts of Brody out of my mind and listened to the crickets chirping all around me. If nothing else, it sure was good to be home.

Before I could start thinking about the inevitable bad breakup and the possibility of having to move again, I shook the thoughts free and began to hum along with the crickets. It relaxed me and drowned out the warring voices in my head. My dad had loved to sing and though I didn’t have a great voice, whenever I hummed like this I thought of him. I remembered a conversation we’d had in my first year at college. I’d been awfully homesick and terrified I was going to let my parents down by failing all my exams. I’d called him late, maybe ten at night, but he’d sounded as happy to hear from me as if he’d been expecting my call.

“I miss you,” I’d said, my voice sounding very little-girlish.

“We miss you too, Shana,” he’d said, his voice warm and soothing even three states away. “How’s school?”

“Fine.” I didn’t know what else to say. I knew what I wanted to ask him: had I made the biggest mistake of my life moving away? Would I one day regret it? But I couldn’t bring myself to say it aloud, for fear of what his answer might be. “Can I come home?” I’d asked instead.

“You can always come home, baby girl. We’re always going to be here for you, you know that.”


“Shan, you’re just worked up with exams right now. But I want you to know how proud I am of you, honey. You’re going to do great in college and great in med school. Sometimes, I can already see the woman you’re going to become.”

If I hadn’t been on the verge of tears before, that did it, though for an entirely different reason. His faith in me was a balm to my anxious heart. “Do you really think so?”

“Of course I think so! You’re so smart, Shana. But you know, if you decide being a doctor isn’t what you want, that’s OK, too.”

I drew in a sharp breath. My parents were shelling out a lot of money to send me to Brown, even with the partial scholarship I’d been awarded. The idea of letting them down was almost too much to bear.

“No, really, it’s OK. All I’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy. If that means being a doctor, great. If it means coming home and finding a man that loves you, that’s great, too.”

“Already lobbying for grandkids?” I teased, trying to let the comment pass.

“Well, the house is starting to feel pretty lonely,” he kidded right back.

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Anytime, kiddo. I mean it. I just want you to be happy.”

I’d promised to be home after finals, before summer term started, and I’d hung up the phone, feeling a little less alone.

Now, all these years later, I remembered the love in my father’s voice. When he’d said all he wanted was my happiness, I’d believed him. In fact, I still did. Would he be disappointed in me now? Looking straight at possible happiness and shoving it away with both hands in order to avoid the possibility of being hurt?

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