The Naked Truth About Love (16 page)

Read The Naked Truth About Love Online

Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

and Dorian looked at each other and shrugged their shoulder as their dancers rode their rapidly expanding hards. 

What about Jaydan?” Dante asked as a big booty, half naked cutie straddled his lap, shook her titties in his face and went to work.

Fuck Jaydan!” Paul announced as he relaxed back in his chair and let his vivacious dancer take his mind off the situation at hand. His eyes closed as his nature slowly began to rise. Moments later he found a place in his mind were he could calm down and decompress before he had to cuss Jaydan’s trick ass the fuck out!

came out to work the room after she took a break in her dressing room to freshen up and change outfits. Naturally she had a lot of men trying to get her attention but she had already staked out the dicks that she planned to ride that night. You see Jaydan went after the big tippers. She had no time for men who threw ones and fives her way. Hit her with a twenty or more and she definitely would single you out for a private dance.

there just happened to be a table full of big spending high rollers who just happened to be completely blown away by Sashay Fierce. They made it rain hard on her the entire time she was on stage and trust she went right to their table the second she hit the floor. Straddling one after the other she danced and dry fucked all four of them while unbeknown to her, Paul watched.

another round of bump and grind lap dances on Teddy this time they watched from across the room as Jaydan led one of the men to the VIP lounge. For clarification, Paul asked his dancer, “So what actually happens in the VIP suites?”

Oh in the VIP suite. Anything you want. We can be completely alone and I can do things to you back there that I can’t do out here, for a price of course.” She replied as she continued to gyrate and grind hard in his lap.

Of course… So, what kind of things are you talking about?”

You’re not a cop right?”

No, I’m a college student at FDC. I’m a football player. I’m definitely not a cop.”

I have to ask. You understand right.”

Yeah, I understand. So what can we get into back there?”

Oh I can strip naked and I can get you off.”

Get me off… Really? How?”

I only use my hands. Some girls use their mouth and some do it all”

’s lips curled up into a ominous grin as he came to the startling realization that Jaydan was more than likely not only stripping but turning tricks. Teddy was right. “Nasty ass, conniving, gold digging skank!” He thought. 

So, do you want to go back to VIP with me?” She asked as she rubbed her titties, shook them in his face and picked up the pace of her gyrations to match the beat of the music.

Thanks. Not tonight, but maybe some other night. I was just curious.” He smiled as the music came to an end.

You want another dance?” Her eyes begged him to say yes.

looked at the worn but beautiful woman. Late nights and a rough life had obvious begun to take their toll on her. He couldn’t turn her down even if he wanted to. Besides he wasn’t going anywhere until he saw Jaydan come out of the VIP suites. “Yes, definitely.” He smiled.

face instantly brightened with a big smile as she went back to bumping and grinding in Paul’s lap.

I like you. You’re sweet. I get off at three.”

I like you too, but I’m just getting over a bad relationship. I’d just hurt you in the end.” Paul smiled and then conceded.

That’s exactly what I was counting on.” She teased as she continued to grind on Paul’s big dick. “Look, all jokes aside… Don’t sweat it… She probably wasn’t right for you. You’ll find someone new, but if you don’t you know where to find me. Okay?”

Sure. You’re probably right.” He sighed deeply as he released his unwarranted obsession with Jaydan as if it was a breath of stagnant air.

twenty minutes later Jaydan finally emerged from the VIP suite. Her skimpy outfit appeared disheveled and she instantly headed straight for the dressing room and never once even looked in their direction. Paul watched as the guy she took to VIP returned to his seat. Obviously happy he gave his friends high fives and dap as he discussed his adventure. As giddy as a schoolgirl with a new crush, it was quite apparent that Jaydan did more than just dance.

had seen more than enough. As the music changed and his lap dance ended he thanked his lovely dancer. “Thanks so much for your time. I feel like a new man.”

him ever so gently on the cheek she said, “No thank you for being such a gentleman. Some of the men that come through here are real pigs. I don’t know who hurt you, but I do know that she doesn’t deserve you. It’s her loss, not yours.”

simply nodded in agreement. “Alright fellows, let’s go. I’ve officially had and seen enough.”

guys all looked at him, but nobody said a word. They couldn’t believe that he was going to leave without confronting Jaydan. Promptly settling their tab they grabbed their coats and quickly left. Although relieved, they couldn’t believe that Paul left the Pussy Emporium without beating Jaydan’s ass. Unsure if his callous demeanor was the quite before the storm, not one of them dared question him or his motives.

Chapter 19

Love is Not Easily Provoked to Anger

they left the Pussy Emporium that night Damien told Paul what happened between him and Jaydan. The quilt had ripped him apart all night even though he really had nothing to feel guilty about. Jaydan and Paul hadn’t even met when it happened. Still, Paul was his cousin and he wanted to make sure that he didn’t forgive Jaydan and one day end up marrying her.

that was the furthest thing from Paul’s mind. He wasn’t a complete idiot. He had fucked Jaydan enough to recognize that glassed over, out of sorts look she gets after she has been properly fucked. It was no doubt in his mind that she screwed that guy.  In his mind they were finished the second she singled the guy out and enticed him into the VIP suite.

No sex in the VIP lounge my ass!” He thought.

pissed, Paul immediately cut Jaydan’s whoring ass off without another damn word. Her calls, texts, and messages went unanswered for days upon days. It didn’t take long before she realized that something was wrong and finally showed up at his door like a lost damn puppy two weeks later.

Yeah?” Teddy asked as he opened the door and blocked it so she could not enter.

Hi Teddy, is Paul home?” She asked as she strained her neck in an attempt to look past Teddy into the house.

Didn’t you see that big ass black Escalade parked in front of the house?”

Yes, I saw it, but that doesn’t mean that he’s home. Is he home or not? You know what, just move out the way and let me in.” She challenged as she tried to muscle past Teddy.

as steadfast as a tree planted by a bubbling brook Teddy refused to move. “Excuse you, but where do you think you’re going… with your rude ass self?”

I’m rude? Really? Seems to me you’re the rude ass one for not inviting me in, now move so I can come in. This shit is not funny.”

Do you see me laughing? First of all, we just had the carpet cleaned and I’m not about to let you drop gold dust and bullshit all over it. Second, Paul doesn’t want to see you. He told me to get rid of you. Thirdly, I don’t like you.”

So what? I don’t like you either! What does that have to do with anything?” 

Nothing, I just wanted to make sure you knew.” He teased as Paul came to the door.

It’s okay Bear. I got this.” Paul said as he stepped out onto the porch and closed the door behind him.

I know he’s your best friend but I hate his arrogant, smug ass! He’s such a damn dick!” Jaydan observed as she gauged Paul’s disposition .

his poker face, Paul set on the steps without comment. He eyed Jaydan with mixed emotions as she set down beside him. She looked good, real good in fact and he was horny, real horny in fact. On the one hand he wanted to take her up to his room and fuck her simple little ass silly. But on the other hand he wanted to just fuck her ass up, straight up knock the taste out her fuckin mouth. Naturally he was raised better than that and taught to never hit a woman. It’s times like these that he wished his dad had stipulated but you can beat a hoe’s bitch ass!

that he was pissed to the Nth power Jaydan chose her words carefully and continued with caution. “So… Where have you been? I’ve been calling you? Did you get my messages?”

who had just ironically received a text casually looked at his phone and replied, “Yeah, I got all one hundred and five of them.”

Yeah, I guess so… I noticed you changed your Facebook status to single. What’s that bullshit about?”

did not answer as he quickly texted a reply to the text he just received.

What’s going on, Paul? Did Teddy say some shit about me? Huh? Cause if he did he’s a damn liar!”

Actually, Bear didn’t tell me shit about you.”

Then who? Something’s obviously wrong. One day we’re falling in love and planning a future together and the next minute you wouldn’t even piss on me if I was on fire.”

laughed. “How much would that cost me?”

What?” Jaydan asked stunned. “What did you just say?”

I didn’t realize that I stuttered. Let me rephrase the question. How much would you charge for someone to piss on you? I mean, I don’t know if that’s one of your many services that you offer in the VIP suite at the Pussy Emporium… But if it is, how much would it cost me?”

looked like she had just been kicked in her ovulating ovaries by a raging mad bull. She somehow couldn’t believe that Paul had somehow found out about her job at the Pussy Emporium. Although common sense should have told her that Teddy would eventually take him there, to expose her dumbass, sooner or later. Not really knowing another tactic that would work she immediately lied.

Teddy’s a fucking little liar! You heard him. He hates me. He’d do any and everything to break us up and you know it! Hell, he even tried to seduce me one afternoon while you were in class.”

Wait a minute… Teddy tried to fuck you?” Paul acted surprised and pretended he believed her.

Yes, he took me to the Apple Barrel for a late lunch a couple of weeks ago and tried to get me to come home with him.” Jaydan flat out lied like a thousand miles of professionally installed carpet.

I can’t believe it. The fuckin nerve of him! How dare he try to fuck you for FREE! Doesn’t he know people pay good damn money to fuck you!”

Paul, baby I told you… He’s lying!”

Look, I don’t have any more time to bullshit around with you. I don’t even know why I’m fucking even entertaining your bullshit anyway! So, I’m going to just be straight. I was at the Pussy Emporium. I saw you strip, I saw you let men touch your pussy and I saw you take a guy to the VIP to fuck you for money. Bear or nobody else had to tell me shit, because I saw it with my own eyes. So, please just stop fuckin lying, because you’re giving me a damn headache!”

Okay, so what? Yes, I strip! I have bills Paul. I have a car and an apartment in addition to my tuition. FYI, college isn’t free for all of us. Some of us have to work for a fucking living. We don’t have wealthy parents to pay our damn way! OK!”

I know your fucking trick ass did not fuckin just say that! So fuckin what if my parents are successful and have the means of putting me through college? I’m not going to apologize for my parent’s wealth. They both worked hard to get every dime they have! They’ve paid their dues and they support half the charities in Atlanta. You fucking hook, because you want to! They’re thousands of female students at FDC struggling, but you don’t see one of them turning tricks and sucking dicks for dollars! Do you?”

that she had officially stepped on a raw nerve Jaydan used the only weapon she had left in her arsenal, tears. Bursting immediately into tears and sobbing like a kid that had just got their very first spanking she cried uncontrollably.

I didn’t know what else to do. I’m the first person in my family to go to college. Stripping paid my tuition and bills. I wanted to tell you so many times, but I just couldn’t. I swear, I was going to stop just as soon as I graduated. Oh Paul, can you ever forgive me?” She wailed as she grabbed on to him, buried her face in his chest and wept.

virtual sucker for a woman in distress and tears he hugged and comforted her. “Look, honestly in a strangely odd way I understand. I just wish you had of told me when we met so that I could have helped you out. Stop crying. It’s not the end of the world. It’ll be okay.”

So you forgive me?” She asked between sobs.

Yes, of course I forgive you.” He conceded as he rubbed her back.

Oh thank God. I thought I had lost you. I’m so sorry, Paul. I’ll quit today.” She announced as she wiped the tears from her swollen eyes and stood on her tippy toes for a kiss.

Paul looked at her. “Jaydan, you don’t have to quit your job for me. I can’t let you do that.”

Really? You don’t mind going out with a stripper?” She asked.

Oh, no… See you must have misunderstood. I forgive you for lying to me about what you did for a living, but we’re through. I mean we can be friends, but that’s about it. I am not sleeping with you again. Do you have any idea how many tests I had to endure to make sure that I didn’t catch anything from your nasty ass?”

You’re such an ass! I admitted that I was a stripper, not a hooker! I don’t care what you think you saw at the club! I don’t turn tricks for money and you don’t have any proof that I do!” Jaydan said as she abruptly peels herself off of Paul.”

Jaydan, you know my cousin Dante that plays football with me, right? Yeah, of course you do. Well at least you should. According to him, you blew him for three hundred dollars in the VIP room. Yeah and this other nigga on the team named Jason told me that you fucked him for a hundred in VIP, because that was all he had on him at the time. Now, that nigga Tony he said you blew him for free, in the locker room. Apparently he was upset or some shit about breaking up with his girl and you felt sorry for him. So, you know what? You’re probably right… You don’t turn tricks for money. You trick because you’re a hoe and you like to fuck!”  To Jaydan’s shock and horror, Paul turns away without another word, climbs the steps and heads for the door. He opens it to go in. “And with that said, get your hoeing ass off my fuckin porch and don’t ever dare call me again! Ever!” He yelled before slamming the front door hard enough to shatter the side glass panel.

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