The Power Billionaire: The Complete Series (BBW Erotic Romance Trilogy) (12 page)

Read The Power Billionaire: The Complete Series (BBW Erotic Romance Trilogy) Online

Authors: Angelina Spears

Tags: #Billionaire erotica, #power play, #plus size, #submission, #plus size romance, #public sex, #domination, #dominated, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #rubenesque, #bbw, #erotica, #billionaire romance, #curvy heroine, #mile high club

What all of these had in common was the absence of loneliness. This was a feeling with which I was well acquainted. I’d been on my own more often than not throughout my life. Women of my size hadn’t been popular in over a century and this solitude had been especially difficult during my teenage years.

Did I really want to be alone again?

I closed my eyes and devoted serious brainpower to what my grandmother had told me. Which one would I miss the most if I could ever see them again? They were both handsome, though in different ways. They were both fantastic lovers, so raw and powerful. So dominating.

Who couldn’t I live without?

My eyes flew open. The choice was clear.

“Change of plans,” I told the driver. “We’re going to Georgetown.”

I was going to see James.





Chapter 6


After the taxi dropped me off I buzzed James’s apartment but of course he was still at work. I waited over half an hour by the door and when an elderly lady slipped out to walk her poodle I let myself in. I climbed to his floor and sat on the ground. I waited. A few people glanced at me in a funny way as they walked by but I was mostly left alone.

It took over two hours before James appeared. He spotted me from the bottom of the steps and stopped. I stood up and he hurried up to join me.


“Hey, James. I came here to talk to you.”

“You been waiting long?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

Although he was doing his best to conceal it, he was starting to smile. He looked so handsome, so endearing. He went next to me and unlocked his door.

“Come inside, I’ll mix some drinks. Bought everything required to make pink daiquiris this morning.”

“If it’s all right, I’d rather do this here.”

“Do what?”

“James, I came to tell you that we can’t see each other anymore.”

“Did he put you up to this?”

“Nobody put me up to anything. I like you, okay? I like you a lot.”

He gently touched my arm. “Be honest. We’re way past the like phase.”


“We’re compatible, you and me. I know how I make you feel when we’re together. You can’t deny that.”

“Physically, yes. The way… the way you touch me… it’s quite something. But I finally realized that I don’t
you. As much as I’d want to, I could never love you. I’m sorry it has to be this way.”

“I don’t believe you. He has you under some sort of spell or something.”

“Maybe you’re right, James. In any case, it’s a spell I want to be under. I choose… I choose him.”

I put my hand on his shoulder and debated giving him a kiss on the cheek. In the end, I decided it would send him the wrong signal.

“Goodbye,” I said before turning around and leaving.

*   *   *

I was told at the hotel that Grayson had already checked out. My heart nearly gave out. How could I have been so stupid? Why couldn’t I see how clear things had been before? The man at the reception desk told me the limo had taken him to the airport.

I rushed out and took a taxi. I promised all the money I had on me if the driver could take me to Reagan National in record time. The young man took that as a challenge and the tires screeched at every corner as we made our way to Arlington, Virginia for the second time today. Once I got there, I had to go through TSA checkpoints and they kept looking at me suspiciously. Apparently, nervous people in airports make them nervous in return. Go figure.

All the same, I was finally released. I rushed out on the tarmac where a jet with the Holmes family crest was painted on the tail. TSA had to announce me so Grayson was standing halfway down the stairs. The look on his face was unreadable.

“Hi, Grayson.”

“Come inside, it’s freezing out here.”

I followed him up the stairs and into the plane. I dropped my overnight bag on the closest seat and noticed he was waiting for me next to the plush leather couch. He politely motioned for me to sit. After I complied, he sat at the other end of the sofa.

“I’m really glad to see you, Merrin. It’s hard for me to accept people not doing what I want them to do. I’m working on that.”

“I know.”

That made him grin.

“I just came back from James’s apartment,” I continued.

His jaw tightened and he was basically bristling. “I see.”

“I told him I couldn’t see him anymore. I told him he isn’t the man for me.”

“And is there? A man for you, I mean.”

“Yes. Grayson, I did a lot of thinking. My body has made a lot of decisions lately but today it was time for my brain to sort things out. It was time for my heart to speak.”


“Turns out it’s a no-brainer. The only person I want to be with is you.”

His lips parted in anticipation and he slid closer to me. “Merrin…”

“My grandmother – I called her earlier – she made me realize that I don’t know what I’d do without you. I close my eyes and I imagine a life without you in it, and all I can see is misery. I would miss your kindness and your take-charge attitude. I would miss the way you look at me and make me push my boundaries. When I’m with you I feel like the best woman and I can ever be. Grayson, I love you.”

He looked at me with wide eyes and I could practically see his heart swell. He was stunned and completely happy. I knew how he felt because I was undergoing the same emotions. We wrapped our arms around each other simultaneously and our lips hurriedly met.

We kissed long and hard. I was hungry for him and by his vigor it was obvious he felt the same way. I couldn’t believe how I could have doubted my feelings for him. I knew now that he was right for me, we were a perfect fit.

“Are you ready to go? Do you need to get something back at the hotel?”

I shook my head. “I have everything I need right here.”

“So do I.”

He turned toward the galley and cockpit. “We’re ready for takeoff, guys!”

He stood up and took my hand. I climbed to my feet and let him lead me to the back where the master suite was laid out. We went in and he closed the door behind us. The place wasn’t even as large as a cheap motel room but it was perfect for what I had in mind.

“Come here,” I whispered.

I took him in my arms again and we made out fiercely. I let my hands roam up and down his chest and on the upswing I took hold of his jacket which I then proceeded to slide down his shoulders. Not only didn’t he stop me but he did the same with my coat.

Once it hit the floor, he started working on the front buttons of my dress. I closed my eyes and let him do it. There was urgency in his fingers. My heart was beating faster as I thought about what would happen soon. To keep myself from going insane, I started working on unbuttoning his shirt.

We disrobed each other silently, peppering our movements with soft kisses. He was the first to remove his shirt and I responded by taking off my shoes. He let his pants fall to the ground and I removed my dress. I was wearing a slip to hide my midsection. He knew I wouldn’t go any further so he removed his shoes and pushed down his underwear.

“Oh wow...”

He was already erect and it made me lick my lips absentmindedly. His manhood was long and proportionally wide. It brought back so many great memories. There was a glint in his eye as he saw me observing him. He winked and then turned down the covers of the bed.


“What is it?”

“I want… I want to show you everything.”

Taking a deep breath to make sure I would go through with this, I grabbed the hem of the slip and yanked it off my head. It was the first time I was truly revealing my plump body to him in daylight. A part of me wanted to run away screaming but the way he was watching me told me he was in heaven. There was no judgment, no repulsion.

“Thank you for this, Merrin.”

He took me in his arms and kissed me deeply. I felt his shaft digging into my tummy and I promptly found myself starved for it. After a minute, we moved together toward the bed and laid down on it.

There was a soft knock at the door. “Mr. Holmes? Please strap yourselves in, we’re about to take off.”

There were a couple of captain’s chairs with the necessary seatbelts. I was about to get out of bed when Grayson held me back.

“Let’s hold onto each other instead.”

He held me by the waist and had the other arm behind my shoulders. I reciprocated and the serenity in his eyes translated to me. I barely felt the plane taxi down the runway. He kissed me, full of love and tenderness. He tasted so good, so manly, that all my apprehensions vanished.

All of a sudden, the jet rose and we were tilted back. There was pressure but we couldn’t slide further than the headboard. We were pushed into the mattress as we got off the ground and passed the time by making out. Before long, we were leveling off.

“Now we can begin having some real fun,” he said.

“Too bad for you, I’ve been having fun since I climbed aboard.”

He actually raised an eyebrow at that. I was much more assertive than usual and I wasn’t even ashamed. I kissed him quickly, hot and wet, and disengaged myself from him. I pushed on his shoulders so he would recline and then I moved back on all fours.

“What are you doing?”

For sole answer I winked.





Chapter 7


I was now between his legs and his member was conspicuously in front of me. It was throbbing lightly and I blew on it in passing. I circled it with a finger, touching it in feather-like fashion. I heard his voice catch in his throat. It made me smile.

I cast my eyes down and focused on his long erection. I held it in my hand and tightened my grip. Little by little, I brought my head down.

“Merrin, you don’t… You don’t have to do this.”

“I know.”

This was probably why I wanted to go through with it. He wasn’t forcing me into doing anything. It was evident that for once there was no mind games, no control issues. He wanted me to be happy no matter what.

I closed the distance and took him in my mouth. There was no frenzied passion like that last time James had forced me to suck him off. I was approaching this as making love. My tongue glided along his length and I tasted him down there for the first time. It was divine! I should have done that a long time ago.

“Oh God…”

I looked up and found Grayson with his head digging into the headboard, his eyes closed and his hands balled into fists. I was obviously doing something right. I closed my own eyes and gave myself to the experience. I inhaled him deeply and let my head move up and down while my hands caressed his strong thighs and washboard abs.

“Hhmmm, Merrin…”

I laved him hungrily and didn’t even flinch when he started leaking over my tongue. I swallowed and continued, going faster over his magnificent rod. All of a sudden, I felt pressure on my head. I had flashbacks of James shoving my head down on him and panicked for a second.

Grayson was brushing my hair away, no doubt so he could watch what I was doing to him. He kept his hand close but mostly it was cradling my neck, quietly stroking me. My tension vanished and I went back to discovering how fellatio could be extremely sensual in the right circumstances.

“Feels so good.”

, I thought. I could see myself doing more of this in the near future. I squeezed him in my hand and lazily pumped him to match the rhythm of my mouth.

“Merrin, stop. Stop!”

I quickly let go and looked up at him. “Is everything okay?”

“It’s more than okay. That’s the problem. I don’t want to race to the finish line. Come here.”

He took my upper arms and pulled me to him. In spite of my weight, he swiftly brought me to him and I literally crashed onto his chest. He lifted my chin, gazed lovingly into my eyes, and kissed me. It was sweet and soft and what convinced me the most of his genuine affection was that he didn’t think twice about where my mouth had just been.

I practically dissolved against him as we continued kissing. I was prepared to spend the entire flight doing only that when the plane hit a pocket of turbulence. It wasn’t strong and it didn’t last long but it was like being in a washing machine.

“Good thing you didn’t have me in your mouth just then,” he said with a smile.

I blanched as I realized what could have happened and that made Grayson laugh heartily.

“Relax, this high-wire stuff only makes it better.”

He gave me a quick smooch before sliding out from under me. In the process, he made me lie on my back. He kissed my neck, my shoulder, and went down to my breasts. He took them into his hands and massaged them sensually, letting his thumbs circle the pink areolas. This was unnecessary since my nipples were already stiff with desire.

He took them into his scorching mouth as he journeyed further down. His tongue offered languorous strokes before he sucked them proper. I felt tingles zipping down to my belly! While still in this position, he ran his fingers along my folds, enjoying the smooth, warm dampness which I couldn’t conceal from him.


My desire swelled and I involuntarily raised my hips a little, encouraging him to explore me further. He kissed his way down and at the same time his fingers slipped inside. They plunged deep, making me inhale sharply. He used his other hand – the palm, to be precise – to rub the length of my slit. I had to suppress a moan, unwilling to show him how much I was at his mercy.

He teased my love button out of hiding and then blew cold air on it, making me shiver in arousal. I looked down at him and he was staring right back, seemingly asking permission to go on or, more likely, wanting me to agonize.

“Do it,” I urged.

With a grin, he dipped his head and put his mouth on me. He licked in broad strokes, carefully lapping up my juices while he did corkscrew motions with his fingers. I closed my eyes and basked in the mind-blowing sensation. I absentmindedly brought a hand to my chest in order to knead my heavy breasts and the other hand went down to Grayson’s head. I ran my fingers through his hair and pushed down, willing him to go faster, to send me over the edge.

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