The Pussy Pounders Volume 1 ( A Novella ) (8 page)

Read The Pussy Pounders Volume 1 ( A Novella ) Online

Authors: Candace Mumford

Tags: #urban fiction, #interracial, #fiction romance, #africanamerican romance, #bwwm interracial, #interracial bwwm, #bwwm contemporary romance, #bwwm romances, #candace mumford, #the pussy pounders, #male escorts

I was happy to do it.
When we met at the bar you were just grabbing a drink before you
headed out for the night. The least I could do was look out for
you. We had a good time. I wonder what happened with my man Cortez
and your friend?”

I have no idea” I said
sitting down at his bar and joining him for something to

So Carmen I enjoyed
talking to you last night. It's Saturday, we've already eaten
breakfast together, I think you should spend the rest of the
weekend with me.” DeSean said wiping his mouth with his napkin and
turning to look at her.

What? I can't spend the
whole weekend here.” Carmen said laughing.

Why not? You've already
spent the night with me...I even gave you your own room. I could
have easily put you in my bed. I'm a gentleman though....I even let
you wear my favorite t-shirt.” DeSean said pointing towards her
chest and smiling.

You are a

Do you have a man or some
kids you have to get back home to? I could have sworn you told me
you were single with no kids. Are you in a rush to go home and
clean?” DeSean asked looking at her intently.

No but...I don't even
know you!”

No buts. We’re going to
get to know each other. Stay hang out with me,we're gonna just
chill. If you wanna go home later you can go. I put some stuff in
the bathroom across from the room you slept in last night so your
good. So you can get yourself together and you choose the first
DVD. Your car is safe by the way. It's in the garage.”

Carmen looked at him a few minutes
trying to make up her mind. I don't know why the hell I'm standing
here acting like I have something better to do than be snuggled up
with a fine ass man! Aint shit going on at home!

OK. I'm going to stay but
I need to shower and change. I'm not going to sit around in my
dress I wore to the club.”she said laughing. “ Where are my car
keys? I have clothes I can relax in my gym bag in the trunk of my

Sounds good to me. Your
keys are in your car,just go down the stairs the door on the right
leads to the garage. I'm going to clean up in here while you get
yourself together.” DeSean said walking into the

Carmen went to the garage and saw that
everything with her car seemed in place and her purse and cell
phone where inside. I don't know what kinda crazy shit I just got
myself into but let me send my girl a quick text just so I stay in
touch with someone! Carmen pulled out her phone and sent a text to
Lisa :

Met a FINE, really nice guy
after you left last night. I spent the night with him ( NO SEX! ) .
We're going to spend more time together today. I'll call you when I
get back home.


Lisa : Aww shit! It's a good thing I
left when I did the. Have fun. TTYL!


I grabbed my bag and went back into
the house to start the rest of my day hanging out with my new
friend. This should be interesting I thought stepping into the
shower and standing under the warm water. I made sure to lock the
bathroom just never know about people these



Shit you can tell I'm depressed as
hell I thought pouring the last of the mop water into the sink and
spraying cleaner inside to to scrub it clean. Adam and I were
barely speaking and my place was getting more attention then I
think it even wanted. I'd been up since six am . Once Adam and I
started seeing each other we spent all of our time together. It's
hard going from sleeping wrapped up in the arms of the man you love
every night to a cold empty bed.

Maybe I just need to start dating
again? Who the hell am I fooling? I don't even want another man.
Period. I want Adam.

I began to quickly put away the
cleaning supplies and went to my bedroom to have a shower. As I
took off the clothes I was cleaning in and went to stand under a
hot shower. I can't even lie,my mind started drifting towards
thoughts of Adam and our situation. I don't know about Sean and
Cortez or other men period but I can see why women are paying for
it. It's been two weeks since I broke down and had sex with Adam
last and I'm about to go fucking crazy! Fuck it...I stepped out of
the shower,grabbed my cell and sent Adam a text saying he needed to
come by my house ASAP. For good measure I even threw in 911. Then
got back in to finish my shower.

I can't help it I love

Fifteen minutes later I heard Adam
calling my name from downstairs. I couldn't help but smile he'd
gotten here so fast.

I'm in my room!” I called
out and a few seconds later he came walking through my bedroom

What's wrong?” Adam asked
looking worried.

I wanted to see you
that's all...I miss you.”

Adam stood there looking at
Antoinette. Naked with only a towel wrapped around her, her skin
was still wet. Then it dawned on me, her ass called me before she
even got in the shower to get me over here fast.

What exactly is it you
miss Toni? Me or my dick?” Adam asked angrily. “I've had enough of
this shit!”

Why are you saying it
like that? I wont lie to you I miss both. I can't stop thinking
about you Adam so who do you think I'm going to call other than

You're a fucking
hypocrite. That's what the hell you are Toni.”


me you heard exactly what the
fuck I said. Aint a damn thing wrong with your hearing. It's just
selective. I told you one year ago I was completely in love with
you I didn't and don't want any other woman but you in my life. I
did fuck up in a major way by not telling you you ahead of time
what I was doing but other than that
thing....that we've both
benefited from I've been good to you. I give you everything I have,
with the exception of the Pussy Pounders. Yet here we are not even
together anymore and you wanna call me over to fuck? Let me ask you you have my two thousand dollar fee Toni? Since that's
all you've decided I can be to you? Where the fuck is my money? You
know more than anyone at this point I don't fuck for free so are
you ready to pay like every other woman in this town?”

You have lost your
white-ass mind Adam!” I yelled.

No more than you've lost
mind Toni...admit it. That's exactly they way you've been
treating me since you've called yourself “ending” our relationship.
You don't give a fuck that I love your goddamn ass and how it makes
me feel.

You already know I get paid for the
side shit. That's not a secret between us anymore but I didn't
expect this shit from you Toni. So if this is how you want things
to be between us, you gotta pay your two grand like everyone else.
All the years you've know many women have you known me to
to just lay up with? How many “girlfriends” have you known me to
have? One besides you in all this time. So in case you need me to
tell your ass Toni....I don't fuck for free.

I'm jealous of you being
with other women.” I said hanging my head, “ I don't want to lose
you. How stupid do you think I am Adam? You're the only man I've
had sex with but I know exactly how you make my body feel. Every
one of you have women after you that pay you but they want to be in
relationships with you. You think I can't tell that Nicole lady
doesn't want to be with you? The bitch stays calling setting up an
appointment with just you! Your clients are no different than
Cortez or Sean's! You just don't tell me about them because of our
relationship. How do you think I feel waiting for the other shoe to
drop? I'm not experienced...they're probably the bomb in bed since
they've been they're calling in “ pros”! Are you even really
satisfied with me sexually?” I cried tears streaming down my

Adam sighed and walked over to Toni
wrapping his arms around her tightly.

Antoinette I haven't had
a lot of love in my life but I know what it is. I know how I feel
about you. Can't another woman out here make me feel like you
because I love
. No one can take a man or woman unless they ain’t happy
where they're at. I'm not stupid. You don't think I see how you
look at me when I come back from being with someone. I suggested
you do the appointments because in some crazy way I wanted you to
feel like you had control of it somehow. I wanted you to know where
I all times. Look I'm not trying to take you through some
unnecessary shit. I don't want to lose you. I want to make you
happy. I know you're a woman a man can be proud of and I want to be
that for you. I just need to know if I leave the Pussy Pounders in
the past can you?

Let's just get these papers
signed on Wednesday and leave this in the past. It's not like I
haven't been ready. It takes money to do what we've been trying to
do and I'm not going to sit here and lie especially since you see
now how much money we bring in. The Pussy Pounders paid for us
being able to get the club. The liquor license we had to get the
whole nine yards. Honestly the shits been stressful. I mean
Cortez,Sean and I are like brothers baby, at the same time... I
gotta pull my weight too. How are things gonna look when it's time
to pay for shit and my contribution to the club ain’t equal to
theirs? These are things that were in motion
you and I Antoinette and I'm
just trying to do the best to hold it all together.” Adam said
laying back on the bed and closing his eyes.

Antoinette sat there
quietly slowly taking in everything Adam had just told her.
I'm being selfish, I can't imagine what he's been
going through just to keep me happy too the past year. I love him
and I need to be here for him the way he's always been here for a friend first.

Antoinette removed her towel and
climbed on top of Adam. Placing her head in the crook of his neck
she just laid there,breathing him in. Adam ran his hands over her
ass and up her back slowly caressing her.

I don't want to lose

I'm not going anywhere
Adam. We're going to take our time and do what's best for everyone.
I'll be patient as long as it's in the immediate plan for you to
stop OK? I've missed you so much,I can't even sleep good at night
without you here.” Antoinette whispered raising up on him and
pulling his shirt over his head.

Just so you know ...I'm
not paying you two thousand dollars for this good dick either.”she
said reaching down to unbuckle his jeans.

Adam started laughing, “ Just so you
know,you're the only woman I think about. I actually think about
having sex with...before I ever was with you Antoinette. You're the
only woman I want. At the end of the day baby this is your dick,
it's on the house.



The day flew by,Sean and Carmen spent
all day talking about everything under the sun, they caught a Law
and Order marathon on T.V. and learned they each loved crime dramas
so they became engrossed in each of the shows and discussed the
real life cases some of the shows where based on.

DeSean had just paid and tipped the
delivery man. They both loved Chinese food and each one of them
claimed to order from the best Chinese restaurant in town. DeSean
insisted he treat her to his favorite spot.

You know DeSean this food
better be good because I get nervous when it comes to eating at
strange Chinese restaurants!”

So do I....which is why I
refuse to eat at yours. Panda makes the food to perfection!”DeSean
said bringing the plates over to the table. Carmen set about piling
the delicious food on their plates. Then took a bite of her
Mongolian Beef.

Oh my God DeSean! That is

I told you girl...I don't
eat nasty food.”he said laughing and digging into his

So DeSean we've talked
about a million things today but what do you do for a

DeSean slowly chewed his food thinking
of what he wanted to tell Carmen. It wasn't that he didn't have a
lie all ready made up. He did,it was rare that he wasn't prepared
to answer anything at any time. They all were. DeSean just didn't
want to lie to her. He was enjoying her entire vibe and one way to
turn off a decent woman without a doubt was to tell her you slept
with women for money!

Well Carmen let's put it
this way,it's just a job that pays the bills and has allowed me to
have things in my life I would never have thought about having.
It's not my passion though.”

Still it must pay pretty
good. I'm not trying to get all in your business but you have a
beautiful home in a nice neighborhood. That's not

That's true but it's
definitely not a job I want to do forever and I'm not going

Carmen slowly realized he was avoiding
the question.

DeSean I'm not trying to
be rude or anything but if you take it that be it. Look
any minute now the FEDS aren't going to bust your door down are
they?” Carmen asked placing her fork on her plate and folding her
arms across her chest looking him dead in the eyes.

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