Read The Star (The Way in marked cards #2) Online
Authors: Andreia Koslowski
Climbing the slopes of Cuesta de Gomérez the shadow of the pine trees, embarked on the red minibus climbing the mountain, and on top of a elevation forested southeast of the city. When we arrived, got off the bus and bought the entries, there were many tourists who also wanted discover what had been hidden in that palace, because, before all that, was a World Cultural Heritage.
Looking for that monument more closely, she realized that it was a walled city that occupied most of the hill of La Sabika.
In Alhambra could found all proper and necessary services to the people who lived there: the royal palace, the mosques, schools, etc.. The planaldo covers an area about m2. The the rest of the planaldo includes several palaces, surrounded by defensive wall flaqueada by 13 towers, some defensive and aimed at other views. Alhambra in Arabic is "Al Hamra" ( red), proceeding by the full name "Qal'at al-Hamra" (red fort). This would result from the color of mud bricks dried in the sun and made of clay and gravel in which the outer walls was made. Isadora felt the artistic spirit on every wall in in each environment in which she walked.
Alhambra was a place where artists and intellectuals was looking for refuge during the Christian victories throughout the Andalus, one mix with natural elements can testify the ability of Muslim artisan of that time.
When the Catholic monarchs, Isabella and Ferdinand, conquered the the Kingdom of Granada, Boabdil expelled the King, which was very sad about losing what he called the "Earthly Paradise".
The legend says that the boy-king Boabdil ran away with your mother into exile, dropping a tear last one when looking back from the top of the gorge called " The Sigh of the Moor". From this point could be seen all the Alhambra city and where it is assumed that Boabdil paused to admire his lost kingdom and can non contain your crying.
While she perceived the past and present, noted the poems written on the walls of the palace. On the room of two sisters, the greater of the palace, there are two white marble slabs that are in the pavement on each side of the central source, exactly equal in size, color and weight. Are the biggest in Alhambra. It has a viewpoint over the city and have direct communication with the baths. The poem read: "No pair, radiant dome has her / with patents and hidden charms" (...) "We have never seen so verdant garden, / the cultivation the more sweetest aroma."
In the viewpoint of Lindaraja could read the following poem:
"I am the eye of this garden fresh" (...) "In me, the Granada sees from his throne."
While ran her hands along the walls and was enchanted with the beauty of the palace, her intuition was expressed:
"See the eternal memory of the Moors delighted that once lived in this place. Here it has their legends that tell wonderful prodigies of this world. Many legends about love and achievements make this palace a stronghold of magic and mistery, a place connected with the beauty and values of the human spirit. "
Isadora passed through the gardens and had no doubt that this was a refuge from God in the earth, the sound of water in the fountains on the gardens scattered gave a sense of peace and connection with something greater, beyond the art and the spirit of memories that survived during centuries.
When she came back home, he was thinking about the opportunity to have known such a special place in the world and how there are so many special things how the beauty and values that go beyond our human comprehension. People who have fought for your convictions, whether for power or for love, all left their steps and their beliefs recorded through eternity.
The next day, at the end of the day, Isadora was to a art supply store to buy one screen. After work had dinner, and with great energy is delivered at your inspiration. She thought in the sensation of being underneath the via lactea on the Camino de Santiago and the greatness of the art that had present at the same day in the Alhambra palace. One place that overflowed mystery and inspiration, art and humanity.
She began to scribble the screen with the brush, with soft colors and abstract designs, reproducing tenderness, gratitude, love and affection.
"Painting, like love, is composed of many things, such as the cartoons, the colors, the light and the inspiration ..." - talking to herself, as she watched the screen.
The next day in the coffee shop working a lot reserved and Isadora was excited about the work and the painting. Rafaela came close to smiling and Isadora realized that her friend was different.
"You are with another face."
"Good or bad?"
"I'm getting to know new things ... and I'm glad."
"What, in the coffee shop? ?"
"Also. Yesterday I met yet the Alhambra Palace. I was very impressed. "
"I do not know."
" If you want, I will take you."
"Someday, maybe..."
"But what do you know about this palace?"
"Nothing, but I think that it does not matter."
"One day, if you are curious, go. I guarantee you that it is worth! "
While Isadora arrived and talked Rafaela, will serve the customers. The day was very busy when Isadora realized a different drive. Chemma was passing by and decided make one question.
"Chemma ... what is going on?"
"Another manager will head the coffee shop. We are not very friends, but his presence is necessary because we are getting close to the end of year and we need to accounting all expenses and profits of the establishment. "
"When he comes?"
The next day, one man with middle age enters on the coffee shop. He was tall, elegant, and arrogant. It was Mr. Anthony. He greeted everyone with a "Buenos dias" does not very encouraging. Immediately, Isadora felt a little antipathy, but not demonstrated.
After a long conversation with Mr. Anthony, Chemma goes to the office dictating many orders, and said that from that moment Mr Anthony would send in everything and Chemma was only the accountant. Nobody really liked the news, but needed to accept.
In the end of the day Mr. Antony called Isadora into the office.
"I see that you are working with expired visa. It can’ t be possible ... you must regularize their situation until the end of the month. You can go back to Brazil and stay until one month with no problems. "
"I bought ticket to the end of year."
"I'm saying this because today I received news that the supervision is close to happen..."
"Thanks for the warning, and for the opportunity." - said Isadora.
Isadora returned home on that day and call to your friend, Flavio that was in Brazil. Was approaching the date of the largest exhibition of the year and wanted that Isadora was present.
" I'm ready! " - she said.
The next day Isadora warned Chemma and Mr. Anthony who needed resolving personal matters, and soon will back to the coffee shop. She went to the travel agency at rebook their passage, was Wednesday and changed the date for Saturday.
He arrived in the coffee shop and talked with Mr. Anthony and Chemma, they understood and said they had no problems, that within one month she could return. That was your last working day, said goodbye to Rafaela and all your colleagues. She was determined to resume her life with the art. Realized the signs of destiny, decided to move on.
The sun shining over all things and over our conscious favoring the realization of our dreams.
Through our hard work and dedication, the victory can be achieved,
and as a consequence, the ecstasy of happiness.
The true human nature.
The state of illumination.
The day finally has come. Isadora is eager to see her friends and family. After a few days organizing your stuff called to your friend Flavio, and will meet him, had many things to talk about. They met at the restaurant that always found each other.
"You look beautiful! Your eyes shining again! "
"Thank you!"
"Tell me everything ... all of the details ..."
"I came back to paint!"
"What wonderful news! You did it! Tell me how this has been ... "
"I am breaking free myself the ghosts of the painting and puting on my work the expression of love and meeting with my life!"
"I want to see your work!"
"I can paint something in these days that staying here."
"Do you forgot Mark?"
"You have a new love?"
"Not yet, but I know that in the right time the true love will appear. Anyway, is not us who choose to the love ... is the love that us choose. "
"It's true. And is nice that you forgot the past, this is a sign that are evolving. Do not advance, it is rewind ! "