The Things That Make Me Give In (6 page)

But Brett obeys. He bows his head and takes first one nipple in his mouth and then the other. Back and forth, back and forth until she’s dizzy. And the sounds he makes, too – moans of lust that vibrate through her body, great hands groping at everything he can’t get into his mouth.

Her skirt hits her ankles and then he shoves her legs up to get her shoes off. All that’s left is the scrap of fabric that covers
her pussy. She feels his thick fingers tugging at the tiny waistband, twining the string around and around. Finally, despite her twisting, he manages to get her panties to her knees.

The cold air is even more of a shock against the smooth, bare skin of her pussy. Her plump lips part on their own, waiting for intrusion. Her clit stands stiff and aching, despite the rough treatment and the fact that she can’t see.

She hears the jingle-jangle of zippers and belts being undone hastily, the
of material against skin. And then the stiff weight of a bare cock against her ass, her thigh, big hands all over her once more.

It doesn’t take long before one of them slides two fingers down through her slit, and informs her of what she already knows: ‘Uh . . . she’s really wet.’

And then other fingers join the first, to confirm. Almost like being in a doctor’s office.

‘Oh yeah, so wet.’

‘Spread her legs.’

Rough hands obey. She feels almost lifted, as though she really is a doll.

‘Yeah, that’s it. Can you see my fingers going into her pussy?’

Brett groans out a
. She almost groans out a
, too, because she sees it just as clearly as he does, in her head. Two thick fingers spreading her open, stirring every little nerve at her opening. Making her look lewd and filthy, a porn star just waiting to be filled and fucked. She is their own private show, unable to struggle against their disgusting advances.

‘Can I try?’ Brett says, and Steve’s hand disappears. Different fingers replace his, thrusting and sliding through her slipperiness.

As he plays, Steve cups her tits from behind. Pinches her nipples, gently.

‘Should I rub her clit? It looks like she wants it.’

‘Not yet. Not yet. I’m gonna take off her blindfold first.’

And then he does, and the thin glow of the room stuns her. She squints in that faint light, bringing Brett into focus but only barely, the removal meaning nothing when thick fingers are in her pussy and other hands stroke her breasts. Something heavy and urgent is sliding back and forth in the groove between her butt cheeks.

It won’t be long, she thinks – and she’s right, because Brett is already turning her around. He groans that he can’t wait any longer and it’s surprising, but Steve doesn’t protest. She finds herself with her face pushed suddenly against his broad chest, Brett’s hands on her hips and Steve’s hands in her hair.

Brett bends her over and she feels her pussy open to him without any reference to her own will. Before her, Steve leans back on the arm of the couch – almost sitting, but not quite, and with his height it doesn’t matter anyway. Her face is at his groin. His hands are on her arms, holding her still as his friend nudges the head of his thick cock against her slippery hole.

It’s almost too tight for him, however. She hears him grunt with frustration as he tries to work the broad tip in, tugging on her hips and thrusting roughly as he goes.

When he finally slides home, his gasp of relief matches her own. She feels her pussy close tightly around him, clasping at the intruder, sensation pushing outwards from her core. He’s big, very big.

Though Steve’s cock is thicker than Brett’s, and longer, too. When she finally manages to tear her attention away from the thing sliding back and forth in her pussy, she sees his cock rearing up stiffly at her, angry-looking, knotted with veins and greased with pre-come. He jabs it at her mouth blindly, and when she doesn’t get it the first time he pushes his hand into her hair and tugs her to him. The slick tip glosses her lips briefly before she parts them over that fat juicy head.

‘Oohhh yeah,’ he groans, as he surges up into her mouth. ‘Suck my cock.’

It isn’t the instruction that makes her obey. It isn’t even the pleasure of having a thick cock spread her open. Perhaps it’s their always plain tone, the same tone they use when they’re asking her if matriculation is touching yourself.

Either way, she sucks and sucks at him. She pushes back on the cock in her pussy. She supposes that she should struggle a little more, protest, but, oh, it feels so good to have them ask her if five times five equals fifty-five. It’s really a different sort of test, but it all comes out the same in the end.

‘What does her mouth feel like?’ Brett asks, and over the bend of her back his friend replies, ‘Hot. Real good. Oh yeah, she’s sucking hard on me.’

‘Her pussy feels all wet. She’s really wet. Do you like it, Lacey?’

She moans around the cock in her mouth and tries to push back on him, but he holds her hips steady as he increases the pace. It becomes obvious that she’s as wet as he claims, because she can hear her own juices giving way to the pounding he’s dealing out. They’re trickling over her over-sensitised lips, too, and down her inner thighs. Her clit feels huge – as though it’s hanging down like overripe fruit, just aching for a caress, a touch, anything.

Instead she takes as much as she can of Steve’s swelling prick, rubbing it where she can’t quite reach with her mouth, moaning when she tastes the fresh burst of pre-come. She tongues the little slit and it’s his turn to moan as he produces more liquid for her to swallow.

Can we go to the men’s room, Lacey
, she thinks.
Is the horizon that cellphone company

‘She likes it,’ Brett says, in so simple and sweet a tone it makes her stomach flip and her pussy ripple around the invader. ‘Oh, she really likes it.’

‘Touch her clit, man,’ Steve says, and she feels Brett’s hands, immediately fumbling. He makes a sound as though realising how stupid he is for overlooking such a thing, and then he finds the stiff bud and rubs at it awkwardly.

‘It’s all big,’ he groans, and Steve echoes him. ‘Once I spurt, I’m gonna lick it.’

She whines helplessly to hear him talk like that, working herself back on to his cock and his hand, sucking with greater fervour on his friend’s prick.

‘Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, she likes it when you talk like that. We’ll both lick her clit.’

‘Yeah. And finger her.’

‘Yeah. That’s it, baby, suck it.’

‘Oh, man, play with her tits. Play with them.’

She feels big hands move beneath her, and roughly grip her dangling breasts – enough to hurt a little, but not quite to please. It pleases when he finds her taut nipples and pinches lightly.

She thinks about them both trying to find the mouse at the centre of that kid’s table-mat maze, using fat red crayons. Neither of them got there – not even after their third attempt – but they get to here all right. They know how to pinch and push and fuck.

She can feel it brewing up inside her. She can feel it even before Brett says, ‘Oh yeah, that’s it, that’s it. Oh, she likes that – she’s getting real tight. I think she’s gonna come.’

And in response, her pussy clenches. Fresh warm liquid spills over his relentless cock and her clit spasms and swells. She lets the cock fall from her mouth so that she can voice the pleasure arcing through her body, gasping and crying out as he continues to massage her bud. All the sexual parts of her connect and she can hardly take it, she can hardly be anything but her hand working on a prick, her pussy filled with another, her swelling clit and her fizzing, tingling nipples.

Bliss, bliss. The mouse in the maze circled with fat red crayons.

‘Uh, I’m gonna come too, I’m gonna shoot,’ Brett says, and as she leans her face against his friend’s sweaty side, pussy still spasming with aftershocks, she feels him swell and jerk inside
her. He groans long and loud, forcing wave after wave of come into her. When he finally staggers away, she feels it trickling from her gaping hole, down her thighs to mingle with her own juices.

‘Oh, so good,’ he moans.

, she thinks.
Yes. An octagon is the thing the President lives in

She’s too bleary and pleasure soaked to do anything but sag in their arms as they spread her out on the rug before the fire, mouths already everywhere, Steve’s cock still pressing and rubbing any place it can find. He leaves silky trails all over before finally settling between her spread legs, but it’s too much.

She tries to sit up then, to tell him it’s too much, but Brett holds her in place with a hand on her shoulder and his mouth kissing and pulling at her nipples.

Steve works in slowly, stretching her even after that first fucking, even with his friend’s come easing the way. He pants and squirms and presses her thighs wider apart, but she still can’t take much more than three-quarters of him.

‘She’s really tight,’ he says, and Brett nods against her breasts. ‘I can hardly move.’

But he’s exaggerating, because soon he’s lifting her hips and her butt on to his meaty thighs, working in her slowly and then quicker, groaning almost constantly.

‘What does she feel like?’ Brett asks, but Steve can only choke out something that might be
It takes him a moment to work up to anything more, and he saves it for a demand: ‘Lick her clit. Make her come on my cock.’

Brett immediately sets to the task, parting her pussy lips already split by the thick cock of his friend, lapping gently at her distended bud.

She moans and squirms in Steve’s big hands, feeling the beginnings of another climax low down in her belly and twisting against it. But Brett’s tongue is relentless and the cock
inside her thick and heavy, and soon she’s whispering for them to fuck her harder, lick and suck her more quickly, grunts of pleasure that don’t seem like her jumping out of her mouth.

Sometimes they need that extra bit of instruction. A little nudge in the right direction: if I have two orgasms, and then you give me another two to make four, what would another two on top of that make?

It makes words, deliriously filthy words, like these:

‘Go on, go on, make her come, lick her, rub her, come on, man,’ Steve groans. ‘I’m gonna burst.’

Words that force her to let it all out in one shaking breath: ‘Ohhh, yes, now.’

Her clit jumps against his tongue and she feels her pussy ripple around Steve’s prick. The orgasm swells through her, softer than before but protracted, drawn on by his never quiet mouth.

‘Yes, baby, that’s it, that’s right – oh, here it comes, baby, here it comes – ah!’

She feels him pulse once inside her before he quickly withdraws, and then she watches through slitted eyes as he pumps his thick shaft, encouraging the last spurts to cover her spread pussy. She parts her sex lips eagerly, shuddering as a lash of warm liquid covers her still twitching clit, trembling as further aftershocks go through her when a drop finds its way to his friend’s cheek.

Brett swipes it away unselfconsciously and kneels up, and equally unselfconsciously rubs his own cock, now stiff once more, through his friend’s copious spend. She watches, fascinated, as he wets the tip of his cock with the creamy fluid, and then rubs at himself softly.

Eventually, this strange ritual seems to excite him even further, and he coats his cock in their combined juices before crawling up to her slack mouth.

‘Taste it,’ he says. ‘Taste it.’

She thinks of chemistry lessons as she turns her head to one side to let him push past her lips. Dip the litmus paper in the acid, Brett, and tell me what it shows. And then Steve, shoving his hand in the air and straining for her to pick him, pick him!

Chemistry is always fun.

It’s fun with the sweet-salt mix of them twanging against her tongue. But it’s only when she feels a wet mouth working between her legs again that her arousal goes beyond this relaxed, sinuous state, the tongue that squirms into her wet hole persuading her to use her hands and her teeth and her tongue.

Do good work, and you get a reward. Rewards always make them work harder, and for longer. Though she wonders how many times they can do this – fuck her pussy and her mouth and then lick her clean – before starting all over again.

It’s only when she feels a slick, probing finger between her liberally juiced arse cheeks that she knows just how long this could go on for.

Until every question on the pop quiz is answered. The quiz is for anatomy, and it’s called ‘Is Every Part Of Her Used?’

She sees Brett leaning to one side and knows he’s looking, and then sure enough he says, ‘Have you got a finger in her ass?’

Just as his friend slides in to the hilt. The finger goes in easily – she’s so well oiled and well used everywhere there – and in response she tries to move her mouth from the cock that is jerking against her tongue with excitement. But Brett only grabs the back of her head and holds her close to him, thrusting eagerly in and out as his friend tongues one hole and invades another.

‘Let me do her ass. Move over.’

Steve acquiesces without a word, even helping his friend oil his cock with the remaining cream that lingers all around her clit and over her belly. They’re good at teamwork, in all aspects of their life. Just watching them pat each other’s back and urge each other on is very heartening.

As is the careful way Brett presses the tip of his cock to her clenching hole, stroking her and teasing her still taut nipples when he can’t immediately work his way in. He broke a triangle when trying to play it, once, but he’s learnt this lesson well.

Even so, the initial burn is almost too much. Though more than that is Brett’s reaction once he’s sheathed inside her. He goes rigid and bucks once, cock swelling and jerking, his face a mask of ecstasy.

‘I’m coming already, man,’ he groans, and then she feels the slick spread of him. It leaks from the place where his flesh meets hers, not as copious as before but seeming so. She drowns in it. She drowns in sensation – dissolved, dissipated, lost.

So much so that she barely notices when Steve kneels over her, jerking himself to one last tense orgasm. The room glows and spins and strangely correct answers fill her head – yes yes yes to questions like ‘Does the fur of a rug feel good against bare skin?’ and ‘Is it OK to stroke you like this?’ and ‘Does it turn you on to watch a hot man jerk himself over your perspiration-glossed body?’

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