The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1) (6 page)

Lawrence quickly filled the pitcher with water from the well in the center of town and made his way home with haste. He opened the door and placed the pitcher on the table. He spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and tidying up around the house. As the hot sun gave way to a comfortable evening he readied to leave.

His mother stood up and put her thin arms around Lawrence. “I love you, son, have fun.”

“I love you too, Mother, rest well.” Lawrence kissed his mother on the cheek before turning and walking out the door. Lawrence was headed to the Silver Shield, and in the back of his mind, he was wondering whether or not Elsie would actually show up.

Chapter 5:


That poor sod! I watched ‘im drown ‘is sorrows for nearly four days now! I swear ‘e’s ‘ad at least for’ey t’ree stouts now and still ‘asn’t gone ‘ome! If ‘e orders even so much as one more brew I might be in me right mind to rearrange ‘is face.

- Annabell, Disgruntled Silver Shield Waitress


The night was brisk and clear, and the moon and stars dotted the sky as Lawrence walked hastily toward the Silver Shield. His pace quickened as thoughts of Elsie continued to dance in his head, making him wonder if he really wanted to see her again. As Lawrence rounded a bend he saw the iconic emblem that marked the front entrance of the Silver Shield Pub. Lawrence could feel his heart flutter with anticipation as he got closer and closer to the pub. He could see a familiar figure standing outside the front door of the pub; it was Elsie.
She came, she actually came!
Lawrence couldn’t believe that she decided to show up, and before he knew it, she had turned and had noticed him approaching.

“Hello, Lawrence, we meet again,” Elsie said with a hint of happiness in her voice. She approached him, smiling.

“Well I’ll be, you actually decided to join us. I have to be honest; I really didn’t know if you would show up or not.”

“I can tell you don’t spend very much time with Phillip then. Honestly, Lawrence, if you knew him like I do, you wouldn’t turn down an invitation like this either.”

“I suppose not…Well, shall we go inside?”

“Yes, indeed,” Elsie replied.

Lawrence escorted Elsie to the front door of the pub. Just before he opened the door he turned to Elsie and said, “I should warn you, it can get a little rowdy in here; I hope you can handle it.”

“I think I’ll survive. If I can handle Phillip Arcel Galexia then I can certainly handle the Silver Shield Pub!” Elsie exclaimed assertively.

Lawrence pushed the door open and declared, “Welcome, Miss Elsie Pyre, to the Silver Shield.”

Inside the pub every table was full, and very few seats remained unused, as people from all over Haile and the surrounding areas gathered for a brew and some company. Elsie was in awe as she looked around the room; beautiful tables sat loaded with mugs and plates of food, candle flames danced as a draft blew lightly through the room, and a small band of bards played tunes off to the right corner of the pub. Elsie recognized a few faces and she turned to Lawrence.

“Where are we going to sit?” she asked.

Lawrence didn’t answer. He simply took her by the hand and led her slowly through the crowd. As they reached the back of the pub, Lawrence heard Benni’s familiar voice call out to him through the sea of people, “Lawrence, over here!”

Lawrence turned to his right just in time to catch a mug of brew soaring through the air. He held it out with one hand toward a group of his friends who sat at a nearby table.

The two recruits recited in tandem, “I am a Knight of Haile. I am strong. I am a force for justice. When evil enters my lands I stand up to it and lay down my life for my people. I serve the light of Sora and seek to spread it throughout the lands. Where evil breeds I seek to vanquish darkness with my longsword that acts as a torch to dispel the shadows. I am Honor. I am Courage. I am Loyalty. I am a Knight of Haile.”

The two finished their brews simultaneously and Benni said, “Lawrence, it is good to see you again. I was looking for you during training today but I couldn’t find you.” His eyes landed on Elsie; he knew who she was.
She’s beautiful! What in Sora’s name is the mayor’s daughter doing with Lawrence?
“What is Lady Elsie doing here? Lawrence, do you really think this is such a good idea? What if Mayor Flint gets wind of this? You know that wouldn’t be good!”

Lawrence took a step forward as if to express his vehement opposition, but Elsie beat him to it. “I came on my own accord; Lawrence didn’t force me to come here. So if anyone gets in any trouble, it will be me,” she expressed sternly.

Razzius, who was standing against a post behind the table, waved to Lawrence and Elsie. “You two better get over here and grab a chair before they are all gone.” He motioned to two empty chairs across the table from them.

As Lawrence and Elsie proceeded to take a seat, Razzius continued, “Lady Elsie, I am Razzius Grimm, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He extended his calloused hand respectfully toward the mayor’s daughter.

They all exchanged pleasantries, and not long after getting acquainted, Benni ordered a round of drinks for everyone and the group began chatting and enjoying each other’s company. Then Benni asked Lawrence how he and Elsie ended up at the Silver Shield together. Although he was still a little sore about her outburst earlier that day, Lawrence had to tell the story of their meeting.

“So Benni, Razzius, today I’m training like usual right,” he pointed over to Elsie, “then the mayor’s daughter walks up to me and starts demanding a tour of the barracks. So what does she do when I agree to take her? She slaps me!” Lawrence exclaimed. He was clearly embellishing the story to make it sound funny. He could see that Elsie was a little bit sour about it and eventually he chuckled. “Oh come now, Elsie, you know as well as I do that I didn’t deserve to be slapped. I was just telling you who I thought was the-” He didn’t have a chance to finish as Elsie changed the subject.

“Razzius, dear,” she said coyly, looking toward the young man standing at the back of the table, “I have heard from my father that you are the most promising Knight in this year’s batch of new recruits. Tell me, is that true?” she asked, glaring at Lawrence, letting him know he had crossed the line. She had purposely called Razzius ‘dear’ in an attempt to make Lawrence jealous. Though she hated to admit it, it was nice to be out of the castle. The ambiance of sitting and conversing with new friends, and the laughter and jubilation of the crowded pub, stood in stark contrast to the drab, boring evenings she usually endured in the castle.

Razzius sighed. “Well, Captain Maxwell keeps telling me that I have a knack for sword play, and I have been able to win my one-on-one sparring matches against other squires, but I still struggle against more than one opponent. When I fight I always concentrate so completely on one target that I lack the ability to block attacks from another opponent. Just the everyday challenges of the Knight Guard training I guess.” A small smile crossed his face.

Benni held up his glass and said, “Well, friends, here’s to another week in the Knight Guard. If we persevere and train hard then hopefully we will all one day be able to call ourselves Knights of Haile.”

Everyone, except Razzius, took a swig of their brew. Razzius stared at the thick, foamy head inside the glass and was repulsed by the beverage. The smell of it reminded him of unpleasant memories. It made him sick to his stomach and queasy.

Benni alertly noticed Razzius’ lack of participation. “Razzius, you don’t want your ale?” he questioned.

“No, I’m just not feeling the best is all,” Razzius said quickly, hoping his friends would buy his excuse. He pushed the full mug of ale toward Benni. “No reason to waste it though. You have it, Benni.”

Benni quickly obliged Razzius’ request as he told his friend that he hoped he felt better soon in between glugs of ale.

Lawrence then went on to finish what Benni had started. “And let’s not forget the reason we are really here tonight.” He smiled and looked over at Benni. “It’s your birthday today, Benni. We are all happy to be here to celebrate this day with you.” Lawrence downed his ale and slammed the mug down on the table. The rest of the group, except Razzius of course, followed suit in saluting Benni.

Lawrence stood up and proceeded to gather the empty mugs. “I’ll go get us another round, are you sure you don’t want anything, Razzius?”

“A glass of milk would be great,” Razzius answered.

“A glass of milk it is. I’ll be right back.”

Lawrence started his way toward the bar. He stopped at a long table and motioned with his hand. A bartender dressed in brown robes hurriedly approached him. His long, silver hair was tied behind his head in a braid. The man appeared to be in a ridiculous rush as plates and dishes were pilling up on the bar faster than he could clear them away.

He glanced at Lawrence. “What’ll it be, friend?”

“I need three Silver Stouts and a glass of milk, sir.”

“Coming right up, young man. Say, I haven’t seen you around here before. What’s your name?”

“Lawrence, sir. Nice to meet you. I bet you know my friend, Benni Wakewood. It’s his seventeenth birthday today.”

“Ah yes, Benni. One of my best customers. And his birthday, no less. Well, this round is on the house, special compliments of Galvan Gabrielle. I’ll try to stop over by the table and wish him a happy birthday later on once I get caught up. Nice to meet you, Lawrence.”

Lawrence began to return to the table with four filled mugs in his hand. The festive atmosphere of the Silver Shield seemed to melt away the heavy feelings he carried around. The bards played a happy tune, there was more cheerful conversation than he could listen to, and it was his good friend’s birthday. For those few hours he could escape all the bothersome worries of his uncertain future, his absent father, and his sick mother that plagued him throughout the day.

Lawrence noticed a man and a woman sitting at the way back of the crowded bar hunched over a game of chess. The man wore a cloak and Lawrence couldn’t make out his face. The woman was strikingly beautiful. Lawrence was amazed at all the activities and different characters that could be found at the Silver Shield; it really was one of the best gathering places in all of Forme.

“Alright boys, who’s coming out with me tonight to our secret spot after this?” Lawrence asked as he handed everyone their drinks.

Benni got a disappointed look on his face. “Lawrence, I really can’t tonight. I have to get up really early tomorrow to help my father finish that masonry job over on the other side of Haile before training.” He then turned to Razzius. “What about you, Grimm?”

Razzius shook his head and replied, “Lawrence, I wish I could, but I’m just not feeling well. Maybe another time?”

Lawrence got the feeling that they were dodging the opportunity on purpose, but he didn’t really mind.

“What do you mean ‘secret spot’?” Elsie chimed in suddenly.

“It’s nothing, it’s not important,” Lawrence said, trying to hide his excitement that she seemed intrigued by the idea.

“Lawrence, tell me what it is!” Elsie pleaded, giving him a look he couldn’t resist for long.

“Alright, Elsie, fine. The secret spot is where we go once in a while to watch the stars. It is believed to be one of Forme’s most beautiful sights,” Lawrence explained like he expected Elsie to not be interested. He was hoping just the opposite.

“Well, are you going to show it to me?” Elsie questioned earnestly.

Lawrence’s heart fluttered and even skipped a beat. He struggled to contain his excitement. Of course he would show her; this was just the opportunity he was hoping for, a respite to a quiet, serene place where he could really get to know Elsie Pyre personally.

Just as Lawrence was about to answer Elsie’s request, however, a group of people burst through the door to the Silver Shield. Two of the men wore black hoods that hid their faces while a familiar face led them through the crowd. It was Phillip and he looked preoccupied and annoyed, as if he were hurrying to finish a last-minute errand. Suddenly, his voice erupted over the crowd, “Elsie Pyre, where are you?!”

The sound of his voice caused Elsie to lower her head and mutter, “Is there any place where he cannot find me?”

Phillip weaved his way through the crowd. As he came upon Elsie and the rest of the squires he said, “Elsie, I thought I might find you here, mistakenly mixed in with the local trash. It’s time to go home, my dear.” Phillip reached out aggressively and grabbed her arm and proceeded to pull her from her chair.

Elsie turned to Phillip as he forced her to her feet. She yanked her arm away from him and said sternly, “What part of ‘leave me alone’ do you not understand, Phillip?! Stop following me around everywhere! I don’t want to go with you!”

A dark look crossed Phillip’s face. His two associates approached from the sides to offer assistance. “Elsie, my dear,” Phillip paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing, “my father has paid very handsomely for your hand, and I will be damned if you are going to speak to me like this!” He grabbed her arm again and continued, “Three years ago your father came to mine asking for help. The trade routes west of Haile are blocked and there was no way for Haile to keep up its precious Knight Guard. Your coffers ran dry and without our money the Knights of Haile did not have the means to protect the lands of Forme. Your father needed help, and my father was in the right place at the right time! Flint asked for money to support the Knight Guard, and my father agreed under the condition that you and I be wed.”

The words bombarded Elsie. She was caught off-guard by Phillip’s affirmation of these dreaded accusations. She couldn’t process her own feelings toward him or her father. She had slapped Lawrence earlier for the same blasphemy, but now the source had just confirmed it. Elsie was furious at herself, at Phillip, and especially at her father. She would be confronting him later, demanding the truth, but for now she was taking out her anger on Phillip. “I am not your property, Phillip! Do not touch me! I will not be bought and sold as though I were a commodity!”

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