Trenton's Terms (3 page)

Read Trenton's Terms Online

Authors: Kelley Nyrae

Perfect timing, the phone rang giving Sid the chance to escape Abby and Trenton who she felt were beginning to gang up on her. “I'm expecting a call. I'll be right back,” she said before bolting toward her office where she'd left the cordless earlier. Behind her she closed the door with a bang.

* * * *

Trenton watched Abby eye him, a smirk on her rounded face. He could tell she had something on her mind so he waited for her to go ahead and spit it out. He knew it had something to do with Sidney. Maybe it would give him a little more insight into her. All he knew so far is what she did for a living and she liked to drive him crazy.

In a good way.

She gave him a hard time like no woman he'd ever known and that was refreshing for some reason. Any other woman would be bending to his every wish by now. Even though he liked it that way, something about the way she made him work for it felt good too. Still he did intend to get his way with her.

"You like her,” Abby finally said to him. He immediately noticed the fact that her words were made as a statement not a question.

"I don't know her."

"It doesn't matter. You still like her."

He thought about denying her claim, but he didn't. Trenton didn't shy down to who or what he was even if he didn't understand it right now. He would never be ashamed of the man he was.

"I like what I know about her. I want her. That's about the end of it.” Which was true. He did like her, but this wasn't about anything more than getting what he wanted. More than anything, he wanted a night with Sidney Clark. Maybe two. He'd do whatever it took to have her.

Abby smiled at him like she knew some deep, dark secret that he didn't know. “Listen,” he told her. “I don't want you to read anything more into this than what it is. I'm being truthful with Sidney and I don't want her to get the feeling from you that she can expect more than what I want to give her."

Abby's smile didn't falter as she watched him in what looked like amusement. He wasn't amused and didn't like to be the source of her amusement. Time to get out of here. “Can you just tell Sidney I'll be back a little later to finish our conversation?"

"No,” Abby told him. “Don't go running off. I didn't mean to insult your manhood or anything."

"It's impossible to insult me, Sweetheart. I have no doubts about my manhood."

Abby gave him a chuckle. “I didn't expect you to be this cocksure."

He didn't know what she meant by that. Had Sidney told her about him? She acted as if she knew something about him or expected to meet him. “This is me. I won't change for anyone."

"I'm not asking you to change, but I do have some advice for you."

Just fucking great.

"I'll be quick about this. I know you want Sid, but you're going about it all wrong. If you want her, you'll have to get to know her first. She isn't the type that's going to just jump into bed with someone she doesn't know."

"If she's looking for a proposal or something, she won't find it here."

"I'm not saying you have to marry her. All I'm saying is if you want her as much as you say you do, you're going to have to work a little bit harder to get her."

Abby turned and headed back into the room she'd come from closing the door behind her. Sidney was still closed away in another room as well. Pacing the small store he thought about what Abby said to him. He never went through this much trouble for a woman. He went out from time to time with women, but on his terms. When and where he wanted.

Trenton didn't like being told that he had to do something which is pretty much what Abby said to him. Did he really want her bad enough to go through all the wining and dining? She wasn't his type at all. They'd never be able to have any kind of relationship past a couple days.

But he had come all the way to River City or whatever the hell the little hole in the wall town she lived in was called.

Wasn't that enough?

Trenton turned as he heard the door open. Sidney came out a smile on her face, her cute little freckles catching his eye. It wasn't enough. He knew at that moment he would do whatever it took to have this woman. His desire for her was too strong not to do whatever it took.

"Have dinner with me tonight.” Sidney looked shocked. Before she had the chance to turn him down he added, “Just dinner. I promise. Nothing more."

She looked at him with a twinkle in her eye that made him want to promise her the world. Since when did he turn into such a sap? It pissed him off but he couldn't do anything to change the way he felt.

"Sure. I'll have dinner with you,” she finally replied.

His body soared and his cock hardened at the thought of spending more time with her.
Down boy. It's just a dinner.

"I'll pick you up here at seven.” Trenton turned and stalked towards the door, “And wear something sexy."

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Three

Why did I agree to do this?
Sidney wandered around The Mystic Boutique, nervous energy moving her hands to straighten the same rack of dresses for the third time. What was the point of the whole dinner? All he wants is a quick roll in the hay and she didn't do that. Not since Ivan. But then with Ivan she hadn't known that's all it would be. She thought she actually meant something to him.

What a joke.

Now here she was going out with a man who she knew only wanted the same thing Ivan had.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
That's what pissed her off the most. She wasn't a stupid woman but apparently where men were concerned she lost every shred of knowledge she had.

Glancing up at the moon and stars clock behind the counter to see Trenton would be here any minute. Sid grazed her hands down her white tank top and dark blue peasant skirt. It wasn't much of an outfit but the way she saw it, it wasn't much of a date either. All she'd done was play into his attempt to get in her pants. Or under her skirt as the situation saw fit.

She sure as hell didn't plan to try and impress him. She was a tank top kind of girl and that wouldn't change for Mr. Big City who found himself in her comfortable, one horse town. Even if he was drop dead gorgeous.

The air filled with the sound of a rasping on the glass door. Show time. Sid walked over and unlocked the door. She usually never locked it when she was there after hours. Everyone knew the Boutique closed at five so they didn't bother her if she was there late. Life was like that in her small town. Today she'd made sure to lock up. She didn't want to take the chance that Trenton could sneak up on her.

She opened the door to Trenton wearing the same pair of jeans but this time he donned a black Oxford shirt. Although he didn't dress up as much as some of the business types she'd seen before, he stood out like a sore thumb in River City. But then it probably wasn't the clothes that did that. He held an air of strength and superiority about him. From what Sid could tell he wasn't the type to think himself better than anyone else, he just exuded a self confidence she'd never witnessed before.

His eyes pierced her while she stood there watching him. Her stomach did flip flops making her a bit nauseated. Pushing her doubts aside Sid gave him a small wave. “Hi. Nice to see you again.” Nice put it lightly.
I'm in so much trouble.
Just twenty seconds in his presence and her body was already on fire for him.

Trenton didn't answer but bent and captured her lips with his. Sid felt her body immediately melt into his as she opened her mouth to give him access. His tongue skillfully dove into her mouth igniting bursts of pleasure to explode throughout her body. As his strong arms enclosed her, his heat radiated off him resulting in her own body temperature rising.

He wanted her as much as she wanted him. Her defenses weakened the longer his mouth mated with hers. Seconds later she felt his large hands smooth down her back as they began to cup her behind.
Not again!

She pulled away sharply. “I agreed to go out to dinner with you, Trenton. That's all. If you have more in mind than that we can just call it a night right now."

He pulled away as well, his molten stare making her want to erase her statement. She doubted any woman had ever shot him down like she was. Hell, if things were different, she'd be jumping in the sack with him as well. But the reality was things weren't different. He wanted one thing from her and she wasn't going to give it away as freely as she did with Ivan.

No man would take advantage of her like that again.

The longer they stood there the more she thought he'd turn and walk away. Why would he wait around for her when he could have any woman he wanted? Seconds before she planned to turn and walk back into her boutique Trenton's smooth, strong hand grabbed hers.

"You're going to be the death of me, woman,” he said with a smile and a wink. His confidence not even dented from her denial. “Let's get out of here."

Following him out the door, Sid grabbed her keys from her small black purse and locked up. “Where are we going?"

"I saw a little restaurant across the street from my hotel room. I figured we go there. I think they have tables out by the river."

Sidney almost laughed. She'd grown up eating at Riverside Restaurant and Lounge. Being so used to the big city, Trenton spoke to her about the place like he was telling her about it for the first time. There were so many different restaurants where he came from he probably never brought a date to the same place twice. She didn't want to embarrass him by bringing it up though. Not that anything would embarrass Trenton Stone.

"It looks like a nice place to eat,” he continued as they walked down Main Street.

"I think you just like the close proximity to your hotel room. Are you going to try and take advantage of me again tonight?” she kidded. She enjoyed the easy banter between them. They'd started off with it in Portland and it carried over to his surprise trip here. When they joked around it made her feel more at ease with him. More like they knew each other rather than the strangers they were.

When Trenton reached out and grabbed her hand again a tingle formed in her fingers, shooting up her arm. Damn he had an effect on her body. “Will you let me?"


"Now why did I know you'd say that?"

"Because you're starting to learn that you can't always get what you want?” Yeah, right. She knew if he wanted it bad enough, a man like him could always get what he wanted. She was inches away from giving into him herself.

He had the gall to laugh at her words. Apparently he knew just as well as she did his effect on people. “I always get what I want, Sugar. Sooner or later.” Stopping in front of a black Mustang convertible Trenton clicked a button on his key ring to unlock the door before opening it.

"Ladies first."

Inhaling a deep breath as a slight wind tickled across her skin Sidney shut the door Trenton held open for her. The air blew fresh and crisp. Fall was just around the corner which meant rain was on the way. This was the perfect time a year, still warm and sunny afternoons, but the evening cooled to contrast the days.

"It's a beautiful night. Riverside's only about three blocks up the road. Do you mind if we walk?” Sidney asked. He looked shocked by her words, but agreed.

"Sounds good to me. Just let me grab something out of my car."

Trenton opened the back door grabbing what looked like a light jacket before he closed the door behind him and joined her again. “Ready?"

"Yep.” As they started to walk Sidney was again surprised when he reached out to grab her hand.

* * * *

He couldn't stop himself from touching her in anyway possible. The only time she didn't pull away is when he held her hand so that's what he did. God, when was the last time he'd walked hand and hand with a woman? He couldn't remember. It seemed too intimate which didn't make sense at all since what he really wanted to do was lay her down and strip her naked. But no matter how it felt he couldn't stop himself from doing it.

Her skin was so soft. Her petite hand fit so snug in his much larger one. This whole damn situation didn't make any sense. At thirty two years old he was chasing a woman for the first time. A woman he didn't even know, a woman who didn't even live in the same state he did, but for the life of him he couldn't walk away from her.

Why? It was unsettling to admit even to himself. He didn't have the answer and that grated on his nerves. He was an answer man. He always knew what to say, do, and was always in charge. The only way to get the answers he sought was to play the game. Spend time with her and find out what about her made him so rock hard with need.

Still, he'd find a way to do it on his terms. He always got what he wanted and this wouldn't be any different. And when he did finally have Sidney, it would be the best night she'd ever had.

* * * *

They walked into the small, dimly lit restaurant to a hostess with a fake smile on her face. The scent of spices permeated the air. As Trenton stepped closer the young woman did a double take at him, then Sidney, before her smile grew to stretch across her face. Sidney's body went ridged against his as she tried to pull her hand from his. He tightened his grip not enough to hurt, but enough so she knew he wouldn't give in.

"Hello, Sidney.” The hostess's eyes twinkled as she looked between Sidney and himself. “Table for two?"

"Yes,” Trenton said shortly. He didn't like the gleam in her eyes. She obviously had something up her sleeve. “I'd like a table outside.” He'd already planned to enjoy the fresh air while they ate, but liked the idea even more since seeing the hostess. She made Sidney uncomfortable and he wanted this night to be as stress free as possible for her.

"I didn't know you were dating anyone, Sid. Another out of town man at that,” the hostess said with a sneer.

He felt Sidney's posture straighten as she looked the woman in the eyes. “I didn't realize my dating life was any of your business, Mandy."

"Just being a caring friend. I wouldn't want you to get your heart broken like you did last time."

As the words left her mouth anger and sadness rolled off Sidney. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Trenton had the overwhelming urge to take care of her. He didn't know what was going on between the two ladies, but he wouldn't stand here and let the woman harass his date.

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