Trenton's Terms (6 page)

Read Trenton's Terms Online

Authors: Kelley Nyrae

He pulled his car into the driveway of the last house on the left just as Sidney told him to. It was a small, modest home painted a cheery yellow with flowers gracing the front porch.
It fits her,
he thought as he got out of the car and headed to the house.

"Hey,” Sidney said, opening the door before he had the chance to knock.

"Miss me that much, Sugar?” he asked teasing her about answering the door so soon. He only hoped she was as eager to see him as she seemed.

Sidney's cheeks blushed lightly. “No, I just don't want to give you the opportunity to invite yourself in. Otherwise I might never get you out again."

"Are you saying I'm pushy?” he leaned against her door frame.

"You? No way!” Sidney smiled making his heart skip a beat.
What the hell was that? That's never happened before?

"I don't call it pushy, Sid. More like strong-willed, determined. I'm very determined when I want something.” He leaned in towards her, “And if you haven't noticed, I want you. I want to seduce you, want you panting my name while we have hot, sweaty, grinding sex."

Once more he leaned down so his mouth was a mere inch from her ear, “I think you want me too, Sid. I can see it in your eyes, hear it in your heavy breathing, the pulse in your throat is pounding with every word I speak.” Trenton grabbed a blonde curl which slipped out of the short ponytail she had at the back of her head and pushed it behind her ear. “I like your hair like this. It looks nice.” He nibbled her ear before backing away. “Are you ready to go?"

Sidney stepped forward. Instead of walking out with him she swung and punched him in the arm.

Trenton laughed. “You have a nice little swing there, Sid, but that wasn't the response I hoped for."

"You deserve it! I know what you're trying to do and I want you to know it's not going to work. You may be able to woo all your big city women with that kind of talk but it doesn't work with me."

Yeah right.
“Tell that to your perk, little nipples that are standing to attention. Nice swimsuit by the way.” He hadn't even noticed it before. It wasn't a bikini like he hoped, but she still looked sexy as hell in the black one piece. If he had it his way, she'd lose the cute, little white shorts she wore but it was still slightly chilly out. They had all day to lose the clothes.

Taking his eyes away from her delectable body he looked her in the eyes and quickly backed away from her again. Trenton held his hands up in surrender. “Hey, don't hit me again. I was just making an observation."

"You're terribly arrogant, you know that?” she asked with a smile.

"So I've been told. You like it though. I just wish you'd admit it."

Sidney leaned in and grabbed a bag from the inside of her house before she stepped out onto the porch with him. “Do you ever give up?"

"Not until I get what I want. You might as well give in now."

She started walking down the porch stairs, stopping to turn and look at him over her shoulder. “Okay, I admit it. I like you a little bit. But don't think that means I plan to do anything about it.” Then she walked away toward his waiting car.

If he thought she was sexy before it was nothing compared to how he felt about her now. She was beautiful, strong, feisty, and she liked him. Hot Damn.

* * * *

Sidney couldn't believe she'd just admitted to liking Trenton. Along with the admission came a surge of pride. For the first time she'd been the one to walk away and leave him speechless. He stood on the top of her stairs while she opened the passenger door of his car and got inside. He wasn't taking his eyes off her and damn if it didn't feel good.

Reaching over she beeped the horn. Finally his long, short clad legs stepped off her porch and headed towards his car. He was masculinity personified. His short, dark hair mussed on his head were such a striking contrast to his ice blue eyes. His body was so long and lean yet his tight, cut muscles constricted, showing his obvious strength.

Oh God, how was she ever going to keep turning this man down? If he stayed in town much longer she wouldn't be able to. It was inevitable and she knew it. There was something about him that grabbed a hold on her and had yet to let go. She wondered if it ever would let go.

"Fasten your seat belt, Sid,” Trenton said as he got into the car. “You're in for the ride of your life."

As soon as he spoke she had a flashback to her reading with Abby. She'd said the exact same thing to her. “That's not the first time I've heard that about you.” The words accidentally slipped out of her mouth as he started the car and began to drive away. She regretted them immediately.

"What do you mean by that?” he looked worried by her words.

Smooth move, Sid.
How did she fix this one? Somehow she didn't think it would go over real well if she told him Abby gave her a tarot card reading that predicted they would meet. Even though he responded well to what she and Abby did for a living, he didn't seem like the New Age type to her.

"Um, Abby warned me you'd be a handful the other day after you met at the Boutique, that's all. No big deal."

"I think Abby can be more of a handful than me."

"Maybe, but she's not as dangerous as you are."

He laughed his smooth as honey laugh that set her body on fire. “I resent that. I'm not dangerous at all."

"Oh no. You're Mr. Innocent aren't you?"

"Well, I wouldn't go that far, but I'm not dangerous."

Little did he know he was very dangerous to her heart. The more she got to know him the more dangerous he became. “I think you underestimate yourself.” As soon as the words left her mouth she realized how silly they sounded. Trenton's laugh confirmed her knowledge. “Okay, maybe underestimate isn't the right word to use, but you know what I mean?"

"No I don't. Why don't you explain it to me?"

Of course he wouldn't make this easy on her. Trenton didn't make anything easy on her. She had a feeling he liked it that way. “Can we leave it at that?"


"You're so bossy. Take a left here,” she said changing the subject.

"I know where I'm going so quit trying to change the subject. Why am I dangerous?"

“Because you're you. You're gorgeous,” with that Trenton smiled. “Oh stop, you know I think you're gorgeous so don't smile like you just scored points or something."

"Well can't I revel in the fact that you finally admitted it?"

"Not if you want me to finish.” When he didn't reply she continued, “You're dangerous because you make me want to do things I promised myself I wouldn't do again.” She couldn't believe the admission she was making but for some reason the words rolled from her mouth all the same.

"You promised yourself you'd never sleep with a man again? I have to tell ya, that's a pretty self-defeating promise to make."

"No smart guy. I didn't promise myself I'd never sleep with another man, I just...” God, how did she say this without making it look like she felt more for him than she should? “Listen, can we drop this?"

Trenton pulled his car into the parking lot at the raft rental store and shut off the engine. Sidney couldn't bring herself to look at him. She knew he would see way more than she wanted him to if he looked into her eyes.

To her surprise he said, “Yeah, we can let it go."

Thank God.

"For now."

Of course he had to throw that in there.
She grabbed the handle to open the door. Trenton grabbed her arm before she could get out.

"Hey,” he said touching her face and turning it towards his. “You said earlier that I can't woo you like I do other women. I just want you to know, you don't have to tell me, I know you aren't like any other woman I've ever met.” He let go of her and stepped out of the car.

Rubbing her hands together Sidney tried to compose herself. Before she knew it her right hand rose to her mouth and she chewed her nail nervously.
Don't read too much into what he said.
Damn it was hard. She wanted to be different to Trenton. The more time she spent with him the more she realized he was different to her. More so than she wanted him to be.

What did he mean? Good different or bad different? She couldn't help but think it must be good otherwise he wouldn't have brought it up in the first place. But then was that just her wishful thinking or what he'd really meant? A light tap on the window jarred her out of her thoughts.

Pull yourself together.
She got out of the car trying to calm the shakiness in her knees. “I can't wait to get out there on the water. The river is beautiful. No matter how many times I've seen it, it never ceases to amaze me."

"Sounds nice. I think I needed this more than I realized."

She watched Trenton get a distant expression in his eyes as he looked out to the water. He looked heavy with thought, like he was finally starting to see the beauty she saw everyday. As if he realized what he was doing he turned to his car. She stepped aside while Trenton grabbed the bag she'd brought from her house. She couldn't help but stare at how his tight muscles constricted as he turned his body.
“You don't get much time to relax in Los Angeles?” she asked.

He winked in reply turning back into his playful self. “It depends on what you consider relaxing."

Just the smallest expression from Trenton almost brought her to her knees. She wanted to melt.
It's just a wink.

The bell over the raft rental store door rang as he held the door open for her to walk inside. As soon as the door closed he grabbed her hand, taking the lead and directing her towards the rental counter. He was such a born leader. Sidney wasn't a follower, but there was something about him that made her wonder just how far she'd be willing to go with him.

A shiver shot down her spine.

"What was that?” he asked stopping.

"What?” she asked pretending she didn't know what he was talking about while silently cursing herself for being so obvious. Really, who'd have thought he'd have felt it. She didn't think she reacted that strongly but must have for Trenton to notice.

"You know what I'm talking about, Sid. I felt your body quiver. What's going through that beautiful head of yours?"

You. How much I want you. How you set my body of fire.
“Just anxious to get on the water I guess,” the fib rolled off her tongue. Well it really wasn't a lie. She was excited to get out and spend the day with him. Much more excited than she should be.

"Well then I guess we better get this party started."

* * * *

Trenton knew there was more to Sid's reaction than she wanted to tell him. He also knew when to let things go and when not too. He'd been around plenty of women to know when to push and when to let off. He'd push later, when they were alone not in the middle of a raft rental store. Then he'd be able to get the answers he wanted.

After paying for their raft, he led her out back so they could officially start their day. He couldn't wait to have her all to himself for the whole day. He wanted to get to know her better, kiss her and touch her, away from all the prying eyes of River City residents. Hopefully there wouldn't be many people out today. It sounded cheesy, but this day was about them. He wanted them both to enjoy spending time together.

"You ready for this?” he asked as he placed the raft in the water.

She threw her bag in before climbing in herself. “As ready as I'll ever be. Let's go, Stone. The water is waiting for us."

For some reason it sounded damn sexy to hear her call him by his last name. Maybe it's because none of the women he associated with at home spoke the way she did or maybe it was the clear Oregon air but something felt different here. He couldn't put his finger on what it was, but damned if he didn't plan to find out. He was an answer man and sooner or later he'd find out the mysteries of Sidney Clark.

"Yoo-hoo,” She waved her hand in front of his face. “You spacing out on me or what?"

"No way, Sugar. You're too sexy to not pay attention to. I was just thinking about how much fun we're going to have out there today.” He climbed in the raft behind her and pushed off. “So what's this part of the river like?"

"Most of the ride is just about relaxing and enjoying the beauties of nature. There are a few good rapids though. Nothing too dangerous but enough to get your blood flowing."

His blood was already flowing. To one specific piece of anatomy at least. “You already do that for me, Sugar. My blood flows straight to—"

"Don't even say it,” Sidney cut him off. The cute little blush on her cheeks almost made him keep going. He liked to see her flushed. Too bad it was from embarrassment instead of exertion.

"Now what's the fun in that?"

"You really like embarrassing me, don't you?"

"I just like to see that pretty pink blush across your face. The cute little smile you get when I say something that turns you on even though you want to pretend it doesn't."

"Ever think you're wrong? Maybe your talk doesn't do a thing for me."

He leaned forward in the raft and captured her lips with his. Her sweet taste again engulfing him. Lightly, Trenton nibbled her bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth before he slipped his tongue inside her open mouth. Their tongues wrestled urgently, Sidney's hand pressed against his chest.

He took advantage, deepening the kiss, taking as much of her in as possible, as much as she'd let him. He felt his cock rise to attention wanting more with each sweep of his tongue.
Pull away. You can't have her like you want to in a two man raft floating down the river.
Reluctantly, Trenton pried his mouth away from hers. “I think I do as much for you as you do for me. I feel it in your kiss, the way your body awakens when I touch you. I can feel it, Sidney."

Sidney raised her eyes to look at him. She looked vulnerable. A wave of guilt swept over him.

"Yes, I want you. I think that's pretty obvious. That doesn't mean I plan to do anything about it."

She looked saddened by the admission and it tugged at his heart. He wanted her to admit her desire for him, but not at the cost of it causing her pain or strife. He only wanted to be responsible for giving her satisfaction, pleasure, joy. “Okay, we'll leave it at that for now. Tell me about your boutique,” he asked changing the subject. “How'd you and Abby come about starting a New Age shop?"

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