Tudor Reunion Tour (14 page)

Read Tudor Reunion Tour Online

Authors: Jamie Salisbury

Having earlier discussed with Amadeus
and Damien about what I was after, I began shooting Damien as Amadeus let him
take over the helm.
He looks fantastic!
I thought to myself as I took frame after frame of stills.
He’s come such a long way; he should be proud of himself. This piece
should be an inspiration to others.

An hour or so later, satisfied with what
I had, Amadeus headed the Tudor Queen back home. I noted as Damien lowered the
main sail and jib that he didn’t secure either sail. Thinking nothing of it,
either, that perhaps they were going to take the kids out for a sail, I went
below to pack up my camera and gather everything to take topside. I heard the
familiar sound of the inboard diesel engine begin to hum. My indication we were
nearing the dock.

Hearing someone jump off the side and on
to the dock I scrambled up top. Amadeus hadn’t cut the engine, something he
always did as soon as the boat was within a foot or so of the dock. As I
reached the top step and on to the cockpit I noticed Damien pushing the boat
away from the dock as Amadeus stood there, a mischievous grin on his face. He
waved at Damien as he put the boat in reverse and maneuvered her back out into
the deeper waters of the sound.

I must have appeared panicked for a
second as the words just blurted from my mouth. “What are you doing? Elizabeth…”

“Damien and the girls and Logan are
perfectly capable of taking care of Elizabeth overnight, Zara. Relax, enjoy

“You planned this all along, didn’t you?”

“Yep,” he replied turning the baseball
cap he had covering his long brown hair around so the bill was to the back. “I
figured we should take advantage to slip away by ourselves every chance we get.
Damien offered. I merely accepted.”

“Do you have somewhere in mind, or are
we sailing blind?”

“I think I remember a cove we anchored
in overnight not too far from here. Remember? We tried to fish and tried to
gather clams?”

“Yeah, and if memory serves me, we had
to grill steaks out or else we’d have gone hungry. Is that the place?

“Good memory, Zara. I thought we could
try it and a few other things again.”

“Amadeus Tudor, you’re terrible.”

“Oh, now don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy
yourself, Zara. If I remember, you took quite a bit of pleasure in letting me
try new things.”

“Pervert,” I teased. “I’m going below to
secure my camera equipment. Can I get you anything?”

I turned to start back down inside the
cabin when he grabbed me by the wrist and playfully pulled me towards him. “Yeah,
you can take these off, and bring me a bottle of water if you don’t mind.” He
slipped his hand on to the waistband of my panties, yanking on them gently.

“A bottle of water it is.”

“And don’t forget the other, Zara,” he
teased after me as I entered the cabin.

Gathering the two camera bags, I stowed
them into one of the precious few storage areas of the cabin. I knew this one
was completely waterproof, and off the floor of the hull. Moisture was always a
factor you had to deal with putting anything under the floor of the cabin. No,
everything would be safe and secure in here.

I grabbed two bottles of water out of
the cooler. Placing them in the small sink, I made my way forward to the small
cabin where Amadeus and I slept. Shaking my head and smiling, I pulled off my
shorts and removed the offensive panties. A wicked idea came to mind as I put
the shorts back on. Pulling my arms through the tank top I unfastened the front
clasp of my bra and placed both it and the panties into a cubby hole. A devious
smile came over my face as I lowered the tank top. Two could play his little
game, and tease him I intended to do.

As I made my way back up top, I noted he
was standing, peering across the sound, checking the sails. He pretended not to
see me at first until I joined him. Passing a water bottle to him I leaned up
and kissed him. Placing the bottle into a cup holder, he switched hands on the
wheel while running his free hand up under my shorts.

All of a sudden he burst out laughing.
Having no idea whether I’d done something or if he was having one of his
private male moments I probably wouldn’t understand, I pulled away.

“You find it funny?”

“No, Zara, I’m not laughing at you. I’m
laughing at myself, at us.”

“I didn’t know we were so funny or

“No, you don’t understand. Look…” He
pointed to the top of the cabin where the inflatable usually sat when we first
got underway on a trip. It was not there. “Damien and I removed it. We thought
the boat would look better for your photos if it wasn’t there.”

“Oh, I hadn’t noticed. But you’re right,
it does make it tidier.”

“Zara, we have no way to get off the
boat. Not unless we swim of course.”

I began to laugh. “So what you’re
telling me is that we have nothing to eat for dinner?”

“Oh, no, we’re safe on that. We simply
can’t go gather oysters or clams. Guess we’ll just have to find other things to
occupy our time on board, eh?”

“Pervert. You planned this, didn’t you?
To get me off by yourself and have your way with me,” I teased. “You’re
incorrigible, Amadeus Tudor.”

“No,” he replied wrapping his arm around
my waist. “I’m just a horny man who wants to spend some private time with my
wife. We don’t have that much these days, Zara, and I miss it.”

“So do I, A. I’m just teasing you.”

“Well, I’m not and no, I didn’t mean for
us not to have a way off the boat.”

“I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

Skillfully, he sailed the Tudor Queen
across the sound until he found a small remote island we had been to before.
Bringing her around to the backside, he maneuvered the sailboat until he was
satisfied he could drop the anchor in the private cove. It was low tide, and as
he got her into position, we traded places. He threw the anchor, and satisfied
with the depth of water, he tied it off.

He quickly secured both sails for the
night as I sat and watched his muscular body bend and move. I forced myself to
look away before he caught me lusting after him.

The beautiful, sunny afternoon sky we
had been enjoying had turned rather precarious. While it didn’t appear a bad
storm was headed in, it did look as though we might get some late afternoon

“Don’t worry,” Amadeus remarked, noting
the look of apprehension on my face as I looked around at the sky. “There’s no
storms in the forecast. Just the usual summertime showers.”

“I hope they hold off for a while. I
love sitting out here, and it’s hot down below.”

Just then the sky opened up. Rain began
pour down on us. Laughing, we both scurried down into the cabin. Amadeus shut
the cabin door above us to keep everything dry.

“If it doesn’t let up, I’ll go back up
and put the tarp over the boom, and we can at least sit outside under it. For
now, I’ll open these top hatches just enough to let some air in.” He walked
around me in the cramped quarters to open a hatch in the forward cabin before
coming back and opening the one in the main living quarters.

“That will help,” I replied. “I don’t
know about you, but I’m starving. I thought we’d be eating lunch back at the
house, but that was before you kidnapped me.”

“Yes, I’m hungry, too. Hungry for you,

Without another word he entwined his
arms around my body, walking me backwards before he flung me on the bed.
Shoving my tank top up over my head he climbed between my legs. His mouth found
a nipple, tugging, sucking, biting, pulling at first one, then the other. I
caught my body as it arched up toward him, wanting him all over me, inside me.

His lips moved slowly up along my
shoulders and neck until our lips collided as we urgently kissed. I wrapped my
legs around his waist and sighed in pleasure but begging for more. My hands
couldn’t stay still as I touched him everywhere, his shoulders, his back, his
ass. I ground myself against his hips and throbbing erection before he broke
off the kiss.

He cupped a breast and once again began
to knead it before lowering his lips to the nipple. He
around the stiffened peak before nipping at it. I groaned in ecstasy and felt
moisture flood my shorts.

“Oh God, Amadeus, I just came,” I
whispered. “Do it again.” I felt his hand on my ass, the sensation of his
erection against me causing me to moan out loud. He laughed into the crook of
my neck.

Moving my hands down his body, I began
pulling his shorts down. I felt his larger hands stop me. Instead he pulled
mine off in one swift tug, throwing them off to one side. He glanced down at me
through lust filled eyes as he removed his own shorts and t-shirt. He lowered
himself back down between my legs. As he did, I arched myself up against his

“I need you, Zara,” he groaned as he
pressed into me, penetrating me on one long stroke. His hands covered my ass as
he pushed into me as far as he could until our flesh met as one. He began to
slowly thrust in and out of me as I met his every stroke until we were bucking
together in a mating frenzy.

“I love you, Amadeus,” I cried out,
wrapping my legs around him harder, meeting him thrust for thrust, needing to
feel every inch of his body inside me. Not wanting it to end.

“Zara, I love you.” He stared down at
me, the reality of our inevitable physical connection ramping up, making us
both breathless. “Oh fuck, baby, yes.” He shut his eyes, thrust hard into me,
and his body shuddered and came just as my own orgasm exploded. My body
clenched and pulsed in ecstasy. We moved together for a few minutes longer.
When it stopped, I tightened my legs around him one last time before his body
left mine.

We lay there afterwards, basking in the
glow of sex and each other. He held on to me, his hand rubbing my upper arm as
we silently listened to the rain as it pelted off the roof above us.

“To hell with all the naughty things I
had planned,” he finally said. “That was incredible, woman.”

“Hmmm, it was, wasn’t it? But I still
want you to do your worst, baby. You know how I love to have you tease me with
your tongue.”

“Umm hmmm, in a while. Right now you
need to feed me, or I won’t have the energy to do any of it.” He began to rise,
gently breaking our embrace. Looking down at me he said, “Zara, I love you,
more than anything.”

“And I love you. Always, Amadeus.”

“Now get your ass up, wench, and feed
me!” he teased slapping his hand on my hip.

I stood up and made my way the few steps
out into the main cabin and galley. Peering into the ice chest, I found a
plastic container with cheese and some meats. “Will a snack tide you over for a

“That’s fine,” he replied standing in
all his male nakedness before me. “That’ll give us time to see if the rain
stops. If it does, I’d like to try to fish and see if I can catch anything. If
not, we’ll rig up the awning and fire up the grill.”

“Yes, I noticed the steaks.”

“Always be prepared when sailing in these
waters,” he teased, flicking a sensual grin my way.

“Yes, I see how prepared you were.
Sneaky, weren’t you?”

“You didn’t seem to mind a few minutes
ago, did you?” He showed me a bottle of wine. I nodded my head, and he began to
uncork the Cabernet. He grabbed two plastic cups and headed back to the bed. “It’s
more comfortable in here.”

Taking a small plate with some cheese
and prosciutto, I joined him. “Seems you just happened to make sure my favorite
meat and cheese was on board, too.”

“Funny how that works.” He laughed and
handed me a cup of wine. We sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying our snack
and wine, listening to the rain.

Having had enough, I finished off my
wine and placed the cup and plate to one side. I lay back down on the mattress,
watching Amadeus. “Thank you for doing this. You’re right; we need to make time
for ourselves more often.”

“You’re welcome, and we will do this
more often. I surely don’t want us to become some boring old married couple who
no longer have sex or enjoy intimate acts.”

“Somehow, Amadeus, I don’t see that ever
happening to us.”

A low throaty laugh escaped him. “Neither
do I, Zara. After all these years, all I have to do is touch you or stand next
to you, and you give me a hard on.”


“You certainly like that word today. Do
you want me to show you just how much of a pervert I can be?”

“In a little while. Right now I’d just
like to talk one on one with you. No kids to interrupt us.”

“Hmmm, you do have a point there. Our
lives have certainly changed over the past year.”

“Yes they have. Not one, but two kids.
Great kids, too, I might add.”

“Yes, they are. Tell me something, Zara,
would you like more? I know at one point we discussed having three or four of
our own. Have you changed your mind?”

“No, I’m still open. For now, though,
let’s just enjoy the two we have. Get to know Logan better and enjoy Elizabeth’s
baby years before we make that decision.”

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