Undone by His Kiss (33 page)

Read Undone by His Kiss Online

Authors: Anabelle Bryant

“Thank you. I work every day to improve. I dream of dancing, but I haven’t the stamina for a full waltz as of yet.” Lavinia’s voice expressed an unsure note.

“In due time, Livie,” Wilhelmina chimed in with enthusiasm. “I’m so proud of you, and I promise we shall plan the most elaborate ball ever given in all London when you are ready.”

“I would be honored were you to allow me a waltz, Miss Montgomery.” Randolph Beaufort beamed in Lavinia’s direction. “I’m often told I should practice.”

The self-deprecating remark fueled the jovial mood and benevolent smiles rounded the table, though Jasper had trouble focusing on anyone other than Emily, her seat to his left allowing for conversation, but little else. And still they’d only completed the first serving of a multi-course dinner.

Turbot with lobster sauce followed and while Emily cut tiny bites and enjoyed her meal, Jasper focused on her pink lips and porcelain skin, wondering if the conversation they’d planned for later this evening would go smoothly. He brushed his fingers against his pocket watch as if to remind of her romantic gesture and unspoken vow.

“Your gown is lovely, Bianca. Is that a new design?” Lavinia steered the conversation to feminine concerns.

Jasper watched as Emily’s fork paused in midair, awaiting her mother’s reply though the evening had proceeded in flawless fashion as of yet.

“Yes, Emily and I visited the modiste on Hamilton Street. It was there I discovered a disturbing flaw in my personality and ordered several gowns when meaning to purchase only one.” Bianca’s answer amused the table and Jasper watched Emily sigh in relief.

“I find the same is true of slippers,” Lavinia piped in. “With all concentration focused on my feet, I’ve developed quite a passion for footwear.” A fair degree of twittering erupted.

And so, polite conversation continued through the plates. Oyster pâté followed by lamb cutlets and creamed asparagus, stewed beef and plovers’ eggs in aspic jelly, while two servants attended the sherry and Madeira glasses with vigor.

They awaited dessert, a generous offering of sweetmeats, nuts and dried fruit, when Jasper could no longer contain his necessity to touch Emily. Of all things, he’d been seated beside her for over two hours and aside from an accidental brush of elbows, all he could do was feast with his eyes.

She hardly startled when he maneuvered his leg beside hers under the cover of the overlong damask tablecloth. She smiled, a subtle giggle escaped as he rubbed his calf against her skirts, but it was he who dropped his fork with a clatter when the slide of Emily’s stocking foot traced the inside of his ankle. Zooks, she could only have discarded her shoe under the table.

Sitting still became increasingly difficult. Perhaps Emily was as anxious to undress as he.

At last it was suggested the ladies retire to the sitting room while the men enjoy their port and a better moment for escape never existed. He eyed the other guests as they filed from the dining room.

“Follow me.” He whispered the words against the shell of her ear as they lingered, perceiving her shiver against his lips, and breathing in her wonderful perfume before he caught her hand tight. A devilish smile quirked his lips as if he’d absconded with the last biscuit from the dessert table when no one was looking. “I’ve just the place.”

He led them through the hall, up two sets of stairs and down another dim corridor before he stalled to catch their breath and enter a room, so far from the front of the house, they could no longer hear a hint of conversation. He bustled her inside, turned and shut the door, the click of the lock a definitive sound.

Emily bit her lower lip in an effort to contain the thrill of being secreted away from the dinner party. Meanwhile her blood rushed through her veins with vigor, her heart thrummed a heady beat and her fingertips itched to touch, feel, and explore Jasper. How was it possible four days seemed forever? When had she become so dependent on his kiss? The sound of his voice? He looked devastatingly handsome this evening in formalwear. Too bad she wished for him to remove every article.

She felt his chuckle against her face, standing in the dark. Where were they anyway?

No time was left for further deliberation as he whisked her in a twirl of sorts until she lay flush against the door, her back pressed to the wood, her bodice crushed to the wall of his chest.

“At last, Miss Shaw. I have you all to myself.”

“We shouldn’t be up here, so far from the gathering…” Her voice trailed off on a sigh as his fingertip traced her jaw, the heated sensation igniting as if a wick thrust into flame. He settled his touch on her chin, tilting her face the slightest, though she could hardly decipher his features, the darkness making every movement and sensation more impactful.

“Have no worry. I had a candid discussion with Wilhelmina. You need not be concerned.” His mouth hovered above hers, less than an exhale between them, but then he nuzzled a path across her cheek to whisper kisses down the column of her neck. “This gown is absolutely fetching though I’d rather it were on the chair.”

“I want to apologize, Jasper. Won’t you allow me the chance?” She needed to say the words, needed him to know he’d found a strength inside her she didn’t know existed. She wanted him to understand her reaction was caused by panic and foolishness, and never a lack of affection; and that he’d offered her a light to emerge from the darkness of that fear, the daily care of her mother, and the uncomfortable stigma of illegitimacy. She wanted to make amends for it all. It was his gift, actually. Jasper had somehow managed to right every insecurity and concern in her life and at the same time assure he’d always be there no matter what the future held. In essence he’d given her back so much of herself, she could freely offer her heart to him. “Let me apologize, please.”

“Later, my darling. I won’t remember a word if you insist upon it now.”

With welcomed shock, she realized somehow while Jasper distracted her with kisses and words, he’d gathered the hems of her skirts, the cool air of the dark room licking her ankles, winding around her legs in a startling caress of reckless abandon.

Dare she give in to temptation? Or should she offer her own brand of devilment?

Her trembling fingers found the placket of his trousers with skilled precision despite they remained pressed together, two lovers anxious to become one. She wriggled each button free then slid her palms across his waist, pushing the wool down over his hip bones, dragging his smalls with it, and savoring the taut muscle of his torso as it narrowed into firm arse. She smoothed her hand to where his erection waited, thick and hot, and wrapped her palm around his length, absorbing the pleasure of his stunned reaction.

“Lovely minx.” He pressed forward slightly so he shifted in her hand and she complied with eager desire. “What you do to me.”

They might have laughed at the scene they depicted, her fine evening gown and all under layers hitched high above her waist, his stance locked into place by the trousers wound tight about his ankles, but the moment was too precious, too fraught with new emotion and deep everlasting love…and too deliciously erotic to evoke any kind of amusement.

“Four days apart from you has been hellish, Miss Shaw. Now, for the separation you perpetrated, payment has come due.” The words sounded a struggle, as if spoken between clenched teeth or perhaps, forced out with restraint.

She adjusted her position and at the same time tugged gently on his cock.

He growled against her cheek. “So that’s what you’re about. A tumble against the door?” He chuckled low in his throat. “I want to strip you bare and devour you for hours, but I suppose this will have to do.” He leaned in for another long kiss.

She gasped against his mouth, unable to contain the tumult of clashing emotions vibrating between them. She never felt so alive and at the same time, directed, as if she’d finally found the exact place she belonged.

“I adore you, Miss Shaw.”

“I rather fancy when you say that, although Mrs. St. David has a clever ring to it.”

“The cleverest, I agree.” He went still, his breath a subtle caress against her cheek. “Then you’ll be my wife?”

“And everything else you’ll need.” She trembled within the moment.

“My sweet love, you are everything. I love you, Emily. I always will.” His words couldn’t sound more sincere.

“And I love you, Jasper. Quite passionately.” She tightened her hold to punctuate the sentiment.


He slid his hand inside her pantelets and found the slit in her drawers. She nearly melted, her knees worthless, her spine supported by the wood at her back.

“Now let’s cease all this bothersome conversation and get down to business.” He parted her, stroking his fingertip against her core, and capturing her mouth in a worshiping kiss.

She sagged against the door in complete surrender, welcoming the rush of heated bliss, knowing in her heart she’d not only found heaven, but the man of her heart.


“Well, where’s my surprise?” Emily eyed the large glass windows on upper Bond Street with a broad smile, the panes gleaming opalescent in the late afternoon sunlight. Nothing appeared changed. Across the narrow roof, that same orange tabby, the feline who’d poked into Emily’s business now and again, scampered a frisky line and disappeared before she could ascertain if her eyes deceived her. Without glancing away, she circled her wrist with her thumb and forefinger remembering the bracelet the pest had caused to fall down the drain and its loss in the roadway soon after; the serendipitous situations leading her to the happiness she now possessed.

Everything had begun here. It seemed fitting as newlyweds they should visit the offices before leaving on their wedding trip. Jasper had reluctantly relinquished the key to Randolph for the duration of their holiday in the Netherlands, and Emily had trusted Portia with the league’s responsibilities. By affectionate teasing, her friend made it clear she envied the excursion, demanding a detailed retelling of every hill and valley, church and monument. Emily rather doubted she’d have much to share. Her new groom had a fond appreciation of bedroom exploration and she harbored no complaints of their love nest.

And in unexpected pleasantry, Dr. Alastar had begun courting Thomasina, her intellect as much an attraction as her analytical thinking. It proved a convenient relief the orphans would have Thomasina’s attention in Emily’s absence.

Some considered it an odd choice to eschew Italy or France in favor of the Netherlands but Jasper, motivated to visit Van Houten, a Dutch chemist and chocolate manufacturer, promised Emily a very sweet surprise. Truly she couldn’t imagine anything more thrilling. The intrigue alone guaranteed her agreement, and with her mind and heart at ease, she looked forward to their adventure.

Most importantly and with gracious hospitality, Dashwood and Wilhelmina had invited Bianca to reside at Kirby Park while Emily traveled. Her mother and Aunt Kate had formed a fast friendship and Emily could only hope for continued improvement as her mother abandoned her sequestered existence locked within the pain of years ago, and rebuilt a happier life.

She darted her eyes to Jasper. Everything had changed since he’d charged into her life and into her heart.

“Impatient, are you? Come upstairs. I’ve arranged a new design with Mr. Moira. I think you’ll approve.” He flashed a mischievous grin and extended his palm flat in wait of her key. She fished around in her reticule before making a little fuss of opening the door herself. Just because she was madly in love didn’t mean she’d relinquish all independence, besides she couldn’t imagine what her husband,
my heavens, that sounded wonderful
, might have arranged with the landlord.

They entered the stairwell where she allowed
her husband
to take the lead, accustomed to skirting out of reach when he sought to pat her bottom. Aware she was smart to his game, his chuckle trailed behind at they reached the upper door and he met her curious stare, a twinkle of anticipation in his eyes. She flicked her interest to the office door, noting it had been painted with a design similar to Jasper’s window below and then she burst out in laughter, covering her mouth with her hand once she heard how loudly her delight resounded in the narrow corridor. There in gold lettering, the title of her league emblazoned the panel, though the name had been abbreviated to fit across the width.


A flying bird floated beneath the words.

What a prime example of irony, to know she’d dedicated herself to independence and formed the League of Virtuous Equality, yet was working within the rules of “love” all along. She rose on the tips of her slippers and pressed a kiss to Jasper’s cheek content in the knowledge she possessed the best of both worlds.

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