Unexpected Destiny (Assassins and Sweethearts Book 3) (6 page)

Liz pushed the door open. It was still unlocked, just like they’d left it last night. She took a few steps into her entryway. Her feet crunching the glass scattered all over the floor filled the room with a grating noise. The desire to slam the door and scream roared through her veins. Instead, she pushed the door shut until it clicked and then made a beeline to the bedroom, ignoring all the wreckage. But past the front room, nothing had been touched. The office, kitchen, her bedroom, they were all as she’d left them.

“None of this makes any sense.” She rubbed her forehead and took a deep breath. One bag was all she needed and then she’d leave this rotten place behind.

She tossed her purse on the bed, kicked off the nasty boots, and darted to her jewelry box to run her fingers over the etched cover. Her grandpa made the box before she was born. She lifted the lid and blew out a breath when she spotted the necklace. With shaking fingers, she clasped it around her neck and then stepped back.

What if Aidan was responsible for the state of her apartment and she basically told him she couldn’t live without the necklace?

“Damn.” He’d know right where to find her. She’d done it again, another stupid move. A deep breath calmed the bile mixing in her belly.

She could count her mistakes later. It was time to pick up the pace and disappear. She scurried into the bathroom and brushed her teeth a bit too quickly. Maybe she could stay with her cousin in Detroit. Better option, she’d fly to Italy and the little piece of heaven Reese had convinced her to buy.

“How could I forget?”

She pulled a bag from the closet and stuffed in a short stack of jeans and t-shirts. She pushed panties and a few bras in the side pockets all the while muttering about the fucking men who’d been in her life. Reese might be alive. She shook her head. If she handled getting out of town correctly, she wouldn’t have to see any of those fuckers again.

She checked her watch. The two minutes were already up. “Fuck.” She still needed to get cash and her passport.

Tossing the bag next to her purse, she turned and headed for the safe in the closet. It hadn’t felt right to touch Reece’s emergency funds but it was no longer a problem. She punched in his birth date. The asshole hadn’t even used her birthday. The door popped opened and two tight stacks of hundred dollar bills appeared.

She grabbed the cash and spotted the velvet boxes holding all the diamonds Reese had given her. They now held no meaning at all. The only thing she wanted was the simple gold pendant. She turned from the safe and turned right back around to grab her passport. She paused a minute when she realized Reese’s passport wasn’t inside.
Son of a bitch.

A bang sounded from the other end of the apartment. It was quite possibly her front door slamming into the wall. She froze with the cash and passport in her hands. Her head swam with thick fear of what was coming in and not knowing the best way to stay alive.

She needed to move. Or the floor to open and swallow her whole.

“Why did you have to break all this shit?” An ugly mean voice broke through her thoughts.

“I don’t know,” came from a different creepy voice. “I always break stuff but I didn’t touch the television. That will be mine when this job is over.”

“Whatever. Let’s find her and get the fuck out of here. Check the computer again. Maybe she was dumb enough to book a flight or something.”

“Good idea. Maybe she looked up more of the kinky shit she’s into.”

She backed up into her closet and slipped into the safe room, yet another thing Reese hadn’t ever finished. She pushed the door closed as far as she could without making a sound. The door wouldn’t lock. Maybe if she held it they wouldn’t notice.

“Hey, she must be here. The bitch started packing. Check all the rooms again and I’ll check the closets. It shouldn’t be too hard to find the unfinished safe room.”

She held the door as still as she could. Her heart beat like the loudest of trains. They’d find her. Damn it, she shouldn’t have come back. With the cold sweat on her hands and the uncontrollable shaking taking over her whole body, she couldn’t stop the door from shifting.

“Oh Bethy, come out, come out wherever you are.”



“I’ll be sure to knock next time,” Nadia said.

Aidan marched toward her and pushed her to the door.

“Hey, I’m sorry. You never have a girl in here.”

“It doesn’t mean I’m an open book. You know we’re supposed to meet at the office and Elizabeth Martin isn’t just some girl.”


“Go find Sam and get him to track her down.”

“Got it.” She walked out and then turned back. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

“Thanks but her reaction is more my fault.” He grabbed clothes from his open shelving. “Don’t worry about it, just get Sam on finding her. She’s not safe out there alone.”

She shut the door behind her and Aidan threw his shirt across the room. “Fuck.” He tossed the blanket, pulled on his jeans, and stormed over to his punching bag. With clenched fists, he pounded the bag. Each time his fist landed on the leather surface, vibrations shook through his arm and down his back. It took several hits before his blood cooled enough to think straight.

Liz had every right to run from him. He might not have known who she was when the flirtation started but discovering it later hadn’t stopped him. He hit the bag again and again and then hugged it still.

“Fuck this hell.” He rubbed his forehead over the worn leather.

Every minute he wasted soothing his own guilt risked her life. He pushed out all thoughts of pain or worse coming her way and decided to treat it like any other mission. A clear head is what he needed. Get the job done and move on. It’s what she needed.

Once dressed and with his black jacket and gloves in hand, he ran up the flight of steps to where Sam had created the security office.

“Tell me you found her.”

“I can tell you where she probably isn’t,” Sam said.

“Don’t put me through hoops. I’m not in the mood.”

“On that note, I’m getting back to the main office,” Nadia said. “I’ve already stayed too long.”

“Thanks, Nadia. I’ll call you when this is over to reschedule our meeting. It might be a day or two.”

“Got it.” She waved as she left.

“You have one minute and then I’m leaving, too.” Aidan crossed his arms over his chest.

“I found her phone in a dumpster a mile south of here.” Sam tapped away on his keyboard. A map of the area appeared on the large screen in front of them. “She was still moving to this spot when I located her on the street cams. A few minutes later, she left the area but her phone remained.”

“Tell me you kept track of her.”

“I did until she got on a bus.”


“She got off not far from her apartment.”

“Damn it, Elizabeth.” He clenched his fists. “She went home?”

“That’s my guess.” Sam pulled up a couple views from the front of her building.

“Call Gavin, tell him to move the meeting back.” Aidan put on his coat and gloves. “Call me if you see her or anyone else on those cams.”

“Will do. Aidan, wait a minute.” Sam got up and handed him what looked like homemade roll-on deodorant. “If you get close enough, roll this on any fabric she’s wearing. It contains tiny particles I can trace for a few hours.”

Aidan frowned at the little container, but shrugged. “Thanks.”

“Her building has a back entrance. Maybe that’s why she got off the bus early.”

“Possibly. It’s how we left her building last night. Okay. Call me if you find anything else.” He burst out of the space and kept a swift pace.

It took longer than it should have to get down the few floors to his bike. It roared to life on his first try and off he flew. He weaved in and around traffic, wasting too much time keeping everyone else on the road safe. Liz’s life could be in jeopardy. Every minute it took him to get there was too many.

He pulled to the rear entrance to her building and got off his bike. Security measures appeared to be completely missing in the back which pissed him off and pleased him at the same time that there were no hindrances to keep him from her. Just inside the back door was the elevator.

On the ride up, he received a text from Sam. Two men, one with a rather long list of breaking and entering convictions, had entered her building. Aidan guessed at least one of them had torn through Liz’s place last night. So much for the good security she thought her building had. He shifted his weight back and forth and rolled his shoulders.

The second the elevator doors opened, he shot through them. He didn’t stop moving until he got to her front door. With eyes closed, he listened for movement inside. Nothing seemed to be coming from the front room. He’d only gotten a glimpse of it last night but he remembered seeing a piece of a mirror still hanging on the wall that reflected the next room.

He turned the still unlocked handle and pushed into the room. The broken mirror piece hung on the wall where he remembered and showed a dark figure moving about the kitchen.

Maneuvering across the room, into the kitchen, he grabbed a hanging pot on his way, and clocked the intruder across the head. The man fell hard, shaking the whole room. Shuffling from the bedroom had him turning around and blocking a blow from a second man. He took a ruthless jab to the ribs but returned with a shattering upper cut to the man’s jaw. When the man fell, a knife flew from his hand and skidded across the floor.

Aidan blew out a shaky breath. Knifes were often the great equalizer in fights. He had firsthand experience with the damage they could do. He swiped both men with the gel Sam had given him and prayed they woke and led them to some answers. Of course, if either of them had laid a hand on Liz, he’d end their ability to breathe.

Picking up the knife, he set out to find Liz. Each step added a brick to his already heavy chest.

He closed his eyes for a second and returned his thoughts to the mission. A clear head would get her out of this. The apartment needed to be analyzed. It held endless clues about what was really going on here but now was not the time to collect them. Enough was enough. Liz was leaving with him and staying by his side until this mess was over. He’d keep her safe whether she wanted his help or not. No more defense. He wanted back on offense.

Once inside her bedroom, he spotted a bag by her purse on her bed. She was getting ready to run from the evil chasing her. Pride lifted his spirits. He may not like her decision but it was smart.

Be alive. My God, please, Liz. Be alive.

The sweetest whimper came from the direction of the closet.

He rushed over and pushed the clothes around but didn’t find her. His heart continued to clench. “I’m here to help. Where are you, honey?” He’d punch through the walls if he didn’t find her soon.

“In here.” The small sound came from his left.

Upon further investigation, he found a small crack in the corner. With a little push, the wall moved back and revealed her in a small unfinished room.

“Oh, thank God.” He scooped her up. Luckily, her arms wrapped around him. He set her on the bed and looked her over. “Are you okay?” He felt his way along her arms and down her legs before pressing his palm to her heart, a nice steady beat.

“I think so.” Her eyes were glazed over and her skin had lost all of its color but she was alive. She handed him two stacks of cash and a passport.

“I need to get you out of here before those two wake up.” He pushed what she’d given him in her bag and swung it and her purse over his shoulder. Back in the closet he found a pair of tennis shoes. “Can you walk?” He knelt and guided her feet into the shoes, tied them, and then pulled on her hands.

“I think so.”

“Keep your eyes on me, okay?” She remained silent. “Elizabeth.” He tried again and squeezed her hands. “Eyes on me.”

“Okay.” She allowed him to pull her. “The boots.”


“I borrowed my neighbor’s boots.” She pulled out of his hold to scoop up a pair of old dirty boots. “I need to return them.”

“All right. Follow me.” He slipped his fingers around her free hand and squeezed. “Okay?”

She nodded.

He guided her through the room. They picked up the pace through the kitchen. Both men still appeared to be out cold but he knew that could change. She pulled back on his hand as they stepped over the man who probably had a broken jaw. Aidan flexed his free hand a few times, just to reassure himself it was still in working order. She dropped the boots outside the neighboring apartment.

She didn’t make a sound on their ride down on the elevator. He kept her close to his side. In the alley, he climbed onto the bike and pulled her bags to rest in front of him.

“Get on. We need to get out of here.”

She scrambled on behind him and he pulled her hands to wrap around his middle. He gave them a good squeeze before starting his bike. Having her back with him calmed his nerves but he couldn’t ignore how she’d been affected. About halfway to his place, her hold tightened. Either something heightened her fear or she believed she could trust him again. It probably wasn’t the latter. Clery luck was never that sweet.

He’d hoped the ride would shake her awake but her skin was just as ashen when he pulled her from the bike. He guided her to his apartment and secured the door and both security systems. No one would be walking in on them this time.

He dropped her bags on the island and took her right to his bathroom. After starting a bath, he stripped her. She didn’t fight him, not when he removed her t-shirt or her shoes and jeans. The temptation to kiss her fear away zipped through him like electricity.

“Do you want me to stay?” He caressed her cheek.

“No, thank you. I need some time on my own.” She didn’t look at him, her eyes focused on something in the corner.

She stood there like a pillar of strength. The gold from the locket hanging from her neck caught his eye. “I’m glad you got it back.”

She covered it with her fingers and didn’t look up.

“Okay. I’ll leave you alone. There are new toothbrushes in the cabinet.” He stepped back to the doorway. “Call me if you need anything. I’ll be right outside.” Closing the door behind him, he stood on the other side for several minutes. It took all his will power not to go right back in and wrap his arms around her. He wanted to take her fear away. It killed him to know he played a part in her turmoil.

Finally, sounds of swishing water drifted to his ears and he moved away, grabbed a chair, and waited near the door.

The last hour could have gone a million different ways. He had to admit he’d been damn lucky to get her back so quickly, but did he really get her back?


The door closed her in with a quiet click. The click she’d been hoping for those long minutes when she was certain death was the only way out. A tremor rattled her whole body.

She couldn’t have gotten the safe room door to click though. It was incapable of closing. The one thing a safe room should be able to do was close and it couldn’t. She rubbed up and down her arms, wishing the shaking would stop.

She thought back to the last time she saw Reese. It was the day the workers were scheduled to finish the safe room but he canceled them because he had a last minute business meeting in New York. She’d thought it was so sweet of him to not have the workers show up when he wasn’t there. He’d assured her he’d have them finish the room when he returned but he’d never come home. She’d never heard from him again.

Had it all been a ruse? Was he alive and well somewhere waiting for her to die?

All these months she’d agonized over what could have happened to him. She’d thought about hiring investigators when the police hadn’t been able to give her complete answers. Maybe if she had, she’d have known the terrible truth sooner. She’d thought the worst they could tell her was that Reese was dead. Now, she needed to face the possibility it had all been lies.

Who was she to trust now? The assassin hired to kill her but who had saved her instead? The man who had given her the most incredible night of conversation and sex? She rubbed the spot on her neck where he’d sucked last night. Oh God, she wanted more from him.

She’d shared so many things with Aidan, from the tiniest of tidbits to her deeply personal preferences. She’d told him things she’d never even thought of telling Reese, her own husband, not that it seemed their promises had meant anything.

Instead of the man who’d promised to love her forever, it was the man who’d agreed to kill her who’d kept her alive. Aidan. Who the hell was he? She rubbed her face. Who the hell were those two goons? They’d clearly trashed her place. They knew about the safe room. Had Reese hired them? Had he hired Aidan too? She rocked as the questions swirled around her thoughts.

Was she even safe in this bathroom? Her gaze darted around the small space and her skin crawled with unspent energy. She had no idea if she should stay or go, but the alternative was too damn scary. Staying put in Aidan’s place would have to be the right move and, if she was honest with herself, she’d admit she didn’t want to leave him.

A cool breeze drifted across her frozen skin. She turned to the claw-foot tub. The warm water called to her. It was exactly what she needed.

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