Van, Becca - Keeley's Opposition [Terra-Form 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

She clasped Olivia’s hand and followed her to the raised dais where Olivia had been sitting with her mates.

“Move over,” Olivia commanded and patted one of her mates on the shoulder.

“Oh no, please. You don’t have to move for me,” Keeley said quietly.

“Yes he does. I want to talk with you. I love it that there is another woman from Earth here besides April. She’s so busy with her mates and baby Jade, we don’t have much time besides mealtimes together anymore,” Olivia said with a sigh. “But I will be just as busy soon enough.”

Keeley looked up to see Olivia with a wry smile on her face, as she stroked her own swollen belly.

“When are you due?” she asked.

“Yesterday,” Olivia replied with a scowl. “It seems my little bundle of joy is just way too comfortable to make an entrance right now. But he better hurry up because I am sick and tired of feeling like a beached whale.”

“Olivia! You look nothing like a whale. You skin is glowing and you have this gleam in your eyes. You know, I have always thought pregnant women have an aura around them. It’s hard for me to explain, but it’s like they know the secrets of the world. Silly, I know,” Keeley said with a shrug and lowered her head when her cheeks heated with embarrassment.

“Oh, that’s so nice,” Olivia said with a hitch in her voice. “You’re a bitch, Keeley, you made me cry. I hate to cry.”

“Sorry,” she replied and heard the tremor in her own voice.

“You know I’m only joking, right? You’re not a bitch. I have a vicious tongue and I use it to control my own emotions. Not that it’s working at the moment,” Olivia stated with a sniff, and Keeley saw her wiping the moisture from her cheeks.


“Yeah, really. I was a real spiteful bitch when I first arrived here. April was the only one who understood me. I didn’t want to have men pining after me even though I could barely keep my hands off of them myself. I had to learn to trust them and their feelings for me. You will know yourself by now that your mates couldn’t help but love you as soon as they laid eyes on you. Right?” Olivia asked, scrutinizing her face.

“Uh, if you say so,” she replied and bit her tongue as a tear tracked down the side of her face.

Olivia grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. She didn’t protest because more tears had followed the first one and she could feel another storm brewing. She followed Olivia, her eyesight blurry, and nearly tripped when Olivia stopped abruptly. Keeley looked around and found they were outside in a large landscaped garden. A large pond filled with fish was off to her right and a massive hammock to her left.

“What’s wrong, Keeley?” Olivia asked quietly.

“They don’t like me,” she whispered and felt more tears flow from her eyes.

“Who doesn’t like you? Your mates?”

“The rest of the pride members,” she sobbed out. “They all look at me as if I’m something they stepped in. One of the women was so jealous she attacked me and nearly killed me. Another of their women has just told me I will never be accepted as the mate to their Alphas by any of the pride because I can’t change shape like they can and I wasn’t born in this place. I’m causing problems for my mates. How much longer do I have before they start to hate me, too?”

She couldn’t even tell Olivia about the whole mating bond thing she was supposed to feel. As soon as she thought of it, she began tearing up again.

Keeley gave in to the storm of emotion when Olivia wrapped her arms around her waist. She lowered her head onto her new friend’s shoulder and cried until she was emotionally drained. She gave a last hiccup then laughed with shock when she felt a kick against her belly.

“Wow, that was awesome,” she whispered and pulled back from Olivia to stare at her protruding belly.

“Yeah,” Olivia replied and gave her a sappy smile. “You can live here with us, Keeley. You’re not going back to where you’re not wanted. We’ll make sure you are looked after.”

“What if my men come looking for me? I don’t want anyone hurt because of me. You remember what happened the last time I was here, don’t you?” she asked.

“Don’t worry about it. My mates are the head of security around here. I’ll have a little chat with them to get them to beef up security. Your mates won’t get in here unless we let them and I will make my men promise not to hurt yours. Okay?” Olivia queried.

“All right. But if things get out of hand I will have to at least talk to them. I don’t want any of you in danger because of me.”

“Oh please,” Olivia said with a snort. “My guys will do anything for me right now. Look at me. Can you see them refusing me?”

Keeley saw Olivia looking down at her currently moving belly with fascination, and knew her friend was right. Olivia no doubt had her men wrapped around her little finger since she was so hugely pregnant.

“Come on, I’m hungry,” Olivia stated and grabbed Keeley’s hand again.

She followed Olivia back into the dining room and felt all her tension leave for the first time since waking up that morning. She sat next to her friend and ate while watching Olivia consume an astonishingly large amount of food. Her friend must have seen her awe because she turned to her with a smile.

“I’m eating for two, you know.”

Keeley burst out laughing at the chagrined grin on Olivia’s face. Once she had her mirth back under control she leaned over and whispered to her. “I wouldn’t know it. You’ve haven’t gained any weight. You look like you have a beach ball shoved under your skin.”

“I knew there was reason I liked you,” Olivia replied and moaned with pleasure as she put more food in her mouth.

“Keeley, how are you? It’s so nice to see you again.”

Keeley looked over her shoulder to see April standing behind with her baby in her arms.

“Hi, April. It’s good to see you, too. My, your baby is so beautiful.”

“I think so. Would you like to hold her?”

“If you don’t mind,” she said and gazed adoringly down into the baby girl’s sweet face when she was in her arms. Baby Jade had the most perfect, exquisitely formed face. Her lips were a perfect pink bow, and her skin looked so soft. She reached up and stroked the pad of a finger over Jade’s small cheek. As she stared down at the baby in her arms she felt a yearning so deep and fierce she had blink back tears.

She had dreamed of holding her own baby in her arms like this, but she knew that if she weren’t already pregnant she would never have the chance to be. She was in love with her mates even if she hadn’t said the words yet, and if they couldn’t work things out she would never be able to let another man touch her. She was the type of person who loved with her whole being, and no one else would ever measure up to her man or, in this case, men.

She sighed as she looked down into the innocent face of the infant and saw her dreams of becoming a mother shatter.

Chapter Eleven

Liam looked outside the dining chamber glass doors and saw that the moon had traveled quite a distance across the sky. He cursed the fact that pride business had kept him, his brother, and their new friend, Bradford, busy for such a long time. It had been hours since they had seen Keeley leave the room, and he hadn’t sighted her once since. He growled with frustration as they dealt with the last issues.

He pushed back his chair and hurried to the garden. His brother and Bradford were close behind him. He slowed when he heard hushed voices and held up his hand to indicate the others should stay quiet. He moved closer to the bushes separating them from whoever else was in the garden.

“What you said to her worked. She left without a backward glance and she had tears in her eyes. I followed her for a time but she was so caught up in her own misery she didn’t even know I was behind her. She was in such a daze I don’t think she knew where she was going.”

“She was so easy to get to. If it had been me I would have fought tooth and nail for my mates. It’s just as well she left. She’s not even worthy enough to breathe the same air as our Alphas.”

Liam felt a knot of dread and fear forming in the pit of his stomach. He knew the female and male talking had been seen with Louisa more often than not. He also knew Keeley was no longer in the gardens, and her scent trail led away, into the forest.

Liam began to growl low from his chest. The rage built up and poured over him. The sound which he emitted was that of a furious, wounded Alpha lion. His brother Lucius and Bradford must have been as infuriated as he was, because their loud roars joined with his. He had never felt so violent or livid before in his life.

He leapt around the bushes and pinned the two members of his pride with his enraged stare, and then he grabbed hold of their throats and squeezed. It took both Lucius and Bradford to get him to let them go, and he wasn’t gentle about it. He flung the lower-ranking male pride member, Lawrence, away from him and didn’t watch to see him land. He turned to the female, Liza, and found her whimpering and cowering before him. Taking hold of her collar, he lifted her feet from the ground.

Liam was bluffing, but Liza didn’t know that. He had never thought Liza would hurt anyone. He suspected Louisa had a hand in what she had said to his mate. Liza had been friends with the she-bitch, and he had often wondered how that relationship worked. Liza was a total opposite of Louisa. She was kind and gentle most of the time.

“What the fuck have you done? What did you say to my mate and where the hell is she?” Liam asked with a roar.

“I–I–I’m sorry, my Alpha, please don’t hurt me.”

“Why should I not hurt you after you have obviously hurt my mate enough for her to leave, Liza? Now tell me what you said to make my mate leave, or so help me I will torture the information out of you.”

Liza recounted the insults she had made to Keeley. When she had finished, she said, “Please forgive me, my Alpha. I know I should have come to you, but Louisa has been lurking in the forest and she cornered me. She threatened to kill me if I didn’t do what she said.” Liam could see the truth and fear in her eyes.

He turned his head and looked at Lucius and Bradford. “Get all the seasoned warriors out searching for that she-bitch. We need to deal with her before we bring our mate home. I am tired of this infighting. We will deal with the dissension in our own pride before we have Keeley living here comfortably. Call a meeting for one hour hence. We will lay down the law after we let our pride members explain their actions. Only then will we bring our woman back home. There is no fucking way I will bring the woman I love back into this place until I know she will be treated with the respect she deserves,” Liam stated furiously. “You will leave my sight, Liza, I do not want you within my vicinity anytime soon.”

“Are you b–banishing me, Alpha?” Liza asked tremulously.

“No. Just stay away from me and let me cool down. Lucius, bring Lawrence over here.”

Liam watched as his brother moved over to the supine Lawrence, who hadn’t made a move to stand up and draw more attention to himself. The young warrior stood before him with his head bowed in obeisance.

“Why?” Lucius roared the question before Liam could and watched when his brother shook the man with fury.

“W–We… I–I—”

“Speak up now before I rip your fucking throat out,” Liam commanded.

“There is a rumor that your mate tried to kill you both, and Louisa stepped in to save you.” Lawrence spoke so quickly, Liam had trouble separating the words until they were intelligible. When he finally worked out what the young man said, he laughed, but his laughter wasn’t humorous. It was full of anger.

“And how do you think she would have been able to achieve such a thing?” Lucius spat out.

Liam waited to see if Lawrence would answer, but he didn’t. He saw the young man’s face turn crimson when he obviously realized how impossible that scenario was.

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