War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, Expanded Edition (96 page)

Proctor, pp. 26-27, 203, 344 f. 57, 344 f. 59. Weindling, p. 314. See Madison Grant,
Der Untergang der grossen Rasse: Die Rassen als Grundlage der Geschichte Europas
(Berlin: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1925). See Von Hoffmann.
Weindling, p. 311. Carlson, pp. 323. Müller-Hill, p. 121. Gary D. Stark,
Entrepreneurs of Ideology
(Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1981), pp. 170,279.
Hitler, Volume I, Chapter X, p. 255.
Hitler, Volume II, Chapter II, pp. 403-404.
Hitler, Volume II, Chapter II, p. 402. Hitler, Volume II, Chapter II, pp. 404-405.
Hitler, Volume I, Chapter XI, p. 285.
Grant, p. 16.
Hitler, Volume II, Chapter TI, pp. 388-389, 390.
Grant, p. 17.
Hitler, Volume I, Chapter XI, p. 286.
Hitler, Volume II, Chapter III, pp. 439-440.
Hitler, Volume I, Chapter TI, p. 29. Hitler, Volume II, Chapter III, pp. 439-440. Hitler, Volume I, Chapter XI, p. 286.
Otto Wagener,
Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant,
trans. Henry Ashby Turner (Yale University Press, 1987), pp. 145-146.
Richard Breiting,
Secret Conversations with Hitler,
edit. Edouard Calic, trans. Richard Barry, (New York: The John Day Company, 1968), p. 81.
Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens, trans.
Hitler’s Table Talk:
His Private Conversations,
(New York City: Enigma Books, 2000), pp. 670, 675.
Lifton, pp. 46-48. Hitler, Volume II Chapter XV, p. 679.
Shirer, pp. 3-5, 170-184. “Delegates Urge WIder Practice of Sterilization,”
Richmond Times-Dispatch,
16 January 1934.
Autobiography of Leon F. Whitney,
unpublished manuscript circa 1973, p. 205: APS Manuscript Collection.
See APS B:D27 - Davenport - Ernst Rüdin. See APS B:D27 - Davenport - Baur, Erwin. See APS B:D27 - Fisher # I. See APS B:D27 -Fisher #2. See APS B:D27 - Fisher #3. See APS B:D27 - Fisher #4. See APS B:D27 - Fisher #5. See APS B:D27 - Fisher #6. See Universitätsarchiv Münster- Nachlass Verschuer, Nr. 4.
Zentralarchiv der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Potsdam: Reichsinnenministerium 10160, Film 23063 as cited by Müller-Hill, p. 34. See Proctor, p. 106. Stephen Trombley,
The Right to Reproduce: A History of Coercive Sterilization
(London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988), p. 117.
Human Betterment Foundation, “Report to the Board of Directors of the Human Betterment Foundation for the Year Ending February 12, 1936.”: BaileylHowe Library: Perkins Papers.
See “Notes on the Second Conference,” n.p., 27 September 1929: APS B:D27 - Davenport-Gini, Corrado #2. See “The Meeting of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations,”
Eugenical News,
Vol. XIV (1929), pp. 153-157.
“Notes on the Second Conference.”
“Notes on the Second Conference.” “The Meeting of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations,” pp. 154, 156.
“Notes on the Second Conference.” “The Meeting of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations,” p. 156.
The Meeting of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations,” p. 155.
“Notes on the Second Conference.” “The Meeting of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations,” pp. 156, 157.
Eugenical News,
Vol. vrn (1923).
“Eugenical Notes,”
Eugenical News
Vol. VIII (1923), p. 22. “Archiv Für Rassen Und Gesellschafts-Biologie,”
Eugenical News
Vol. IX (1924), p. 51. “Notes and News,”
Eugenical News
Vol. IX (1924), p. 64. “Archiv Fuer Rassen- U. Gesellschafts-Biologie,”
Eugenical News
Vol. X (1925), p. 31. “Archiv Fuer Rassen-U. Gesellschafts-Biologie,”
Eugenical News
Vol. X (1925), p. 88. “Archiv Fuer Rassen- Und Gesellschafts-Biologie,”
Eugenical News
Vol. X (1925), p. 152. “Archiv Fuer Rassen- U. Gesellschafts-Biologie,”
Eugenical News
Vol. XI (1926), p. 9. "Archiv Fuer Rassen- U. Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XI (1926), p. 41. "Archiv Fuer Rassen- U. Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XI (1926), p. 92. "Archiv Fuer Rassen- U. Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XI (1926), p. 134. "Archiv Fuer Rassen- U. Gessellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XII (1927), p. 31. "Current Periodicals,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XII (1927), p. 64. "Archiv Fuer Rassen- U. Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XII (1927), p. 91. "Archiv Fuer Rassen- U. Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eguenical News
Vol. XII (1927), p. 180. "Archiv Fuer Rassen- U. Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XIII (1928), p. 32. "Current Periodicals,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XIII (1928), p. 72. "Current Periodicals,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XIII (1928), p. 104. "Current Periodicals,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XIII (1928), p. 162. "Current Periodicals,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XIV (1929), p. 32. "Current Periodicals,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XIV (1929), p. 48. "Archiv Fuer Rassen- U. Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XIV (1929), p. 88. "Archiv Fuer Rassen- U. Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XIV (1929), p. 126. "Archiv Für Rassen- Und Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XV (1930), p. 16. "Archiv Für Rassen- Und Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XV (1930), p. 88. "Archiv Für Rassen- Und Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XV (1930), p. 132. "Archiv Für Rassen- Und Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XVI (1931), p. 184. "Archiv Für Rassen- Und Gesellschafts-Biologie,"
Eugenical News
Vol. XVII (1932), p. 30.
 Fritz Lenz, “Eugenics in Germany,” trans. Paul Popenoe,
Journal of Heredity
Vol. XV No.5 (May, 1924), pp. 223-231. “Race Hygiene,”
Eugenical News,
Vol. IX (1924), p. 86.
“Berlin (From Our Regular Correspondent),”
Journal of the American Medical Association,
Vol. 82, No. 21 (May 1924), pp. 1709, 1710.
“Are the Gifted Families in America Maintaining Themselves?”
Eugenical News
Vol. XI (1926), pp. 2-4.
“Anthropology Iconography,”
Eugenical News
Vol. XI (1926), p. 144. Paul J. Weindling,
Health, Race and German Politics Between National Unification and Nazism, 1870-1945
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp. 310-311.
“Current Periodicals,”
Eugenical News
Vol. XII (1927), p. 64.
“Races of Central Europe,”
Eugenical News
Vol. IX (1924), p. 34. “Archiv Fuer Rassen- Und Gesellschafts-Biologie,”
Eugenical News
Vol. X (1925), p. 152. “Archiv F. Rassen-U. Gesellschafts-Biologie,”
Eugenical News
Vol. XII (1927), p. 180. “Noses and Ears,”
Eugenical News
Vol. XIV (1929), p. 55.
Nobel Museum, “The Foundation of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research,” at
. Nobel Museum, “The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1918” at
. Nobel Museum, “The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1936” at
. Nobel Museum, “The Nobel Prize in Physics 1918” at
. Nobel Museum, “The Nobel Prize in Physics 1921” at
. Memorandum, Charles B. Davenport to Cora Hodson, 27 October 1928: APS B:D27 - IFEO 1928 #2.
Marthias M. Weber, “Psychiatric Research and Science Policy in Germany. The History of the Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatrie (German Institute for Psychiatric Research) in Munich from 1917 to 1945,”
History of Psychiatry
xi (2000), p. 239. See Paul J. Weindling, “From Philanthropy to International Science Policy: Rockefeller Funding of Biomedical Sciences in Germany 1920-1940,” in Nicolaas A. Rupke, ed.,
Science, Politics and the Public Good: Essays in Honor of Margaret Gowing
(New York: Macmillan Press, 1988), p. 131.
Angus Rae, “Osler Vindicated: The Ghost of Flexner Laid to Rest,”
Canadian Medical Association Journal
164 (13) 26 June 2001, p. 1860. Weindling, “From Philanthropy to International Science Policy: Rockefeller Funding of Biomedical Sciences in Germany 1920-1940,” p. 121. See Abraham Flexner, 
Medical Education in Europe: A Report to the Carnegie Foundation
(1912). See Nancy Rockefeller, “The Flexner Report in Context,” at
See Abraham Flexner,
(New York: The Century Company, 1914). Weindling, “From Philanthropy to International Science Policy: Rockefeller Funding of Biomedical Sciences in Germany 1920-1940,” pp. 121, 123. Kristie Macrakis,
Surviving the Swastika: Scientific Research in Nazi Germany
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), pp. 18-22. Paul J. Weindling,
Health, Race and German Politics Between National Unification and Nazism, 1870-1945
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp. 324-325.
Weindling, “From Philanthropy to International Science Policy,” pp. 123, 124-125, 127,128. Weindling,
Health, Race and German Politics Between National Unification and Nazism, 1870-1945,
p. 335.
Rockefeller Archives, “History,” Vol. 15, p. 3794 as cited by Weindling, “From Philanthropy to International Science Policy,” pp. 124-125, 127.
Weindling, “From Philanthropy to International Science Policy,” pp. 126-127. Letter, Fritz Haber to Friedrich Schmidt-Ott, 6 March 1923: BAB R 73, Akte 217 (Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft - now: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). Letter from E. Uhlenbruch to Friedrich Schmidt-Ott, 22 March 1923: BAB R 73, Akte 217 (Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft-now: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).
“VII. Bericht iiber die Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatrie (Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut) in München zur Stiftungsratssitzung am 5. Februar 1927,”
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psycbiatrie,
p. 344: BAB R 1501, Akte 126 789, Blatt 148-150. Author’s communication with Paul Weindling, 23 January 2003.
Health, Race and German Politics Between National Unification and Nazism, 1870-
, p. 336. Weber, pp. 250, 251. Robert N. Proctor,
Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988), p. 112.
Matthais M. Weber,
Ernst Rüdin: Eine Kritische Biographie
(Berlin: J. Springer-Verlag, 1993). Proctor, p. 17. Also see Weindling,
Health, Race and German Politics Between National Unification and Nazism, 1870-1945,
pp. 72, 150, 185-186.
Health, Roce and German Politics Between National Unification and Nazism, 1870-
, pp. 384, 385.
“The German Genetic Association,”
Journal of Heredity,
Vol. XIII No. 5 (May 1922), p. 200. “Notes and News,”
Eugenical News
Vol. IX (1924), p. 56. “Heredity of Insanity,”
Eugenical News
Vol. IX (1924), p. 83. “The Genealogical Section of the Psychiatric Institute of Munich,”
Eugenical News
Vol. X (1925), p. 118. “Berlin (From Our Regular Correspondent),”
Journal of the American Medical Association
Vol. 94 No.3 (Dec. 1929), p. 201.
“Meeting of International Federation of Eugenic Organizations,”
Eugenical News
Vol. XIII (1928), pp. 129, 131. “Membership and Organization of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations,”
Eugenical News
Vol. XV (1930), p. 168. “The International Federation of Eugenics Organizations,”
Eugenical News
Vol. XVIII (1933), p. 16.
“Fifth International Congress of Genetics,”
Eugenical News
Vol. XII (1927), p. 152.
“Fifth International Congress of Genetics,” p. 152. Weindling,
Health, Race and German Politics Between National Unification and Nazism, 1870-
, p. 435.
“Fifth International Congress of Genetics,” p. 150, 152. Fifth International Congress, “Program,” p. 4: APS B:D27 - International Congress of Genetics 5th and 6th. William E. Seildeman, “Science and Inhumanity: The Kaiser-Wilhelm/Max Planck Society,”
If Not Now an e-journal
Vol. 2 (Winter 2000), at
. Invitation to Charles B. Davenport from Fifth International Congress of Genetics: APS B:D27 - International Congress of Genetics 5’” and 6”‘·. Weindling,
Health, Race and German Politics Between National Unification and Nazism, 1870-1945,
p. 436.
"Fifth International Congress of Genetics,” pp. 150,152. Fifth International Congress, “Program,” pp. 9-11, 22-23.
“Fifth International Congress of Genetics,” pp. 150,152. “Program,” pp. 12-19. Fifth International Congress of Genetics, “List of the Papers Announced at the Congress,” n.p., n.d., pp. 7-13: APS B:D27 - International Congress of Genetics 5th and 6th. Invitation to Charles B. Davenport from Fifth International Congress of Genetics.
Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Eugen Fischer, 5 October 1926: APS B:D27 - Fischer. “Fifth International Congress of Genetics,” p. 152. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Hermann Muckermann, 6 October 1928: APS B:D27 -Davenport - Muckermann, Dr. H. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Eugen Fischer, 3 October, 1928 and attached letter, Charles B. Davenport to Eugen Fischer: APS B:D27 -IFEO 1928 #2. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Eugen Fischer, 4 December 1928: APS B:D27 -Fischer.
Hans-Walter Schmuhl,
Hirnforschung und Krankenmord, Das Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Hirnforschung
, (Berlin: 2000). “Cécile and Oskar Vogt: On the Occasion of her 75th and his 80th Birthday,”
Vol. I No.3 (May-June 1951), pp. 183, 184. Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, “History” at
. Tage Kemp, “To The Rockefeller Foundation: Report of visits to various Institutes, Laboratories, etc. for Human Genetics in Europe.” July-October 1934), pp. 59-60: RF 1.2/713/2/16. Letter, Norma S. Thompson to Adolf von Harnack, 24 May 1929: RF 1.1 717 10 64. Letter, George J. Beal to Adolf von Harnack, 4 June 1929: RF 1.1 717 1064. Review of recommendation on the Kaiser WIlhelm Institute for Brain Research, 22 May 1929: RF 1.1 717 10 64. Review of appropriations to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Brain Research, 9 May 1932: RF 1.1 717 1064.
Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Wickliffe Draper, 23 February 1926: APS B:D27-Davenport - W. P. Draper #1. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Wickliffe Draper, 15 March 1926: APS B:D 27 - W.P. Draper #1.
Davenport to Draper, 23 February 1926. Davenport to Draper, 15 March 1926. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Cora Hodson, 18 March 1926: APS B:D27 - Davenport: Int’I Fed of Eugenic Orgs.
Charles B. Davenport and Morris Steggerda,
Race Crossing in Jamaica
(Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1929), pp. 3,4, 9.
See Edwin Black,
IBM and the Holocaust
(New York: Crown Publishers, 2001), Chapter II.
Generally see Black, especially Chapters II, III, IV, and V.
Hermann Krüger, “Das Hollerith-Lochkarten-Verfahren im Fursorgewesen,”
Hollerith Nachrichten
47 (March 1935), pp. 615, 618. “Secret Report: PW Intelligence Bulletin No.
April 25, 1945, p. 1: CSDIC. Davenport and Steggerda, p. 4. See Black, Chapter II. See “Report of the Advisory Committee on the Eugenics Record Office,” circa 1935: Truman C-2-2 :2.

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