What She's Looking For (18 page)

Read What She's Looking For Online

Authors: Trent Evans

“She’s nervous,” Drake said, his
tone low, intense.

Parker patted the slick flesh of
her belly. “Probably worried about it — like all women seem to be.”

Ashley wanted to smack him, even as
her head wanted to nod in sheepish confirmation. She knew she wasn’t fat, but
she certainly felt like she could lose more weight. Despite the comments from
Tara, and now Parker and Drake, she still didn’t feel comfortable with her own
body. She never really had. Yet, here, helpless, on display, there was no room
for such modesty.

Parker turned his back on Ashley,
leaving his palm behind him, stroking her abdomen. “What do you think, Drake?
Should we tell her what a man thinks when he sees a flat belly like hers?”

Drake’s grin lit up his face, then
he lowered his gaze, shaking his head. Before Ashley could wonder just what the
joke was, Parker had turned back to her, his soft lips moving against her
forehead, his hand gently squeezing the subtle curve of her belly. “When we see
it, all we want to do, all we can think about, is making it swell with our
seed. Imagining your waddle as you walk, heavy with our child.”

Her breath hitched at his words, a
tingling beginning in her cunt, even as her cheeks flamed.

His oiled finger stroked her
blushing cheek. “Most men wouldn’t know how to verbalize it, but I guarantee
we’re all thinking it. Remember that next time you’re walking down a beach in
your bikini.”

“Is that all I am to you? To men?”
She knew it was a mistake, but the words fell from her lips unbidden, as if
they needed to he heard, no matter the consequences. “Am I just a bunch of body
parts to you?”

Parker tensed, his eyes growing
cold. “What did I just tell you?”

She remained silent, but kept her
gaze locked with his. He had to learn that she wasn’t going to make any of this
easy on him. On them.

“So, you
keep that lip
zipped after all, can’t you?” Something danced in those gray eyes, making the
butterflies flutter in her belly. “Doesn’t matter of course — you’re going to
be punished for disobeying me. But to answer your question, yes, sometimes
what we’ll see you as. A possession.” His fingers glided
through the curls of her pubis, easing between her thighs until he held her sex
in the palm of his hand. His squeeze was gentle, but the meaning underlying it
was ominous. “
possession, Ashley. Does that bother you?”


His oiled finger wagged in the air.
“No words. Yes or no.” He beamed, one sharp eyebrow quirking. “Though I know
how much it kills you not being able to express yourself the way that agile
mind of yours wants to, you’re going to learn how to do it, like it or not. How
to do this my way.”

She hoped he could see the
intensity in her eyes, the urge to snark so intense, she actually bit into her
cheek to suppress it. It was wrong — even she knew that. She wanted this,
wanted his control. More than that, she needed his control to be implacable,
immoveable, to know that nothing she said would change the course he’d set for
her. It was crazy, but the throbbing of her sex, the wetness gathering between
her labia told her it was the truth of things. She knew it for what it was, the
truth of her nature. Her problem was making sure she’d found the right man —
men — to help her explore the full extent of that nature. Did she expect them
to really know what she needed, the dark depths of her desires, when she wasn’t
even sure of them herself?

“He asked you a question, Ashley.”
Drake’s deep voice flowed through her, startling her. Her eyes flitted to him,
his expression stony as ever, then back to Parker. She shook her head, her gaze
sliding away from Parker’s as his smile broadened, the pleasure on his face
both exciting to her, and at the same time almost an affront; his enjoyment of
her discomfiture galled her even as she knew it was the stuff of her most
fevered fantasies. To have a man take joy in subjugating her, bending her will
to his.

“Good, then we understand one
another, girl.” Parker stroked his palm back and forth over her swollen sex,
and she moaned at the exquisite friction against heated tissues. “Quiet and
obedient is how I like you, Ashley. If you remember that, things will go very
well for you. You’ll have more pleasure than you dreamed was possible. We can
bring you that.”

His fingers twined in her
oil-slickened curls, twisting, tugging, the sting making her hiss. “But if you
insist on not doing as you’re told, we can bring you plenty of pain too.” His
other hand smoothed down her thigh. “But maybe you need that on some level too,
don’t you?”

There was no way on God’s green
Earth she was going to answer that one, no matter how dead-on accurate his
assessment of her desires might be. Some things were just too raw, too
dangerous for her to speak out loud. Would putting such desires in her own
words somehow legitimize these two men using them against her? Absurd, though
that train of thought was to her rational mind, the lust-crazed part of her
that craved, needed more — much more — fought against that restraint. That part
of her wanted to tell them everything, every dark, forbidden need she’d
harbored all these years. She was probably the only woman on earth as twisted
as she was, but that elemental force of her desire cared not a whit.

It only wanted fantasy to be made
real. All of it.

His hands continued their
ministrations, Parker dropped to one knee, kneading the firm muscles of her
thighs, massaging the tension from them. It was wonderful, despite the tension
still thrumming through her body. She hid her face against her arm, the coiling
in her belly starting once more as his fingers stroked the trembling flesh of
her inner thighs. Almost of their own volition, her legs spread then as far as
her bound together ankles allowed, Parker’s approving murmur making her smile
against the curve of her biceps.

His touch drifted down to her
calves, squeezing those powerful muscles in his hands, making her legs quake,
and her feet tingle. He finished with her feet, the oil slipping between her
toes, his strong fingers lifting each foot slightly and pushing slow, deep
strokes along each instep, the sensation making her sigh. She heard the noise
of the buckle at her feet, the small chain falling to the tile.

Parker rose, tilting his head
toward Drake. “Gonna need your help, big guy.”

She looked from one man to the
other, their avid gazes giving away nothing. Suddenly, Parker’s hands were at
her shoulders, turning her in place. Rather than twisting above her, the
harness seemed to swivel at its attachment, allowing her free movement. They
turned her until she faced away from them, the smooth tile filling her vision
while the men worked behind her.

Hard hands palmed her upper back,
slickness spreading down her torso.

“Will you look at that. Jesus
Christ,” Drake said, a big hand grasping her shoulder, squeezing its urgency
into her flesh.

“Quite an ass, isn’t it? Couldn’t
believe it myself when I first saw it.” Parker’s voice was as filled with proud
possessiveness as a little boy’s showing off his new toy to envious friends. “Wait
until you see her in the jeans I got for her. Your fucking head’s gonna

Warm breath brushed behind Ashley’s
ear. “You’re in trouble now, little girl. I told you he loves asses. You’re
going to be walking funny when he gets done with you.”

Ashley shuddered, the movement
making the chains of the harness shake.

“Shh, just be still.” Parker
pressed his lips to the nape of her neck. “Nothing more than you can bear. I
meant it.”

Ashley’s startled yelp accompanied
strong hands clutching both of her buttocks, kneading her flesh firmly, the
grip almost painful.

“Firm too.” Drake’s voice was
thick, rumbling just behind her, giving her little doubt as to whose hands
squeezed her ass. “How did she …?”

“I don’t know either,” Parker said,
somewhere off to her right. “She wears those goddamned suits. Hard to get a
read on her ass in those things, but I had a fairly good idea she was hiding a
great one. No idea it was
great though.”

“Good musculature here,” Drake’s
hands squeezed so hard, a tiny whine escaped her lips. She thought she knew now
what a thoroughbred might be going through as that hard curry comb coursed over
its flanks. “But if we keep her she’s going to need to work it more.”

“Definitely,” Parker agreed,

A slap rang out, heat blooming
across her ass. Then another, making her cry out.

“Good movement to them too,” Drake said,
satisfaction plain in his voice. “Have you spanked her yet?”

Parker laughed. “What do you think
we were doing? You think I wouldn’t be spanking an ass like that at the very
first opportunity I got?”

Drake’s deep laughter made her clit

“I gotta get her in those fucking
jeans again. Unreal, Drake. Fucking

“Well, let’s get a better look,

She tried to look back at them, but
a hand caught her locks, yanking down, hard. Her head craned back, her eyes
wide, staring up at the harness above. “Keep your eyes forward and your mouth
shut, girl. Drake wants to look at you — and he will. As long as he wants.”
Another slap landed on her ass, and she gasped at the bright pain. “Be a good
girl, and obey.”

Trying to nod against his tight
grip, his arm reached around her, his hand clutching her breast, the thumb lazing
across the rock-hard nipple. “That’s it, Ashley. Just be quiet now. Let him
explore you. You don’t have any choice about it anyway.”

The touch of his thumb sent pulses
of heat straight to her clit at each pass of the calloused pad over her
throbbing nipple. She had no idea how he knew how to do that, but the gentle
touch was just enough to make her fear flying completely apart, the clever
gentleness of his touch so at odds with the hellish fires those hands raised in
her flesh earlier.

Each man took one of her legs in
hand, pulling them forward and upward the coolness of the air on her moist,
exposed cleft making her inhale sharply. They held her legs up quite high, the
knees bent as if she were seated. What the fuck were they doing?

“Here,” Parker said. “Give me that
strap — no, the suede one, the black one will gall her legs too much.”

“Got it. Raise her legs a little
more, there’s room.” Drake’s voice almost rasped, lust drenching the deep
rumbling. They raised her legs yet higher until the turgid tips of her breasts
brushed her thighs. A hand eased along one thigh, a thumb circling over the
flesh lovingly. “So beautiful.”

Cold suede pressed to the back of
both thighs, just above the crook of each knee. She watched Parker tie off the
ends of the light tan of the strap at the apex of her harness, the taut strap
angling up to meet at the heavy steep ring, a triangle of leather holding her
legs up high like a sling. Parker tightened the strap, and it fitted firmly
behind the knees.

His hand cupped one of her knees
and he peeked around her, his gray eyes inches away. “Keep those legs bent,
girl. The strap will dig into those tendons if you try to straighten.”

She nodded, her mouth dry, feeling
even more helpless, suspended above the tile like a prized game trophy. Just
when she thought these men had brought her as low as she could go, they plumbed
new depths. She felt the cool air on her widely spread cleft now, knowing that
all of her charms were as blatantly displayed as it was possible to be.

“Fuck me, Park. Unbelievable.”

“Good deep cleft there, right? I
warned her she was going to wish she wasn’t born with that ass once you got
your hands on her.”

Drake’s chuckle neither dispelled
nor confirmed the notion, which was somehow worse. Not knowing his true intentions
either way, might have been the scariest part of all.

Don’t you mean the hottest part,

A thick finger touched the
sensitive flesh of her anus, stroking lightly over the tightly clenched
opening. “She’ll need to be stretched here.”

“How do you know? Want to try her
out?” Parker moved behind her, and Ashley dropped her head, closing her eyes.
If it was possible to actually die of embarrassment, she thought she was
probably on death’s door.

“Here Drake, just use plenty of
this.” Ashley heard the top of a bottle pop open. Lube? “Won’t matter how tight
she is.”



“Dude, she’s right there. Perfect
height even.” Parker stood close behind her, making sure she could hear him. “You
can’t tell me you don’t want to stretch that hole with your cock. You’re a
fucking liar if you say otherwise.”

Fingers whispered along her cleft,
stroking her perineum, almost tickling her. She jerked in her suspension,
wincing at the way the strap dug into the tendons at the backs of her knees.

“She’s not ready for that, Park.”


No, God no.

“Drake, you need to understand
something here.” A big hand pinched the flesh of her ass between hard
fingertips. “She is staying here as long as we want. She’s going to
we want. That’s what this is about.”

“I said I’d touch her, not fuck
her, Parker. I meant it.”

“What are you, a fucking
A hand slapped her flank, making her jerk, heat flaring out. “Just do it,
Drake. This is what she wants from us. She doesn’t want choice in the matter.
She wants to be taken.”

The tension in the room thrummed
behind her, even as she tried to block out the image of her ass splayed out for
their inspection.

“That’s your thing, Parker. That’s
not how I do this.”

“Okay, fine.” She could just
imagine the shrug of Parker’s defined shoulders. “So tell her how you do it
then? She needs to know, right?”

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